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1、跨文化商务交际智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下山东管理学院山东管理学院第一章测试1. Verbal communication is the transferring of thoughts between individuals only via spoken messages. 答案:错 2. Language and culture are closely related, reflecting, influencing and shaping each other. 答案:对 3. Verbal communication is not as clarified and effici

2、ent as other ways of communication, e.g. written communication. 答案:错 4. The terms of intercultural communication and international communication can be used interchangeably. 答案:对 5. When culture is contrasted with nature, it can be defined as life way of a population in its broad sense, meaning what

3、 characterizes the particular way of life of a population. 答案:错 6. With the integration of language into the fabric of culture, confusion and dysfunction would reign and the culture would fail. 答案:错 7. ( )is the communication at the same level in an organization. 答案:horizontal communication 8. ( )is

4、 the communication is within business and administration, aiming at a common objective and profits for both the individuals and organizations. 答案:business communication 9. It is a set of symbols and the rules for combining those symbols and rules that are used and understood by a large community of

5、people. 答案:language 10. lt is the study of how speakers use the language to reach successful communication, and the study of the effect that language has on human perceptions and behaviors. 答案:pragmatics第二章测试1. Knowing about these five stages will help people adjust to a new culture more quickly.答案:

6、对 2. In the five stages of culture shock, the first stage (honeymoon stage) is usually the shortest.答案:对 3. For some multinational firms, they can alleviate culture shock by selecting employees for overseas assignments who possess certain personal and professional qulifications.答案:对 4. Every returne

7、e will experience a reverse culture shock coming back home after spending much time abroad.答案:错 5. The easier it is to adjust to a new culture, the easier it is to readjust to home culture.答案:错 6. In the ( ), people will have a very positive impression of the new culture.答案:honeymoon stage 7. When a

8、 person enters a strange culture, all or most of these familiar cues are removed, he or she is like ( ).答案:a fish out of water 8. Culture shock CANNOT be ( ).答案:avoided 9. Which of the following are the psychological symptoms of culture shock?答案:excessive concern for health or security;feeling like

9、you have no control over your life;crying;feeling helpless and dependent 10. Which of the following are the psysical symptoms of culture shock?答案:use of alcohol and drugs;a decline in work quality;craving “home cooking”;great concern over minor pains and skin eruptions第三章测试1. Which is not the charac

10、teristics of nonverbal communication?()答案:Discontinuous 2. Nonverbal messages can be more emotional in their appeal and impact than verbal ones.()答案:对 3. What are the unique functions of Nonverbal communication in interpersonal communication?()答案:replacing;conveying;regulating;modifying 4. Different

11、 countries has the same gestures in greetings .()答案:错 5. All communicative body movements are generally classified as kinesics.答案:对 6. Which statemate is true describing greetings in Thailand?答案:people put their hands together and bow 7. Gestures are culture-specific。()答案:对 8. Eye contact or oculesi

12、cs, is not an important aspect of body language答案:错 9. Spatial language,is the study of the way that people use physical space to convey message.()答案:对 10. Which are the characteristics of M-time cultures?答案:time is viewed as a discrete commodity that can be saved, wasted, borrowed, or killed.;they

13、emphasize schedules.第四章测试1. Value can be explicit or implicit.()答案:对 2. Values are useful in explaining and understanding cultural similarities and differences in behaviors.()答案:对 3. What factors should be considered concerned with culture differences? 答案: all the three choices are ture. 4. cultural

14、 values guide both perception and communication. ()答案:对 5. What should be considered as cultural dimension according to Hofstede?()答案:Uncertainty avoidance;Masculinity versus femininity;Power distance;Individualism VS.Collectivism 6. Long-Term Orientation deals with a societys tolerance for uncertai

15、nty and ambiguity.()答案:错 7. which one is not the characters of Collectivism?()答案:personal freedom 8. Masculinity versus its opposite, femininity, refers to the distribution of emotional roles between the genders.()答案:对 9. There is more emphasis on I than on we for individulists.答案:对 10. Western peop

16、le are said to think in linear fashion.答案:对第五章测试1. Many stereotypes are provided by ( ).答案:school education;history;customs;mass media 2. Cultural breakdowns, setbacks or conflicts result from misinterpretations, ethnocentrism(民族中心主义), and stereotype as a result of ( ).答案:racial bias 3. Which of the

17、 contextual cues do not matter in a high-context culture?答案:The type of relationship that exists between the speaker and the listener. 4. The low-context culture doesnt have which of the characteristics?答案:Tends to use logic to present ideas. 5. The following advantages of high-context culture dont

18、include答案:Group projects and team efforts tend to be practicable and effective. 6. One way to determine whether a culture favors a direct or indirect style in communication is ( ).答案:How they say, “No.” 7. China, Korea, Japan, Latin America, and to a certain extent, France, are considered to be high

19、-context cultures.答案:对 8. Because we do not have direct access to the thoughts and feelings of others, we cant infer what they are experiencing.答案:对 9. Low context communication saves us making many trivial decisions.答案:对 10. For Americans, two or three seconds of silence can be comfortable.答案:错第六章测

20、试1. When scheduling business activities, you have to take into consideration ( ) with people from other cultures.答案:variable rules of engagement 2. Office hours ( ) in different countries.答案:vary 3. Customarily hours of work in most countries are ( ).答案:9 a.m. to 5 p.m 4. The first thing you should

21、know is their ( ),( )so as to make arrangements at a proper time.答案:typical hours of work;lunch and break ties 5. Humor is( )。答案:springs from deep cultural roots;a culture component;an integral part of the garden of human communication 6. Being sensitive to cultural variations when making initial bu

22、siness relationships will make a positive impression.答案:对 7. The purpose of dining with business associates is an opportunity for an enjoyable interchange in association with the pleasure of eating or drinking.答案:对 8. Drinking is involved in many forms of social entertainment, but its use varies fro

23、m country to country.答案:对 9. The careful selection and wrapping of a gift and presenting it at the proper time with proper manners conveys to others your social sensitivity and good manners.答案:对 10. The way you are dressed is important in making a positive first impression.答案:对第七章测试1. For which grou

24、p is a negotiatingdeadline likely to be the shortest?答案:Americans 2. Which culture is most likely to use groupdecision-making during negotiations?答案:Japanese 3. Cultural differences can generate positive impacts on negotiation as people can learn from each other.答案:错 4. High-context negotiation tact

25、ics include ()答案:suggesting additional items;avoiding certain issues;supporting argument with personal;remaining open and flexible 5. Low-context negotiation tactics include ()答案:avoiding certain issues;offering counterproposals;supporting argument with factual data;threatening the opposing side 6.

26、Which culture is High-uncertainty-avoidance culture?答案:Portugal;Greece;Belgium;Japan 7. People of India approve of displays of emotions, and negotiators must use patience and allow the Indians to take the lead in negotiations.答案:错 8. It is not advisable to make a high offer at the beginning of negot

27、iation.答案:错 9. Control of the schedule often leads to control of the negotiating agenda.答案:对 10. The Scandinavians are uncomfortable with much bargaining at all.答案:对第八章测试1. What does the definition A working knowledge of the cultural variables affecting management decisions. refer to ?答案:Cultureal s

28、avvy 2. What does the definition The cooperation among employees and employers. refer to ?答案:Teamwork 3. Which of the following are the types of training programs ?答案:Standardized and Tailor-Made Training;Global Leadership Development Training;Cultural Assimilators Training 4. Which of the following

29、 are strategies of acculturation ?答案:Deculturation.;Assimilation 5. In intercultural training, individuals should not be afraid to recognize and admit that there are differences.答案:对 6. If your intentions are positive, accurate, and reciprocated by the people with whom you are interacting, your intercultural competences will likely be enhanced.答案:对 7. Intercultural communication competence requires sufficient awareness, knowledge,motivations, and skills .答案:对 8. Academy culture refer to the

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