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1、药学英语上册汇总药学英语上册汇总Unit One Text A Introduction to Physiologybuilding blockconnective tissueepithelial tissueanabolismcatabolismdeoxyribonucleic acidglucoseglycogen gonad homeostasismatrixnitrogenosmolalityosmoreceptorpotassiumtrachea bronchi plasma membraneblood clottingglial cellatriaventriclecardiov

2、ascular systemrespiratory systemgastrointestinal tracturinary tractreproductive system endocrinefecesglucagon gangliaembryobody fluidfertilized egg课文中句子(英译汉):1. It is concerned with how an organism performs its varied activities; how it feeds, how it adapts to changing circumstances, how it spawns n

3、ew generations.2. Although some processes are similar across the whole spectrum of biology-the replication of the genetic code for example-many are specific to particular groups of organisms.3. Although there have been many important physiological investigations on human volunteers, the need for pre

4、cise control over the experimental conditions has meant that much of our present physiological knowledge has been derived from studies on other animals such as frogs, rabbits, cats, and dogs.4. The heart consists of four chambers, two atria and two ventricles, which form a pair of pumps arranged sid

5、e by side. The right ventricles pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs where it absorbs oxygen from the air, while the left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood returning from the lungs to the rest of body to supply the tissues.5. The carbon dioxide produced by the respiratory activity of the tissues is

6、carried to the lungs by the blood in the pulmonary artery where it is excreted in the expired air. 6. This activity depends on electrical signals which, in turn, depend on the concentration of sodium and potassium ions in the extracellular and intracellular fluids. If there is an excess of potassium

7、 in the extracellular fluid, the cardiac muscle cells become too excitable and may contract at inappropriate times rather than in a coordinated manner.7. If the body tissues are being built up, as is the case for growing children, pregnant women and athletes in the early stages of training, the dail

8、y intake of protein is greater than the normal body turnover and the individual is in positive nitrogen balance.8. A negative feedback loop is a control system that act to maintain the level of some variables within a given range following a disturbance. A feedback loop requires a sensor of some kin

9、d that responds to the variable in question but not to other physiological variables. Thus an osmoreceptor should respond to changes in osmolality of the body fluids but not to changes in body temperature or blood pressure.9. The body is actually a social order of about 100 trillion cells organized

10、into different functional structure, some of which are called organs. Each functional structure contributes its share to the maintenance of homeostasis conditions in the extracellular fluid, which is called the internal environment. As long as normal conditions are maintained in this internal enviro

11、nment, the cells of the body continue to live and function properly.课后汉译英:1.我们每天摄入的食物必须满足需要,任何多余的东西必须排出体外才能维持平衡。2.人类细胞有将大分子分解成小分子的能力,从而为自身活动释放足够的能量。Unit Three Text B The other side of antibioticspersonal experienceointmentmumpsmeaslesfungichemotherapyantimicrobial agentstaphylococcuserythromycinbact

12、ericidal agentbacteriostatic agentpara-aminosalicylic acidisoniazidaseptic measureprevalenceanaphylactic reactiontetracyclinechloramphenicolmastitisprecautiondiarrheaanalcross-infectionsuper-infectionstreptomycincomplicationstuberculosislong-range valuecure-allsnarrow-spectrumbroad-spectrumcurrently

13、 available medicineantibioticsanaphylactic reactionacquired resistanceallergydosage form课文句子:1.Antibiotics have eliminated or controlled so many infectious diseases that virtually everyone has benefited from their use at one time or another. Even without such personal experience, however, one would

14、have to be isolated indeed to be unaware of the virtues, real and speculative, of these “miracle” drugs. The American press, radio and television have done a good job of reporting the truly remarkable story of successes in the chemical war on germs. 2. Anaphylactic reaction happens less frequently a

15、nd is less severe when the antibiotics is given by mouth. It is most apt to occur in people with a history of allergy, or a record of sensitivity to penicillin. Other untoward reactions to antibiotics are gastrointestinal disorderssuch as sore mouth, cramps, diarrhea or anal itchwhich occur most fre

16、quently after use of the tetracycline group but have also been encountered after use of penicillin and streptomycin. These reactions may result from suppression by the antibiotic of bacteria normally found in the gastrointestinal tract. With their competition removed, antibiotic-resistant staphylococci or fungi, whic

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