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1、关于移动支付过去现状未来的文献综述外文翻译毕业论文(设计)外文翻译一、外文原文标题:Past,present and future of mobile payments research: A literature review原文:The mobile payment services markets are currently under transition with a history of numerous tried and failed solutions, and a futu of promising but yet uncertain possibilities with

2、potential new technology innovations. At this point of the development, we take a look at the current state of the mobile payment services market from a literature review perspective. We review prior literature on mob payments, analyze the various factors that impact mobile payment services markets,

3、 and suggest directions for future research in the still emerging eld. To facilitate the analysis of literature, we propose a framework of four contingency and ve competitive force factor and organize the mobile payment research under the proposed framework. Consumer perspective of mobile payments a

4、s well as technic security and trust are best covered by contemporary research. The impacts of social and cultural factors on mobile payments, as well comparisons between mobile and traditional payment services are entirely uninvestigated issues. Most of the factors outlined by framework have been a

5、ddressed by exploratory and early phase studies. Mobile phones have transformed telephony profoundly. They are equipped with functionalities which surpass telephony needs, and which inspire the development of value-added mobile services, the use of mobile phones as access devices, and mobile commerc

6、e in general. The number of mobile phones in use far exceeds any other technical devices that could be used to market, sell, produce, or deliver products and services to consumers. These developments open lucrative opportunities to merchants and service providers. Purchased products and services hav

7、e to be paid for. Initially, xed-line telephony billing systems were modied to charge mobile telephony. Later, mobile telephony billing systems were introduced, and used also to charge various mobile services when such services emerged. Yet, payments based on billing systems have several limitations

8、. These include comparatively high payment transaction fees, merchant and service provider complaints about unfair revenue sharing, and the necessity to provision services to billing systems 66,80. In some areas, such as the European Union, credited payment services to third parties require a (limit

9、ed) credit institution license. The lack of suitable pay-ment instruments has for a long time been regarded as a factor that hampers the development of mobile commerce. Mobile payments are payments for goods, services, and bills with a mobile device (such as a mobile phone, smart-phone, or personal

10、digital assistant (PDA) by taking advantage of wireless and other communication technologies. Mobile devices can be used in a variety of payment scenarios, such as payment for digital content (e.g., ring tones, logos, news, music, or games), tickets, parking fees and transport fares, or to access el

11、ectronic payment services to pay bills and invoices. Payments for physical goods are also possible, both at vending and ticketing machines, and at manned point-of-sale (POS) terminals. A mobile payment is carried out with a mobile payment instrument such a mobile credit card or a mobile wallet. In a

12、ddition to pure mobile payment instruments, most electronic and many physical payment instruments have been mobilized. Furthermore, mobile payments, as all other payments, fall broadly into two categories: payments for daily purchases, and payments of bills (credited payments). For purchases, mobile

13、 payments complement or compete with cash, cheques, credit cards, and debit cards. For bills, mobile payments typically provide access to account-based payment instruments such as money transfers, Internet banking payments, direct debit assignments, or electronic invoice acceptance.In the early 2000

14、s, mobile payment services became a hot topic and remained so even after the burst of the Internet hype. Hundreds of mobile payment services, including access to electronic payments and Internet banking, were introduced all over the world. Strikingly many of these orts failed. For example, most, if

15、not all, of the dozens of mobile payment services available in EU countries and listed in the ePSO database in 2002 5 have been discontinued. To facilitate the development of better mobile payment services, it is important to understand the lessons of his history by learning what previous studies ha

16、ve discovered about mobile payments and about the mobile payment services markets, as well as what issues have remained unanswered. The aim of this paper is to summarize ndings from past mobile payments research, and to suggest promising directions for future research. There are a number of factors

17、that highlight the signicance and usefulness of such a literature review. Firstly, the eld has seen a growing number of publications, yet a thorough review of existing work is missing. The lack of published literature reviews impedes the progress in the eld; review articles are critical to strengthe

18、ning an area as a eld of study 88. Secondly, research so far seems fragmented, and lacks a roadmap or an agenda. Reviewing existing literature not only leads to a better understanding of the state of the research in the eld, but it also discerns patterns in the development of the eld itself. Finally

19、, a synthesis of existing ndings allows researchers not to repeat similar work, and discover important gaps. In other words, it closes areas where a plethora of research already exists, and at the same time uncovers those areas where research is lacking 88. Another contribution of this literature re

20、view is the proposed theoretical framework, around which the review is organized. Webster and Watson 88 recommend that the best reviews need to be conceptually structured, and based on a guiding theory. Our framework provides a guiding structure that allows us to eectively accumulate knowl edge, and

21、 to interpret previous ndings. Because the frame work itself aims to explain relevant factors in the mobile payment services market, basing the literature review on the framework ensures that the review is comprehensive and holistic, and reveals research gaps that could otherwise be overlooked. The

22、framework not only helps to explain the existing body of knowledge on each factor of the frame work, but, more importantly, it also provides an overview of the mobile payment services market, illustrating how the various perspectives and research ndings t together as part of the big picture.The fram

23、ework used for the review of literature applies two guiding theories. They are the ve forces model developed by Porter 68, and the generic contingency theory which emerged from the work of Lawrence and Lorch Perrow and Thompson 81. The framework is used to classify past research, to analyze research

24、 ndings of classied studies, and to propose meaningful research questions for future research for each factor. The prime actors in the mobile payment services market are mobile payment service providers and their customers. Various parties assuming these roles in the market include consumers, mercha

25、nts, nancial institutions and telecom operators. Additional parties, typically vendors of hand sets, software, networks and other technologies may also be involved. The power and the interests of these parties impact how technologies and other resources are orches trated into mobile payment services

26、, and how these services are ored to and used by the market. Moreover, mobile payment services compete for the attention of customers and other parties against physical and electronic payment services. Mobile payment services are a natural choice to pay for mobile services. Yet, to succeed, mobile p

27、ayment services may have to oer added value and be available for other relevant payment environments as well. Porters 68 competitive factors strategy model, or the ve forces model, describes both the key role of a mobile payment service provider, and other market factors. The model applies insights

28、from industrial organization theory to analyze the competitive environment on the level of business units 3, and relates the average protability of the participants in an industry to competitive forces 30. The basic proposition is that organizational performance mainly depends on the industry struct

29、ure. According to Pearce and Robinson 65 and Johnson 29, the strengths of Porters model are that it provides one simple approach to analyze industry structure, identify and determine the attractiveness of an industry, reveal insights on protability, inform important decisions about whether to leave

30、or enter industries or sectors, and develop strategic optionsto improve relative performance in the industry or inuence relative position in the industry. As one of the most inuential management tools for strategic industry analysis 3, the model has been applied by numerous practitioners and academi

31、cs 30. The above arguments suggest that the model is well suited to guide the classication of literature on the mobile payments services markets. In addition to the competitive forces within the mobile payments services markets, other factors are believed to impact these markets as well, for example

32、, technology and standards, regulatory activities and legislation, estab lished purchase and payment habits, or national economy infrastructures. If we regard a mobile payment services market as the unit of analysis (organization), these other factors become contingency factors, which inuence the pe

33、rformance of the unit but are beyond the inuence and control of that unit, as dened in the contingency theory. Contingency theory therefore is also well suited to classify mobile payments research and to capture the environmental factors which are characteristic to the mobile payment services markets .The

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