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1、PMP真题及模拟题PMP真题节选1单选题(1分)WhiIe PreParing the StatUS report for StakehOlders the PrOjeCt manager discovers a negative COSt VarianCe for a PrOjeCt Where 10 PerCent Of their WOrk has been COmPIetedO What ShOUld the PrOjeCt manager do PriOr to meeting With the stakeholders?在为相关方准备状态报告时,项目经理发现一成本偏差为负数,该项目

2、10%的工作己经完 成,在与相关方开会之前,项目经理应该怎么做?A FOreCaSt the estimate at COmPletiOn (EAC).预测完工估算(EAC)B Initiate Change COntrOI PrOCedUreS启动变更控制程序C PUt the PrOjeCt Orl hold UntiI a response Strategy IS determined 搁置 项目直到确定应对策略.D USe the COntingenCy reserve使用应急储备.2/单选题(1分)A PrOjeCt manager is Ieading a PrOjeCt to e

3、xpand a manufacturing PIant in a SmalI town .During the IaSt City COUnCiI meeting, IOCaI residents raised about the PrOjeCt.The PrOjeCt manager adds the IOCaI residents to the StakehOIder engagement PIan. What ShOUld the PrOjeCt manager do to address their COnCerns?项目经理正在领导一个项目,扩建一个小镇上的制造工厂。在上次市议会会议

4、期间,当地居 民对该项目表示担忧。项目经理将当地居民添加到相关方参与计划中,项目经理接下来应该 做什么?A SUbmit an article to the IOCaI newspaper explaining the expansion and how it W订1 benefit the community.向当地的报纸提交一份文件,解释该扩建及 其对社区的好处。B PIaCe a bulletin board OUtSide the City hall to PrOVide PrOjeCt PrOgreSS updates.在市议会厅外安装一个滚动屏幕以提供项目进度更新。C HOld a

5、n interactive QUeStiOn and answer SeSSiOn during the next City COUnCiI meeting.在下次市议会会议期间召开互动问答会议。D USe TV and radio SPOtS to keep them informed about the PrOjeCt and their ConCernS使用电视和广播点让他们了解项目及其担忧的问题。3/单选题(1分)A PrOjeCt is budgeted at US$60 InilIiOn and is SChedUIed to take 24 months to COmPIete.

6、After 12 months the PrOjeCt is 60 PerCent COmPIete and has USed US35 million What is the StatUS Of the budget and schedule?一个项目预算为6000万美元,预计需要24个月才能完成.12个月后,该项目完成了 60%,并使用了 3500万美元.那么预算和进度的状态如何?A On budget and ahead Of SChedUIe符合预算,并超前于进度B OVer budget and ahead Of SChedUIe 超出预算,并超前于进度C Orl budget an

7、d On SChedUIe 符合预算和进度D Behind SChedUle and OVer budge落后于进度,并超出预算4/单选题(1分)A PrOjeCt manager joins a major PrOjeCt intended to elevate an OrganiZation S market IeaderShiP .After COnSUIting With the SPOnSOrJ the PrOjeCt manager developed the PrOjeCt Inanagement PIan. What ShOUld the PrOjeCt Inanager do

8、 next?项目经理加入了一个旨在提升组织市场领导地位的重大项目。在与发起人协商之后,项目经 理制定了项目管理计划。项目经理下一步应该做什么?A PUbIiSh the Plan in the PrOjeCt management information SySteIn 在项目 管理信息系统(PMlS)中公布该计划。B ngage With the PrOjeCt StakehOIder to UPdate the PIan. 让项目相关方参 与,以更新该计划.C Seek SPOnSOr approval the plan.请求发起人批准该讣划。D Share the Plan With S

9、UbjeCt Inatter experts (SEMS)for VaIidatiOn. 与主题 专家(SME)分享该计划以进行核实。5/单选题(1分)After formal CIient acceptance PrOjeCt deliverable Were PrOVided to the end USerS.These USerS then identified a defect, for WhiCh the CIient holds the PrOjeCt manager responsible What COUld have PreVented this misunderstandi

10、ng?在客户正式验收之后,项目可交付成果被提供给最终用户,然后,这些用户发现一个缺 陷,客户认为项目经理应负责.怎样可以防止这种误解?C RemOVaI Of PrOjeCt access to all team members after PrOjeCt CIOSUre I5l 目关闭后解除所有团队成员的访问权D EnSUring the CIient UnderStOOd this WaS not Part Of the OriginaI requirement确保客户理解这不是原始需求的一部分6/单选题(1分)A PrOjeCt manager is Ieading a company1

11、 S first digital transformation PrOjeCt.After reviewing the PrOjeCt charter,the PrOjeCt manager believes that the SCOPe is too IOOSely define What ShOUId the PrOjeCt manager do next?项目经理正在管理一家公司的第一个数字化转型项目。在审查项目章程后,项目经理认为范 围定义过于宽松。项目经理下一步应该做什么?A InterVieW StakehOIderS to identify the high-level requ

12、irements 访谈相 关方,以识別高层级需求。B Create a PrOjeCt PIan With a detailed WOrk breakdown StrUCtUre(WBS) 创建具有详细工作分解结构(WBS)的项目计划。C BrainStOrm With StakehOIderS do more accurately define the SCOPe 与相 关方进行头脑风暴,以更准确地定义范圈。D DiSCUSS the SCOPe With the PrOjeCt sponsor. 项目发起人讨论范lt7/单选题(1分)DUring a meeting to assess t

13、he CUrrent StatUS Of PrOjeCt activities the team discovers that there are SOme risks that WilI influence the deliverables What ShOUld the PrOjeCt manager do?在评估项目活动现状的会议中,团队发现存在一些影响可交付成果的风险项目经理应该怎 么做?A TraCk the discovered risks, identify and analyze new risks and evaluate risk PrOCeSS effectiveness

14、 throughout the PrOjeCt显艮踪已发现的 风险,识别和分析新风险,并评估整个项目的风险过程有效性B ReCOrd risk management information for IeSSOnS Iearned PUrPOSeS i己录 风险管理信息用于经验教训C ReCOrd the impact On and effectiveness Of the MOnitOr RiSkS PrOCeSS 记录监督风险过程的影响和有效性D DraW UP the risk breakdown StrUCtUre(RBS) to include any new risks 借IJ 定风

15、险分解结构(RBS)已包含任何新风险8单选题(1分)After CIOSing PrOCUrement and PrOViding a formal UTitten notice that the COntraCt has been COmPleted, What ShOUld the PrOjeCt manager do next?在结束采购并提供合同已完成的正式书而通知后,项目经理接下来应该做什么?A UPdate the IeSSOnS Iearned register更新经验教训登记册。B InfOrm the StakehOlderS通知相关方。C Initiate PrOCUrem

16、ent audits 启动采贝勾审iD Write the final PrOjeCt report.编写最终项目报告。9/单选题(1分)The COnStrUCtiOn PrOCeSS for a building PrOjeCt is COmPlete and the PrOjeCt manager WantS to CIOSe the PrOjeCt.Some team members are already assigned to a new PrOjeCt and the remaining team members are UnSUre about What to CaPtUre in t

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