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1、英语口语绝密妙句英语口语妙句英语口语一直是困扰大多数中国英语学习者的一个难题,我们在中学乃至大学里学习的英语或多或少有点书本化,当我们面对老外时,我们的英语有时会显得略为笨拙,地道的英语表达不仅能够有效的交谈,让谈话妙趣横生,同时也会为我们的人格魅力加分不少。下面介绍的英语妙句一定会让你的口语脱颖而出!当别人在你旁边罗嗦个没完,你烦透了,说“you are so boring “.(你真烦!)。“Shut up!”(闭嘴!)自然没错,可人家受得了吗?不如来一句“oh, come on .give me a break !” (帮帮忙,让我歇歇吧!)这多地道、多幽默。 要想说人“气色好”。“Yo

2、u look fine!”当然不错,可如果你说”youre in the pink !”就妙得多了,实际上,在英语口语中,表示颜色的词用起来非常形象生动。 “他精力充沛”美国人说:“he is bouncy.”而不说“he is energetic ”,牢记一些日常对话中的活句式是你一把必备的钥匙。 如:久仰,“I get mind of you “.比”I heard a lot about you.”轻松得多。 代问他人好当然能用”please remember me to your sister .” 或”please give my best wishes to your father

3、 ”不过,若是很好的朋友,何不说,“please give my love to Jim。” 在中国可不能随便说“我想你”,然而,当和西方人分手时说“I will miss you .”要比说“good-bye”或“see you soon”有趣得多,不妨一试。 有人开会迟到了,你若对他说 “you are late .”,听起来象是废话,若说“did you get lost ?”,则更能让他歉然,可别说成“get lost!”那可是让人滚蛋的意思。 别人征求你的意见,问能否开窗户等,你要说“you can do that .”就有点土了,用一句“do you have the time?

4、”实际上,问他人的姓名,地址都可以这么用:“may I have you name?“要比”whats your name ? ”礼貌得多,不过警察例外。 别人问你不愿公开的问题,切勿用“its my secret ,dont ask such a personal question .”回答,一来显得你没有个性,二来也让对方尴尬。你可以说“I would rather not say .”(还是别说了吧!)。 有时候,你想说什么,可说是想不起来,你可以说“well ”“let me see” “just a moment ”或“its on the tip of my tongue.”等,相

5、比之下,最后一个句型是最地道的。 交谈时,你可能会转换话题,不要只说“by the way ”,实际上,“to change the subject” “before I forget” “while I remember” “mind you ”都是既地道有受欢迎的表达。 遇到你不懂的问题时可别不懂装懂,“I know”可能是中国人用得最多,而美国人最不能接受的一句话。当一美国教师向你解释某个问题时,你如果连说两遍“I know”,我敢保证,他不会再跟你说什么了。用“I got it ”就顺耳得多,要是不懂就说“Im not clear about it .”不过如果你会说“Its past

6、 my understanding”或“its beyond me .”你的教师定会惊讶不已的!如何安排请人吃饭呢?以下几点务必注意: 一、在你请人吃饭的时候,你应该首先问问人家:”What are you in the mood for?“”您想吃什么?“”mood“这里有心情、心绪的意思,这句话中”be in the mood for“是一个固定的用法,意思是”想吃什么?“当然,如果这种用法用到别的地方,就有了不同的理解。比如,看到了电影院,你会这样问:”Are you in mood for a movie?“意思是”你想看一场电影吗?“自然,”for“后面还可以用”dancing, s

7、hopping,smoking“等。但是千万不要说成”Are you in the mood?“这样就会引起人的误会了。 二、最重要的一点你可千万别忘记了,那就是谁请客的问题。一般经过你的倡议自然是你请客了,也就是你应该说”Ill treat you.”(我请客)。当然,如果你请的外国人提议“separate checks”,那就是中国人所谓的AA制了,也就是分别买单的意思,你吃多少就要付多少钱。如果是“split the bill”,那就有区别了,一般这种宴请不会出现,那是平摊帐单的意思。在中国,一般同学、同事聚会就会用到最后一种。 三、最后一点可是人命关天了,那就是大家一起结伴出行吃饭,事

8、先应决定谁开车的问题。面对美酒会开车的朋友自然要牺牲一位了,不然一旦都喝了酒,回来的时候可就泡了汤,谁也不敢开,谁也不能开了,谁来是违章,大伙的性命最重要。因此,大家在出行前会问“Whos gonna drive?”(谁来开车呢?)“gonna”是典型的美语,表示即将发生的事,其实就是“going to”,同样,还有“wanna”即“want to”,用法很特殊。这句话也可以说成“Whos driving?”但这种说法不如第一种流行。英汉互译中的谚语巧合俚语和谚语是英语学习中的一大绊脚石。我们不明白这些俗语的含义,是因为我们和英语国家的文化背景不同。如果能在汉语中为这些俗语找到对应的说法,问题

9、就解决了。我们向你介绍一些英汉合璧的俚语和谚语,帮助你的英语学习更上一层楼。 1.After meat, mustard; after death, doctor . 雨后送伞 Explanation: this describes a situation where assistance or comfort is given when it is too late. Example: just as I had cancelled my application to go abroad, I had a promise of money for my fare. It was a case

10、 of after death, the doctor. 2. After praising the wine they sell us vinegar. 挂羊头卖狗肉 Explanation: to offer to give or sell something that is inferior to what you claim it to be. Example: that fellow completely misled us about what he was capable of doing. After praising the wine, he sold us vinegar.

11、 3. All is over but the shouting. 大势已去 Explanation: finally decided or won; brought to the end; not able to be changed. Example: after Bills touch down, the game is all over but shouting. 4. All lay load on the willing horse. 人善被人欺,马善被人骑 Explanation: a willing horse is someone who is always doing th

12、ings for others. Very often the implication is that others impose on him. Examples: the trouble is youre too good-natured and people take advantage of it. all lay load on the willing horse. You will have to learn to refuse people who ask too much. 5.Anger and haste hinder good counsel. 小不忍则乱大谋 Expla

13、nation: one can not act wisely when one is angry or in a hurry. Example: you should calm down before you decide the next move. Anger and haste hinder good counsel. 6. As poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗 Explanation: to be exceedingly poor, having barely to live upon. Example: he has a large family, and i

14、s poor as a church mouse. Note: a church is one of the few buildings that contain no food. 7. A word spoken is past recalling. 一言既出,驷马难追 Explanation: the harm done by a careless word can not easily undo. Example: for the rest of his life he regretted what he had said, but a word spoken is past recal

15、ling and he knew he could never repair the damage of that moment of harshness. 8. World is but a little place, after all. 天涯原咫尺,到处可逢君 Explanation: it is used when a person meets someone he knows or is in someway connected with him in a place where he would never have expected to do so. Example: Who

16、would have thought I would bump into an old schoolmate on a trek up Mount Tai. The world is but a little place after all. 9. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗 Explanation: conform to the manners and customs of those amongst whom you live. Example: I know you have egg and bacon for breakfast at

17、 home, but now you are on the Continent you will do as the Romans do and take coffee and rolls. 10. What you lose on the swings you get back on the roundabouts. 失之东隅,收之桑榆 Explanation: a rough way of starting a law of average; if you have bad luck on one day you have good on another; if one venture r

18、esults in loss try a fresh one-it may succeed. Example: he may always possess merits which make up for everything; if he loses on the swings, he may win on the roundabouts. 11. What are the odds so long as you are happy. 知足者常乐 Explanation: what does anything else matter if a person is happy. Example

19、: you complain so much, but you have a good family, parents, health, and money. Whats the odd so long as youre happy. 12Entertain an angel unawares. 有眼不识泰山 Explanation: to receive a great personage as a guest without knowing his merits. Example: in the course of evening someone informed her that she

20、 was entertaining an angel unawares, in the shape of a composer of the greatest promise 13. Every dog has his day . 是人皆有出头日 Explanation: fortune comes to each in turn Example: they say that every dog has his day; but mine seems a very long time coming. 14. Every potter praises his own pot. 王婆买瓜,自卖自夸

21、 Explanation: people are loath to refer to defects in their possessions or their family members Example: he said that his teacher considered his work brilliant, but I would rather hear it from his teachers own mouth. Every potter praises his own pot.你现在还不知道“bachelor party” 吗?内容摘要:看过老友记(Friends)的朋友们肯

22、定看到了Joey, Chanlor 为 Ross 准备bachelorparty 的那一集,究竟什么是bachelor party呢?为什么会有bachelor party呢?请看: 西方式的婚礼渐渐在中国大行其道。现在我们就来了解一下有关西方婚礼的一些英文表达!1. Well throw him a bachelor party. 我们会帮他举行一个告别单身汉派对。 所谓的 bachelor party 就是在男生结束单身生活之前,他的单身好友会为他举办的一场 party,让他正式告别单身生活。活动的内容除了喝酒玩游戏之外,有时他们还会请来脱衣舞娘 (stripper) 来表演脱衣舞 (因为

23、理论上来说看脱衣舞是单身汉的特权!);过份一点的还会请 stripper 坐在他的大腿上大跳脱衣舞,也就是所谓的 lap dancing。当然一切的疯狂之后,你也就要正式告别单身生涯,迈向婚姻之路了。 老美说“举行一个 party”喜欢用 throw 这个动词,算是一种很口语但却十分受欢迎的用法。例如我明天要在我家举行派对就是Im gonna throw a party in my house tomorrow. 2. How many people did you invite to your wedding shower? 你邀请了多少人去你的告别单身女子派对啊? 男生有单身party,女

24、生有wedding shower。wedding shower 算是 party 的一种,就是女生告别单身生活的party。 另外我还常听老美提到 baby shower 或是 kitchen shower。Baby shower 就是生小孩时所办的party,通常受邀参加的人会买一些婴儿用品意思一下。同理 kitchen shower 就是新居落成,请朋友过来新家坐坐 (有时也叫 house warming party),当然与会者也不免要买些厨房用品意思一下。 3. Ill make you my best man. 我要请你当我的伴郎。 在西洋的婚礼习俗当中(现在也在中国大行其道),通常

25、新郎 (groom 或作 bridegroom) 会找几个 (通常是四个) 自己的好友当男傧相 (groomsmen),还要找一个伴郎 best man。故名思议,通常这个人都是新郎最要好的朋友或是在他生命中最重要的伙伴。 4. She will be my maid of honor. 她将会当我的伴娘。 新郎有 best man,新娘 (bride) 也要选择一位 maid of honor 作为伴娘。同样的 maid of honor 通常只能有一位,另外还会有三到四位的 bridesmaid (女傧相) 。当然 bridesmaid 的地位就不如 maid of honor 来得那么高

26、了。所以去当 maid of honor 算是一种荣耀。 一般而言 maid of honor 都是找未婚的女士担任,但如果有时候实在是找不到未婚的女士,也可以找一个已婚的女士权充一下。不过这时候就不叫 maid of honor 了,而改叫 matron of honor。 5. Ill walk you down the aisle someday. 总有一天我会把你给嫁出去。 在西洋教堂的婚礼仪式中,父亲要挽着女儿的手走过红地毯,再把女儿交给新郎,这样的过程就叫 walk down the aisle。(在中国则是新婚夫妇直接走红毯了。)walk down the aisle常被引申为结

27、婚的意思。不过 walk you down the aisle 这句话通常是父亲对女儿说的,例如有些父亲并不赞成女儿的婚礼,他就可以说Im not going to walk you down the aisle. (我不会陪你走向红毯的另一端的。) 6. Where is the gift registry? 礼物登记处在哪 ? 许多人受邀参加老美的婚礼第一件要问的事就是要不要包红包啊?其实老美没有包红包的习惯。老美的习惯是送礼物。你也不必担心不知道要买什么,他们会放一张清单在百货公司,你只要直接去百货公司“认购”一件礼物就行了。 部队里的口令的正确英文说法中国海军纪念建军60周年在青岛举行

28、海上进行大阅兵。那在英语(论坛)里,军队中常用的稍息、立正之类的词都需要怎么说呢?看看下面的这些英汉对照军队常用口令是什么样子的吧。 常用口令 Common Orders 起床! Get up! 上操 attention drill 快点儿! Be quick! 集合! Fall in! 一(二)列队 On one rank (two ranks) 立正! Attention 稍息! At ease! 向右看-齐! Right-dress! 向左看-齐! Left-dress! 向前-看! Eyes-front! 报数! Count off! 点名! Call the roll!roll ca

29、ll 到! Here! 立定! Halt! 靠拢! Close! 向左-转! Left-face(Left turn)! 向右-转! Right-face(Right turn)! 向后-转! About-face(About turn)! 齐步-走! Forward- march(March off)! 踏步! Mark time-march! 跑步-走! Double (time)-march! 便步-走! At ease-march! 右转弯-走! Right-wheel! 左转弯-走! Left-wheel! 前进! Advance! 取(拿)枪! Take arms! 肩枪! Sho

30、ulder arms! 枪放下! Order arms! 卧到! Down! 装子弹! Load! 退子弹! Unload! 射击! Fire! 起立! Get up (Stand up)! 解散! Dismiss! 用炮 Prepare for action! 收炮 March order! 架炮 Seat/Mount gun! 置炮 Lay gun! 就炮 Take posts! 炮后集合 Fall in in rear of piece! 职场英语:不做办公室的Gossip Girl陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作,他在走廊上遇到了美国同事Amy。 (Office ambience) C:

31、Amy, 你有两分钟时间吗?我有点事儿想请教你。 A:Yes, but lets step into my office so we dont disturb anyone else. What is it? C:今天,信息技术部的一个同事被老板叫去训了一顿,说他整天聊天儿。老板还说,你是来工作的,不是来社交的。 A:I agree. After all, that is what we are paid for and people who misuse company time are wasting company money. C:可是,我记得你告诉过我,应该跟同事搞好关系。 A:I did. And one of the ways to do that is to engage in small talk or chit-chat, as we say. You need to talk to your colleagues about things other than work. C:聊工作以外的事儿?那我就更糊涂了。可老板说

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