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1、小学英文儿歌教案(精选3篇)作为一名教学工作者,有必要进行细致的教案准备工作,通过教案准备 可以更好地根据具体情况对教学进程做适当的必要的调整。那要怎么写好教 案呢?下面是小编为大家整理的小学英文儿歌教案,欢迎大家借鉴与参考, 希望对大家有所帮助。小学英文儿歌教案1歌曲Moo , moo !活动目标:1、聆听并唱儿歌。2、会用肢体语言表达对歌词的理解。活动准备:教学光碟、dog、chicken, pig的单词卡片。活动过程:Warm up (热身活动)1、教师与学生热情问好。(Good morning )2、教师带领学生复习之前所学歌曲。Greetings、Fruit二、复习单词 dog、ch

2、icken、pig,L师;还记得上节课,我们学习的几个动物单词吗? Look at me ,我 手中就拿好咯,等下,老师会像魔术师一样,从我的背后,把卡片变出来给 小朋友看,小朋友看到了是什么小动物,就要用好听又大声的声音说出这个 动物的英文名字,明白吗?2、师:0K ,我们都知道这些小动物是怎么叫的,那现在跟着老师一起 用英文学出来噢!一起来说吧!Dog dog dog , woof woof woofoCow cow cow , moo moo moooPig pig pig , oink oink oinko(即复习前一堂课的知识点,又能把本单元的新内容呈现出来。三.学唱歌曲1.师:今天

3、呀,老师带来了一首关于动物的歌曲,歌曲里面还有小动 物的叫声呢,可好听了,我们一起来听听吧!2、教师播放光碟,让学生初次聆听歌曲,对歌曲产生兴趣。知道歌曲是快节奏的!3、师:好听吗?想不想学呀,让我们一起为小动物唱一首歌吧,这首 歌曲的名字叫moo , moo。嗯,是用牛的声音来取名字的噢。歌曲的 名字叫什么呀?4、教师清唱歌曲一遍,让学生再次完整聆听歌曲,对歌曲的旋律有一 定的熟悉程度。5、教师唱一句,学生跟唱一句,可以先慢节奏的演唱歌曲,当歌曲唱 到哪个小动物的时候,还可以表演出小动物的形象动作呢!6、师、生一起完整的演唱歌曲。7、教师唱前半句,学生唱后半句。可以交换演唱;教师唱,学生表

4、演;学生唱,教师表演。(动作可以夸张一点,当学生不熟悉的时候,教师 可以带着一起演唱。8、全体学生站起来,跟着老师一起演唱歌曲。小学英文儿歌教案2Good morning to you活动目标:1.聆听并学会英语儿歌,学习用肢体动作表达对歌词内容 的理解。2、培养学生能活泼大方地表演英语的能力。3、感受英语活动的乐趣,并能积极参与。活动准备:教学大范例单词卡片教学贴片活动过程:Stepl : GreetingT : Goodmorning boys and girls oC : Goodmorning miss suT : Nice to meet you !C : Nice to meet

5、you too !T : How are youC : Fine thank you !Step2 : Warm upT : Let me sing english songs animals o oneo tow go 引导学生边唱边做动作。Steps3 :复习上节课所学单词1、弓I导复习 Good morning、Good afternoon s Goodnight”单词 和句型。2、教师选一学生手举morning单词卡片站在台上,教师蹲在下面做水 饺状,突然铃鼓响起,教师醒来说Good morning to you ”并带领学生一 起说:Good morning to you。教师先站起

6、来再走到,迎着太阳说:With suhing faces 开心点头说:With this nod way to start a new day oStep3 :学习 Good morning to you 歌曲。1.刚才我们和太阳公公问好了,现在、老师还要请太阳公公跟着我一 起老听听问好歌呢?小朋友仔细听,听听歌曲里唱了什么?2、老师示范歌曲,学生认真倾听。3、刚才你们听到老师唱了什么?根据学生的回答,引导学生学习歌词。4、小朋友真棒,现在我们听听电视里怎么长的,要认真听哦。5、播放光碟,引导学生认真听,边听边唱。6、现在请小朋友跟着老师一起唱,看看哪个小朋友唱的好听。7、教师做动作引导学生唱

7、。8、教师分解动作,要求学生边唱边学。9、再次跟着电视边唱边做动作。Step4 : Ending the classoT : Ok , are you happy today ?C : Yes , happy oT : OK o Class is cover , Say , bye _bye to meoC : Bye _bye o活动延伸:引导学生早上来园是用英语和老师问好!小学英文儿歌教案3To Market (去市场)目标:1、通过游戏理解T。market歌曲内容,学唱歌曲。2、在博弈游戏中,感受英语学习的乐趣。准备:转盘1个、纸折大小猪若干、市场情景、钱币和各种蔬菜,歌曲 图片(教师用

8、一套,学生操作用6套,插片袋56条一、歌曲:To Market,音乐导入T : Boys and girls , today we will go to a very interesting placeo Look , what do you see ? ( show the market situation )C : MarketoT : Yes , here is a marketo We will go to the marketo To market, to marketo Whats in the market ?C : Carrot/ cabbage/ mushroom/ oran

9、ge/ watermelo banana/PigsoT : Good , there are many pigs in the marketo Whats the difference ?(拿起两只猪示意)C : Big pigso Small pigsoT : Good , to market, to market, to buy a big pigo ( 2 times)二、游戏:spinner game转盘买猪T : Do you want the big pigs or the small pigs ? Lets play a spinner gameo The turnplate h

10、as two sideso One side is a big pigo The other side is small pigo I will spin this turnplate and use the plate to cover ito Then you can make a choice to guess which pig will be on the upsideo第一遍在座位上集体玩,熟悉游戏规则。(盖好后问)Now big pig or small pig ? The big pig ? Are you sure ?(揭晓答案)Yes , its a bigmall pig

11、oThe big pigsmall pigs are the winner! Yeah , yeah , yeah !第二遍,离开座位排队选择。This time , the children who choose big pigs please stand in this area ! Who choose small pigs please stand in this area !( 边说边指 明位置)This time , the winner will get the money to buy pigso (出 示钱币) Boys , please stand upo I want t

12、o invite you to play fito Girls , please come to the centero All the boys and girls , lets play the game together,三、游戏:Match game句式排列1、Song listening ( once )Today , I brought a very nice song HTo Market o Lets listen to ito We can sing together with ito (在座位上进行动作示范)2、Picture explainingI have four p

13、ictures hereo What do you see on the picture ?A Boy/ Market/What did he buy ? Big pig/Where did he go ? Home/ How is he looking ? He is happyoThese fou cards tells the story , but their order is not correct,3、Match GameNow we will play a match gameo On the tables behind your chair , there are six se

14、ries of cardso Four children will be one group to play this gameo Now , lets listen to the song again and after listening , please put these cards into right ordero You should decide which one is the fit one , .The star here mea you should put the fit hereo Please place these cards from the star to

15、the endoFour children will play the game on the blackboard, ( 选四个J 朋友) Now other boys and girls , please choose a group you likeo边听音乐,学生操作,教师巡回指导,用英语对学生做一些提示。将学生插好的图片贴在黑板上Now , lets have a look at the work on the blackboardo边指图片,边复述歌词内容。The order is correct or not ? Yes or no ? Are you the same with them ?四、买猪:Does everyone has the money ? Please take your moneyo Lets go to the market to buy pigso集体边唱边做动作,边唱边围着椅子走一 圈。五结束T (老师扮演卖猪者):Can I help you ? C : Big pig , pleaseoDo you have a big pig now ? Are you happy ? Lets go home !

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