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1、英语漫谈才欢迎光临写作写作构思顺序写作构思顺序 遣词造句布局谋篇谋 篇谋 篇 1 1、明确体裁、明确体裁 2 2、审定主题、审定主题 3 3、保持切题、保持切题 1.Descriptive1.Descriptive NarrativeNarrative Argumentative Argumentative 2.Theme 2.Theme 3.Relevance 3.Relevance 1 1、学会分段(三分法)、学会分段(三分法)布 局布 局 2 2、保持内容的统一与连贯、保持内容的统一与连贯3 3、确定话题句 、确定话题句 4 4、循“序”展开段落、循“序”展开段落 3-division

2、3-division StructureStructureUnity and Unity and CoherenceCoherenceTopic SentencesTopic SentencesOrder Order 5 5、重视开头与结尾 重视开头与结尾 Beginning Beginning And Ending And Ending 造 句造 句 1 1、避免错误的结构形式、避免错误的结构形式 Grammar Grammar Mother Tongue TransferMother Tongue Transfer2 2、模仿地道的表达法、模仿地道的表达法 Imitation Imitat

3、ion Mechanical TranslationMechanical Translation3 3、做到句式多样化、做到句式多样化 Variety of Variety of Sentence PatternsSentence Patterns遣 词遣 词 1 1、辨明同义词语的差异、辨明同义词语的差异Shades ofShades ofSemantic DifferenceSemantic Difference2 2、防止用词错误防止用词错误 Grammatical and Grammatical and Idiomatic UseIdiomatic UseHow to Make a G

4、ood BeginningHow to Make a Good BeginningWell begun is half done.Gain attention and interest 引起注意和兴趣 importance,surprise,curiosity,relevance,questions,etc.Reveal the topic 展示讲题 clear and to the point Establish credibility 增加可信度 knowledge,experience,sincerity,etc.Preview the body 预览主要内容 definition,ba

5、ckground,main ideas,etc.Gaining Attention and Interest I really feel obliged to write about alcoholism(酗酒),because this dread disease is our nations number one problem and our number three killer,ranking only after heart disease and cancer as a cause of deathStating the Importance of Your topic.Gain

6、ing Attention and Interest Last week a man whom you all have heard of beat an innocent human being senseless(把一个无辜的人打得昏厥过去).Hundreds of people watched him do it,but no one tried to stop him.He didnt do it in self-defense,or out of hate or revenge.He did it for money.Surprise the audience.The man is

7、a professional boxer.Gaining Attention and Interest Each of you has a gift.What kind of gift is it?Its not a Christmas gift or a birthday gift.Its not some special talent or skill.Its a gift that could save a life maybe more than one.If you decide to give it,you lose nothing.Some people bury their g

8、ift.Others burn it.All but one of you who completed my questionnaire would gladly receive the gift,but only 20 percent of you have decided to give it.This gift is the donation of your vital organs(捐献重要器官)when you die.Arouse the curiosity of your audience.Gaining Attention and Interest The fortunate

9、people in the world the only fortunate people in the world,in my mind are those whose work is also their pleasure.The class is not a large one,not nearly so large as it is often represented to be.Authors are perhaps one of the most important elements in its composition.Winston ChurchillRelate the to

10、pic to the audience.Gaining Attention and Interest What was the first thing you did when you woke up this morning?Did you brush your teeth?Turn on the radio?Grope for a cup of coffee?A friend of mine didnt do any of those things.Instead,he grabbed the paper and pen lying next to his bed and wrote do

11、wn everything he could remember about his dreams.Question the audience.Establish credibility Never in the history of sports has there been a leisure-time phenomenon more striking than the recent American love affair with the game of tennis.It is estimated that over 35 million Americans play tennis a

12、nd that the number is still growing.I am one of those 35 million Americans.I have been playing tennis for almost ten years.While in high schools I played competitive tennis.I also taught tennis and worked in a tennis club.Knowledge,experience and sincerity.How to Make a Good EndingHow to Make a Good

13、 End“Great is the art of beginning,but greater is the art of ending.”LongfellowSignal the end 发出结束信号 crescendo(climax),diminuendo(fading away)渐强、渐弱Reinforce the central idea 强化中心思想 summary,quotation,dramatic statement,referring to the introduction,etc.总结、引言、惊人之语、呼应开头等Signal the End When we allow fre

14、edom to ring when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet,from every state and every city we will be able to speed up that day when all of Gods children,black men and white men,Jews and Gentiles,Protestants and Catholics,will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro sp

15、iritual,“Free at last!Free at last!Thank God almighty,we are free at last!”Martin Luther KingCrescendo climax Signal the End And so I ask you to remember the starving and neglected and frightened children around the world.Remember them as you go about your daily life,comfortable and safe.Remember th

16、em when you curl up(蜷卧)under your down comforter(羽绒被)on a cold winter night.Remember them when you sit down to a huge Thanksgiving dinner(感恩节晚宴).Remember them.Diminuendo:Anti-climaxReinforce the Central Idea My friend is back in school,participating in activities she never did before and enjoying it

17、.Im happy and proud to say she is still fighting for her life and even happier she failed to kill herself.Otherwise I would not be here today trying to help you.You see,I am my“friend”,and Im more than glad to say,Ive made it.Make a dramatic statement.Reinforce the Central Idea Is life so dear,or pe

18、ace so sweet,as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery(以受束缚、被奴役为代价)?Forbid it,Almighty God!I do not know what course others may take;but as for me,give me liberty,or give me death.(不自由,毋宁死)Make a dramatic statement.Reinforce the Central Idea If we ignore air pollution,it will loom ever l

19、arger(变得更为严重).In the words of Morris Jones,a professor of air pollution control,“It is now time to end this plague(祸患).It is time to look beyond narrow vested interests(既得利益),to awake from slumbering too long(从沉睡中醒来)and save ourselves.We had better act now.It will soon be too late.”End with a quotat

20、ion.Reinforce the Central Idea Beginning:I am speaking not as a Briton,not as a European,not as a member of a western democracy,but as a human being,a member of the species Man,whose continued existence is in doubt.The world is full of conflicts.Ending:I appeal,as a human being to human beings:remem

21、ber your humanity,and forget the rest.If you can do so,the way lies open to a new Paradise;if you cannot,nothing lies before you but universal death.Bertrand RussellRefer to the beginning.英语语篇思维模式英语语篇思维模式 English Textual Patterns of Thinking 英语语篇思维模式主要有以下三种:英语语篇思维模式主要有以下三种:1.1.问题解决型(问题解决型(Problem-So

22、lution PatternProblem-Solution Pattern)2.2.一般特殊型(一般特殊型(General-ParticularGeneral-Particular)3.3.比较匹配型 比较匹配型(Matching Pattern)(Matching Pattern)1.1.问题解决型(问题解决型(Problem-Solution Problem-Solution PatternPattern)顺序:(1)说明情况;(2)出现问题;(3)作出反应;(4)结果或评价。I was sending a telegram to a friend of mine.(情况)(情况)I f

23、ound I didnt have enough money to pay for it.(问题)(问题)I took two important words off my telegram.(反应)(反应)I finally sent the telegram but I was unhappy.(结果(结果/评价)评价)2.2.一般特殊型(一般特殊型(General-ParticularGeneral-Particular)表现形式:表现形式:(1 1)先概括后举例)先概括后举例 (Generalization-Example)(Generalization-Example)(2)先给整体

24、轮廓,后加具体细节 (Preview-Detail)(Preview-Detail)3.3.比较匹配型比较匹配型(Matching Pattern)(Matching Pattern)这种思维模式经常被用来比较两个事这种思维模式经常被用来比较两个事物的异同,通过比较突出语篇的中心思想物的异同,通过比较突出语篇的中心思想。各种文体的写作要点 描写文的写作要点描写文的写作要点 按描写对象分:人物描写 (Describing a person)地点或场景描写(Describing a place or a scene)物品描写 (Describing an object)图表描写(Describin

25、g a picture,a graph or a chart)按描写方法分:白描 (Straightforward description)工笔 (Meticulous description)主观描写 (Subjective description)客观描写 (Objective description)叙述文的写作要点叙述文的写作要点 确定宗旨 确定宗旨 (Deciding on an aim to be attained or a(Deciding on an aim to be attained or a message to be conveyed)message to be con

26、veyed)交代背景 交代背景 (Providing the setting of the action,(Providing the setting of the action,namely time,place and characters)namely time,place and characters)安排结构 安排结构 (Organizing the narration,usually in(Organizing the narration,usually in chronological order or by creating chronological order or by

27、creating suspension)suspension)形成高潮 形成高潮 (Reaching a climax,usually through(Reaching a climax,usually through conflicts)conflicts)保持视角 保持视角 (Maintaining a consistent point of(Maintaining a consistent point of view,view,that is,narrating from the that is,narrating from the perspective perspective of

28、one particular person,of one particular person,usually the usually the author)author)议论文的写作要点议论文的写作要点 正确鲜明的论点 (A sound and clear-cut proposition)充分有力的论据 (Sufficient and forcible data)逻辑严密的论证 (Logical and convincing argumentation)归纳法 (Induction,reasoning from specific to general)演绎法 (Deduction,reason

29、ing from general to specific)比较法 (Comparison,reasoning from specific to specific)三分法结构三分法结构3-division Structure布局三分法的实际运用 布局三分法的实际运用(1)Title:Better Understanding Between Parent and ChildOpening sentence:Nowadays there is often a misunderstanding between parent and childOutline:1.Present situation:la

30、ck of communication between parent and child 2.Possible reasonsDifferent likes and dislikesMisunderstandingOthers 3.SuggestionsFor parentsFor children布局三分法的实际运用 布局三分法的实际运用(2)Title:On Making FriendsOpening sentence:As a human being,one can hardly do without a friend.Outline:1.The need for friends 2.T

31、rue Friendship 3.My Principle in making friends 布局三分法的实际运用 布局三分法的实际运用(3)Title:Good HealthOpening sentence:The desire for good health is universal.Outline:1.Importance of good health 2.Ways to keep fit 3.My own practice布局三分法的实际运用 布局三分法的实际运用(4)Title:Where to Live in the City or in the CountryOpening s

32、entence:Many people appreciate the convenience of the city.Outline:1.Advantages of each 2.Disadvantages of each 3.My preferenceNative LanguageTransferTwo Types of TransferNegative Transfer (负迁移)Errors arise from analogy.类推会产生错误。Positive Transfer (正迁移)Errors decrease by analysis.分析能减少错误。Keen awarenes

33、s of the similarities and differences between the two languages can facilitate FL learning.对两种语言相似与相异点的敏锐意识能促进外语学习。Negative Transfer(负迁移):Interference(干扰)Causes:analogical use of ones prior knowledge of the mother tongue 母语先知结构的类推运用scanty knowledge of differences between the two languages 对两种语言的差异所知甚少unconscious falling back on the mother tongue speech habit 不自觉地回归母语的言语习惯Examples of Negative Trans

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