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1、Playingsportsteachespeoplelessonsaboutlife Playing sports teaches people lessons about lifePassage 1:Many people, believing that life is life and sport is sport, maintain that sports cannot teach them anything about life. However, I think that sports have many aspects that are similar to life, and I

2、 would argue that people can learn important lessons from sports. For instance, sports can teach people never give up. All participants in a game have a strong longing to win, so they try their best to play the game, even if they have no energy. Even in the midst of exhaustion, persistence leads pla

3、yers to move in order to beat their opponents. For example, in the NBA game between the Houston Rockets and the San Antonio Spurs in 2004, the Spurs gained a 74-66 lead within the last few minutes, meaning that the Rockets were nearly beat by the Spurs. A large segment of the audience left the Toyot

4、a Center, but T-Mac, the heart of the Rockets, did not want to lose the game. Therefore, he kept moving, at the end of the game, he offers an incredible performance, winning an unbelievable thirteen points within 35 seconds to beat the Spurs. People can learn a lesson about not giving up from this b

5、asketball game and T-Mac. Additionally, sports teach people about unity. In the 2010 South Africa World Cup, the Germans have embodied this spirit. The German team is not like the teams of England, Brazil, and Argentina, which have a large number of A-list superstars, but the members of the German t

6、eam use their unity to beat their rivals one by one and earn respect. The coach of the herlands team remarked that the threat presented by the German is not its offense but its unity. I believe that people can be deeply affected by the spirit of unity they see in sports. Sports can be a mirror refle

7、cting something meaningful in peoples lives. I firmly believe that sports teach people lessons about life.Passage 2: People can learn about life from doing many different things, like working and talking with wise people, and can even learn from the little things that happen in their lives. I also b

8、elieve that playing sports can teach people lessons about life. First, playing sports teaches people to insist in researching a goal, especially when there are obstacles or when they bee frustrated. For example, running a marathon is a sport that requires spirit because runners must run for many mil

9、es before arriving at the end. If they give up at any point in the marathon, they will never succeed. If we insist on doing a task, we can succeed at last, just like crossing the finishing line of a marathon. Sports also teaches us that the spirit of cooperation inspires people. In a football game,

10、it is impossible not to cooperate with your teammates. If you try to play alone, you will bee exhausted and will fail. Sports teach us many examples like this one, which tell us that collaboration is more powerful than working alone in life.真的不掉线吗?、? In addition, sports teach us how to make decision

11、s according to our ability. Take a person with heart diseases as an example; it is dangerous for him to run strenuously, but he can do light sports, such as walking, swimming, jogging, and so on. It is the same life. If you choose to do something which you cannot do, you will be hurt or even injured

12、. For example, when a student jumped from the wall to show his bravery to his classmates, he hurt himself. Although people can learn lessons from many things, I feel that sports teach many important lessons that are difficult to be learned otherwise. Insisting on achieving a goal, cooperating, and m

13、aking the right decisions according to ability are important qualities for all people to have and qualities that sports can teach us. 真的不掉线吗?、?五年级下学期班务工作计划一年之际在于春。在万物复出的春天,我们又迎来了新的一年,在2011年的春天,我将继续担任五年级的班主任工作,和孩子们互利共勉,继续发扬上学期好的优良班风,学风,在原有的基础上争取更大的进步。 一、 指导思想 坚持以德育为首位,以日常行为规范为准绳,以新的教育理念为中心,大力培养学生的创新精

14、神和实践能力,力争我班在各方面都有新的突破。 二、 基本情况 我们人数有40人。男生23人,女生17人,由于全班整体的学习成绩,基础知识普遍都很差,能主动学习的,主动完成作业的人数不多,而男生人数是女生的一倍多,所以整个班级看起来都很听话,班级学习气氛不浓,有个别同学假如没有老师在场的情况下班干部就很难镇得住脚,所以我将面临着严重的挑战。 三、明确目标 俗话说:“有目标才有动力”。确立班集的共同目标是班集形成和条件和前进的动力。有了长远的奋斗目标,能才能使同学们团结一致,努力学习,全面发展,共同进步。仅仅有长远目标还不够,还应有近期的。一个个目标的实现,将使班级形成强盛的凝聚力,班集体才能得以

15、巩固。 长期目标:形成具有积极、团结、向上的班风;努力,好学,坚持不真的不掉线吗?、?懈的学风。争取被评为文明班级。 中期目标:学会听课,不逃学,认真完成作业,养成良好的学习习惯。 近期目标;认识自己的不足,改掉坏毛病,热爱班集体,遵守班规班纪。 四、 实施方案 纪律方面:培养正确的舆论,并利用舆论压力促使学生遵守纪律,养成较好的行为习惯。制定班级的规章制度,约束学生的行为习惯。每周利用文明榜对遵纪守法的学生以贴星星作为奖励,鼓动学生的积极性。对常违返纪律的学生采用谈话的方式进行沟通教育,对屡教不改的学生及时与家长取得联系,共同商讨,达成共同教育学生的共识。 卫生方面:排好值日生表,制定值日卫

16、生责任制。比如,哪组学生在打扫卫生后,被检查出打扫不干净,第二天还是由原来的值日生再打扫,一直到打扫干净为止。值日生还要监督乱丢垃圾现象。对于积极肯干的学生加以表扬。 文明礼貌方面:作为班主任,就是班级的带头人。在文明礼貌方面应给学生树立一个好的榜样。自己的一举一动将给学生带来很大的影响,言教不如身教。班主任要以身作则,不仅教会学生学习,更应教会学生做人。鼓励学生多向他人主动打招呼,友善对待他人。做个文明讲理的人。 五、 培养班级骨干 班干部是班级的重要组成部分。是班主任工作中的好伙伴,得力助手。他们会为班主任排忧解难。他们在学生中应是比较有威信的人。所以,本学期,我在班干部产生上采用了任命和竞选相结合的办法。让出真的不掉线吗?、?五个名额由班级学生通过竞选产生,自荐和推荐相结合。通过竞选,不但选出了班级学生喜爱的小干部,更主要地培养了学生积极竞争,为班级、为同学

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