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1、高等院校研究生英语系列教材综合教程(上)综合教程(上)INTEGRATED COURSEUnit 9 Affordable Housing Topic-Related InformationQuotes on Affordable HousingA strong economy causes an increase in the demand for housing;the increased demand for housing drives real-estate prices and rentals through the roof.And then affordable housing

2、 becomes completely inaccessible.(American actor William Baldwin)Keeping housing affordable is essential to keeping a city that welcomes the middle class.(New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg)As mayor of San Francisco,I will provide the vision and work hard to make San Francisco a beautiful,well-pl

3、anned city with excellent housing and transportation options.(Gavin Newsom)Topic-Related InformationQuotes on Affordable HousingIf only there could be millions of houses to shelter those who suffer in the coldness how happy they would be!(Ancient Chinese poet Li Bai)Reading FocusBackground Informati

4、onText OrganizationText Analysis Background Information VirginiaFairfax Countys Housing BlueprintPresidents:President Franklin D.Roosevelt President Richard M.Nixon Background Information Virginiastate bird:cardinal(北美红雀)state tree and flower:dogwood(山茱萸)George Washington President of the US(1789179

5、7)Background Information VirginiaVirginia is a U.S.state on the Atlantic Coast of the Southern United States.Virginia is nicknamed the“Old Dominion(老自治领州)(老自治领州)”and sometimes the“Mother of Presidents(总统之乡)(总统之乡)”after the eight U.S.presidents born there.The capital of the Commonwealth is Richmond;V

6、irginia Beach is the most populous city and Fairfax County the most populous political subdivision.The Commonwealths population is over eight million.Background Information VirginiaThe areas history begins with several indigenous groups,including the Powhatan.In 1607 the London Company established t

7、he Colony of Virginia as the first permanent New World English colony.Slave labor and the land acquired from displaced Native American tribes each played a significant role in the colonys early politics and plantation economy.Virginia was one of the 13 Colonies in the American Revolution and joined

8、the Confederacy(南部联邦南部联邦)in the American Civil War,during which Richmond was made the Confederate capital and Virginias northwestern counties separated to form the state of West Virginia.Background Information VirginiaVirginia is divided into 95 counties and 39 independent cities,which both operate

9、the same way since independent cities are considered to be county-equivalent.This method of treating cities and counties equally is unique to Virginia,with only three other independent cities in the United States outside Virginia.Background Information President Franklin D.RooseveltAssuming the Pres

10、idency at the depth of the Great Depression,Franklin D.Roosevelt helped the American people regain faith in themselves.He brought hope as he promised prompt,vigorous action,and asserted in his Inaugural Address,“the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”(1882-1945)Background Information Preside

11、nt Richard M.NixonReconciliation was the first goal set by President Richard M.Nixon.The Nation was painfully divided,with turbulence in the cities and war overseas.During his Presidency,Nixon succeeded in ending American fighting in Vietnam and improving relations with the U.S.S.R.and China.But the

12、 Watergate scandal brought fresh divisions to the country and ultimately led to his resignation.Text Organization Part I Causes of the Problem(Paras.1-9)Part II Consequences of the Problem(Para 10)Part III Solutions to the Problem(Paras.11-13)Part IV Summary(Para 14)Text Analysis Part I Para.1Transl

13、ate the following sentence.Seventy years after President Franklin D.Roosevelt declared that the Depression had left one-third of the American people“ill-housed,ill-clothed and ill-nourished,”Americans are well-clothed and increasingly over nourished.Reference version:富兰克林罗斯福总统曾经说经济大萧条造成1/3的美国人住房简陋、衣

14、衫褴褛、营养不良,然而70年后的今天,美国人却是穿着考究、营养日益过剩。Text Analysis Part I Para.1Paraphrase the following sentence.But the scarcity of affordable housing is a deepening national crisis,and not just for inner-city families on welfare.But the affordable housing is insufficient and this problem becomes a more and more s

15、erious crisis all over the country,not just for inner-city families who live on welfare.Text Analysis Part I Para.1What is the meaning of the underlined sentence?The problem has climbed the income ladder and moved to the suburbs Answer:The problem has affected people with higher incomes Text Analysi

16、s Part I Para.2Translate the following sentence.Home ownership is near an all-time high,but the gap is growing between the Owns and the Own-Notsas well as the Owns and the Own-80-MilesFromWork.住房拥有率接近历史最高位,但有房户和无房户之间的差距越来越大,有房户和房子离工作单位80英里远的有房户之间的差距越来越大。Text Analysis Part I Para.2What is the functio

17、n of the two underlined noun phrases?One-third of Americans now spend at least 30%of their income on housing,the federal definition of an“affordable”burden,and half the working poor spend at least 50%of their income on rent,a“critical”burden.Answer:They are appositives to modify the preceding senten

18、ces.The first one means:This problem is defined by the federal government as an“affordable”burden.The second one means:This problem is called a very serious burden.Text Analysis Part I Para.2Paraphrase the following sentence.The real estate boom of the past decade has produced windfalls for American

19、s who owned before it began,but affordable housing is now a serious problem for more low-and moderate-income Americans than taxes,Social Security and gas prices.Answer:There is a boom of real estate in the past ten years and Americans who owned houses before the boom made an unexpected amount of mon

20、ey,but for those who have low and moderate incomes,affordable housing becomes a more serious problem than taxes,Social Security and gas prices.Text Analysis Part I Para.3Paraphrase the following sentence.The real estate boom of the past decade has produced windfalls for Americans who owned before it

21、 began,but affordable housing is now a serious problem for more low-and moderate-income Americans than taxes,Social Security and gas prices.Answer:There is a boom of real estate in the past ten years and Americans who owned houses before the boom made an unexpected amount of money,but for those who

22、have low and moderate incomes,affordable housing becomes a more serious problem than taxes,Social Security and gas prices.Text Analysis Part I Para.4Translate the following sentences.The program has eliminated most of the high-rise hellholes that gave public housing a bad name and has revived some u

23、rban neighborhoods.But is has razed more subsidized apartments than it has replaced.Reference version:该计划已经拆除了大部分极为糟糕的高层住房,它们曾使公共住房声名狼藉,并已重建了一些城市社区;但这一计划更多的是把享有补贴的公寓房夷为平地而不是取而代之。Text Analysis Part I Para.5Paraphrase the following sentence.Overall,the number of households receiving federal aid has fl

24、atlined since the early 1990s,despite an expanding population and a ballooning budget.On the whole,since the early 1990s the number of households that receive aid from the federal government has fallen to very low level,though there has been a steady increase in population and a big budget rise,Text

25、 Analysis Part I Para.6Translate the following sentence.Today for every one of the 4.5 million low-income families that receive federal housing assistance,there are three eligible families without it.Reference version:今天,有450万低收入家庭享受联邦住房救助,还有3倍于此的家庭符合被救助资格,却拿不到救助。Text Analysis Part I Para.6Translate

26、 the following sentence.It sounds odd,but the victims of todays housing crisis are not people living in“the projects”,but people who arent even that lucky.Reference version:这听起来奇怪,但如今住房危机的受害者不是那些已经享受“救助计划”的人,而是那些没那么幸运去享受这个计划的人。Text Analysis Part I Para.5Paraphrase the following sentence.And unlike w

27、elfare,housing aid is not a federal entitlement,so taking it away from one family after a few years would provide a break for an equally deserving family.Housing aid,which is not a right granted by the federal government,is different from welfare.Therefore,when housing aid is taken away from one fam

28、ily after a few years,another family that is qualified as well would be able to have the opportunity to get the aid.Text Analysis Part I Para.8Translate the following sentence.“You cant sustain the internal contradiction of no limits.”Reference version:“你不能让内在矛盾无限地延续。”Text Analysis Part I Para.9Para

29、phrase the following sentence.Others reduce their rents by overcrowding,which studies link to higher crime rates,poorer academic performance and poorer health Other people crowd together too much so as to reduce their rents.Studies show too much crowding is connected with higher crime rates,poorer a

30、cademic performance and poorer healthText Analysis Part IIIPara.12Translate the following sentence.A bill pending the Congress would divert a percentage of profits from federally chartered institutions such as Fannie Mae to a national affordable-housing trust fund,but it seems stalled.Reference vers

31、ion:一项等待国会投票的法案可能会把一些联邦特许机构如房利美的利润按照一定的百分比转移到国家廉价房信托基金名下,但这项法案似乎停滞不前。Text Analysis Part IVPara.14Paraphrase the underlined sentence.Home ownership is often described as the American dream,but these days many workers would settle for a decent rental that wont bankrupt their families.but these days many workers would rather rent a decent house than buy a house so that their families wont go bankrupt.

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