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1、齐全的英语演讲比赛点评模板There are several aspects of language and speaking that I would like to focus on today for considerations to allow you to improve moving forward.First, the area of pronunciation and delivery. Some of you, especially when you are nervous, should focus more on diction and pronunciation. S

2、pecifically, try not to swallow your articles like a and the or little connectors like of Take a breath, take your time. and let each word be sounded. Similarly, make sure you sound final consonants, especially the -ed in your past tenses. This is one of the things that Chinese, even the good ones,

3、the really good ones, when you start speaking quickly and passionately, forget. So, pay a lot of attention and be conscious that thats something that you may know that the grammars, grammatical and structural rules and not sound that final consonant or you may be a little fuzzy on what the past tens

4、es, but that some- thing that makes a big difference in a competition,Finally, in the area of pronunciation for all you students, not just the contestants here today, please, the word the, th-: put your tongue between your teeth. Its not da, its the; its not der. its their; its not utter. its other.

5、 You can do this, you can do this, Practice on the way to class, practice in the shower, practice wherever but dont say da, its the.Second category of feedback is I want to talk very briefly about lexicon and vocabulary. As I mentioned, I felt that your use of lexicon in todays presentation was quit

6、e sophisticated and showed a lot of preparation. Most of you may have noticed that in the contemporaneous, spontaneous remarks and questions, the level of vocabulary came down a notch or two. Thats very natural: some- thing that we all have to work on. But there were a couple of I think. theres thre

7、e examples that Id like to share with you to take home to work on. Number one, since the topic was ecology, when you talk about living in harmony with da za ren, is it the nature or nature? Nature! Is not the nature! The nature is shenrna shenma dongxi de xingzhi, so, that was like one of those erro

8、rs that. umm, came up because of the theme of the speech, but thats something you can remember right now, Live in harmony with.nature. Second, some small things that I noted, some of you messed up emphasized with emphasis-its a common mistake. And one of the contestants was talking about how importa

9、nt it was to be aware of the environment and that we should generate awareness of environment to help us think of ways to improve it, and she, I think it was she, said we should get a consensus of the environment, I think she probably meant sense. get a sense of the environment as an awareness. So,

10、little things like that. Be careful semantically. If you reach the upper levels of language, its very easy to choose a wrong word and I guess my advice for you would be, When in doubt, check a dictionary for nuance and proper usage. because when youre in the lower levels youre not using those fancy

11、words. But when you get up in the upper levels, like today, theyre very important.Finally, my last category of feedback for you is in the area of discourse and organization. This is very important in speaking contests, its very important when youre translating at the upper levels, and its important

12、in adult life when youre working in the world of work where youre no longer talking simply about yourself and your family, but other things, issues. Todays contestants demonstrated a wide variety of rhetorical styles in their prepared speeches. Many of the candidates showed a sophisticated use of li

13、nguistic register, and register is, as you know. using language that is appropriate for a specific purpose for a specific social context. The reason l mention register is that for learners of English as a second language, the higher the register, the more difficult it is to speak accurately, coheren

14、tly, and persuasively. Right? So, today, one of the contestants made a very insightful remark and said, I quote, The higher level of English I speak, the more mistakes I make. Remember that? Actually. What she meant by this was that she was having trouble communicating sophisticated ideas and argume

15、nts in English without making errors in grammar or usage. University students learning English can improve their ability to speak naturally in high registers and high level of discourse and can sustain a high level of discourse by doing a few things and these are the three pieces of advice I will le

16、ave for you before I conclude my remarks. So, this is advice teachers and students for how to build that competency and high level of discourse.Number one: Read texts that represent a high level of discourse. Soak up that language. But, remember that written text has a discourse that is separate fro

17、m spoken discourse. Some of you were speaking today in very. kind of written-prose language, and you may not want to do that in the future.Number two, piece of advice: Make a tape recording of yourself talking about abstract topics or complex topics and then go back and listen to it and listen to ho

18、w it sounds: if its cohesive and coherent? Are there errors? Then go back, practice again, and do it a second time like editing a written text but, in fact, its a spoken text. You will hear what youre doing that could be improved, even you, and of course if you have teachers, thats even better, but

19、you, yourself will hear.Finally, my last piece of advice for you is that you should practice building. If language, if spoken language, was like a house you should practice building the house brick by brick, storey by storey, so you all can do basic sentences now, clearly. And, most of you are prett

20、y good at building paragraphs, but some of you are not yet perfect house builders in terms of discourse and organization. So you want to practice writing compound and complex sentences, and then weave those together into paragraphs and youll weave those paragraphs into the full spoken text. Weave th

21、em together, push yourself to go for the discourse and woven nature so that not only the thought flows, but its coherent. And. I think youll agree with me, that some of the most compelling speeches that we heard today displayed this type coherence and sort of natural progression of ideas, lf you do

22、that, theres no doubt in my mind that you can progress at this area.In conclusion, I would like to quote one of our question masters, who said today that, Life is a journey, not the arrival. that you focus on the journey not the arrival. Language learning is lifelong. Lifelong. So, as you move forwa

23、rd, language learning enjoy the journey.评委总结发言(表达感谢时用):Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, excellent contestants,its really a great honor and pleasure to be here as a judge for this English feast of speech competition. I think all contestants did a great job today, and Id like to express my thanks

24、 to everyone who has made a great contribution to organizing the competition and has made it a fantastic success. So lets give a big round of applause to all of them. I have been really enjoying this contest thoroughly, especially because all the contestants have approached the topic from different

25、perspectives. All speeches have been well researched, with good thoughts as well as interesting ideas. I am very pleased to see that most of you delivered your speech with good pronunciation, clear articulation, with good eye contact and a proper manner. Finally I would like to take this opportunity

26、 to offer you some little tips about public English speech competition.First, the area of pronunciation and delivery. Some of you, especially when you are nervous, should focus more on diction and pronunciation. Specifically, try not to swallow your articles like a and the or little connectors like

27、of Take a breath, take your time. and let each word be sounded. Similarly, make sure you sound final consonants, especially the -ed in your past tenses. This is one of the things that Chinese, even the good ones, the really good ones, when you start speaking quickly and passionately, forget. So, wha

28、t I here want to suggest to those contestants, when you preparing your speech, whatever the prepared speech and the impromptu speech, do not just focus on the whole picture of your work, instead pay a attention to the small details, as well as the intonation.On top of that, I would like to speak wit

29、h those who always get somewhat a little bit nervous once they stand on the stage to deliver a public speech. Speaking of this, I would like to share with you a little bit about myself. When I was at my high school and I often blushed on my face when I stand even in the front our class, let alone th

30、e city competition later on. And one of my foreign teachers give my some tips. Thats what I want to share with you right now. when you feel nervous, especially before get on the stage, take a deep breath and tell yourself in your heart that I am the best in the whole universe. Then, by the time you

31、speak, what you should bear in mind is that dont ever get direct contact with same part area of audience all the time. Remember you are here to serve the whole listeners with your point of view, so change your eyesight to different audience. I always like to say that ”Lifeis a journey”. Language lea

32、rning is a life long experience and we never finish learning, especially for the English language which is so alive and ever changing. So as you move forward with your language learning make sure you enjoy every moment of your journey. 面对标新立异选手:You really have been very creative in trying to clear out your point. But this time, it was very clearly stated what would be required of you in the speech. Therefore, it is very important to understand what is required of you and what is demanded of you in a competition. 面对跑题选手(

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