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本文(牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit3《Amazingpeople》project教案.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit3Amazingpeopleproject教案牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit3Amazingpeopleproject教案Unit 3 Amazing peoplePeriod 6 Project一【设计思想】通过多媒体呈现explorer 教学内容,帮助学生捕捉文章信息、理顺篇章结构,为呈现项目结果的写作提供范例,使学生进一步明确完成项目的具体要求,更好地完成学习任务二【教学目标】Improve English through doing a project.三【教学重难点】1. Learn how to interview and write about

2、a professional person.2. Master some important and difficult language points, such as have fun, have a strong desire to do, not onlybut also, look up to, live ones dream and so on.四【教学环节】【课堂导入】Step1: Fast reading (Read the article quickly and then answer the following 3 questions)1. What are Yang Li

3、weis hobbies and dream?_2. What subjects did Yang Liwei study when he was trained?_3. What do people think of Yang Liwei after his travel to the space?_【预习检查】Remember the following important phrases 1.在太空 _ 2.受到某人的鼓励_3.和,也 _ 4.参军 _5.申请做某事 _6.花费时间做某事_7.胜任某事,适合某事 _8.把某人某事说成_9.掌管,控制 _ 10.载入史册_11.为自豪,骄傲

4、_ 12.敬佩,钦佩_13. 设法做某事 _ 14.实现某人的梦想_15. 对持乐观态度_ 16. 渴望做某事_【课堂教与学】Step2: Reading comprehension (Multiple choice)1. Yang Liwei won his position as Chinas first astronaut because _ .A. he wanted to learn how to fly B. he got high scores on the psychological testsC. he was very strong. D. he got the best

5、scores on every single test2. This passage is mainly about _ .A. how China sent her first spaceship B. how Yang Liwei was chosen for Project 921C. how Yang Liwei took all the tests D. how Yang Liwei became Chinas first astronaut3. According to the text there is a possibility that _.A. Yang Liweis na

6、me will go down in history with those of Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard, the first Russian and American astronautsB. all the people of China cant be proud of himC. his journey into space took him 600,000 kilometers in orbit, around the earth in just 21 hoursD. Yang Liweis dream was encouraged only by

7、 his parents.Step3:Task-based reading (Fill in the blanks according to the text)ExplorerYang Liwei(1) _ Born in Suizhong in Liaoning Province in 1965 Loving science and (2) _ from a young age (3) _ to learn how to flyManhood(成年) Joining the (4) _ in 1983 and becoming a (5) _ in 1987 Chosen as a memb

8、er of project 921 known as Shenzhou in 1998, spending the next five years being (6) _ Picked in 2003 as one of the three from the 14 (7) _ His high scores on the (8) _ tests won him the status of Chinas first astronaut Traveling around the Earth by spaceship 14 times People in China all take (9) _ i

9、n him (10) _ up to by the world with his name going down in history foreverStep4: 重点单词、词组或句子用法探究1.原句回放What is the most fun you can have in 21 hours and 23 minutes? 句中have fun 的含义是 _,其中fun 是 (词性)。小试牛刀! 1)你在今晚的晚会上一定会玩得很开心。 _ 2)和他一起去进行太空之旅将太有趣了!(感叹句) 3) Daddy didnt mind what we were doing, as long as w

10、e were together, fun.A. had B. have C. to have D. having知识网络make fun of 拿开玩笑;取笑,嘲笑;for (in) fun 开玩笑地;What fun it is!真有趣!2.原句回放He always had a strong desire to learn how to fly. 本句中have a strong desire的含义是 _ ,desire 的词性是 ;此外,desire还可以做动词,常见搭配有:desire sth. / desire to do / desire sb. to do / desire th

11、at 小试牛刀! 1)这个小女孩期望她的父母时不时地来看她。 _ 2)Its desired that all the humans _ equally.A. are treated B. must be treated C. treat D. be treated知识网络desire后接的宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句以及在it is desired that句式中,从句需要用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“should + 动词原形”,should可以省略。3.原句回放They not only studied all the subjects required to be an astronau

12、t, but also learnt survival skills and all about how spaceships and rockets are built. 句中not onlybut also 是个并列连词,含义是 _ ,连接两个并列的 _ (成分),其中 可以省略;survival skills 的含义是 _ 。小试牛刀! 1)我们不但要完成任务而且还要做好。(简单句) _ 2)她不仅漂亮而且聪明。(倒装句,并列句) _ 3) Not only _ everything he _ taken away but also his German citizenship.A. 不

13、填; has B. has; had C. has; was D. was; had 4) Not only Tom and Jack but also I _ going to travel to New Zealand some day.A. are B. am C. is D. will be 知识网络neithernor既不也不;eitheror不是就是;要么要么;4. 原句回放The people of China can be proud of Yang Liwei, and young people all over the world look up to him as an example of a man who

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