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1、MBA英语作文MBA作文讲义考试流程Section Use of English(20题)10points20minsSection Reading Comprehension(20题)40points (5题)10points80minsSection Translation15points30minsSection Writing10+15=25points15+35mins20102014年作文回顾写作 25%分数小作文 20102014年 99%信件 10分/15mins2010 感谢信 邀请中美文化项目刚回国 感谢 邀请来中国玩 2011 恭喜信 建议表弟考上大学 恭喜 给些建议20

2、12 投诉信 解决方案电子词典坏了 投诉 给出解决方案2013 邀请信 我们班举行一个慈善义卖 邀请2014 询问信 出国与室友居住 你的生活习惯 给出建议大作文 议论文 15分/35mins (数据图表 连续5年 硬币原理 看图说话/坏现象) 提出问题分析问题总结作文注意:一个中心,两个基本点(以阅卷老师为中心;风险最小化,得分最大化)卷面:字数 +20(恰当字数)小 100+20 大150+20 段落3段式(4段式) 格式 空行,空格 字句,行距杂项 改错不改好(Fudan University is an old school; it is very famous.) 书写规范canno

3、t cant 基本要求:涂改 拼写 语法高分作文标志:1、是否长短句交叉;习惯使用被动we should pay attention to而用Attention should be paid to.2、是否会使用插入语;如however / therefore /for example/I believe 做插入语放在中间,一般放在动词,助动词后,两边分别加上逗号。 比如说: Other individuals, however, take the attitude that 3、用词是否多样,准确,形象,尽量使用能够吸引阅卷老师眼球的闪光词;The apartment is very clo

4、se to your school. = The apartment is within a stones throw of your school.4、关键词是否换用,切勿老用重复词; Internet=cyber-space/ the Web/ world/ communitypeople= individuals/citizens/ netizens/ residents/ working-age adultsmore and more= growing/increasing5、句型使用是否准确、地道。A: Hi John! Youre up early!B: Yes, the earl

5、y bird catches the worm!A: Hi John! Youre up early!B: Well, you know what they say about the early bird!有关当局要采取更好的措施The relevant authorities have to make better rules and regulations. The authorities concerned小 作 文一六种头:1. I am writing this letter to tell you that _I am happy to learn/ hear that _I a

6、m sorry to say/ tell you that _2. It is believed/ said/ hoped/ known/ assumed/ acknowledged (by many people) that _3. 众所周知 As we all know, _/ As is known to all, _4. 我认为: We/ I come to realize/ believe that _I am firmly convinced that_As far as I am concerned, _In the eyes of most people, _I strongl

7、y feel/do suggest that_I have reasons to believe that_5. Everyone (in business/ in the world) has been told that _6. I hope this letter can find you in a good mood. / This letter is expected to find you in a good mood. 二330长句=头+身体+尾巴+垃圾以复旦很有名为例:Fudan University is famous. 如何变长句头: As is known to all,

8、 _ 身体:Fudan University enjoys great reputation and popularity 主句垃圾:all over the world 介词结构尾巴 so, I am proud that you become a part of it.-从句推荐使用从句:When/if-假设逻辑关系because/so因果but, 转折,which_,who_三静态-动态语言 (be 动词的转化问题)be popular/ famous: enjoy great reputation and popularity all over the world be cheap:

9、enjoy a low and competitive price in the important: play a crucial role in doing somethingeg. Quality plays a crucial role in boosting a companys popularity and reputation in the modern market. 四:主体部分万能句(2句话)1. 因果关系2. The top priority should be given to do sth, which makes it easier for sb

10、. to do sth.因果关系几种表达法:(1) A depend(s) in large measure on B.Success depends in large measure on ones hard work and dedication/ diligence/ great efforts. (2) A give(s) rise to B.Lack of communication is likely to give rise to social conflicts and disputes. can be able to may be likely toshould be sup

11、posed to(3) A is a significant cause of B.The low price, good quality and superior service are significant causes of the popularity of domestic cars in the modern market. (4) A is supposed to contribute to B. Lack of environmental conservation awareness is supposed to contribute to global warming. 2

12、010年第一步:定位-感谢信第二步:归纳要求-1.感谢 2. 邀请第三步:模具对号入座 1.开门见山就说事-感谢 2.过渡-夸项目,为彼此骄傲/ 或回顾很开心 3.主体(2个万能句)-沟通促成交流 4.结束语-邀请来中国玩Dear Tom, I am writing to express my sincere thanks for your warm reception, when I joined the Sino-American cultural exchange program. / when I was the member of the Sino-American cultural

13、 exchange program. / which made my journey/travel / stay in the US impressive and pleasant/ interesting and meaningful/ colorful. As is known to all, this program enjoys great popularity and reputation all over the world, so I am proud that we could become a part of it. / I am firmly convinced that

14、when I was the member of the Sino-American exchange program, I had a wonderful time with you guys in the US.主体万能句:沟通促成交流 It is believed by many people that communication between China and America is a significant cause of cultural development. I strongly feel that when I return home, the top priorit

15、y should be given to bring the best part of your culture to our land, which makes it easier for Chinese people to understand the western world. I hold an expectation that you will pay a visit to China soon. I am looking forward to hearing form you/ your reply/ seeing you. Yours Sincerely, Zhang Wei2

16、011年第一步:定位-恭喜信第二步:归纳要求-1.恭喜 2. 建议和指导第三步:模具对号入座 1.开门见山就说事-恭喜2.过渡-夸复旦,为你骄傲 40-50字3.主体(2个万能句)-建议指导:好好学习 50-60字4.结束语-祝福前程似锦 10-20字Dear Li Ming, I am happy to hear that you will go to Fudan University. As we all know, Fudan University enjoys great reputation and popularity all over the world, so I am pro

17、ud that you become a part of it. It is believed that ones success depends in large measure on his hard work and dedication. I do suggest that your top priority should be given to learn useful and helpful knowledge in college, which makes it easier for you to become an excellent candidate after gradu

18、ation. I hold an expectation that you will have a bright future. You will have a great prospect in the future. Yours sincerely, Zhang Wei 求职信:复旦MBA院校刚刚毕业,求biz-manager 工作-无经验类型第一步:定位-求职信第二步:归纳要求-1.求工作 2. 原因 3. 面试机会第三步:模具对号入座 1.开门见山就说事-求工作 2.过渡-过度句 3.主体(2个万能句)-录用原因 4.结束语-给面试Dear Sir or Madam,I am writ

19、ing to apply for the position of business manager (that is advertised on the newspaper) in your company. / I am writing to tell you that I am interested in the position of business manager I am pretty sure that when it comes to management work, I am your best candidate.When it comes to= when people

20、talk about theAs forWhen there is such a position open/ available in your company As you can see from my resume/ personal information during the past 3 years, my top priority has been given to learn useful and helpful / systematic and scientific management knowledge/ theories, which makes it easier

21、for me to step into the workplace/ become an excellent business manager/ cope with major challenges in work as a team leader/ work efficiently. Therefore I have (a lot of) confidence / I am firmly convinced that such overall and systematic / useful/ practical learning is likely to contribute to my g

22、ood performance in management position. I hold an expectation that you will offer me an opportunity for a coming interview. I am looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely,Zhang Wei 求职信(有经验)Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to apply for the position of sales rep/ salesperson (that is advertised on

23、the newspaper) in your company. / I am writing to tell you that I am interested in the position of sales rep/ salesperson I am pretty sure that when it comes to sales work, I am your best candidate. As you can see from my resume/ personal information, during the past 10 years my top priority has bee

24、n given to do sales work, which makes it easier for me to build up a good relationship with clients and customers (consumers) / run/manage a powerful sales team. Therefore I have (a lot of) confidence / I am firmly convinced/ I have reasons to believe that my rich working experience and professional

25、 sales skills are likely to contribute to good sales results/ excellent performance in your company. I hold an expectation that you will offer me an opportunity for a coming interview. I am looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely,Zhang Wei 推荐信:Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing this letter to recom

26、mend a very good/ perfect/ excellent candidate for the sales position open/ available in your company. I am pretty sure when it comes to sales work, Tom is your best candidate/ choice/ person.辞职信:为家庭,为搬家,为未来跳槽,为过去不满意,为自个儿创业Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to tell you /I am sorry to tell you that I will

27、quit the current job in our company. I firmly believe that when we worked together in the past few years, I really had a wonderful time. As you know, when I am getting older, my happiness depends in large measure on my family. Therefore I strongly feel that my top priority should be given to take ca

28、re of my family, which makes it more likely for me to be a good wife and mother. I hold an expectation that you will approve of /agree on my decision/request. I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Zhang Wei 道歉信,建议信和询问信 Directions: You have just come back from Canada and found a mu

29、sic CD in your luggage that you forget to return to Bob, your landlord there. Write him a letter to:1) make an apology2) suggest a solutionDear Bob,I am writing this letter to make an apology/apologize that I forgot to return the traditional music CD to you. As for the album, it is believed by many

30、people that it is not easy to get another one in the market.I am strongly convinced that this piece of CD is likely to contribute to the development of your music career. I do realize that when I come back, my top priority should be given to mail it to you, which makes it easier for you to enjoy the beautiful and pleasant songs of it.I expect that you could tell me your address and I am looking forward to hearing from you.Yours, Zhang Wei Directions: Write a letter to your university library,

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