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1、新视野大学英语第二版1完形填空新视野大学英语第二版1 完形填空完型填空I, for one, am from ready to use online courses for mylearning. Dont get me wrong. I am very happy about all the communication andlearning opportunities the courses have given us. But for me thoseopportunities should not be used to replace classroom activities. In

2、otherwords, they are only tools to help me learn what has already been served in the classroom.I love the classroom. I love classmates. There are fortystudents in my class right now, and I think its great. I even love havingclassmates who are better than me. And, lets not forget the smell of ink onp

3、aper , the sound of chalk on a blackboard, the hardness of a wooden bench orthe heat inside the classroom in early September. I love it all. But most of all,I love having a teachera “real live” teacher. I get excited when I am in theclassroom with a good teacher. I learn in a way that has been prove

4、n to work. Iam given insight not only into a certain subject, but also into the world.What makes having a classroom teacher so .special A goodteacher pushes me to succed. A good teacher rewards me with praise when Ihave done well and stays positive and gives me hope when I am down .Idont believe tha

5、t a teacher using a virtual classroom can .reach out tome in the same way. A teacher communicating.through the Internet cannot sharethe same type of relation a classroom teacher and student share.I guess that I am lucky to have access to so many excellentclassroom teachers. I will never forget the k

6、indness and commitment thatthose teachers have shown me. Their examples make it hard for me to accept away of learning that does not include them. You can call me “old-fashioned”,but as long as there is a classroom, thats where I will be learning. UNIT 2 Im not sure whether a “generation” exists, bu

7、tif it_,I hope Im still standing on the youths of the gap.I may be 50and then some, but I still like to rock.When I was_,I listened to all ofthe new rock and roll music,and I really got into it.But ,unlike a lot of myfriends_ decided that good music died after the 1970s,I_on listening to aswell as r

8、ocking to new and unique music.I have to_that rock and roll haschanged since I was a teenager,but it is_about using rhythm to expressfelling. Some of the changes have been very positive._intechnology have made personal recording simple and given us access_music onthe Internet._,you cant throw a ston

9、e without hitting someone that has madetheir own CD.You dont have to just listen to music made and sold by big recordcompanies.Many groups send their music_to community radio station.This _trulynew music to be heard that record companies have never even touched.I play drumfor one_group myself. My da

10、ughter is an_teenager and she is thoroughlydisgusted by my listening to and playing,as she puts it, “thodse_tunes.”Classical music and playing the piano_to her.She pretends to show concern bymaking comments like, “You should turn that stuff down or you will hurt yourears,”but I know what she is real

11、ly_to say is that she finds my musicabsolutely offensive and does not have _for it.I dont get too upset, though.And I dont worry about my music having a(n)_influence on her._,she isprobably right about my ears;I likely have lost some hearing from going to toomany loud concerts as I have. I cant say

12、that it wasnt worth it,_.If I hadto do it all over again I would do it all the same except I would protect myears B.does C.is2.A.youth B.younger C.teenager3.A.who B.whish C.whom4.A.kept B.stayed C.wanted5.A.admit B.argue C.attract6.A.still B.always C.even7.A.Advances B.Adventures C.Add

13、 C.for9.A.Everyday B.Always C.Nowadays10.A.far B.straight C.indirect11.A.allows for B.gets rid of C.reaches for12.A.such B.same C.more13.actual B.effective C.active14.A.beautiful B.vital C.awful15.A.appeal B.attract C.infuence16.A.making B.going C.trying17.A.peace B.patience C.excit

14、ement18.A.negative B.absolute C.positive19.In any case B.In no case C.In case20.A.either B.but C.though1. B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A6.A 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.A 20.C UNIT 3 Do not off until tomorrow the good you can do tody.There are so many_that can get in the way of a g

15、ood or great deed._ofpeople who missed out on good opportunities are everywhere, and when it is toolate,they _missing their chance to have been_service.Saying“tomorrow”just once instead of doing some good may lead toa_of saying “tomorrow”,and tomorrow may never come.One delay is followed byanother,a

16、nd matters get out of hand quickly,even when_are made to correctthem. _,we must take things on as soon as we seethem.This is the_to progress and success.One good deed can_us to new andgreater opportunities to help those around us,and _,make our life richer.Onegood turn leads to another,and thus,theg

17、ood is made larger ._something great has been achieved,we are _to set our sights on the next opportunity to help that _.Each new opportunity may be bigger and than the last. And so, I urge you to useall your efforts to do what good you can today _ tomorrow. Do not spend your time with things that ar

18、eneither good _valuable. This will _you from mistake. If you are given atask that you do not believe is helpful,_it. Time will wash it away foryou.At the same time ,the beginning of something positive will have_.Do it atonce! A kind word, or a(n)_to others is never a waste of your time,andyou will r

19、eap the_of doing good and enjoy peace of mind.1.A.possibillities B.occasions C.abilities2.A.opportunities B.Examples C.Excuses3.A.dream B.of C.for5.A.custom B.habit C.tradition6.A.attempts B.complaints C.desires7.A.However B.Therefore C.Otherwise8.A.hope B.secret C.discovery9

20、.A.find B.wake C.awake10.A.thus B.yet C.but11.A.During B.While C.Once12.A.saved B.allowed C.free13.A.arise B.raise C.rise14.A.if not B.instead of C.inspite of15.A.or B.but C.nor16.A.prevent B.defeat C.save17.A.take B.defeat C.delay18.A.built up B.cheered up C.warmed up19.A.speech B.servic C.urge20.A

21、.benfits B.favors C.habits X. 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A11.C 12.C 13.A 14.B15.C 16. C 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.A(4)Standing in the door of Mr Murphys office ,I could see he was learned on something he was reading. He had both elbow on his desk, his head was resting on one hand and his other ha

22、nd was cupped about his mouth. I knew that he was keeping his office hours and that student participation was encouraged ,but all the same , I was afraid to approach .Then ,as I turned to leave , my foot banged against the bottom of the door ,startling me and causing the professor to look up. His ey

23、es had simply moved from the desk to me, but the rest of his physical body remained the same .He invited me in without gesture, just a “Come in. What is it that you need?” There was little if any warmth or tone in his voice; it wasnt exactly encouragement Despite being intimidated, I made a consciou

24、s effort to relax and persuaded myself to smile and enter the room. “Mr.Murphy ,” the pitch of my voice rose as I begin my introduction I am sorry to interrupt .my name is Peter . I am in your second-period English class.“Peter did you say it was?” he replied. His reaction disappointed me. It was ap

25、parent that I had not made much of an impression with the presentation I made in class last week. he said my name as if he would not have remembered it without my having stated it for him first as though he were no more impressed than if he had encountered a beggar on the street He continued ,”Do yo

26、u have something you want to discuss with me , or do you just stop by to visit In fact, I had stopped by to visit,but I was no longer feeling up to it and was looking for a fast exit . It seemed that the invitation he had extend in class ,” Drop by my office for a visit anytime .My door is always op

27、en .” was just a(n) empty gesture probably required by the school. I reach inside my bag and pulled out my English language textbook. I figured I can ask him a quick question rather than try to have a meaningful conversation.5 When they gave us our first sex education lecture, AIDS was not part of t

28、he speech. It was 1981, and (1)evenbesidealthough there might have been a couple of news stories about a new disease, AIDS wasnt a real (2)encounterdiseaseconcern yet. Over the (3)nextaftersame couple of years, news stories about AIDS became very common, (4)whyhowevertherefore, they did not provide

29、very much helpful information. (5)Instead ofEvenRather, the media was happy to report stories that confirmed (6)whateverwhereverwhichever racial or sexual prejudices we may have had. There were stories about monkeys in Africa (7)werebeingbe the source of the disease and it was most commonly believed

30、 that only sex between two men could spread the disease. The understanding was (8)sowhichthat the only protective steps someone would need to take were to stay away from gay (同性恋的) men and monkeys. This lack (9)inofwith serious information and education about the disease led to prejudice and unsafe

31、sexual behaviors by many.(10)By the wayBy the timeBy the age I reached college, the cat was out of the bag, men and women having sex together could also be (11)infected withcaught withhad with the disease. Sex education had taken (12)aboutofon a more serious meaning; now it was about protecting your

32、self from disease. Still the prejudices (13)remaineddisappearedsolved. Although common contact between individuals including kissing was considered safe, most were afraid to (14)come aboutcome tocome in contact with others who had AIDS. It is commonly believed that prejudice kept the government (15)byofffrom acting more quickly to offer better education and do scientific research. Since that time, education and funding for research has improve

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