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1、小学英语二年级教案模板小学英语二年级教案模板 小学英语教学案例_二年级英语教案_模板 小学英语教学案例活动目的:学习和运用有关学校场所的英语单词,利用平面图介绍自己学校各种场所。适合级别:1一2级教学过程:1、教师事先根据本学校的场所位置画一幅平面图(简图),但不标出场所的名称。把平面图复印若干份 (做活动时每小组一份)。2、把单词school,playground,claroom,office,art room,music room,multimedia room,library,language lab做成约2cmx3cm的小卡片(若干套)。做活动时每小组一套。3、借助图片向学生呈现下列单

2、词:school,playground,claroom,office, art room, music room,multimedia room,library,language lab。要求学生做到:(1)看见图片能说出单词; (2)给出单词也能说出场所名称,只要求学生能认读,不要求拼写。4、将学生分为4一5人一组 (小组成员必须围成一圈)。每组发一张学校平面图和一套单词小卡片。要求学生根据学校场所的实际位置把单词贴在平面图上。5、让相邻的两个小组对比他们贴好的平面图。如有不同之处,学生自己讨论为什么出现不同之处,并进行适当的修正。6、把全班学生分成三个大组 (队)。在黑板上贴三幅平面图。给

3、每个大组再发一套单词卡片。每个大组派两个人到前面,把卡片贴到平面图上。首先完成且贴得正确的大组获胜。7、小组内学生轮流根据贴好的平面图向其他学生介绍自己学校的场所 (如:This is the playground.)。鼓励学生使用其他所学语言进行创造性表达,如It is small,but I like it.8、把学生贴好的平面图贴在班级的墙报上,或者贴在学校的布告栏或校门入口处,当作本校场所位置的英文示意图。9、对程度较好的学生,可以让他们自己设计一个所教学校的平面图,并用英语向他人作介绍。 评述; 此项活动结合学生所在学校的实际情况,通过比较真实的任务(贴卡片),帮助学生学习语言和运用

4、语言,并开展合作学习。 一教学内容及要求:类 别 语言项目 要 求 语 音 辅音字母组合ck在单词中的读音 听读、辨认 *词 汇 grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, an eye, a mouth, white, a skirt, a friend 听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写 日常交际用语 Nice to meet you.Were late for the party.Lets hurry! 听得懂、会说、会读 *句 型 Whos the with.? Hes/Shes (my)? Is thatyour? W

5、hich one? The one in the 听得懂、会说、会读、会写 歌 谣 My brother 会诵读 (注:*者为教学难点,者为教学重点。) 二教学安排:四教时 三教学过程: 第一教时 教学目标: 复习巩固单词father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister加强读写训练,以达到四会要求。 教学六种*部位的词汇 hair, an eye, an ear, a nose, a mouth, a head。 初步接触句式The one in the / The one with。 教具准备:1)Li An的家谱图; 2)卡

6、通人物图; 3)拼图游戏用图(各种不同特征的*部位:big eyes, small eyes, big nose, small nose, long hair, short hair, brown hair,); 4)录音机和磁带。 1Free talk What colour ? Whos that boy / girl? 2Review 取出Li An的家谱图。 T: Lets talk about Li Ans family. Whos this boy / girl / man /woman? Whos the one in the blue shirt? Whos the one i

7、n the ? S: Hes / Shes Li Ans ( father / mother / grandfather / grandmother / brother / sister ).通过谈论Li An的家谱图,复习六个家庭成员,并出现相应的单词,领读并拼读。 3Presentation and practice 1) 将一卡通图片出示在黑板上,逐一引出生词hair, a head, an eye, an ear, a nose, a mouth。 2) 利用各种方式朗读以上生词。 4Play a game:Do a puzzle T: The girl is with long ha

8、ir, big eyes, small nose, small ears, and big mouth.拼图游戏:学生通过老师的描述,选择相应特征的小图片进行组合,从而对本课所学内容起到练习巩固的作用。 5Look, read and learn 朗读课本B部分词汇(跟读教学磁带)。 Unit 5 (A) Lets learn嘉善县实验小学 沈洁一、教学目标:认知目标: 学生能理解并且会听说读4个单词:bus, jeep, taxi, bike, 并渗透介词on, in, under 的教学。能力目标: 1 能听说会读本课单词和介词on, in, under.2 在听说会读单词的基础上能够结合

9、介词进行运用。 3 培养学生的注意力和观察力,以及他们的竞争意识和团体合作精神,激发学生积极思维。 4 听到指令能够正确快速的反应。情感目标:创设良好的英语氛围,培养学生的学习兴趣和热情。二、教学重点和难点: 重点:能理解并且听说会读4个词:bus, jeep, taxi, bike 难点:部分单词的发音和介词的运用。Step Warm-upChant: Where is yourStep PresentationT: Now, boys and girls, where is “A a ”? Ss: Here it is.T: Where is “Ff” ? Ss: Here it is.(

10、CAI)T: Where is “J j”? Ss: Here it is.T: Yes, do you want to know where is “J j” from? Lets go and ask: Hello, J j.Where are you from, ok?Ask together.(CAI)answer: Im from jeep and jump.T: Now, boys and girls, can you jump? Lets jump.Teacher and students jump together.T: Look carefully, the jeep can

11、 jump too.Lets have a look.(CAI) The jeep jumps into the box.T: Oh, where is the jeep? Its in the box.Present “in”.Make a chant: in, in, in,in the box,jeep in the box.Chant together.Boys chant 1 time.Girls chant 1 time.Let some groups to chant.T: Look, boys and girls, the jeep jumps again.(CAI) The

12、jeep jumps onto the box.T: Is the jeep in the box? Ss: No, its on the box.Present “on”.Chant: on, on, on, on the box, jeep on the box.The teacher put things on the box and students say together.For example: ruler on the box.Let students say something about on.T: Now, lets have a look.Whats on the bo

13、x? Ss: Its “Bb”.T: Do you want to know where is “Bb” from? Lets go and ask: Hi, ”Bb”, where are from?Ask together.(CAI): Im from “bike” and “bus”.T: What did you here? Ss: “Bb” is from bike and bus.Present “bike” and “bus”.Memory game.(CAI) T: Lets have a look.Where is bus?T: Where is bus? Ss: It on

14、 the jeep.One group ask and others answer.T: Where is bike? Ss: Its on the bus.Practise in groups.T: Lets have a chant.(CAI)Chant: Bike on the bus, Bus on the jeep, Oh, wheres jeep?Gue, gue, gue?Chant together.T: Oh, where is the jeep? let me gue.Maybe its on the plane, maybe its on the boat.Maybe C

15、an you gue wheres jeep? Students gue.(CAI)T: Look, its on the taxi.Wow, so funny.Present the word “taxi”.T: Boys and girls, who can say “Hello” to taxi?Practise in groups.Group leaders take the pictures of taxi, and others say “hello” to taxi.(CAI)The students look at the screen and say: jeep on the

16、 taxi Bus on the jeep Bike on the busT: wheres the taxi? Is it on the jeep?T: Its under the jeep.Present the word “under”.Do some actions.Present “on, in, under”.The teacher say and students do.Let one student make orders and others do.Group leaders make orders and others do.(CAI)The students look a

17、t the screen and say: taxi under jeep, Jeep under bus, Bus under bike.T: Boys and girls, lets have a look, whats happening? (CAI) Where is the bike?The students look at the screen and say: bike in the bus, bus in the jeep, jeep in the taxi.Do some actions.For example: Put your bus in your bookTeache

18、r make the orders.Let one student make the orders.Play a game: Rock, stone, scior.The students play with their partners.The student who won the game will make the orders.Play a game: Doris knife.Sing a song.(Bike and bus and jeep and taxi)板书设计:Unit 5 (A) Lets learnJeep bus bike taxi goup1 goup2 goup

19、3 goup4 goup5 On 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 under 1 1 1 5 1 3 2 3 Let us Paint(Part B 第二课时)教学设计 执教者:三江街道中心小学 黄洁 教学内容:PEP Primary EnglishBook 1 Unit 3教学目标:1.复习上节课的颜色单词,能听、说、认读black white pink orange brown 五种颜色的单词,并用英语描述不同颜色的物品。2.能听懂一些简单的指示语,如Black black stand up 等,并按照指令做出相应的动作。3.培养学生学习英语的兴趣,创设轻松愉快、生动活泼的课堂

20、气氛教学重点:单词pink orange brown的教学课前准备:五种颜色的小旗若干面,几个人物的彩色图片教学过程:1.热身(Warm-up)唱歌2.复习(Revision)复习已学过的颜色单词3.新课导入(Presentation)Let is learn出示Mr.Black的图片,学习单词 black出示Mi White的图片,学习单词 wite orangeSarah,John的图片,学习单词 pink brown结合卡片,练说单词4.趣味操练What color is it?Which color do you like?Let is do5.课堂评价Let is check 少 儿

21、 英 语 教 案 模 板 一、Teaching Demands and Aims(教学目标) 二、Teaching important and difficult point (教学重点) 1、words 2、sentences 3、grammars 三、Teaching Aids (教具) 四、Teaching procedures(教学过程) Greeting(问候) warm up(热身) Review(复习) New Leon(新课) Step One: Step Two: Step Three: Follow up(叮咛) 五、Homework(作业布置) 作 业 的 布 置 一、书

22、面作业 1、每节课后教师可适当选择课后习题(书本或课外参考书)及字母作业。 2、低年纪的孩子适合听磁带读课文、画图、连线、写字母等简单作业; 每学期两次测试:半期考和期末考试。 3、高年纪的孩子要求抄单词、背单词、背课文等书面作业; 每节课前可做适当的听写练习; 每个月可做适当的单元测试; 期间两次大考:半期考和期末考。 二、磁带作业 1、适时布置(条件允许可每周一次):将本周学习的内容录进磁带,下周上交。 2、录制要求:首先让学生和老师打招呼,接着报朗诵单元,然后录作业内容,最后与老师说再见。(如:Hello! Amanda.I am Go go.This is Unit 11 Goodby

23、e! Amanda!) 3、听音修正: (1)书面记录:边听边把学生的错音登记在学生手册上。 (2)修正过程: A:打招呼,先表扬肯定,后提出错误,注意错音的跟读 B:说悄悄话,增进师生感情交流 C:提出问题。 D:结束Say:“ Good bye! ” 三、电话教学 1、时间安排:每月两次的电话教学,每生教学时间不超过8分钟。 2、教学内容: (1)本周学习单词及课文的朗诵。 (2)词句的翻译。 (3)疑难解答。 (4)家长的经验交流。 小学英语教学课堂实录_二年级英语教案_模板 EEC教材Leon 6(Book III) 课题: Leon Six (1) “Can you play bas

24、eball?” 一、热身 T: Lets sing a song I stop, I look, I listen. OK? Ss: Yes.(Sing the song.) T: Good morning, everyone! Ss: Good morning, Mi Lu! T: How are you today? Ss: Fine, thanks.And you? T: Im fine, too.What day is it today ? Ss: Its Tuesday. 评:教师通过TPR歌曲热身,课堂气愤活泼; 通过日常生活用语的问答,自然地创造了英语语言氛围,使学生很快地进入到

25、英语语言学习的情境中来。 二、导入 T: (Taking some word-cards) Now, look at me.Whats this? S1: Library. T: Very good.Together, whats this? Ss: Library. T: Well done.But how to spell? Ss: Library. (Then, review the words “ride bike violin piano read ” in the same way.) T: What do you do after school ? S1: I play the

26、piano. S2: I read an English book.What do you do after school? S3: I ride my bike. (Then, Ss ask and answer by each other.) T: OK, cla, please ask me . Ss: What do you do after school? T: I read an English book. 评:复习环节教师从词汇复习入手,并适宜地将词汇复习扩展到常用句型的复习中来,将二者有机地结合起来,真正做到了英语语言学习的词不离句的认知规律。学生的积极参与,体现了教师驾驭课堂

27、的能力。 三、新授 T: Shh Look there, (point to the screen of a computer) I play Ss: play table-tennis T: Great! Do you want to know what kind of the ball Ken plays ? Ss: Sure/Yes. T: Lets study a new leon-Leon6(1).(Blackboard Writing) (Ss look at the computer about the content of L6(1) T: (T puts some kinds

28、 of balls on the wall and points to them) Look there, whats that ? Ss: Its a volleyball. Girls: Its a basketball. Boys: Its a football.(table-tennis) ( Girls ask and boys answer .) T: (T puts 3 cards on the blackboard and points to one of them, asks) Now, look, whats that ? S: Bat. T: Good.(Blackboa

29、rd writingBat.) Read after me, “bat”. ( Read it one by one.) Together, please spell it . Ss: B-A-T, bat. (Learn another 2 words “baseball glove” in the same way.) T: (T takes two gloves) OK.Look at me, “one glove” “two gloves” Girls: Gloves. Boys: Gloves. T: What are these? ( Waving two gloves ) The

30、yre gloves.( Blackboard writing ) 评:新知传授环节,教师给学生一个整体的感知的教学思路,让学生了解学习的全过程及学习的知识,使其能灵活地把握学习的主动权,从而充分体现了素质教育的宗旨。 四、操练 T: (T takes two books or pens of Ss) What are they ? Ss: Theyre books. S1: What are they ? S2: Theyre pens. Boys: What are they ? Girls: Theyre desks. ( Ss practice the sentences in pai

31、rs) 评:教师使用学生日常学习用品对所学新知识进行操练,以旧带新,以新温旧,一举两得。 五、复习巩固 T: (T puts a card on S1s head and let him/ her gue.) Ss: What are they ? S1: Theyre Ss: Yes.Yes.Yes./ No.No.No T: (T takes some things) Whats this? Ss: Its a bat Its a baseball T: What are they ? Ss: Theyre gloves. T: Can you play baseball ? ( Blac

32、kboard writing.) S1: Yes, I can. S2: Yes, I can. T: Wonderful! Please show us how to play baseball? ( S1 and S2 do the action) T: Please look at the computer screen, lets gue “whats that?” S1: (S1points to a corner of a kind of balls in the computer and ask. Whats that ? S2: Its a (baseball/football/volleyball/basketball). S

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