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1、GRE阅读课件 逻辑基础: 前提如何判断? because, for, as, due to, on account for, attribute to, by, in view of, given depend on, rely on, base on, be responsible for, blame for结论如何判断? therefore, thus, so, hence, accordingly, consequently, as a result, for this reason, find, it follows that, it can be inferred that wh

2、ich indicates /demonstrates/shows/suggests/proves/means/implies that 特殊前提和结论标志 1. 预设前提(前提肯定为真): know / since / presuppose /presumably 2. 假设(前提或结论真假不知): assume /hypothesize /posit / postulate 3. 条件句(真假不知)逻辑推理 reasoning演绎法:从一般到个别 / 前提真则结论真 归纳法:从个别到一般 / 从个别到个别 / 前提真结论不一定真假说演绎: 已知 - 假想 (实验/研究)- 证明或证伪 解释

3、差异文章中的逻辑推理 (画每篇文章的逻辑图)论题 topic论点(结论) conclusion论据(前提) premise论证(逻辑推理)reasoning论题如何判断?1. 位置:注意开头句(或开头段)2. 特点:事实陈述(讲个故事/提个人/讲个现象/提个问题)/ 解释个概念 / 老观点3. 有时论题和论点合一区分全文主论点/从论点/分论点 快速阅读:预判出题点因果关系举例论证让步转折比较关系 判断句判断句1. 注意系动词2. 情态动词: can,cannot,may, might3. 感情色彩词: adj., adv.,v., n.4. 假言判断(条件句)充分条件标志: if/when/p

4、rovided/whenever/if only/every/all/any/in order to/to必要条件标志: then/only/only if/must/have to/necessary/ require/ no, none(在句子开头) unless/except/until/without举例论证关键是确定论点位置believe/claim/argue/maintain/insist /assert/ hold/ contend/emphasize/make the pointbe challenged / discredited/ undermined / obscure

5、d列举:多个例子(a, b, and c)让步转折让步:虽然/尽管/诚然/的确/确实/似乎转折: unfortunately but, yet,however in reality, actually,in fact nevertheless, nonetheless instead比较关系比较级 (no)more/less.than类比, the same as, similar to /parallel,analogous /share / both / common对比 in contrast / be opposed to/ difference/respectively/

6、distinction / disparate / without / avoid时间对比其它平行关系词:first, second, moreover唯一性:only, sole(ly), unique(ly), exclusive(ly), alone强调词:notably, surprisingly, especially/频率最高级(always, never), 程度最高级(foremost, uttermost)/ one feature, key characteristic 矛盾词:paradoxically, ironically, illogically,oddly,cur

7、iously标点符号: 引号,破折号,冒号, 括号专有名词:人名, 物种,化学物质详略分配 出题点详读/具体陈述略读:史实(史实要素是时间地点人物事件,可略读的是事件,题目一般就会出现时间地点人物,可做定位标志)数据(单个数据要读懂如果读的时候不记住不好定位;多个数据可以略读)列举(列举项的内容尽量读,动脑记住)举例(一般考例子的目的,例子本身略读/ 但是呼应的例子必须读懂,第1段出现,隔了几段又出现这个例子,一定要详读)首句或首段必详读论点详读/论点的展开略读具体解释略读分几点论述详读每个论点第1句平行例子:详读第1个并列关系读前对照关系前后读一个即可老观点和新观点详读一个即可逻辑等价关系换

8、成第1次见到的表达 读句子 推荐杨鹏长难句:练习迅速抓主干的能力信息补充及强调方式?1.修饰成分2.插入成分3.平行结构4.否定形式5.倒装6.强调句说服的方法?修辞Simile 明喻Metaphor 暗喻Allegory 讽喻(寓言) Personification 拟人Metonymy 借代Anecdote 轶事Allusion 暗指(典故)Rhetorical question反问Parallel 平行结构:排比/对比Synesthesia 通感Pun 双关Euphemism 委婉Hyperbole 夸张 / Understatement 轻描淡写句子内部的关系:复合长句结构必须理解重心

9、和两者关系从句转折句中转折补充递进同义递进并列假设 主旨题 主旨题如何判断?内容主旨 is primarily concerned with, primary purpose, primary focus结构主旨通过选项特点判断 主旨题答案包括论题或主结论或主前提 位置取决于论证结构:1说明已知现象或提出问题 找前提 (有时是假想)实验或研究结论(确定主前提)解释某种矛盾summarizing the findings of an investigationA phenomenon is described and an interpretation is presentedDiscussin

10、g different theories aboutDiscussing hypotheses and arguing in favor of one about Discussing evidence forDiscussing a possible explanation for the way bilateral asymmetry is determined in lobstersResolving a dispute about A problem is presented and reasons for its existence are supplied.suggesting a

11、n answer to a theoretical questionidentifying the strengths of possible solutions to a problema way to curb illegal digging while benefiting the archeological profession2立论归纳法:具体事例(分论点)演绎法: 先假设前提为真得出结论 再证明前提为真假说演绎法: 以假设前提得出结论 再证明这个结论 然后再加强假设前提discussing an important work in Black American literature

12、evaluating the soundness of a work of criticismAn evaluation is made, and aspects of the evaluation are expanded on with supporting evidence.reviewing a historical study of the status of women in Mexico City during the nineteenth-century summarizing and assessing a study analyzing a scholarly study

13、and pointing out a central weakness An assertion is made and several examples are provided to illustrate it. A general opinion is expressed and then supportive illustrations are advanced.Stating a conclusion and adducing evidence that may justify it3驳论 驳论文标志新观点:驳斥之后 转折之后:but / however 负评价之后:fail to

14、/ is unpersuasive./ unconvincingly老观点:once/many/generally/traditionally有时没有新观点,只有对老观点驳斥 1. 反前提dismiss a plausible supposition discredit a widely shared assumption undermine a controversial hypothesis 2. 反结论refute an argumentcorrect misconceptionschallenge popular misconceptionsprovide evidence to di

15、spute an accepted theory about the evolution of galaxiesquestion the effectiveness of a process oppose a particular use of languagecriticize a technique 主旨题练习题Exercise36 61 1 9 11 14 19 21 22 24 26 30 32 33 34 40 45 46 49 56 58 59 60 63 65 68 74 细节题细节题如何判断? According to the passage, the classical mo

16、dels of decision analysis includes all of the following EXCEPT Which of the following is true? Which of the following statements about is supported by information in the passage? According to the passage, resulted primarily from which of the following?如何解决细节题?新出现的信息1. 新概念(有时就是生词)/ 新人 / 新事物(专有名词)- 有时

17、就在文首2.补充信息:修饰成分/让步句3. 对具体原因(前提)的概括4. 对比较中某一方的概括 类比similar/ 对比 on the other hand,but / 比较级被强调的信息 强调词: surprisingly, , interesting, notably, especially, unique, one feature/ 频率最高级(always, never), 程度最高级(foremost, uttermost) 重复强调词 强调句旧信息的指代 词汇题词义符合的优先,如果词义不符合再猜选项。相关信息:动词前主后宾;形容词看名词;名词看定语;副词前后逻辑关系;逻辑结构中找

18、同义词、反义词。EXERCISE:P2 2/P15 3/ P17 4/P21 2/P25 2/ P33 3 /P37 4 /P42 2/P62 2/ P96 2 / P109 1 /P116 3 细节题选项特点1. 正确选项:同义替换 should be outlawed.换为: should be abolished.替换方法一:变换词性 assessing the problem.换为: evaluation of a problem替换方法二:变换否定词 this treaty did not mention water rights.换为: it failed to mention w

19、ater rights. 替换方法三:把大的范畴缩小到具体事例进行表达 problems on the factory floor.换为: a breakdown in the factorys machinery. A labor dispute on the factory floor替换方法四:将具体事例扩大到更广的范畴进行表达 do not decrease when production declines换为: are not affected by fluctuations in a manufacturing plants throughput.2. 错误选项:反:与原文相反混:

20、张冠李戴(注意程度词)无:原文未提及/过度推理 态度题态度题如何判断?The author feelsThe authors opinion/attitude/viewThe author considersto beThe author of the passage would most likely describeasThe author of the passage would be most likely to agree/disagree with which of the following statements? 什么是态度题?原文作者对某人某事的态度文中提到的其他人对某事的态

21、度原文态度所在位置1. 观点词 believe/ claim/ argue / maintain/ insist / assert / hold/contend/emphasize/make the point/ conclude / to sum up2. 让步转折前半句让步:1) it is correct/it is true/of course2) no doubt/without doubt/undoubtedly3) do/may/seem/appear/perhaps4) however adj. no matter how adj.5) adj. as it may be =

22、no matter how adj.6) Granted后半句:强转折以后半句为主评价3. 判断句:系动词, 情态动词, 极端词, 感情色彩词1)and fossil material was the first clear evidence that his reasoning was correct.2) The answer can only lie in 3) Henri Bonnet proved that4)is the subject of Viviana Zelizers excellent book5) Scholars often fail to see that6) Bu

23、t none of these has valid explanation for4. 标点: 尤其是引号一般会出现哪些态度?正态度show, reveal, indicate, demonstrate, prove, determine, confirm, support, appreciate, admire, celebrate, espouse, champion, commend, endorse, approbate负态度fail to, ignore, overlook, neglect, overestimate, underestimate, exaggerate, misi

24、nterpret, misrepresent , violate, limitation, reluctant混合态度partially correct, qualified approval, enthusiasm tempered by minor reservation, tentative acceptance, reluctant acceptance , guarded criticism错误态度1 无态度ambivalence2 人身攻击offensive, condemnation, indignant, envious, insincere, defiance, derisi

25、on, scornful, cynical3 太过fervent, fanatical, adulatorycompletely, entirely, totally, absolutely, unrestrained, unmitigated, unchecked更多态度词1. 正态度动词:favor secure contribute to satisfy salvation harness preserve praise eulogize accomplish reconcile accommodate dictate prevail perpetuate propel instigat

26、e boom prosper thrive overcome promise advance clarify ascertain bless sweep prompt hone integrate inspire compensate incorporate embody justify explore enhance strengthen recreate scrutinize stimulate vibrate cope with acquaint incentive foster mete entail 2. 正态度形容词:cogent conclusive stable convinc

27、ingly lucid extensively penetrating levelheaded forthright proper sufficient distinct worthwhile fascinating original striking satisfying blithely enlightening enduring appropriate self-evident eloquent incisive decisive conceivable central definitively practical prominent brisk salutary elaborate d

28、esirable readily unequivocal legitimate pervasively persuasively inextricable smooth notable profound inherent compelling hospitable compatible consequential precious ready pioneering articulate abundant ample foremost feelingly viable systematically instructive valid advantageous competitive impres

29、sive feasible exalted sensitive authentic unbiased crushing 3. 负态度动词:deny reject dispose circumvent contradict rob plunder prohibit inhibit undermine overlook ignore neglect object to tangle harry exclude dwarf impede deprive subdue overutilize infect shrink hinder confine disturb conflict suppress

30、depress oppose narrow repress fail block thwart constrain dislocate cease discard shun dispense counteract condemn dissent endanger plot scheme stumble misguide mislead conceal occlude deviate deplete reduce destroy perturb diminish revolt substitute resign shock outrage gull disperse negate protest erase transgress curtail starve stifle 4. 负态度形容词:unpersuasive incontinent reverse inconsistent aberrant irrelevant sharply overtly needless aridly harsh severe

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