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BOCAQPQA0101文件控制程序 Documentation Control Procedure.docx

1、BOCAQPQA0101 文件控制程序 Documentation Control Procedure版本Rev修改日期Issue date变更内容摘要Description For Revision修订者Revised by审核Checked by批准Approved by0028May2011新增文件New documents何春Spring He饶治平Robby Rao张文元Jacky Zhang0111April2013将“文件编制修订/作废/补发/发行申请单”变更为“文件管理表”5.3.1和5.6.5进行修订增加“文件会签表”“Application Form of Document

2、 Draft/ Invalid/Reissue/Releasing approval documents ”is changed “Document Control Record”5.3.1 and 5.6.5 was revisedAdd the“Document Countersign Record”吴亚平Vivian Wu杨万鹏William Yang张文元Jacky Zhang批准人Approved By审核人Checked by制定人Prepared By文件发行日期Issuing date: 年Y 月M 日D1、 目的/ Objective明确本公司所有品质系统相关文件及资料管理,

3、利于品质系统所使用文件之制修订、发行、保存、回收、销毁等有序可依,并能迅速、正确的流通,以确保各相关部门能适时获得有效之文件。 By means of defining the management of documentsrelating to the quality system, to ensure effective control of the documents from issuing, keeping, recycling to destroying, to ensure rapid and correct circulation of documents and to ens

4、ure their availability to each department.2、范围/ Scope品质系统的各阶文件、必要之外来文件(客户提供的合约书、协议书、标准规格、图面、国际或国家相关标准“如法規、ISO标准以及供应商提供的说明书”等均属之),电脑媒体资料皆适用。This procedure is applicable for documents of each rank relating to the quality system, necessary outside files (including contract provided by the customer, agr

5、eement, standard specifications, drawing, relevant international and national standards, such as laws and regulations, ISO standard and instruction manual provided by the supplier, etc.) and computer and media documents.3、职责/ Duty3.1文件编制(修订)、审核、批准权限:Authority about the draft (revision), check and ap

6、proval of documents.文件类型制定(修订)审 核批 准质量手册(一阶)授权人员总经理/管理者代表董事长程序文件(二阶)部门人员部门主管总经理/管理者代表作业指引/工艺文件(三阶)部门人员部门主管总经理/管理者代表表单记录(四阶)部门人员部门主管部门主管Document TypeDraft (Revision)CheckApprovalQuality manual (1strank)AuthorizerManagement RepresentativeGeneral managerProcedure documents (2ndrank)Department superviso

7、rDepartment managerManagement RepresentativeWork instruction/ technical document (3rdrank)Department supervisorDepartment managerManagement RepresentativeForm record (4thrank)OperatorDepartment managerDepartment manager3.2董事长:负责颁布公司质量方针,批准质量手册之发布。CEO: be responsible for the announcement of company q

8、uality policy and the approval of quality manuals issuing.3.3总经理/管理者代表:负责质量手册的审核与质量目标、程序文件、作业指引、工艺文件的批准。General Manager/ Management representative: be responsible for the check of quality manual and the approval of quality objections and procedure document, work instruction and technical document.3.

9、4各部门主管:负责组织对本部门程序文件、作业指引编制与审核。Department manager: be responsible for the draft and check of procedure document and work instruction about the department.3.5行政人事部负责公司公文类外来文件管理;负责公文的审核、传阅、报批;负责公司网站信息的发布、更新和管理;负责相关的法律法规的接收、报批、传阅和归档管理。Admin. & HR department undertakes the following responsibilities: man

10、agement of company official and outside files; the checking, reading and reporting of company documents; the releasing, updating and controlling of company news per company website; the reception, reporting, reading and filing of laws and regulations.3.6品保部:负责质量体系文件、工艺文件的管理,包括文件的接收、分类、编号、整理、分发、回收、存档

11、等;负责监督各部门按照本程序管控文件;负责ISO技术标准、规范等外来文件的管理。Quality department undertakes the following responsibilities: the management of quality system documents andtechnical documents, including the reception, sorting, numbering, distribution, recycling and filing of documents; supervising each department to contro

12、l documents according to the procedure document; the management of outside files relating to ISO quality standards and specifications.3.7由技术部负责收集技术标准、规范等外来文件的管理。Technology department: be responsible for collecting and managing outside files relating to technical standards and specifications. 3.8各部门:

13、负责现场文件使用与管理工作。Each department: be responsible for application and management of spot documents.4、有关术语和定义/ Relevant terminology and definition:4.1技术性文件:指顾客工程标准/规范,与产品有关的图样及设计文件、工艺文件、技术标准、图样、工艺类更改文件等。 Technical documents: the customized project standards/ regulations, the drawings and design documents

14、 relating to product, technical documents, technical standards, drawing alternation and manufacturing technology modification.4.2管理体系文件:除技术性文件以外的与管理有关的体系文件,如各种工作程序、工作规范等。Management system document: all management-related system documents except the technical documents, such as working procedure and

15、specifications.4.3质量手册:简称QM(Quality Manual),为公司质量体系一阶文件,用来描述质量体系范围,删减,以及质量体系主要过程的纲领性文件,属一阶文件。Quality manual: QM(Quality Manual)in short, is the first rank quality system document. It describes the scope, cancellation and programmatic documents of the quality system.4.4程序文件(包含其衍生的记录格式):简称QP(quality p

16、rocess),为公司质量体系二阶文件,用以描述质量体系实现过程,阐明公司各个过程之间实现方法的文件。Procedure document (including its record form): The quality process, QP for short, is the second rank quality system document. It describes the realization process of the quality system and realization method of each process.4.5作业指引/工艺文件等:为公司质量体系三阶文

17、件,用以管理体系中各作业标准、办法、图面、说明方法等的文件。Working instruction/ technical document: is the third rank quality system document. It includes the working standards, methods, drawing and specifications.4.6记录:简称QR(Quality Record),阐明所取得的结果或提供所完成活动的证据的文件属四阶文件。Record: QR(Quality Record)for short, is the fourth rank docu

18、ment. It describes the results and offers evidence to the accomplished activities.4.7外来文件: 简写为OF(outside file),从公司以外获得的公司所需的标准、规范或文件及设备相关说明书、操作介绍等。Outside file: OF(outside file)for short. It is the required standards/ norms, equipment instructions, operation introduction, etc. acquired from outside.

19、5、作业内容/ Work content5.1文件格式/ file formats5.1.1程序文件,作业指引的文件应按以下内容及章节段落要求编写:Procedure documents and working instructions should be drafted according to the following content and chapters:文件格式范例document format sample2、 目的:本文件之目的或功能。Objective: the purpose and function of the documents.3、 范围:适用之范围如:人、事、时

20、、地、物、单位等。Scope: applied range, such as who, what, when, where, which unit, etc.4、 职责:权责单位、机能或人员的职责描述。Responsibility: responsibility description of units, function and staff.5、 有关术语和定义:文件内所用到的行业内或较专业的名词解释。Relevant terminology and definition: explanation of professional nouns used in the document and

21、our industry.6、 作业内容描述,相关文件、使用表单的描述“等内容。Description of work content, relevant documents and forms. 5.2 5.2.17、 相关程序文件Relevant procedure documents8、 6.1 记录控制程序(BOCA-QP-QA02)“Record Controlling Procedure”9、 7、使用表单Forms10、 7.1文件制修订/作废/补发/发行申请单(QP-QA01-QR02)“Application Form of Document Draft/

22、Cancellation/ Reissue/ Releasing”8、流程图Flowing chart5.1.2一阶文件、二阶文件按一阶文件、二阶(QP-QA01-QR03)格式编写:如:第一页为变更履历及签核页,从第二页为文件内容的描述等,三阶文件可灵活使用格式;但同类型的文件要用相同的格式; 四阶表单格式及撰写内容不设限,由制定部门依实际需求撰写,表单右下角注明表单编号及版本,再注明保存期限;公司制作的文件均要有公司的LOGO图片,大小不限:;The first and second rank documents should be drafted according to the for

23、mat(QP-QA01-QR03): the first page shows the alternation list and approving format and the second page shows description of document content; the third rank document can apply flexible formats on the condition that documents of the same type use the same format; the fourth rank sheet is drafted by th

24、e department according to actual requirements with no fixed content and format, its right corner should mark sheet number, revision number and storage life; all companys documents should attach Bocas logo at any size.5.1.3文件的中文字体用“宋体12号”;英文字体用“Arial 10号”;文件采用中英文对照的方式;段落基本采用“固定值 22磅”,若因整页的格式可调整段落。The

25、 document applies Chinese (Song Typeface, 12”) English (Arial 10) version. The paragraph spacing is basically set to “22 pound” and can adjust according to the whole pages format.5.2文件的版本:一四阶文件版本:新版为00,第一次修订则为01,第二次修订则为02,依此类推;外来文件版本不可更改,如实记录“外来文件”原来版本即可。Document version of 1st- 4thrank documents:th

26、e original version: 00, the first revision: 01, the second revision: 02(and so on); the outside files version should not be changed.5.3文件编号规则/Rules of document numbering5.3.1部门代码/Department code 部门代码部门代码总经理室MD管理者代表MR财务部FD商务部CD技术部TD行政人事部HA生产部PD设备部ED品保部QA物控部MC安全管理EHSDepartmentCodeDepartmentCodeGeneral

27、 Manager Dept.MDManager RepresentativeMRFinance Dept.FDCommerce Dept.CDTechnology Dept.TDAdmin. & HR Dept.HAProduction Dept.PDEquipment departmentEDQuality Assurance Dept.QAMaterial Control Dept.MCEnvironment Healthy and Safety managementEHS5.3.2文件编号须按照下列方式进行编号/The numbering method: 一、二、三阶文件编

28、号方式:公司代码文件阶层代码部门代码+流水号,一阶文件阶层代码:QM; 二阶文件阶层代码:QP; Numbering method of first/ second/ third rank documents: company code - document rank code - department code + serial number; first rank code: QM, second rank code: QP;如一阶手册编号:B0CAQMQA01e.g. numbering of first rank manual:B0CAQMQA01二阶文件编号:B0CAQPQA01nu

29、mbering of second rank document: B0CAQPQA01三阶文件编号:B0CASOPPD01numbering of third rank document: B0CASOPPD01 文件流水号0199document serial number0199部门代码:同4.3.1department code: refer to 4.3.1文件阶层代码document rank code公司代码company code5.3.2.2三阶文件代码:如下表Code of third rank documents:类别代码类别代码标准作业指引、公司管理制度SOP作业指导书W

30、I工艺文件TP材料清单BOM组织架构图OC流程图FL岗位说明书JDType CodeTypeCodeStandard Operation Procedure, company management systemSOPWorking InstructionWITechnical ProfileTPBill Of materialBOMOrganization chartOCFlowing chartFLJob DescriptionJD5.3.2.3记录(表单)的编号方式为: 记录所对应的文件阶层代码部门代码+流水码QR+记录的流水码;Numbering method ofQR (fourth rank document): corresponding document rank code department code + serial number - QR+ records serial number;记录的流水号0199records serial number: 0199四阶记录的简写abbreviation of fourthrank document 部门代码+文件流水号department code + document serial number文件阶层代码

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