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1、第二册九单元电子教案漯河医学高等专科学校教案课 程: 大学英语 系 部: 公共外语教学部教研室: 公共英语 姓 名: 谢尧臣 二O O 九年二0一0年第二学期漯河医学高等专科学校教案系部: 公共外语教学部 班级: 09医疗专业 课时分配情况教学周周学时总学时理论学时实践学时节假日其它1746868周次理论实践其它周次理论实践其它周次理论实践其它一4七4十三4二4八4十四4三4九4十五4四4十4十六4五4十一4十七4六4十二4十八备注4其它情况教材及参考资料 (名称、主编、版本、出版社、出版时间等)教材:大学英语第二册(上海外语教育出版社)主要参考资料:1.Teachers Book (2006

2、版本)总主编:董亚芬 出版社:上海外语教育出版社出版时间:2006.62.Information from the net ,the library and other sources本期授课内容起止章节Unit 1-10本课程总学时68已讲授学时考查或考试考试授课时间第 周教学时数4章节名称Unit 9 : Whats intelligence anyway?教学目的及要求1. To make the students obtain some background information2. To ask the students to keep in mind the new words

3、and expressions3.To train the students listening ability4.To improve the students reading ability5. To improve the students speaking ability6. To train the students writing ability教学重点及难点1. enrich the words power2. some key structures 教具slide-shows; Multi-media; and some other means教学方法Reading; List

4、ening; Writing; Explaining and role-plays教学过程设计时间分配1. leading-in this unit 2. introducing the cultural background of this unit3. vocabulary items and useful expressions (including reading and explaining)4. Comprehension questions5. Multiple choices6. a summary of the teaching items5203515105教学内容批注 U

5、nit 9 : Whats intelligence anyway? Before Reading1. Intelligence Tests, Achievement Tests and Aptitude TestsAchievement tests and aptitude tests are very similar to intelligence tests. An achievement test is designed to assess what a person has already learned, whereas an aptitude test is designed t

6、o predict future performance or assess potential for learning. Usually the items on achievement tests and aptitude tests relate to a specific area of knowledge, such as mathematics or vocabulary. Because intelligence tests frequently include these same areas of knowledge, many experts believe that i

7、t is impossible to distinguish between intelligence tests, achievement tests, and aptitude tests. Often, test makers call their tests achievement tests or aptitude tests to avoid the word intelligence, which can be frightening to some test takers.2. Intelligence Quotient (I.Q.)According to the passa

8、ge, if a 6-year-old girl scored a mental age of 9, what would her IQ be? 150Instead of giving a persons performance on the as a mental age, Terman converted performance into a single score, which he called the intelligence quotient, or IQ. A quotient is the number that results from dividing one numb

9、er by another. The idea of an intelligence quotient was first suggested by German psychologist William Stern in 1912. To compute IQ, Stern divided mental age by the actual, chronological age of the person taking the test and then multiplied by 100 to get rid of the decimal point. Global Reading1. Pa

10、rt Division of the Text partsparagraphsMain ideas11-2I have been scoring high in intelligence tests all my life but it only means that I am good at answering certain types of academic questions.23-4Intelligence is not absolute and it is decided by the society one lives in.35-7My auto repairman playe

11、d a joke on me, which seemed to prove me a moron.2. Questions and Answers1. What did the author think of the high score he had achieved in the aptitude test?2. Does the author believe that he is highly intelligent?3. According to the author, what do the high scores really mean?3. Table CompletionThe

12、 prelude (前奏) of the jokeA deaf-and-dumb guy successfully bought some nails by making motions.The question asked by my auto repairmanHow could a blind man buy scissors?My answerHe made scissoring motions with his first two fingers.Response of my auto repairmanHe laughed and said that I was a fool.My

13、 feelingUneasy.4. DiscussionDo you agree that sometimes highly educated people are not so smart as those who receive less education? Why or why not? Detailed ReadingNew words and expressions: 1. intelligence: mental ability; power of learning, understanding and reasoning.智力; 理解力 The children were gi

14、ven an intelligence test.儿童们接受了智力测验。disorders of intelligence 智能障碍His eyes rayed out intelligence. 他的眼睛闪烁着智慧灵光。Intelligent: having or showing intelligence. 形容词:聪明的; 理解力强的 I have not arrived at a very intelligent opinion on that matter.我对那件事还没有高见。All human beings are much more intelligent than animal

15、.整个人类都比动物聪明得多。2. aptitude: n. natural ability or skillHe is a boy of remarkable aptitude.My cousin has an aptitude for speaking.That student has an aptitude for mathematics.那个学生有数学方面的天赋。aptitude, competence, genius, talent & capability这些名词均可表示人的“能力,才能”之意。aptitude多指先天或后天习得的运用自如的能力,常暗示接受能力强,能迅速掌握一种学术技

16、能或艺术技巧。例如:Does she show any aptitude for games?能看得出她有体育方面的天赋吗?competence正式用语,强调指令人满意的业务能力与水平,达到胜任某项工作的要求。例如:No one doubts her competence as a teacher. 谁也不怀疑她能胜任教师工作。genius语气最强,指天赋的高度才能与智力。例如:Could a computer ever achieve the genius of men like Newton and Einstein?计算机能具有像牛顿、爱因斯坦那样的人的天赋吗?talent着重指人某方面

17、具有可发展和培养的突出天赋才能,但语义比genius弱。例如:The girl possesses a remarkable talent for music. 那女孩具有非凡的音乐才能。capability多用于人,指胜任某项具体工作的能力,也指本身具有尚未发挥的潜在能力。常与of或for连用。例如:You have the capability of doing this job well.你有能力把这件工作做好。3. normal: usually state, level, standard, etc. She braced herself to lead a normal life.

18、她振作起来去过正常生活。Everything is normal here.这里一切正常。He received four years of normal education at college.他在大学受了四年正规教育。return to normal 恢复正常in normal conditions 通常情况下2. against: prep. with the background of or compared toPaintings look best against a simple white wall.她根据清单检查了盒内的物品。She checked the items in

19、 the box against the list.3. figure: 1. n. 1) a numberWrite the number in words and in figures.This figure increases to 72 percent during summer vacation2) shape or outline of sb. or sth.What a fine figure of a man! 我可以看见门附近有一个高大的人影。I could see a tall figure near the door.3) an important personNapol

20、eon was a great figure in history.他一夜之间成为著名人物。He became a striking figure overnight.The number 2001 contains four digits. 数字2001含有四个阿拉伯数字。figure通常指作为书写符号的阿拉伯数字。例如:Write the numbers in figures wherever possible to save space.为了节省空间,尽可能用阿拉伯数字书写。Collocation: figure on料想;估计figure out算出;了解4. make a big f

21、uss: give someone a lot of attention and treat one wellMake a fuss over your cat when he behaves properly.make a fuss over / of sb. / sth. 过分关心某人/事她不常见到孙女,所以一旦见到就对她百般宠爱。She doesnt see her granddaughter very often so she makes a real fuss of her granddaughter when she does.4. register:1). v. put info

22、rmation into an official list or record; achieveI registered the car in my name.Students have to finish registering for the new course by the end of April.学生们必须在四月底完成新课程的注册。An increasing number of students are registering for degree courses each year.每年, 越来越多的学生注册学习学位课程。How many members have officia

23、lly registered in the club?该俱乐部正式登记的会员有多少?Have you registered the birth of your baby?你给婴儿的出生登记了吗?2). n. record or listThe old man finally found the register of births and deaths. He was looking over a hotel register.他正在仔细检查旅馆住宿登记表。Each class has a register of 50 students.每班注册有50个学生。record, list, enr

24、oll & register 这四个词都是动词,都有“记录,登记”的意思。5. complacent: adj. self-satisfied; pleased with oneselfThey held a complacent attitude towards the problem.After setting the world record, he became complacent.创下世界纪录后,他变得洋洋自得起来。The winners complacent smile annoyed some people.胜利者洋洋自得的微笑使某些人深感厌恶。We lost because

25、we became complacent. 我们变得自满,所以输了。6. highly: to a great degree; very China is a highly civilized country.中国是一个高度文明的国家。The teacher speaks very highly of the boys behaviour.老师称赞这个男孩的表现。A highly experienced traveler. 一个有丰富经验的旅行者To estimate too highly. 过高估计估计得太高7. academic: adj.1) theoretical, scholarly

26、That idea is only of academic interest.There will be an academic discussion on the subject this afternoon.2) of a college or universityShe doesnt wish to work in a factoryshe wants an academic career.He didnt receive any prize in this academic year. 这一学年,他没有得到任何奖励。8. worthy: adj. deserving sth. like

27、 respect, admiration or support, etc.This book is worthy of careful study.Two points in this report are especially worthy of notice.报告中有两点特别值得注意。 worthy, worth & worthwhile这三个词都可作形容词,表示“价值,值得”。worthy有价值的。例如:We should live a worthy life. 我们的生活应当过得有价值。worth有(的)价值,值。例如:It was worth ten dollars. 这个值10美元

28、。worthwhile值得(花时间和精力)的。例如:It is worthwhile reading the novel. 这本小说很值得一读。Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.1). Our house is wouth about 200,000 yuan. 2). He is a teacher worthy of respect. 3). It wasnt worthwhile continuing with the project. 4). $4 m

29、illion worth of gift items have been produced for the event. 9. bent: n. special natural skill or interestShe has a scientific bent. 他生性爱好音乐。He has a natural bent for music.形容词 adj.弯的 a piece of bent wire一段弯曲的金属丝10. estimate:1). vt. judge the cost, size, value, etc. of somethingI estimated his age a

30、t 40.估计这棵树至少有700年之久。The tree is estimated to be at least 700 years old.2). n. a calculation of the value, size, amount, etc. of somethingWe got two or three estimates before having the roof repaired. Collocation: at a rough estimate据粗略估计by estimate照估计form / make an estimate of给作一估计; 评价10. grant: give or allow; agree or admit He refused to grant them long-term credits.他拒绝给他们长期信贷。Are you ready to grant that I was right? 你是否愿意承认我是对的?Would you ki

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