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1、 英语教案 工科类 职业模块 教师姓名: 学科:工科英语(下) 班级 : 机56 、57班 模21班 汽10班 教师姓名: 教学日期:2015年9月2日-9月27日 一周为20课时,四周总共为80个课时。其中,2451410=80章节名称 Unit 1: Working Together Talking About Co-workers2课时1 教学目标Learners should be able toUnderstand the talk about workmatesTalk about co-workers behaviors教学内容分析 This context of this un

2、it is close to the future of students future professional life. The theme of this unit is about how to get along with their colleagues in their future life so that it can improve students professional sense。教学过程一、 导入Lead-in.Step 1: individual work. In this step, Ill help students understand theconte

3、xt of the memo, then identify the nature of different work after watching these pictures on page 10.Step 2: pair work. In this step, Ill let students match the work pictures with its proper professional name.Step 3:class work. In this step, Ill check the answers with students after the discussion, a

4、nd Ill explain these key words such as colleagues, director , designer ,computer technician and janitor to students.二、 听说训练Listening and speaking Number the pictures according to the recorder. The context of the listening is 1. Mary is smart and enthusiastic.2. Ive never met anyone as bossy as Linda

5、.3. Tony is a great co-worker although hes just graduated.4. Jerry is a terrible gossip.三、 教学重点Knowledge aimsWords: colleague director technician hardware janitor smart enthusiastic bossy co-worker graduate careless negative Phrases: get along with be fed up with work with strengths and weaknesses K

6、ey structures:Do you get along well with your co-workersBut Im really fed up with Tony.He always makes careless mistakes, and hes a pain to work with.Everybody has their strengths and weaknessesGrammar :graduate from 从毕业 I graduated from this university. 我从这所大学毕业。care关心 careful 仔细的(-ful是形容词后缀) carel

7、ess 粗心的(-less表示否定后缀)weakness 弱点,缺点(名词) weak 弱的,虚弱的(形容词)( -ness是名词后缀)I am weak. 我很虚弱。criticize 批评,责备(动词) critical 批判性的,爱批评人的(形容词)create 创造(动词) creation 创造,创造力(名词)(-tion是名词后缀)四、 教学难点Teaching difficult points: Teaching key: understand the text and using your own words to retell the text.Difficult point

8、:To understand conversations involving the description of their colleagues.五、 教学方法 Raising question approach Discussion approach task-based approach教学工具Multimedia devices and PPT documents: In order to help student to fully understand the whole passage, I adopt Multimedia devices and PPT documents t

9、o bring the real-life situation into the classroom.下节检测内容1、 单词、短语和句子的听写。教学反思 1.要鼓励工科学生大胆的尝试 教师要让学生有大胆尝试的思路,也要求教师有创新的精神,是不是引导学生,给与鼓励,哪怕出错了也要鼓励他们,同时也要激发学生。2.鼓励学生大声朗读并多背诵课文,促进学生相互学习,相互帮助。3. 对于学习不好的,要让他们与学习好的结伴相互帮助,经常鼓励他们。 学科:工科英语(下) 班级 : 机56 、57班 模21班 汽10班 教师姓名: 教学日期:2015年9月2日-9月27日 章节名称 Unit 1: Workin

10、g Together The First Day on a New Job2课时2 教学目标Learners should be able toRead about working with different people at workWrite about how to deal with difficult people at work 教学内容分析 This context can help them get a better understanding of each other and provide them with the advice of entering the fi

11、eld of their profession and how to deal with difficult colleagues. The theme and its context of this unit is related to students future professional life ,therefore, it is an important unit of this book.教学过程一、导入Warm up.Step 1: individual work. In this step, set a situation to train students thinking

12、 ability and imagination ability.For example: Tomorrow is Marys first day on a new job. she is a little worried. Give her some tips about what she should pay attention to by filling the following words into the form.Step 2:discussion . In this step, Ill let students have a discussion Step 3:class wo

13、rk. In this step, and Ill summarize their opinions and explain their reasons to them.二、教学重点Knowledge aimsWords: knowledge 知识;学 training 训练;培训 upsetting 令人心烦意乱的,令人苦恼的 Process 过程;程序 hire 雇用 positive 积极的;正面的 career 职业 track 轨迹;途径 flow 潮流;趋向rope (the s)技巧;诀窍intelligent 聪明的;有才智的observe 观察discover 发现;发觉na

14、ture 性质;本质employee 职工;雇员style 风格Phrases: keep in mind 记得;牢记go with the flow 顺应潮流;随从大家的意见learn the ropes 熟悉某一行业;摸到门道as often as possible 尽可能经常地have nothing to do with 与毫不相干;与无关 Key structures: In order to win friends and stay on a positive career track, keep the tips for the first day in mind。Listen

15、and then listen more to learn the ropes.In conversations, use peoples names as often as possible. Youll quickly discover the nature of the employees relationships.Note that any of this advice has almost nothing to do with the job itself or the skills, training and experience you bring to it. Thats u

16、sually the easy part of any new job.Grammar :In order to 表示“为了” In order to do sth.Positive 表示“积极的,正面的”与前面学的negative是反义词。Asas possible 表示尽可能,尽量,中间为形容词举例:as soon as possible 尽可能快的三、教学难点Teaching difficult points: Teaching key: understand the text and using your own words to retell the text.Difficult p

17、oint:To understand the reading involving the description of their first day on work.四、教学方法 Teaching methods.Based on the understanding of reading as an interactive process, teaching reading in the classroom is divided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up techniques integrated to dev

18、elop the students language efficiency in general and reading strategies. The three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.五、 学习方法Learning strategiesSs will cultivate their ability individual learning and cooperative learning by doing some activities independently and some in groups.S

19、s will communicate with each other in English while doing the group work.教学工具Multimedia devices and PPT documents课外作业1、Finish some exercises.2、Write a passage about your first day on a new job with imagination.教学反思1、建立良好的师生关系,经常反思一下自己的不足争取下次让他们不犯同样的错误,以提高学生们的成绩。2、工科英语学习主要是以深化专业知识为主。我想,在学习中要分阶段学习,在第一

20、阶段要以大纲为标准,以课本为依据,按照课本的编排顺序,每一册、每一单元、每一课都要细致地学习,力求基础,全面。所谓基础,是指学习要抓住“三基”,即基础知识、基本技能和基本解题方法。所谓全面,一是指学习要全面覆盖所学知识,不遗漏任何一个知识点,二是要面向全体学生,防止“片面追求高分”现象,绝不能冷落“差生”。 学科:工科英语(下) 教师姓名: 教学日期:2015年9月2日-9月27日 章节名称 Unit 1: Working TogetherReading2课时3 教学目标Learners should be able to1. To get information about work and

21、 colleagues2. Let students love our work and colleagues.教学内容分析 This context of this unit is to train students ability of reading ,including their ability of skimming and scanning ,especially their ability to find out the details and to conclude the whole passage.教学过程一、 快速阅读Fast Reading学生快速阅读,要求归纳每段的

22、主题。After reading Text A on page 14, fill in the missing information.Advice on the first daya. Dress simply.a. L_ to learn the basics.b. A_ and others would like to help you.c. U_ as often as you can so you will remember them.d. Observe closely to find out _.e. Know the style and pace of the company

23、and match yours with that of _.二、仔细阅读 Careful Reading学生通过fast reading,完成了headings后,基本对课文有一定的了解,然后呈现出两道问题,要求学生再进行第二次阅读,对课文进行更深入的了解。1. According to the author, what is the easy part of any new job _2. People usually say you should come to your new job with your eyes and your ears instead of your mouth

24、. Do you think this is true Or should it change with time三、 巩固练习通过两次阅读让学生对课文熟悉,训练学生的阅读速度和解题技巧,最后通过ask and answer in pairs,培养学生的口语能力,并强迫他们记住文章的主要内容,为下一步语言运用打下基础。四、语言运用为提高学生对职业生活中的热点问题发表自己观点的能力,让学生运用自己学过的语言知识,试着运用想象力表达自己对第一天上班的看法。把全班同学分成若干个小组,每个小组有一名同学扮演“工作者”,其他同学为采访者,他们自由设计问题,对工作者进行采访。五、教师巡视课堂,发现表现出色

25、的小组,让他们到台前表演。六、 教学重点The teaching important point is to train students thinking and analyzing ability.七、 教学难点The teaching difficult point is to cultivate students ability to ask and answer advice in English.Improving the ability of getting the general information and specific information from reading

26、 a text.八、 教学方法 Brainstorming, task-based teaching method, heuristic teaching method, group work.教学工具A recorder, a computer, and blackboard下节检测内容1. do the exercise on Page162. remember the new words in Lesson One.3. use your own words to describe work that you are familiar with.教学反思我们学校是职业中专学校,学生原有的

27、英语基础和学习英语的习惯都较差,这势必大大影响了高中英语的学习效果,我从学生实际出发,遵循教学规律,对如何在农村初中英语教学中实施素质教育用心探索。笔者认为,在英语教学中实施素质教育的目标是提高全体学生整体素质,就是要让全体学生,通过听、说、读、写等方面能力的训练,使学生获得基础知识和为交际初步运用英语的能力。因此,在教学实践中,我想方设法帮助学生学会学习,以及激发和保持学习动力,培养自学能力,培养良好的学习习惯,把优化课堂教学当成落实素质教育的主渠道,尽最大可能为学生创造运用英语的景,指导学生积极地运用语言,在学中用,在用中学。章节名称 Unit 1: Working TogetherHow

28、 to Deal with Difficult Co-workers2课时4 教学目标Learners should be able toUnderstand the talk about workmatesLearn how to deal with difficult workers.Grasp the main idea (the essence of writing is to write what one enjoys writing) and structure of the text (narration in chronological sequence); Listening strategy and methods.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;Conduct a series of listening, speaking and writing activities related to the themeof the unit.教学内容分析 This context of this unit is close to the future of students future professio

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