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本文(美驻华大使在北京大学的英语演讲稿演讲稿doc.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、美驻华大使在北京大学的英语演讲稿演讲稿doc美驻华大使在北京大学的英语演讲稿_演讲稿英国从与中国的贸易关系中所得甚多,引起了美国的极大关切。youll remember the first opium war, right? 1837 to 1842. 1842 resulted in the treaty of nanjing which opened up several important ports xiamen, fuzhou, ningbo, shanghai, and one old canton port. trade facilitation was achieved. th

2、ey lowered tariffs and they also dealt with hong kong, as you will recall, which later was dealt with a little differently. it was an open-ended agreement in 1842 and it later became quite specific, a 99 year lease in, i think, 1897 or 1898.你们会记得第一次鸦片战争,是不是?从1837年到1842年。1842年战争结束时签订了南京条约,开放若干重要口岸厦门、

3、福州、宁波、上海和旧称canton的广州港。促进贸易的目的达到了。条约规定降低关税,你们还会记得,还涉及香港问题,后来的处理方式有些不同。1842年时,这是一项没有期限的协议,后来,我想是在1897年或1898年加以具体化,即规定了99年的租期。the u.s. was very concerned about this agreement between the uk and china, which resulted after the first opium war. president tyler sent over caleb cushing, my colleague a long

4、 time ago, and he negotiated another treaty called the treaty of wangxia, which essentially gave the united states more of a level playing field with the uk. it similarly opened up a lot of ports forcommerce and for trade facilitation, but it also achieved a sense of extraterritoriality, the first e

5、ver, which meant that american citizens would be treated under u.s. law if they found themselves in trouble in china, which was quite unique and novel in those days, back when ambassadors and consuls general had enormous power over setting both trade policy for the united states, so on and so forth.

6、美国对英中之间作为第一次鸦片战争结果签订的这项协议非常关切。泰勒总统派来一个人,担任我现在的职务,他通过谈判与中国签订了被称作望厦条约的另一项条约,实质上给予美国更多的与英国平等竞争的条件。如同南京条约那样,望厦条约也开放了很多通商口岸,方便了贸易活动,而且还有史以来首次授予某种治外法权,也就是说,如果美国公民在中国与他国国民发生纷争,他们将根据美国法律得到处理,这在当时是一种非常独特和新奇的情况,当时,驻外大使和总领事对确定美国的贸易政策等等握有巨大的权力。so the roller coaster ride continued up and down.这样,过山车继续上下飞转。now we

7、 sit with a large complicated relationship that is multi-faceted, that covers virtually every foreign policy issue imaginable, and one that my president, barack obama, has asked to be handled in a positive, collaborative and comprehensive fashion.现在我们面对着一个巨大复杂的多层面关系,基本上涵盖了外交政策上可以想到的每一个问题。奥巴马总统要求我们以积

8、极、合作和全面的方式进行处理。at a meeting in the oval office of the white house, president obama began to lay out his vision of the u.s.-china relationship, which he described as being something that he wanted to see as positive, collaborative and comprehensive, for reasons that we discussed thereafter. he said i

9、 think the headline issues really need to be the global economy, climate change and clean energy, and regional security, because those are the issues that affect not just the two countries, not just the region, but also the world, and we are the only two countries today that together can solve these

10、 issues. no one else can. i said, mr. president, i think we can do that. i think we can achieve that in our relationship. it wont be easy. well have our ups and our downs, the roller coaster like i described earlier, but i think thats achievable.在白宫椭圆形办公室的一次会议上奥巴马总统 开始描述他对于美中关系前景的规划,他说他想看到的是一种积极、合作和

11、全面的关系,其理由我们将在下面讨论。他说最主要的问题必定是全球经济、气候变化、清洁能源,以及地区性安全,因为那些问题不仅影响美中两国及地区,而且影响全世界。此外,我们是当今唯一能合力解决这些问题的两个国家。没有任何其他国家能够做到。我说,总统先生,我想我们能够做到。我相信我们能够通过两国关系实现这个目标。那不会很容易,我们将碰到波折起伏,就像我先前形容过的过山车一样,但是我相信目标是能够实现的。so when president obama stepped off his plane in shanghai just a few days ago in a verydriving and co

12、ld rain i was standing out on the tarmac and my shoes became waterlogged pretty quickly, and i didnt take an extra pair of shoes, so i was quite cold that night he arrived and found what he had hoped for, i believe: a relationship that by and large is entering a period where our focus will be more a

13、nd more on global issues that the two of us increasingly can problem solve around. he also landed to find that despite our differences, and we have our differences, we are moving in a direction that is positive, collaborative, and comprehensive.于是当奥巴马总统几天之前冒着寒冷的倾盆大雨在上海走下飞机的时候我站在露天停机坪上,我的鞋很快就灌满了水,我也没

14、有带替换的鞋子。那天晚上真是冷极了我觉得他在抵达后看到了他希望看到的:一种整体而言正在进入一个新阶段的关系,在这个阶段上我们的重点越来越集中在全球问题上。我们双方越来越能共同解决种种问题。他抵达之后也发现,尽管我们有分歧,我们确有分歧,但我们正在朝着一个积极、合作、全面的方向前进。now while the president was here i just want to add by giving you a sense of what was left behind he talked more about the pacific ocean as something that no l

15、onger divides us, but something that we are bound by, and that the u.s.-china relationship should work in a way that meets our challenges, knowing full well that no one nation alone can meet the multiple challenges of the 21st century.总统在这里访问期间我只想向你们补充说明一下其后的影响他更多地谈到太平洋不再是将我们分割开来的屏障,而是将我们联系在一起的纽带,美中

16、关系应当在迎接共同挑战的道路上发展,要明确认识到没有一国能独自迎接21世纪的重重挑战。i would encourage all of you to take a look at the nine pages of detail that were part of the joint statement that was hammered out between both sides in the many days leading up to the visit. in it you will find key areas, which are the focus of cooperation, including global economic recovery; regional crises in iran, korea, afghanistan and pakistan; no

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