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unit 3 teenage problems 教案牛津英语九年级 4doc.docx

1、unit 3 teenage problems 教案牛津英语九年级 4docUnit 3 Teenage problemsLanguage functions and focus1. Use wh words + to-infinitives, e.g., Simon does not know what to do.2. Learn different types of sentences.3. Distinguish different types of sentences.4. Use object complement to make sentences, e.g., We have

2、proved him wrong.5. Learn the five basic sentence structures6. Express problems and talk about solutions, e.g., Ive got a problem. My American penfriend hasnt replied to my last three e-mails. Why dont you send an e-card to her and let her know you miss her very much?7. Understand the different mean

3、ings of the verb get, e.g., get a bus, get angry, get low marksLanguage skillsListening1. Extract specific information from a conversation2. Identify main ideas to complete notes about a studentSpeaking1. Describe problems and their causes2. Express sympathy3.Offer suggestions to problemsReading1. U

4、nderstand key vocabulary items2. Identify problems and who has them3. Complete letters of adviceWriting1. Understand common problems and how to deal with them2. Make a plan for a letter3. Write a letter about some causes of stress and how they can be solvedStudy skills1. Develop the habit of proofre

5、ading work2. Identify common mistakes made in written English3. Correct mistakes in a written passage 第 19 课时Welcome to the unit Objectives1. To talk about problems and their causes2. To think about personal problems and how to deal with themComic Strips1. Teenage problems. 青少年的问题。teenage, adj. “十来岁

6、的”,主要指十三岁到十九岁这个年龄段的。e.g. They are teenage children. 他们是十几岁的孩子teenager, n. “十来岁的青少年” He joined a club for teenagers. 他参加了一个青少年的俱乐部。2. Im getting fat. Look at my stomach. 我正在发胖,看我的肚子。get 在这里是一个连系动词,与形容词一起构成系表结构。He got tired after the long walk. 连系动词除be动外,还有感官动词:look, sound, smell, taste, feel,还有三个“变”,

7、即:get, turn, become等, e.g. The cake tastes good. Whats wrong? You look unhappy today.3. Eating too much makes you unhealthy. 吃得太多使你不健康。eating too much 动名词短语做主语e.g. Running and swimming are good for you.Part A1 Explain that most teenagers have problems. Tell students that if they ever need to talk ab

8、out their problems, they should talk to their teachers, friends or family. Tell students that having a problem is nothing to be ashamed of-everyone has worries from time to time.2 Review noisy and quarrel. For stronger classes, ask students to explain what these two words mean. For weaker classes, e

9、xplain that these words mean full of noise and argue.3 Ask students to work in pairs to complete Part A on page 39. Once all students have finished, ask one student at a time to read out what they have written. Listen for mistakes and mispronunciation.Part B1 Tell students you want to do a survey of

10、 the problems that students in the class have. Write the following headings on the board: Not enough sleep Not enough time to do homework Too noisy to study Lonely Argue with cousin/classmate/parent Parents are always busy Read out each problem in turn, and ask students to raise their hands if they

11、have this problem. Make a tally of the problems that students have. This will reinforce a group feeling. Finally, make a note of the biggest problem the class has. Write the following on the board: The biggest problem Class ., Grade . has is .2 Explain that Part B is different from the previous exer

12、cise, as students have to rank how big these problems are in their lives. Explain to students that number 5 means that this is a big problem for them while number 1 means it is a small problem.3. Tell students to complete Part B on their own. Ask volunteers to give their answers but do not force stu

13、dents. If there are no volunteers, do not go over the answers to this exercise with the class. Keep students answers confidential.4. For stronger classes, ask students to add what they consider to be the biggest problems teenagers face to the list if these are different to those on the list.Knowledg

14、e points1. I dont have close friends. 我没有要好的朋友。close adj. “亲密的”、“紧挨着的”e.g. He is close to his brothers. The two buildings are close to each other.2. The TV is always on. 电视总是开着。be on 开着的;进行中;常指电灯、电视等开着,反义词为“off”。e.g. The light isnt on. He cant be inside.The film has been on for half an hour. 电影已放映半小

15、时了。3. I always quarrel with my cousin. 我总是和我的堂妹吵架。quarrel with sb. 与某人吵架e.g. She quarrelled with me yesterday.quarrel之后也可用about或over说明争吵的内容。Those children are always quarrelling over little things.Homework1. 有很多爱好_ 2. 密友_ 3. 集中精力在作业上_4. 写信给某人_ 5. 有一个问题 _ 6. 变胖_7. 看我的肚子_ 8. 整天_ 9. 和争吵_10. 吃得太多对你身体没有好

16、处。11. 我没有足够的睡眠。12. 电视机总是开着。13. I feel tired in class. (对画线部分提问)14. I have some good friends. (改为一般疑问句)15. Maybe youre right. (改为同义句)You _ _ right.16. It takes me much time to do my homework. (改为同义句)I _ _ _ _ my homework.17. Revise the dialogue on Page 38. 第 20 课时Reading (Part A) Objectives1. To unde

17、rstand how to write about problems and to express feelings2. To ask for advice3. To recognize and understand vocabulary about problemsRevision1. Revise the dialogue in Page 38.2. Exx.Lucy 有许多亲密的朋友。Lucy has a lot of close friends.我没有足够的时间吃早饭。I dont have enough time to have breakfast.吃的太多对你的健康没好处。Eati

18、ng too much is bad for your health.他总是和家人吵架。He always quarrels with his family members.Part A1 Ask students whether they read advice columns. Ask students where they can find advice columns, e.g., newspapers, magazines and websites. Bring in some samples from newspapers and magazines to show student

19、s.2 Explain the context. Millie and Simon have both written letters to a youth worker.3 Ask students to scan the text and see if there are words that they do not know. Explain these words briefly.4 Read Millies letter aloud. Ask students to listen carefully to you and follow the text on page 40. Ask

20、 questions to check understanding, e.g., What is Millies favourite hobby? (Painting.) What is Millies problem? (She doesnt have enough time for hobbies and homework.) 5 Ask one student at a time to read a paragraph. After each paragraph, ask students to say which parts of the text they do not unders

21、tand. Clarify any points if necessary.6 Read Simons letter aloud. Ask students to listen carefully to you and follow the text on page 41. Ask questions to check understanding, e.g., When does Simon play football? (After school until late.) How do his parents feel about it? (They dont like this and a

22、sk him to go home before 6 p.m.)7 Ask one student at a time to read a paragraph. After each paragraph, ask students to say which parts of the text they do not understand. Clarify any points if necessary.Knowledge points1. At the moment, painting is my favourite hobby. 目前,绘画是我最喜欢的爱好。moment “瞬间、片刻”,用法

23、有很多。at the moment, wait for a moment A few moments later he heard footsteps. 过了一会儿,他听见了脚步声。2. I know it is very important to work hard and hand in my homework on time, 我知道努力学习并且 按时交作业是很重要的, hand in “交上、提交”; hand on,意思是“传下去、转交”。Hand in your exercise books, please.Please watch this notice and hand it

24、on. 请把这张通知看一下,并传阅。3. Should I focus on my homework and give up my hobbies? 我是否应该把重点放在作业上,而放弃我的爱好? focus 意思是“(使)聚集,(使注意力)集中于”。He took the glass and focused the sun on some dried wood.他拿出透镜,把太阳光聚焦在干木材上。The meeting focused on the protection of wild animals.会议集中讨论了野生动物保护问题。4. Can you please teach me how

25、 to achieve a balance between the two? 你能否教我如何才能在两者之间获得平衡吗?achieve v.意思是“完成;做到;达到(目标)” achieve success 取得成功You can achieve your goals by working hard.He will never achieve anything if he doesnt work hard. 他如果不努力工作就永远不会有所成就。balance 意思是“天平;平衡”,用法如下:weigh sth. in a balance 用天平称某物 the balance of nature

26、生态平衡5. I am Grade 9 student and I am crazy about football! 我是一个九年级学生,我是个足球迷!crazy 本意是“疯狂的、狂热的、着迷的”,be crazy to do sth. / be crazy about (doing) sth. He is crazy to drive his car so fast. 他把车开得这样快,简直是疯了。She is crazy about dancing. 她对跳舞着迷。6. Id like your advice. 我想听听你的意见。advice 意思是“意见;劝告”。give/offer a

27、dvice 提出劝告;ask for sb.s advice征求某人的意见;take/follow/accept sb.s advice 接受某人的意见。7. We like staying out late to play football. 我们喜欢在外面踢足球踢到很晚。stay out 意思是“呆在外面;呆在户外”, Children always like to stay out to play different games. 孩子们总是喜欢呆在外面玩各种游戏。8. I really dont understand why they are so strict. 我真的不明白他们为什

28、么对我如此严厉。strict “严格的”。be strict with sb对某人要求严格, be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格They are very strict with their children. 他们对自己的孩子非常严格。Our teacher is strict in his work.我们的老师对工作要求很严格。9. from time to time “有时,偶尔,时常” She sent pocket money to him from time to time for a year.长大一年时间,她时不时给他送零花钱。10. I hope I can

29、offer you some useful suggestions. 我希望我能给你提供一些有用的建议。offer意思是“(主动)给予;提出;拿出;出价;奉献”等,用法如下:He offered his identity card at the entrance. 他在入口处出示了身份证。We offered him the house for 10000 pounds. 这栋房子我们向他开价1万英镑。They offer their lives to art. 他们把生命奉献给了艺术。11. This will give you an idea of how much free time y

30、ou have.这让你知道自己到底有多少空闲时间。come up with an idea 想出一个办法 have no idea 料想不到;毫无所知;不理解Homework1. Revise the passage. 2. Copy the new words.3. Exx.一、翻译下列词组:1. 写诗_ 2. 太多测试_ 3. 不时地 _4. 有足够的时间_ 5. 让我不高兴_ 6. 对疯狂执着_7. 感到有压力_ 8. 达到平衡_ 9. 最有价值的_10. give sb. some advice _ 11. hand in my homework _12. on time _ 13. my love of football _二、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. Can you give me some _(advice) on my study?2. This pen is _(valuable) of all my stationery.3. Tom has to give up _(play) computer games.4. He hopes _(see) his mother soon.5. I dont know how _(solve) the problem.四、翻译句子:1. 我希望这条建议能对你有帮助。2. 运动能帮助我们放松,让我们的生活

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