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1、中职英语基础模块上册unit2Unit 2 Family()Teaching aims(教学目的及要求):了解有关家庭成员以及有关职业的词汇掌握询问家庭及职业的句型,练习提高英语口语交际能力识记本单元的词汇Teaching importance and difficulties(教学重点及难点):询问家庭及职业的句型,提高英语口语交际能力熟练认读本单元英语词汇 Class(课时):1课时Teaching methods(教学方法):情景教学法、合作教学法、分组教学法 运用情景教学和分组教学的方法使学生积极参与课堂中有关“家庭及职业”的提问How many people are there in

2、 your family ? who are they? What are they?等, 以及根据实际情况回答“There are people in my family. They are my . ;当同学回答遇到困难的时候,可以求助同学和老师,在老师同学的帮助下完成提问,提高同学回答问题的积极性。Teaching aids(教具):准备有关家庭成员的图片;录音机Reference book(参考书):教师用书Teaching procedures(教学过程):Step1warming up: Describe the members of a family in the picture

3、.we can draw the family tree.Family tree 复习有关描述职业的词汇:worker/ teacher/ manager/ doctor/ student/ driver/ farmer/ nurse/policeman/ engineer 练习询问有关家庭及家庭成员职业的简单句: How many people are there in your famiy? There are . Who are they ? They are . What are they? My father is a ;my mother is a ; my brother is

4、a ; Divide into groups to make oral practice with above useful expressions .Step 2new words and expressionsbe kind to “对和蔼可亲” be friendly to “对友好”eg: Our teacher is very kind/friendly to us.enjoy doing 喜爱做 Eg: I enjoy listening to music. enjoy oneself 玩的高兴,过的愉快 Eg:Are you enjoying yourself?live with

5、 与一起生活Eg:I live with my family. together withEg: Ill go shoping together with my friends.also adv. 也,同样Eg:He also asked to go.He has made up his mind to go to the countryside, and I also.与too 的区别Eg: I was there and he was there too.还有 as well/either: Eg: I like you as well.I dont like him either.总结a

6、lso 用于肯定句的句中too/as well 用于肯定句句尾either 用于否定句句末 be popular with 受的欢迎Eg:This singer is popular with young people. on the right/left ofEg: I sit on the right/left of full of Eg: our class is full of love and warmth. Her eyes are full of tears.Step 3Read the new words and expressions over times fo

7、lling the tapes.Homework :(分层次作业)1、 To remember the new words and expressions.2、 To preview the “Family”,complete the Reading Comprehension on page 12 in textbook.Blackboard design:( 板书设计)Unit 2 Family1、Family tree Jobs :Useful expressions:How many people are there in your famiy? There are . Who are

8、 they ? They are . What are they? My father is a ;my mother is a ; my brother is a ;2、new words and expressionsbe kind to “对和蔼可亲” be friendly to “对友好”enjoy doing 喜爱做 enjoy oneself 玩的高兴,过的愉快live with 与一起生活 together withalso adv. 也,同样与too 的区别还有 as well/either: 总结also 用于肯定句的句中too/as well 用于肯定句句尾either

9、用于否定句句末 be popular with 受的欢迎 on the right/left ofbe full of Teaching reflection:(教学后记)1、 要求每个同学都能按照板书上的交际用语根据实际情况回答问题 ,提高同学的口语交际能力。2、本单元词汇部分,由于时间关系,主要着重练习熟读识记,便于课后课文的预习。 Unit 2 Family()Teaching aims(教学目的及要求):了解课文大意掌握课文中出现的语言点,并能运用完成相关练习Teaching importance and difficulties(教学重点及难点):掌握课文中出现的语言点,并能运用完成

10、相关练习 Class(课时):2课时Teaching methods(教学方法):任务教学法、合作教学法、分组教学法 运用任务教学法,通过回答有关课文内容的相关问题,理解课文大意;运用合作教学法,对理解有误者给以及时的纠正;运用合作教学法,分组教学法要求同学完成描述人物的练习。Teaching aids(教具):录音机Reference book(参考书):教师用书Teaching procedures(教学过程):Step1Review the new words and expressions.1、 听录音,复习单词。2、 展示有关家庭成员照片,请学生用英语说出,再根据上节课所学习的有关询

11、问家庭的句子,进行提问回答,使同学对所学词汇的复习掌握。Step2learn the text1、 listen to the tape about the text.2、 Answer the following questions according to the text. How old are grandpa and grandma? What do they do usually? Whom do they live with ? How old are mother and father? What does her father do?And her mother? Who i

12、s a tall, thin and handsome young man? What does he do? Who is that pretty girl? What is she like? The students can understand the text through these questions.Simple sentences:They are very kind to all of us.He is forty-five years old.She is a teacher at a vocational school.She is popular with her

13、students.He is dreaming to be a doctor.My family is full of love and warmth.Step 3According to what we have learned, describe a student in our class and ask other students to guess who she/he is. (分成小组来完成描写班级一名学生,通过描述的特征让其他同学来猜猜所描述的同学是谁。可以参考课本15页的例文及所提供的可能用到的词语。)There is a girl/ boy in our class. Sh

14、e/he is years old. Step4 Practice1、Finish the exercise by oneself on page 1213 in textbook.2、Explain and correct the exercise.Homework :Put the following into Chinese. Writing. On page 10 in workbook.Blackboard design:(板书设计)Unit 2 Family1、 learn the text:Simple sentences:They are very kind to all of

15、 us.He is forty-five years old.She is a teacher at a vocational school.She is popular with her students.He is dreaming to be a doctor.My family is full of love and warmth.2、 describe a person:some useful expressions:body: tall/ short/ fat/ thineyes: bright/ bighairs: black/ long/ curty/straightnose: high/ littlelooks: hand

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