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Going West教案.docx

1、Going West教案Going West教案 Ging est教案The Furth Perid Teahing Ais: 1Revie all the language pints and the graarthe Attribute in this unit 2Learn and aster the flling phrases: tie up,at stae,g fr 3D se reading and riting pratie t iprve the students integrating sills 4Learn h t rite a str Teahing Iprtant

2、Pints: 1Iprve the students integrating sills 2Help the students rite a str ell Teahing Diffiult Pints: 1H t help the students understand the reading passage better 2H t help the students plete the riting Teahing ethds: 1Ding se exerises t revie hat theve learnt in this unit 2Reading and understandin

3、g t iprve the students reading abilit 3riting pratie t iprve the students riting abilit 4Individual,pair r grup r t ae ever student be ative in lass Teahing Aids: 1the ultiedia 2a tape rerder 3the blabard Teahing Predures: Step Greetings Greet the hle lass as usual Step Revisin T:esterda e revieed t

4、he graarthe Attributee n that adetives,prnuns,adverbs,t d,v-ing,v-ed,attributive lauses,etare all pssible t be used as the AttributeN,please l at the sreen and d the exerise t see if u have astered the ell enugh (Teaher shs the exerise n the sreen and ass the students t d it ne b ne) Underline the A

5、ttribute in eah sentene and tell hat is used as Attribute 1The rld in hih e live is ade f atter 2The her fr tda is t rite a six-hundred-rd psitin abut ur hetn 3This is the labratr set up b the students theselves 4The r faing suth is ur bedr He is alas the first t e and the last t leave 6She t the se

6、nd plae in the beaut ntest Suggested ansers: 1in hih e live(an attributive lause) 2six-hundred-rd(a plex adetive) abut ur hetn(a prepsitin phrase) 3set up b the students theselves(a past partiiple) 4faing suth(a present partiiple) ur(a prnun) t e;t leave(an infinitive) 6the send(an rdinal nueral) be

7、aut(a nun) T:u all did gd bsS uh fr graar revisinN,lets revie the useful phrases and expressins in this unit tgetherPlease l at the sreen and finish the exerise b urself in five inutes (Sh the flling n the sreen) plete the sentenes using the prper frs f the expressins in the bx appltadd uplse heartt

8、ae it easeep upleave behindpull uplse nes ae t an endbe/bee austed thave n hie but t d1The ar sn_ 2His ife_her t little girls 3uld u_that priniple_everne? 4Have u_these figures_right? _u_this ind f eather? 6The pliean_the trist and ased t see his liene 7The tld us the_ 8If this rain_,all the rps ill

9、 be ruined 9uve been ring s hard fr several nthsu ust_and relax ver the eeend 10The b_drp ut f the shl 11Faing an diffiult,e shuldnt_ (After a hile,teaher hes the ansers) Suggested ansers: 1ae t an end 2left behind 3appl;t 4added;t Are;austed t 6pulled up 7had lst their a 8eeps up 9tae it eas 10had

10、n hie but t 11lse heart T:Besides,eve als learnt a lt abut perseverane and suessTell e hih rds and expressins in this unit an help us tal abut perseverane and suess Ss:eep up,lse heart,live thrugh,quit,perseverane,ntinue Step Reading T:ellIagine that ne ld inter in Alasa,ure ased t tae se ediines t

11、a hspital 700 iles aa as sn as pssibleH uld u d it? Ss:B plane,train,bus r ship T:If the erent available t u fr se reasn,hat uld u d? Ss:e a tr riding a sled dran b a tea f dgs T:ure ver leverBut it isnt an interesting and relaxing urne,is it? Ss:N,it isnt T:N lets read a dialgueIt ill tell us a tru

12、e strBefre e read it,ell learn se ne rds (Teaher deals ith the ne rds as usual) T:pen ur bs at Page 2Ill give u fur inutes t read the dialgue quil and silentl and then anser se questins n the sreenD it as fast as pssibleAfter a hile,Ill he the ansers (Teaher shs the flling n the sreen) 1hen did the

13、Anhrage-t-Ne dg sled rae begin? 2as the first rae a petitin? 3hat relatinship are iss elh and Dr elh? 4hat ind f disease is diphtheria? hat uld be the nl a ver 674 iles beteen Nenana and Ne? 6H as the vaine brught t Nenana? 7ere the hildren f Ne saved at last?H an iles had the drivers vered in littl

14、e re than 127 hurs? (Fur inutes later,teaher begins t he their ansers) Suggested ansers: 1The Anhrage-t-Ne dg sled rae began in 192 2N,it asntBut it as a rae against tie 3iss elh is a grand-daughter f Dr elh 4Diphtheria is a disease that spreads ver fastIf untreated,it uld prdue a perful pisn that u

15、ld ill the patient A rela f dg teas uld be the nl a at that tie 6The dtr in Anhrage rapped the ediine in a quilt and tied it upA train t the paet fr Anhrage t Nenana 7esThe drivers had vered alst 700 iles in little re than 127 hurs T:Gd bsN,l at the sreenIll explain se expressins and a sentene patte

16、rn t u s that u an use the freel Useful expressins: 1savefr ege ust d sething t save the fr ruin 2ver a distane f egThe Red Ar vered a distane f 2 000 li n the Lng arh 3tie up egait a ent hile I tie up shes 4at stae egHis reputatin as at stae Sentene pattern: If untreated,it uld prdue a(=If it ere u

17、ntreated,it uld prdue a) egIf invited,I uld attend her edding (=If I ere invited,I uld attend her edding) (Bb:savefr,ver a distane f,tie up,at stae If untreated,it uld prdue a(=If it ere untreated,it uld prdue a) T:D u have anthing else u dnt understand?If u d,please tell eIll be glad t explain the

18、t u (Teaher ansers the questins ased b the students) Step Listening and Disussin T:ell,lets listen t the tape,hen I pla it fr the first tie,ust listen t ithen I pla it fr the send tie,please listen and repeatThen read the dialgue alud fr a fe inutesIs that lear? Ss:es T:Lets begin (Teaher plas the t

19、ape fr the students t listenThen the students read itAfter that,teaher sas the flling) T:ellStp hereN please disuss the questins bel the dialgueD the in grups f furIll give u five inutes t prepareAfter that,Ill as se f u t reprt ur results f the disussin t the rest f the lassD u understand? Ss:es T:

20、Begin,please (Teaher ges ang the students and ins theFive inutes later,teaher hes their r) Suggested ansers: 1The are flu and diphtheria 2Fr exaple,pneunia,hler,hien px,sall-px 3hen he disvered that the hildren had diphtheria and had n enugh vaine in the sall it,he deided t get vaine fr a hspital in

21、 AnhrageBut in 192,nthing gt t Ne quil,s he thught the nl a as a rela f dg teasAfter tent drivers vered alst 700 iles in little re than 127 hurs tgether ith their dg teas,the hildren f Ne ere saved 4A rela eans that eah eber f the tea ust finish ne setin f the ttal distane,suh as the arathn rela rae

22、 Beause the sea as frzen,hile the nl t planes had been stred Step riting T:N l at Page 4Its tie fr us t d se riting pratieThis tie,ere ging t rite a str based n the dialgue e learnt ust nRetell the str first and then rite it n a piee f paperThe pitures bel a help u finish the tasBefre retelling it,u

23、d better l at the pitures arefullhen u finish it,exhange ur riting ith ur partners and rret the istaes in itAt the end,Ill as se f u t retell the str rallIs everthing lear? Ss:es T:u an begin ur r (Teaher gives the students enugh tie t finish the tas f ritingIf tie perits,teaher ass se f the t retel

24、l the str in lass) ne pssible versin: ne da,in the inter f 192,the nl dtr in Ne Dr elh disvered that se hildren had a terrible disease alled diphtheriaSn se hildren diedIn the sall it,Dr elh had enugh vaine fr pepleThe nl a t prevent the disease as t get re vaine as quil as pssibleAt last,Dr elh fun

25、d the vaine in a hspital,but the hspital as 1000 iles aaAt that tie,the sea as frzen and the nl t planes had been stredThe nl a uld be t tae the ediine first fr Anhrage t Nenana b train and then send the t Ne b a rela f dg teasIt uld tae up t 13 das t pleteSn tent tugh en fred a rela teaThe rde da a

26、nd night,thrugh sn strs,against the teperature re than 30 degrees bel zerAt last,the vered alst 700 iles and t the vaine t Ne as sn as pssible in little re than 127 hursThe hildren f Ne ere savedThe drivers and dgs ere s tired that the dgs uldnt bar hen the arrived in NePeple in the it uh appreiated

27、 the dgs and thught the ere reall heresIn Deeber that ear,a brnze sulpture f a dg as plaed in Ne rs entral Par in hnur f the Step Suar and Her T:In this lass,eve revieed the useful expressins and the graarthe AttributeAnd eve als learnt a dialgue abut a histrial event in 192 and se useful phrases an

28、d a sentene patternBesides,eve learnt h t rite a strAfter lass,g ver all the language pints learnt in this unitIf u havent finished ur riting,please g n ith itell,up t n,eve learnt the hle unitan u tell e h u fell abut perseverane? S1:I fell that perseverane leads t suess S2:I thin hen faing a diffi

29、ult deisin,e shuld sta alIf at first e dnt sueed,tr,tr again S3: T:ell dnePlease read the tips at Page 4 after lassI believe that ull learnt a lt fr itThats all fr tdalass is verSee u trr! Ss:See u trr! Step The Design f the riting n the Blabard Unit 6Ging est The Furth Perid Useful expressins: savefr ver a distane f tie up at stae Sentene pattern: If untreated,it uld prdue a(=If it ere untreated,it uld prdue a) Step Rerd after Teahing _

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