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1、Chapter 4 Language and Sex,Presented by Luo Lingyu,Contents,4.1 Introduction4.2 Mens and Womens Language Forms4.3 The Sociolinguistic Gender Pattern4.4 Sex Difference in Language Use4.5 Terms Related to Sex in Language4.6 The Default Gender in Language and in Nature4.7 Other Research on Language and

2、 Sex4.8 Summary,4.1 Introduction,A major issue in the sociolinguistics of speech is the relationships between sex and language.More recently,in early research in sociolinguistic variation,sex was investigated as an independent variable(自变量)related to linguistic variables,along with social status,sty

3、le,age and ethnicity.,Variables used in an experiment or modelling can be divided into three types:dependent variable,independent variable,or other.The dependent variable represents the output or effect,or is tested to see if it is the effect.The independent variables represent the inputs or causes,

4、or are tested to see if they are the cause.-From Wikipedia引言部分主要说明语言性别差异研究一直是社会语言学所关注的焦点问题之一,业已发展为本学科研究中一个不可替代的独立分支,语言与性别研究是社会语言学的一个重要组成部分。然而人们对男女在语言方面的差异的研究起步比较晚。20世纪初,语言和性别问题才真正引起了学者们的关注。丹麦语言学家 Otto Jespersen 在语言论:本质、发展及起源(Language:Its Nature,Development and Origin,1922)里用整整一章阐述了女性语言的特点。20 世纪 60 年

5、代,学者们用社会语言学的观点和理论探讨女性言语的特点;与此同时,女权运动进一步推动了性别语言的研究。70 年代后,对于语言和性别研究的重大突破始于 Robin Lakoff 她的著作语言与妇女地位(Language and Women s Place,1975)产生了巨大的影响,激发了人们对该领域研究的兴趣。,其后的语言学家对言语的性别差异进行了深入的探讨和研究,他们不仅研究语言中的性别歧视和言语的性别差异,还探究其社会根源。由于吸收和借鉴社会学、心理学、人类学等学科的理论和方法,语言与性别研究已经成为一个跨学科的领域,研究者们采用不同的研究方法,从多重视角揭示语言与性别之间的关系。摘自-语言

6、与性别研究的理论发展及其问题 语文学刊外语教育教学,4.2 Mens and Womens Language Forms(男女语言形式),本小节主要介绍了几种语言性别差异研究,主要包括以下三个研究(P90-91)(1)Mary Hass(America famous linguist):对几种美国印第安语的调查(2)Francis Ekka:对印度德拉伟语的调查(3)Douglas Taylor:对加勒比海多米尼加语的调查旨在说明诸语言中广泛存在着由于性别差异而引发的语言变体形式的对立现象,(1)Mary Hass(America famous linguist):对几种美国印第安语的调查a.

7、she found that in Koasati,a native American language spoken in western Louisiana,there were several systematic differences between mens and womens version of the indicative(陈述的)and imperative verbal paradigms.,b.a woman might use a different form when she is talking to another woman compared with wh

8、en she is talking to a man,while a man might use a third form,meaning the same thing as the first two,regardless of to whom is talking.,(2)Francis Ekka:对印度德拉伟语的调查 verb morphology in the second-person singular is even more sensitive to sex.(3)Douglas Taylor:对加勒比海多米尼加语的调查 there is a tendency(apparentl

9、y receding)for men to use the names of qualities,states and actions as if they carried feminine gender while women treat them like masculine gender nouns.,Qualitative type of gender differences or sex-exclusive differentiation绝对性别差异:不同性别在语言形式的选用上,形成近似“男女有别、互不通用”的严格界限,表现为“男性语言”或“女性语言”。它是原始部落文化群体中的一种特

10、殊的语言禁忌现象(如前三个例子)这种研究对人类学、民族学、跨文化比较有价值,Quantitative type of gender differences or sex-preferential differentiation补充:男女在使用同一种语言或方言时表现出来的差别。也称相对性别差异社会语言学家对这一种差异现象更感兴趣,试图通过男女在使用程度上的差异,了解双方对某一语言变体形式亲睐的成因,4.3 The Sociolinguistic Gender Pattern(社会语言学性别模式),本小节涉及三个方面的问题:1)A description of the gender pattern

11、(“性别模式”简述)2)In search for an explanation(原因探索)3)Sex-based versus class-based difference(性别差异与阶层差异),1)A description of the gender patternMale speakers are often found to use socially disfavored variants of sociolinguistic variables while women tend to avoid these in favor of socially more favored var

12、iants.we will be referring to male speakers tendency to use forms that generally considered correct less frequently than women speakers do Sociolinguistic Gender Pattern.在语言实际使用过程中,男性比女性更趋于使用所谓“次标准”变体形式,由此形成一种社会语言学意义上的性别模式,The earliest example of this pattern was reported by Fischer(1958)P92 who fou

13、nd that girls in New England school used the-in variant of the-ing suffix less frequently than boys did.A different and striking pattern involving sex has reported independently by Cheshirefor Reading adolescents and Schztz for Plat Amsterdams(P94),2)In search for an explanation(P95)Trudgill provide

14、s a series of related explanationchild-rearingtransmission of culturesocial positionoccupationworking-class speechcovert prestige,Trudgill discovered another phenomenon connected with the gender pattern.For several variables,T found that male speakers under-reported their use of socially favored var

15、iants far more frequently than female speaker did.(P97-98)-covert prestige.,3)Sex-based versus class-based difference(性别差异与阶层差异)As we will see in chapter 8,sociolinguistic research on linguistic variation of the sort we have been looking at generally assumes that class and style are fundamental base

16、s for variation,with sex as a secondary influence.This pattern would suggest that,although social class is undoubtedly an influencing factor,sex is more influential.(P99-102 examples),4.4 Sex Difference in Language Use(语言中使用的性别差异),本小节分为两部分:1)语言与女性地位:针对Robin Lakoff在七十年代初提出的女性文体理论(womens style)而言2)男女会


18、nguage and womans place,The first widely influential study of language-use features was presented by Robin Lakoff,first in a journal article and later in a book,both under the title“Language and womens place”(Lakoff 1973a,1975)Lakoffs work led to conclude that womans language-by which she meant both

19、 language used to describe women and language typically used by women-had the overall effect of submerging a womans personal identity.,She described six categories of language use that are sharply differentiated by the sex of the speaker.lexical distinctioncolor termsstrong versus weak expletiveswom

20、ens versus neutral adjectivestag questionquestion intonation with statement syntaxstrength of directive speech acts.,strong versus weak expletives(语气词,感叹词)woman are not expected to use strongexpletives such as damnor shit but are encouraged to substitute weaker ones like oh dear or fudge(nonsense)te

21、rrificgreat neutraladorable,charming and divine are expected in womens speech but not generally in mens,A syntactic feature that Lakoff believes is more freely usable by woman than by men is the tag questionHoward wouldnt do such a thing,would he?The speaker are not fully confident that the person t

22、hey are talking to will agree that claimTag question usage then represents another example of the submersion(淹没)of womens individualities(P104),Some researchers are sceptical about Lakoff defining the tag question as a feature of womens style.(e.g P105)“女性文体”理论的提出,引发了针对语言性别差异研究三十年来方方面面的讨论,其中支持验证其论点有

23、之,反思纠正其学说者亦有之,两种观点的碰撞,迸发出理性的火花,推动了整体研究向前发展,补充:语言性别差异的表现,语音的差异 词汇的差异文字的差异会话的差异,1.语音的差异,1音高的差异一般地说,成年男性的声带长而厚,声音较低;成年女性声带短而薄,声音较高2音质的差异 北京话的“女国音”北京女青年,尤其是女学生,把 j q x 等舌面音发成类似 z c s 等舌尖前音的读音,例如:“坚”、“学”、“鲜”、“晓”等。汉字 普通话 女国音 精神 jngshn zngshn 切除 qech cech 英雄 yngxing yngsing这种“女国音”上个世纪20年代被学者黎锦熙发现,直到今天还基本保留


25、分别叫做“三朝书”、“歌扇”、“帕书”、“纸文”。,女书是女子创造的,反映妇女心态的一种拼音文字,呈现长菱形,笔迹秀丽娟细,造型独特,当地人叫做“长脚蚊(长脚文)”湖南永州妇女有唱歌堂的习惯,她们常常聚在一起,一边做女红,一边唱读、传授女书。妇女们唱习女书的活动被称作“读纸”“读扇”“读帕”女书的主要内容:家庭婚姻、社会交往、幽怨私情、乡里逸闻、歌谣谜语等,2)Conversations between men and women(男女会话模式),下面是英语中对女性的语言习惯做出的一些评价,请你看看哪些是正面的哪些是负面的,他们唤起了你头脑中怎么样的意象?Many women,many wor

26、ds,many geese,many turds.A womans tongue wags like a lambs tail.Silence is the best ornament of a woman.人们普遍的印象:女性比男性更爱说话,男性喜欢公开发言;女性喜欢私下交谈,研究者发现,在与异性的交流中,男性的话语更多,也更经常打断女性的话,这与传统的认为女人话多的偏见恰恰性反,语料统计显示,男性通过不断打断女性的话来控制谈话的话题,而且在很多情况下男性的打断让女性不复开口说话。与男性的强势态度形成鲜明对照的是,女性更愿意通过一些短小的反馈性话语,如,真的?是吗?恩,哦,等给予对方支持和鼓

27、励,还有的研究发现,女性的话语中会出现更多的表示犹豫和踌躇的表达,比如下面列出来的这些词和短语。这应该与他们在社会上和家庭中的从属地位有关闪避词:sort of,kind of,etc.附加词句:isnt it?Dont you?etc.填充词:you know,yeah,etc.空洞的评价性形容词:dear,honey,sweetie,etc.,4.会话的差异(即第二小点男女会话模式),1、话题的差异2、话题量大小的差异3、话语方式与策略,1、话题的差异男性的话题:政治、经济、体育等。女性的话题:家务、孩子、恋爱、服装、美容等2、话题量大小的差异男性的话题量比女性要大3、话语方式与策略从话语

28、导向上看,对于多数男性来说,谈话主要是一种提供信息的方式;而对女性而言,则是建立感情、巩固关系的方式,3.(1)男性的话语比较直接,女性的话语比较含蓄。拒绝看电影 男生:不去!女生:电影确实不错,但我还要做某事;我不能肯定我去还是不去;我将尽量去。女孩的反话:“你真坏!”,(2)男性的话语可以比较粗鲁,女性的话语一般比较文雅。女性的骂人话:“神经病!”、“变态!”(3)男性对谈话反应迟缓,喜欢打断别人说话,喜欢与人争辩,喜欢控制话题,女性对谈话反应积极,较少打断别人说话,喜欢隐藏个人态度,注意倾听。,4.5 Terms Related to Sex in Language(语言中与性别有关的词

29、语),The second part of Lakoffs analysis has to do with the meaning of words referring to sex in the language(P111).本小节的内容主要与语言性别歧视研究有关,同前两节的内容一起构成语言性别差异研究中必不可少的两个重要组成部分。通过英语中广泛存在的词语形式与语义所指上的非对称性现象,说明语言性别歧视的普遍性和危害性。,补充:对称与非对称语言的各个层面不难发现对称和不对称现象的存在,“对称”是一个来自日常生活的概念,凡是有一一对应关系的就是“对称”,否则就是“非对称”(不对称)对称与非对称

30、是两个既相互依存有相互对立的范畴 如:人的面部器官在左右两边分布基本相同(对称)人的内脏器官的左右分布不同(非对称),在语言学中对称与非对称现象显得要复杂一些,其中包括语音,构词,语法,语义和语用等等。在英语中,很多指称男性的词汇和相应的指称女性的词汇表现出这种不对称性,男性词汇总是被用来代表正面的力量,被赋予正面的联想,而女性词汇则总是与琐碎,地位底下等负面联想挂钩。请看下面这些例词:,Governor:a person who governs a stateGoverness:a woman at the head of a household or family or takes car

31、e of childrenMaster:a man who has authority and control over someone or important fieldsMistress:a woman who lives with a man as if she were his wife or is kept by him and visited for the purpose of conducting a sexual relationship,Bachelor:an unmarried manSpinster:an unmarried woman who is no longe

32、r young(老处女)Wizard:a man who has magic powersWitch:a woman who has magic powers used for evil things,汉语中的隐性歧视(词序)父母 father and mother祖父母 grandfather and grandmother爷爷奶奶 grandfather and grandmother伯父伯母 uncle and aunt叔叔阿姨 uncle and aunt大爷大妈 uncle and aunt岳父岳母 father-in-law and mother-in-law兄弟姐妹 brothe

33、rs and sisters夫妇 husband and wife儿女 sons and daughters,郎才女貌 夫荣妻贵才子佳人 夫唱妇随男尊女卑 男耕女织龙飞凤舞 男婚女嫁,汉语作为一种表义文字,对女性的歧视还有一个独特的表现,即含女字旁的字,根据词海初步统计,汉字中的女旁字共257个设计褒贬评价的共100个,其中褒义的有47个,贬义的有35个,褒贬参半的有18个总所周知,汉语中很多贬义词都离不开女字旁如:妖,奴,婪,妒,婊,娼妓等。连出卖色相的男性都只能被称为“男妓”,造字(构词法),“耍”字从而从女,“而”,指男人的胡须,“而”与“女”合起来就是男人把胡须垂到女人的脸上,其本义是玩弄女性;“妥”字从手从女.指男人以手,即以武力驯服女人;“妾”从立从女,其中的“立”字有学者认为像一把倒悬的刀,一把刀始终悬在女人的头上,随时有可能落下来。而民国初年的“怪人”与大学者辜鸿铭则认为“

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