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1、创新设计外研社必修三第一单元 Module 1Europe(2011湖南高考)Directions:write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.假设你参加所在年级的英文写作比赛,请按如下要求完成一篇短文:1简要描述下图内容,并点名主题;2联系实际,表达该图带给你的启示。注意:1.词数不少于120;2不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。_【满分作文】As is illustrated in the picture,one drop of water does not make a se

2、a;one tree does not make a forest;one person does not make a society.It tells us that in our society two heads are better than one and unity is strength.Nowadays there are still many poor students.They cant afford to go to school.Luckily,many people and organizations donate a lot of money to help th

3、em receive college education smoothly.In a word,we should offer our help and love to the persons in need.I believe that if everyone of us can give help and love to others,the relationships between people will be harmonious and our society will be a better place for us to live in.【高级词汇】illustrate(用图例

4、等)说明;阐明harmonious和谐的;和睦的【佳句变换】 At present,many students are still too poor to receive primary school education. Fortunately,with the help of many warmhearted people and organizations,they have got enough money to finish school;some even receive college education as expected. All in all we should mak

5、e it our duty to offer help and love to those who are in need of them.A考纲词汇思忆1across prep.横过;穿过2face vt.面向;面对3range n山脉4symbol n象征;符号5feature n特点6situated adj.坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的situation n情境7located adj.位于location n位置8architect n建筑师architecture n建筑学9civilisation n文明civilise vt. 使文明civil adj.文明的;国家的10an

6、cient adj.古代的modern adj.现代的11opposite prep.在对面oppose vt.反对12sign vt.签署signature n签名13agreement n协议;契约disagreement n分歧14govern vt.统治;治理government n政府15representative n代表represent vt.代表字词入章,相得益彰The Great Wall,which runs across North China likes a huge dragon,is the symbol of the wisdom of the ancient

7、Chinese.Today it is being destroyed,facing a dangerous situation.Fortunately,the government has taken measures to protect it.All the people are in agreement on this point. B重点短语识记1因为;由于 because_of2作为而出名/闻名 be_known/famous_as3自从一直 ever_since4据;依照 in_terms_of5与相比 compared_with6另一方面;反过来说 on_the_other_h

8、and7控制 have_control_over8一点点地;逐渐地 little_by_little9属于 belong_toC经典句式再现1完全倒装句Between_France_and_Spain_is(法国和西班牙之间是)another mountain rangethe Pyrenees.2ever since自从以来Their work has_influenced_other_writers_ever_since(自那以来一直影响其他的作家)3倍数as.asThe expanded European Union has a population of more than half

9、a billion people,twice_as_big_as the population of the United States.A核心单词巧布点,基石奠face vt.面向;面对n.面孔When I am faced with a difficulty,I usually choose to refer to relevant learning materials or Web pages.(2011安徽卷,写作范文)我遇到困难的时候通常去参考相关阅读材料或网页。(1)be_faced_with/by 面对着face the music由于自己的决定或行动而接受批评、承担后果等(2)

10、face_to_face面对面lose face丢面子make a face 做鬼脸save face挽回面子The building facing the big river is likely to be destroyed by the flood.面向着大河的这座大楼有可能被洪水冲毁。His ambition was to meet his favourite pop star face_to_face他一心向往的是要面对面地见见他最喜欢的流行歌星。小贴士(1)be faced withbe confronted with,侧重指“面对着”这种状态,而face sb/sth侧重动作;(

11、2)facetoface与face to face的区别在于:前者通常只能作前置定语,后者可以作状语或表语。opposite prep.在对面/对过n.对立面;对立物adj.相对的,对立的,对面的adv.在对面,在对过Some of their body signals were just opposite.(2011广东卷,阅读B)他们的一些体态语言信号恰好是相反的。opposite(to)sb/sth在对面/对过just the opposite恰恰相反巧学助记The man sitting opposite_us looked very familiar.坐在我们对面的人看上去很面熟。A

12、s a husband,Jack is considerate while his opposite isnt.丈夫杰克很体贴而他妻子恰好相反。range n山脉;排;连续;(变化等的)幅度;(知识等的)范围;区域;射程v.排列,使排队;(动植物)分布;(在一定范围内)变化,变动,(范围)涉及,扩展We cautiously began a conversation and spoke about a wide range of things.(2010重庆,阅读A)我们谨慎地开始对话,话题广泛。(1) (2) 巧学助记The houses are sold out within_this_p

13、rice_range这个价格范围之内的房子已售完。The price of beer ranges_from 50 cents to$4 per liter during the summer season.夏季每升啤酒价格从50美分到4美元不等。situated adj.坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的;处于境遇的be_situated_in/on/to位于The house is_situated_in the suburbs.该房子坐落在郊区。The company is rather awkwardly situated公司处境相当尴尬。Situated at the foot of t

14、he mountain,the small village has a good situation and due to the situations of the fast development of tourism,it has become a holiday resort.(situate)sign vt.签署;签名;示意,打手势n.符号;标记;手势;征兆Mrs.Thompson got two more letters from him with the last one signed.(全国)汤姆逊女士又收到了他的两封信,最后一封署了名。(1) 巧学助记He signed_to

15、_me_to_keep quiet.他向我打手势,让我安静。For safety reasons,please sign_in when you arrive at the building,and sign_out when you leave.基于安全原因,请在抵达大楼时签到,离去时签退。across prep.& adv.横过;穿过;横跨;横穿;从一边到另一边;在对面We walked across the street.我们跨过了马路。The river is 80m_across这条河宽80米。辨析across/through/over(1)across“横过”,动作在一条线上或一物

16、体的表面上进行。(2)through“穿过”,动作在一物体的空间中进行。(3)over“在之上越过”,动作在一物体的上方进行。巧学助记The Great Wall winds its way from west to east,across the deserts,over the mountains,through the valleys,till at last it reaches the sea.长城从西向东,跨过沙漠,越过高山,穿过深谷,蜿蜒而行,最后直达海边。集训中心.单词拼写1We live o_ the school,so we often go to school on fo

17、ot.2Im quite in a_ to your decision.3The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower,the famous s_ of Paris.4The girl is brave enough to swim a_ the river alone.5The Louvre,one of the worlds largest art galleries,is also l_ in Paris.6Can you tell me one of the _(特点)of this dictionary?7The pl

18、ayers taking part in the Beijing Olympic Games came from several _(大洲)8How many _(代表)have been sent to the UN conference?9There are many _(古代的)buildings in Beijing.10During World War II,Germany was _(统治)by Hitler.答案1.opposite2.agreement3.symbol4.across 5located6.features7.continents8.representatives

19、 9ancient10.governed.单项填空1_with a sudden job loss,would you consider it a failure,or an opportunity for a new start in your career?AFacing BFaced CTo face DFace2The post office which is a landmark in our city is just _the street.Aover Bthrough Cacross Dopposite3The leaders of the company are having

20、a meeting to discuss where the new office branch_Ashould situate Bshould be situatedCshould be lied Dwas located4In the agreement I saw his name_in larger letters.Awritten Bwriting Csigned Dsigning5This restaurant has become popular for its wide _of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.(2010湖北)Adi

21、vision Barea Crange Dcircle答案1.B2.D3.B4.C5.CB核心短语点入线,基础建in terms of 据;依照;就来说;从角度What can we learn about old women in terms of fashion?(2010湖北卷,阅读C)从时尚的角度我们对老年人能了解什么呢?in the long/short term长/短期be on good/friendly/bad,etc,terms(with sb)(与某人)关系好/密切/不好等come_to_terms(with_sb)(与某人)达成协议;妥协小贴士在以上的短语中term与te

22、rms有不同的意思。term学期;术语;期限;terms措辞;条件;关系。In_the_long_term,the plan is practical.从长远来看,这个计划是切实可行的。We are_on_good_terms_with our neighbours.我们与邻居和睦相处。on the other hand另一方面;反过来说On the other hand,the more customers are promised,the greater the risk of disappointment.(2011浙江卷,阅读C)另一方面,对顾客的承诺越多,他们就越有可能失望。on o

23、ne hand.on the other hand一方面,另一方面at_hand 在手边,在附近,即将到来at first hand直接地,第一手地at second hand间接地,二手地by_hand_用手,手工,亲自in_hand在掌握中地,在进行中地hand in hand手牵手,共同地The great day was almost at_hand重要的日子马上就要到了。She stayed there to experience village life at_first_hand她待在那儿想亲身体验农村生活。满分作文之佳句aOn the other hand,the more c

24、ustomers are promied,the greater the risk of disappointment.(2011浙江卷)bFor one thing,it is important to take a Chinese course.For another thing,it also helps to watch TV and read books,newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possible.(全国I)cFirstly,we should develop a good attitude to life.Second

25、ly,we must study hard because knowledge is power.(辽宁卷)dFirst,a mouse is really handy,flexible and convenient.Second,the functions of inserting,deleting,moving and copying enable us to edit texts,browse web pages and download what we want.(江苏卷) 集训中心.选词填空have control over;refer to;on the other hand;li

26、ttle by little;in common with;in terms of1_he realized the importance of study.2He _no_his emotions.3We agreed never to _the matter again.4_a lot of other countries,America is in an economic recession.5I would like a job which pays more,but _I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.6It is not worth t

27、he price _its value.答案1.Little by little2.has;control over 3refer to4.In common with5.on the other terms of.单项填空1_,the wind died down and people began to appear on the street.AA bit less BLittle by littleCA little bit DNot a little2We should consider problems _the peoples interest.Ain ways

28、of Bin spite ofCin terms of Din favour of3I dont like Toms way of behaviour,but _I admire his great knowledge.Ain other words Bon the other handCfor one thing Das a matter of fact4Standing _the northeast coast of the sea,we could find the forest was on fire on the island_the coast.Aon;on Boff;off Co

29、n;off Doff;on5Although H1N1 flu has become the leading influenza virus in all countries,the human beings are trying their best to _control over it.Alose Bbring Chave Dmake答案1.B2.C3.B4.C5.CC核心句型线入面,灵犀现Between France and Spain is another mountain rangethe Pyrenees.法国和西班牙之间是另一座山脉,即比利牛斯山脉。此句为全部倒装。表示地点的介词短语放在句首时,其后的句子要用全部倒装,以示强调。(1)表示地点、时间等的介词短语放于句首时,句子通常用完全倒装。On the ground lay_an_old_sick_goat地上躺着一只有病的老山羊。(2)here,there,now then等副词置于句首时,谓语动词常用be,come,go,lie等,句子常用完全倒装。Look!Here comes_a_taxi看!出租车来了。(3)表示运动方向的副词或地点状语如in,out,away,off,up,down等置于句首,谓语动词是表示运动的动

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