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xx省株洲县渌口镇中学七年级英语下册教案unit 3《how do you get to school》section b 3aself check.docx

1、xx省株洲县渌口镇中学七年级英语下册教案unit 3how do you get to schoolsection b 3aself checkUnit 3 How do you get to school Section B (3a-Self Check)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 复习及综合运用如何表达出行方式。2) 能正确运用take + 出行方式;ride及by 来表达自己的出行方式。 3)能用所学的方式来描述自己或他的出行方式。2. 情感态度价值观目标:了解东西方国家出行方式的不同,以及不同的交通规则,教育学生注意交通安全,加深对交通知识的了解。倡导自觉遵守交通法规及礼

2、貌,构建和谐的人际关系。了解交通的发展,培养创新精神。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 能恰当运用take + 出行方式;ride及by 来表达出行方式2)练习运用所学的知识来表达某人的出行方式。2. 教学难点: 如何运用所学的知识来正确表达某人的出行方式。三、教学过程. Warming- up and revision1. Greet the Ss as usual. 2. Check the homework and have a dictation of the new words and expressions.3. Let some Ss retell the passage in

3、 2b. . Presentation1. Using some pictures to show some ways of transportation: walk, take the bus/train/subway/plane/boat; ride the bike/horse; go/get to sp by bus/train/subway让学生们理解这几个词组的用法。2. Make some sentences using these phrases. 3. Give some examples of the sentences. 阅读指导:首先,明白方框里单词的意思; 其次,阅读

4、这封e-mail了解大意; 然后,认真读每一个句子,根据上下文及空格前后的关键词来确定空格处的意思。并确定应哪一个单词填空。 最后,再通读一遍短文,看短文是否通顺恰当。2. 学生们按老师所指导的方法,认真阅读短文,并用正确的单词填空。3. Check the answers. . Writing In this task, its our turn to write an e-mail to Tom and tell him how you get to school. 1. First, lets look at these questions below: (Let one student

5、 read the questions aloud. Make sure all the students know the meaning of the questions.) 2. Work in pairs ask and answer the questions. And write them down on your workbook.3. Try to write a short e-mail with the help of the sentences you wrote.4. Check the e-mails with your partners.5. Let some Ss

6、 read their e-mail to the class as a model. . Self Check 1 1. Weve learned many ways of transportations. Now lets have a short review. Look at the words in the boxes below to form as many expressions as possible. 2. Ss work in groups and try to write as many expressions as possible: take a bus, by b

7、us, take a train, by train, take a subway, by subway, ride a bike, by bike.3. Let some Ss read their answers. Let other students add more phrases.Note: by + 出行方式(不加the); take(ride) + a (the)出行方式 . Self Check 2 1. Look at the chart below. Write at least five questions. Then answer the questions with

8、the information in the chart. 2. 写作提示:根据表格提示,应有三种类型的问题:出行方式(How); 距离(How far); 所用的时间 (How long); 对每个人都问这三个问题一次。然后根据表格中的提示来回答。例如:How does Tony get to school from home? He gets to school by bike. 3. 同学们根据老师的指导进行问答。将问题与答案写在练习本。然后在小内交换检查。Homework 1. Review all the dialogues and passages in Section B. 2.

9、 Write a short e-mail to your pen friend to tell your ways to get to school. 板书设计:Unit 4 Dont eat in class Section A (1a-2d)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:rules, arrive, late, hall, dinning hall, listen, listen to, fight, sorry 2) 能掌握以下句型: Dont eat in class. You must be on time. Eat in the dining hall

10、. 2. 学会用英语表达一些标志的含义。3. 熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家规等)的看法3. 情感态度价值观目标:能用英语表达和制定一些简单的规则,理解没有规矩不成方圆;无论是在学校时还是在家庭中以及以后走上社会都应当遵守规则,按规则办事。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 肯定祈使句是省略掉主语的原形动词xx头;2) 否定祈使句则是在肯定祈使句前加上“dont”。3) 情态动词must及have to在用法上的区别。2. 教学难点:掌握祈使句的用法,并能听懂、会说一些简单的祈使句。三、教学过程. Warming-up and revision 教师进教室后,使用祈使句请学生们完

11、成一系列动作:Please stand up/ sit down. Close the door, please. Look at me and listen to me.Dont open your books. Dont talk. Lets begin our class.学生听教师的指令完成各种动作,教师也可将指令写到黑板上,让学生从视觉上考察祈使句的特点。 (= You cant run in the hallways.) 学生跟读数遍,明白祈使句和“can”的表达含意。 T:Why is he running in the hallways? S: Hes late. T: Oh,

12、 hes late for class.(板书,教读) You cant arrive late for class.(板书,教书) = Dont arrive late for class. 1aT: Now, Look at the picture on your textbook. Each of the students is breaking one of these rules. Please finish 1a. 学生看图,完成1a的内容,检查答案并大声朗读校规。. Listening 1. T: Now lets listen! What rules are these stu

13、dents breaking? Write the numbers after names?2. 学生们听录音,完成1b,选出四位学生都违反了哪条校规;听之前,学生要读会英文名。3. Check the answers: . Pair work 请两位学生朗读1c部分的句型;要求学生两人一组对话表演,SA扮演外校转来新生,SB告知本校校规。(学生可经过讨论,多说出他们想到的校规,不必只限于书上;教师应给予帮助). Listening 1. Work on 2a: First, lets read the sentences in 2a together. T: Now, lets listen

14、 to the recording. Check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about. Ss listen to the recording and check the activities they hear. Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers. 2. Work on 2b: Make Sure Ss know what they should do. Listen to the recording again. Can Alan and Cindy do these

15、 activities? Circle can or cant above. 3. Check the answers: . Pair work 1. Suppose you are Alan and your partner is Cindy. Talk about the rules in 2a. 2. Let some students come to the front and act out the conversations. . Role-play 1. Read the conversation and find some rules in this school? 2. Ss read the conversations and find the answers to this question. 3. Check the answers: ( Dont be late for school. Dont bring music players to school. You always have to wear the school uniform. You have

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