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1、九年级英语下册110课导学案及答案新目标英语九年级英语下册1-10课导学案及答案(新目标英语)Unit10A 【教师寄语】: Greaake great men. (伟大的抱负造就伟大的人) 【学习目标】 知识目标:1.能预习并说出这单元的主要内容。 2.能运用并拓展本单元内容。 能力目标:能运用本节课内容解决中考题目, 德育目标:积极参与课堂活动,并体验合作学习的快乐。 【重难点解析】 1.过去完成时态的定义及构成。 2.过去完成时时态的运用。 【学习过程】预习情况交流: a.以小组形式交流学习各部分内容。 b.交流解决预习中的问题。 2.上黑板展示各组的预习情况,完成下表 小组主要知识点2

2、你认为本单元中重要的单词,句子及固定结构,请总结在下面,并说出你认为重要的原因。 a.单词: b.句子固定结构 【典例分析】_ Jane _ his own things bwas seven? A. did, do B. has, done C did, did. D. had, d解析 通过时间”bwas seven”可以看出,本句应运用“过去完成时态”,根据其结构,故应选则”D” 2.I_ 900 English words bI was ten。 A. learned B. was learning C. had learned D. lea解析根据意思得知“在我十岁之前”过去的过去,

3、应用过去完成时态,应选“C”Baachedday, I _ the dinner already. A had cooked B. cooked C. have cooked D. was cooked 解析:根据过去完成定义,可选“A”aid she _le already A.has seen B. saw C. will see D. had解析:本句本应用现在完成时态,但主句是过去时态,所以从句应用过完成时态,应选“D” 4.达标测试(中考过过招) (一)首字母填单词,注意其正确形式(15)(09泰安) (1) We caauntryside. (2) Rush houday wver

4、y heavy. (3) Listening to music is a way of (放松) yourself. (4) Its hard to (想象) how they can improve English so quickly. (5) The astronauts (描述) whaada(二) 综合填空(共10小题,每小题3.5分;满分35分)(09泰安) 根据短文意思,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、完整(其中有两个多余选项)。 at, hard, change, up, before, win, happen, dowaart Lasy, so Id lay “W

5、hen anything (6) , believe in yourself!” When I was a young boy, I waak to alassmalaughed (7) me. I was sad but could dg. Lag happened, and it (8) my life. It was an Engl(比赛)askedake(9)What a terrible idea! It meant I had to speak (10) all the teachers and studl! “boy. Believe in yourself! You are s

6、ure to (11) .” Tand I talked about many dAt last I (12)“Believe in yourself”. I tried my bber alland (13) it over 100Ws great love, I did wellI could (14)_ believe my ears wws came that I had wlace. I heardachers and students. Those classmates wlooked (15)w all said congratula学习反馈小结: a.交流,检查错误订正情况,老

7、师释疑。 b.回顾本节课所学内容,你学到那些?还有什么疑问?后延伸 现在世博会正在我国上海如火如荼的召开,这是我国的骄傲。作为我们,你打算为世博会做哪些志愿活动呢?请以“voluXPO”为题,写一篇80100单词的作文。 【参考词汇】EXPO, spavolunteer be proud_ _【中考链接】I am not sure wweaarty.(09泰安) God! I have no ideaA. too BD. al2. Learning countrys language is a better wawing culture behind it.(09泰安) A. the; a B

8、. a;不填; theD. a; 不填 Mind youguy! Dont youwords “ the grass”? Oh, I aAButC. Take offD. Take ouThe girl waard happil(08芜湖) A. singBgC. singingD. sing Susan stays allassroom and looks sad.(09泰安) to her? A. What happens B. What has happenedC. What is happening D. What was happening 统计自己的得分,并给出本节课对自己的级评价

9、。 优 ( ) 良( ) 中( ) 差( ) Unit10B 一、教师寄语:everything goes well 二、学习目标:知识目标: 学习本部分词汇以及语法。 能力目标: 能运用过去完成时态解决中考题目。 情感目标: 回忆过去,以便更珍惜现在。 三、重难点知识:本部分词汇短语及 过去完成时的用法 四、学习过程 1.复习 Tell ug about your pa2.导入 tellast。 3.自主探究 learningw wordart and discuwith classmaUsingb; land on;so convincing that.;flee from” 4.合作交流

10、 Learning new words by yourself and discuwith your partners.” Ways:let studblackboard and showing拓展usingw words to make compl达标检测 1.完成下列短语 从逃走_ 出席 熬夜化妆晚会 在着陆愚人节揭露在面前 2选择正确答案. ()-What are Mr and Mrs Black doing ? -They _ teagard A. are drinking B. drank C. have drunk D. d(2)asks me _earl A. get up B.

11、 got up C. getting up D. to get up (3) Soon Wu Dong _ up with Li Lwand A. taught B. caught C. bought D. brought (4) The car _and stopped ad traffic light. A. got on B. glowed down D. picked up (5) Tom _ the CD plawo w A. has lent B. has borrowed C. has bought D. has had (6) -Do you know _? -Sorry, b

12、u_ back, I _ you know as soon as possibl A. when will he be bawill let B. when he will be back, will come, will let C. what time will he be back, will come, let D. whawill be bawill let (7) We _aw. A. will go B. have gone C. go (8) A new shoe factory will _a A. be building B. be built C. build (9) -

13、_ all your things, Tom! I haand- A. Put up B. PuPut down D. Put away (10) - How about going hiking this weekend? -I_ rather than _. A. to stay ago out B. to go out, stay a C. staying ago out D. going out, stay a翻译下列句子 1)当我到外面时,公交车已开走了. 2)他的话是如此令人信服以至于数以百计的人相信了这一报道. 3)我开着灯睡觉 4)我不再对英语感兴趣。 5)她的话是如此令人尴尬

14、 五:典例解析 1.I am used to B.playing C.played play 解析be use to +doing sth.为固定短语,意为“习惯于做某事“,不同于used to +v原型,所以选B. 2.He used to _tallA .be B. havD. was 【解析】此处to 后加动词原形 be ,应该区别于“he used to have long hair” 3.I used to be afraid of being _ A .lone B .alonely C. lonely【解析】 alone

15、标示“独自一人”而lonely表示“孤独”所以应选D. 六、中考连接。 Listen! Is Pgiving aall?(山东泰安) No, it be him. He has gapaA. needntB. maustntD. cant 2. The teacher has already told me but Im still not clear to do next.(山东泰安) A. howB. whatC. whyD. w七、课后反思 通过这节课的学习,你觉得自己有哪些收获?还有那些需要改正的地方,请总结一下,写在下面吧。 Units610 一、教师寄语:nothing is di

16、fficulworld if you put your hea二、学习目标 知识目标:复习掌握这五单元重要的词汇及短语 能力目标:能运用这五单元的语法解决实际题目。 德育目标:进一步科学自己的学习方法,提高学习效率。 三、重难点。进一步复习掌握定语从句,被动语态及过去完成时态。 四、 学习过程。 1.仔细预习本部分内容,找出自己不懂的地方并记下来。 2.导入。We will learn. and review uunit 10 3.自主探究。通过查找资料,对本部分的词汇集语法进行那个初步了解。 4.合作探究。与同学探讨不知道的知识。 5.达标练习。 (一)填空题。 1)_(learn)Engl

17、ish is very usefulutu2)Maust _(plant)g)You should pay a_ to your writing. 4)F_ of all,you must leaglish word)He likes music that has great l_ _ (二)翻译短语。 最有用的发明随着跳舞的音乐到去年末为止一个中国的古代传说¬¬¬¬错误地推迟做某事 (三)翻译句子 (1)我们不能推迟制定计划。 (2)直到1610年茶才被带到西方。 (3)有时我们需要花一些时间来提出一个问题或请求 (四)达标测试。look, how stran

18、ge ! A man can _(run) after an al2. Hurry up, or we _( not catch ) the buXiMing is afraid of _ (stay) at home alu look _( worry)。 Whats the matter?ust b_(visit)ur neighborhoodu cant wake up awho is _ (pretend) to be aslWe dont believe him because hes _(honest)I dont like staying wldren. They are qui

19、te_ ( noise)Hded_ (be) ill yesterda0. Be_ (care)dog that doesnt ba(五) 典例分析 1.Reading English _is vant in learning EnglA.too aloud B.too loud C.loudly D.aloud 【解析.aloud 与loudly都是“大声地”的意思。但loudly 含有“不耐烦的意思,所以本题应 该选D. 2. We can do it_,we will do it well. A.dB.ddly D.d解析。本题为副词修饰动词do,所以应选副词形式。故应选_(speak)

20、skills aant in learning Engl解析“口语技巧”应为speaking skills. 要注意不要用成lls. (六)中考连接 1.Would you mind if I?( 2008年,四川攀枝花) _ld womaA.Never mind. B Youd buD.not at all 2.Will you please _Friday? (2008年,山东 What about Saturday?uter doesnt work well these daA. send B. give C. email D:bring 3._whaatter,kangkang?(08

21、年黄冈) ¬¬¬Oh,I feel vaan _people llivarthquake(地震)inSichuan. A.sixty thousands of B. sixty thousand C. sixty thousand of D.thousand七、总结一下自己本节课的收获和不足,请写在下面吧 九年级英语学案参考答案 Units1-5复习学案 . 单项选择 1-5 DDDCB 610 BABBB 1115 CCDBD 1620 ADCCB 21-25 DDCBC 2630 CDCAD 3133 DAA . 句型转换be allowed 2. is, clea

22、ned 3. will be published 4. was given ban bdidnt uwear 8. old enougbe cleaned 10. used. 完形填空 1-5 BDCDC 6-10 ADBCB Unit 6第一课时 当堂达标 一、1.A解析:关系代词who在定语从句中作主语,同时代替前面的singers。2.C解析:根据问句“你认为这个组合怎么样?”可知答案。3.D解析:关系代词that代替TV play,并在定语从句中作宾语。4.D解析:dance to译为“伴着跳舞”。5.B解析:sing along with 译为“随着唱歌”。 二、2.string 3

23、.heart 4.gentle 5.disl三、1.musician 2.listening 3.favoulaying 5.disl四、 dds of music 2.I can dawho wwn lquiet and gentle songs gl by bus 6.pladat wear really cool cl五、1.Wur favger? 2.Why do you like her? 3.What do yougs? 4.What about you? 5.What dgs remind you of? 第二课时 当堂达标 一、1.A解析:河流前加定冠词,

24、表示“第几最”用“the +序数词+最高级”。2.D解析:期盼某人做某事用“expect sb. to do sth.”表示。3.B解析:fishman的复数是fishmen,其名词所有格是加s。4.B解析:因本句的先行词是人,且关系代词在从句中作主语,故答案选B。 5.A解析:关系代词that代替前面的movies,在定语从句中作主语。 二、2.entertagallgy三、1.sugg2.entertagragetic 5.disl四、1.long, boring, a few good sure 3.are on display 4.Whatever he

25、 does 5.sauch 五、 2.about 3.alongbooks 8.has 第三课时 当堂达标 一、1.C解析:vegetarian 译为“素食主义者”。2.C解析:stay away from 译为“远离”。3.D解析:be good for译为“对有益”;be good at译为“擅长”;be good with sb.译为“与某人相处得好”。4.B解析:taste译为“尝起来”,为系动词。二、1.fried 2wld 三、 discuss 2.eating 3.drinking have / having 5.would eat 四

26、、1.In fact 2.take caas bd 4.are in ag五、1.listening 2.kind 5.about 6.favdats Unit 7 第一课时 当堂达标 一、1.C解析:Would you like to do?译为“你想要干吗?”它的肯定答语为“Yes, Id love to.”2.C 解析:somewhere 为不定副词,它的修饰语要后置。3.B解析:consider后跟动词时要用doing。4.B解析:livinga 为动名词短语,作主语。5.D解析:本句的先行词为是place,关系代词在定语从句中作状语,故用关系副词where。 二、

27、anslate 2.considered 3.including 4.wonderful 5.w三、1.including 2.excitingdly 4.beaches 5.wonderful 四、1.transla2.includingder, going 5.quite a crowded 五、2.feel 3.buad 第二课时 当堂达标 一、1.C解析:providb. =provide sb. w译为“供给某人某物”。2.C解析:mind ones doing sth.译为“介意某人做某事”。3.A解析:need作实义动词时,后跟动词不定式;作情态动词时,后跟动词原形。4.D解析:

28、With引导的介词短语作定语时,译为“带着”。5.D解析:some day 译为“终有一天”表示将来时。 二、2.firm / compaucius 4.provide 5.sugg三、1.eastern 2.inexpensive 3.sugggo 5.educational 四、1.go to travel 2.somewhere war.a summer job 4.What elwhere cold 五、1.Where would you ld your holiday? 2.Which country would you like to visit? 3.How about visi

29、ting Singapore?Whats the weather l?u are wel第三课时 课堂达标 一、1.A 解析:mill为固定搭配,译为“数百万的”; time 在此译为“词数”,为可数名词。2.A解析:as much as possible为固定搭配,译为“尽可能多的”。3.B解析:先行词前有the only修饰时,关系代词只能用that。4.B解析:hold on (to)译为“坚持”。5.D解析:动词不定式作后置定语修饰things,译为“要做的事”。 二、1.programming 2.translator 3.sail 4.attitudlu三、1.hold 2.were willing to / would work 4.a四、1.Quite a few soon as possible 3.dream, visitingue 4.Take it eavide me with, abou

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