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1、雅思考试机经真题回忆3月15日雅思考试机经真题回忆【听力】 一、 考试概述: 本场听力考试在话题上稍有难度,特别是S3、S4,填空题20题,选择类20题,其中再次出现了多选和匹配,同学们需要对这两类易错的题型多关注。 Section 1:咨询演唱会,10填空 Section 2:介绍餐厅对比,5多选5匹配 Section 3:讨论新西兰恐鸟知识,6选择4匹配 Section 4:学术伦敦地铁,10填空 二、具体题目分析: Section 1 场景: 咨询演唱会 题型:10填空 参考答案: 1-10) Table Completion 1. For children 2. hope to hav

2、e a piano performance 3. broadcast on the local radio station 4. Evening concert 5. for students $ 4 6. lighting up by candles 7. Tuesday 8. charge by donation 9. no group discount 10. a special show of a famous singer (答案仅供参考) Section 2 场景: 介绍餐厅对比 题型:5多选5匹配 参考答案: 11-15)Matching A limited choice B f

3、oodso slow C lack of space D Food is too expensive E sever wrong food F the food is cold G small sized portion 11. Hot Spicy-D 12. Pizza-C 13. The wellington-E 14. A Thursday and Saturdays 15. G 16-20) 多选 16-17) A buy one week package and get one free lunch B free salad for over each pizza C happy h

4、our-special price for kids D provide separated space for group guests dinner E order 3 seats, the 4th will be free 18-30) food unhealthy something wrong with the takeaway no heater for cold materials (答案仅供参考) 【口语】 一、考试整体概述: 以下为3月份本场高频题,请考生扎实准备 1. Describe a river that is important to your country 2.

5、 Describe a time you had to save money 3. Describe a special day out which didnt cost a lot 4. Describe a letter that is important to you 5. Describe a product you bought recently that you are happy with 二、本场难题及解析 Describe a new skill that cannot be learned at school You should say: What it is How w

6、ould learn it Where you can learn it and explain why you want to learn it. Speaking of a new skill I want to learn, the first thing that bumped into my mind is to learn how to climb mountain, because it is a good work-out as it exercises every muscle in my body and it is good way to keep me in good

7、health. Actually, the reason that I want to learn this is because one time I didnt have a clue about what is rock climbing and how to climb rock, so some of my colleagues just made fun of me. As a result, I really want to learn it well. Although it is hazardous and it gets hurt easily and I also had

8、 poor body coordination, I decide to make up mine mind to learn it backwards and forwards. To begin with, I need to find an instructor to teach me. Also, he needs to talk to me patiently. Whats more importantly, what I need to do is to make up mine mind to get rid of my fear, coz I have acrophobia.

9、The reason why I really want to learn it is probably because as for me, it is kind of like an ultimate challenge for me. I think every time when Im climbing, my blood will be boiling. Overcoming such a challenge will give an overwhelming sense of satisfaction. 【阅读】 一、 考试概述: 本次考试的文章两篇新题一篇旧题,第一篇讲的是中国的

10、茶如何传到西方的,第二篇主要介绍了纳米科技,第三篇是一篇旧题,介绍学校传统的对science的教育受到批判,引出另外两种方法,并解释对比各自优劣。本次考试填空题和判断题依然是重点考题,其中三篇文章都考到的填空题是重中之重,考生们平时备考时要加大练习量。 二、具体题目分析 Passage 1: 题目:How tea come to the west 题型:填空题7+判断题6 新旧程度:新题 文章大意:茶起源于中国,后因为贸易和传教士带入欧洲,刚开始只有有钱人可以喝,后来随着税减少,市场更规范 参考文章: 暂无(可参考剑10T2P1: Tea and the Industrial Revoluti

11、on) 参考答案:暂无 Passage 2: 题目: Nanotechnology: the science of being small 题型:填空题3+信息匹配题6+多选题4 新旧程度:新题 文章大意:介绍纳米科技以及纳米科技在各个领域的运用 参考文章: An Introduction to Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is defined as the study and use of structures between 1 nanometer and 100 nanometers in size. To give you an idea of how

12、small that is, it would take eight hundred 100 nanometer particles side by side to match the width of a human hair. While this is the most common definition of nanotechnology researchers with various focuses have slightly different definitions. Scientists have been studying and working with nanopart

13、icles for centuries, but the effectiveness of their work has been hampered by their inability to see the structure of nanoparticles. In recent decades the development of microscopes capable of displaying particles as small as atoms has allowed scientists to see what they are working with. Now that y

14、ou have an idea of how small a scale nanotechnologists work with, consider the challenge they face. Think about how difficult it is for many of us to insert thread through the eye of a needle. Such an image helps you imagine the problem scientists have working with nanoparticles that can be as much

15、as one millionth the size of the thread. Only through the use of powerful microscopes can they hope to see and manipulate these nano-sized particles. The ability to see nano-sized materials has opened up a world of possibilities in a variety of industries and scientific endeavors. Because nanotechno

16、logy is essentially a set of techniques that allow manipulation of properties at a very small scale, it can have many applications, such as the ones listed below. Drug delivery. Today, most harmful side effects of treatments such as chemotherapy are a result of drug delivery methods that dont pinpoi

17、nt their intended target cells accurately. Researchers at Harvard and MIT have been able to attach special RNA strands, measuring about 10 nm in diameter, to nanoparticles and fill the nanoparticles with a chemotherapy drug. These RNA strands are attracted to cancer cells. When the nanoparticle enco

18、unters a cancer cell it adheres to it and releases the drug into the cancer cell. This directed method of drug delivery has great potential for treating cancer patients while producing less side harmful effects than those produced by conventional chemotherapy. Fabrics. The properties of familiar mat

19、erials are being changed by manufacturers who are adding nano-sized components to conventional materials to improve performance. For example, some clothing manufacturers are making water and stain repellent clothing using nano-sized whiskers in the fabric that cause water to bead up on the surface.

20、Reactivity of Materials. The properties of many conventional materials change when formed as nano-sized particles (nanoparticles). This is generally because nanoparticles have a greater surface area per weight than larger particles; they are therefore more reactive to some other molecules. For examp

21、le, studies have shown that nanoparticles of iron can be effective in the cleanup of chemicals in groundwater because they react more efficiently to those chemicals than larger iron particles. There are many different points of view about the nanotechnology. These differences start with the definiti

22、on of nanotechnology. Some define it as any activity that involves manipulating materials between one nanometer and 100 nanometers. However, the original definition of nanotechnology involved building machines at the molecular scale and involves the manipulation of materials on an atomic (about two-

23、tenths of a nanometer) scale. The debate continues with varying opinions about exactly what nanotechnology can achieve. Some researchers believe nanotechnology can be used to significantly extend the human lifespan or produce replicator-like devices that can create almost anything from simple raw ma

24、terials. Others see nanotechnology only as a tool to help us do what we do now, but faster or better. The third major area of debate concerns the timeframe of nanotechnology-related advances. Will nanotechnology have a significant impact on our day-to-day lives in a decade or two, or will many of th

25、ese promised advances take considerably longer to become realities? Finally, all the opinions about what nanotechnology can help us achieve echo with ethical challenges. If nanotechnology helps us to increase our lifespans or produce manufactured goods from inexpensive raw materials, what is the mor

26、al imperative about making such technology available to all? Is there sufficient understanding or regulation of nanotech based materials to minimize possible harm to us or our environment? 参考答案:暂无 Passage 3: 题目:How Science was taught in school 题型:单选题4+填空题5+判断题5 新旧程度:旧题 文章大意:介绍学校传统的对science的教育受到批判,引出

27、另外两种方法science on argumentation及science for explanation,并解释对比各自优劣 【写作】 TASK 1 The bar chart shows the percentage and exact time (weekly) males and females spent on house tasks in 2010 of a country. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relev

28、ant. (Word count: 199) The bar chart illustrates how many females and males participate in house chores and how much time they spend in these tasks in the year of 2010 in a particular country. It is quite evident that a larger proportion of females take part in the housework. Apart from house repair

29、, in which more males allocated more time than females (14% versus 8%), the other categories all saw a higher female participation in the house tasks. Specifically speaking, there were 62% of females doing the cleaning, far outnumbering the males. The difference of figures was quite similar in cooki

30、ng meals, where majority of females were engaged in this house task, compared with only less than a quarter of males. In terms of the amount of time both genders spent, a substantial quadruple gap can be found in cooking meals and cleaning. Females averagely spent 82 and 42 minutes in cooking and cl

31、eaning, while their male counterparts only spent 21 and 10 minutes accordingly. Interestingly, the same quantity of time was spent in caring pets but men devote more time in house repair. Overall, females are more involved in most of the household task, while house repair is more undertaken by males.

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