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1、美国国务卿希拉里在庆贺美中人文交流活动上英语演讲稿美国国务卿希拉里在庆贺美中人文交流活动上英语演讲稿secretary of state hillary rodham clintonat -china people-to-people engagement ceremonynational performing arts centerbeijing, chinamay 25, XX国务卿克林顿在庆贺美中人文交流活动上的发言中国北京国家大剧院XX年5月25日secretary clinton: i am delighted to join state councilor liu and vice

2、 minister hao ping at this magnificent national center for the performing arts. it is a personal pleasure for me to be here with all of you for the launching of this very important -china high-level consultation on people-to-people exchange.国务卿克林顿:我很快乐地与国务委员刘延东和副部长郝平相聚在国家大剧院这一辉煌的中心。能与列位出席启动那个极为重要的美中

3、人文交流高层磋商机制的活动,我感到由衷的快乐。i am pleased to announce it will be accompanied today by a delegation of distinguished americans who are committed to expanding citizens engagement between our countries. and our effort will be coordinated by under secretary judith mchale in the months ahead with a broad range

4、 of officials throughout our government who are here in beijing for the second round of the -china strategic and economic dialogue. this is the premier convening mechanism for building cooperation between our two governments.我荣幸地宣布,出席今天活动的还有一个杰出的美国代表团,他们致力于壮大咱们两国之间的公民交流。咱们的尽力在尔后数月内将由副国务卿朱迪思麦克黑尔(judi

5、th mchale)负责与我国政府各机构的官员进行普遍和谐,他们正在北京参加第二轮美中战略与经济对话。这是咱们两国政府进展合作的首要会议召集机制。this relationship, however, must extend beyond the halls of governments to our homes, businesses, and schools. we need chinese and americans of all ages, professions, and (inaudible) to get to know one another, to understand ea

6、ch other better, to connect and collaborate.只是,这一关系必需超越政府机构,走向咱们的家庭、公司和学校。咱们需要中美两国各年龄层、各行业的公民彼此熟悉,加深了解,进行联系和协作。in his speech on monday, president hu jintao spoke about how important this is to both our countries. what we call people-to-people diplomacy has taken on greater significance, as our world

7、 has grown more interdependent, and our challenges more complex. government alone cannot solve the problems that we face. and as state councilor liu said, we have to tap in to the challenge of our people, their creative and innovation, and their ability to forge lasting relationships that build trus

8、t and understanding.xx在礼拜一的发言中谈到这对咱们两国关系的重要意义。随着咱们的世界日趋互为依存,咱们的挑战更趋复杂,咱们所称之的民间外交已发挥了更大的作用。仅靠政府是不能解决咱们所面临的问题的。正如刘委员所指出的,咱们必需踊跃解决咱们人民所面临的挑战,并鼓舞他们发挥其发明制造力及其营造有利于成立信任和明白得的关系的能力。it is exciting for me to see so many of you here today from both china and the united states who are committed to this relation

9、ship. as i was coming in, i met some of the leading chinese olympic athletes whom i have watched over the years and admired.我欣慰地看到今天来自中方和美方的列位代表中有许多人致力于这一关系。就在我入场时,我碰到中国一些优秀的奥运选手,他们是我最近几年来在电视上见过并感到钦佩的对象。and we have students from both of our countries represented here, tens of thousands of chinese an

10、d american young people studying in each others country each year. we want to see those numbers rise. president obama has announced a goal of sending 100,000 american students to china in the next 4 years to learn mandarin and experience the hospitality of the chinese people. we call it 100,000 stro

11、ng, and we are grateful for the support that the government of china has shown for this project. and i especially want to thank madam liu for her leadership in this effort. it was just about a year ago that she and i first met to discuss the importance of people-to-people exchanges. and here we are

12、today, announcing a significant commitment.今天出席活动的还有来自咱们两国的学生,现在每一年有成千上万的美国和中国年轻人到对方国家求学。咱们希望看到有更多的人参与。奥巴马总统已宣布将在尔后4 年时刻内向中国派出10万美国学生在华学习汉语,并体验中国人民的热情好客。咱们称之为“十万人”行动打算,咱们对中国政府为该项目提供支持表示感激。我尤其要感激刘女士为这一尽力所发挥的领导作用。大约一年以前,她和我第一次会面讨论民间交流的重要意义。而今天,咱们要在那个地址宣布一项重大的许诺。and we have students from both of our co

13、untries represented here, tens of thousands of chinese and american young people studying in each others country each year. we want to see those numbers rise. president obama has announced a goal of sending 100,000 american students to china in the next 4 years to learn mandarin and experience the h

14、ospitality of the chinese people. we call it 100,000 strong, and we are grateful for the support that the government of china has shown for this project. and i especially want to thank madam liu for her leadership in this effort. it was just about a year ago that she and i first met to discuss the i

15、mportance of people-to-people exchanges. and here we are today, announcing a significant commitment.今天出席活动的还有来自咱们两国的学生,现在每一年有成千上万的美国和中国年轻人到对方国家求学。咱们希望看到有更多的人参与。奥巴马总统已宣布将在尔后4 年时刻内向中国派出10万美国学生在华学习汉语,并体验中国人民的热情好客。咱们称之为“十万人”行动打算,咱们对中国政府为该项目提供支持表示感激。我尤其要感激刘女士为这一尽力所发挥的领导作用。大约一年以前,她和我第一次会面讨论民间交流的重要意义。而今天,咱

16、们要在那个地址宣布一项重大的许诺。a few minutes ago madam liu and i met with several american exchange students, including: a high school student who is living with a host family here in beijing, a college student who has performed with the beijing music ensemble, and a doctoral student doing research in renewable energy education.几分钟前,刘女士与我见到了几位美国互换学生,他们包括一名与北京接待家庭一起生活的中学生,一名曾与北京乐团同台演出的大学生,和一名正在从事可再生能源教

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