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21 Chart Works.docx

1、21 Chart Works Lesson Twenty-one Chart Works 海图作业Dialog A: Asking for Planning Route对话1: 请做计划航线Captain: Second Mate, we are about to sail from Hong Kong to Antwerp the day after tomorrow. Could you prepare the Passage Plan beforehand?船长: 二副,我们后天要从香港航行的安特卫普,你能事先准备计划航线吗?Second Mate: Certainly, sir. Bu

2、t we lack of Chart 3807.二副: 当然,但我们缺3807海图。Captain: I will order it from Chart Agent tomorrow morning.船长: 明天早上我从海图商那儿订购。Dialog B: Submitted Navigational Warnings对话2: 提交航行警告Radio Operator: Second Mate, I received these sets of navigational warnings from Tokyo Radio Station this morning. I suppose some

3、 of them are useful.报务员: 二副,今早我从东京台收到这些航行警告,我想其中一些航行警告有用。Second Mate: Put them on the chart desk, and write down the warning numbers in register book. I will handle it. Thanks a lot.二副: 把它们放到海图桌上,把航行警告号码填到登记本里,我会处理的,多谢!Dialog C: Blame on Chart Work对话3: 责备海图工作Captain: Why did you not fix charts, Seco

4、nd Mate?船长: 二副,你为什么没有修正海图?Second Mate: Im terribly sorry. Its no my fault, I am afraid. You know that I took over the job from former Second Officer recently, but I found there is no Admiralty Notice to Mariners.二副: 十分抱歉,我想这不是我的错,你知道我刚从前任二副手中接班,我发现船上没有英版航海通告。Captain: Why did you not report immediate

5、ly?船长: 当时为什么不立即报告?Second Mate: That is my mistake, sir!二副: 那是我的错,先生!Practical Expressions 实用表达方式Part A: Land and Sea-marks Defects 陆标和海标损坏1. Lowestoft Light (5219. 6N 00140. 0E) unlit.拉沃斯福特灯(5219. 6N 00140. 0E)不亮了。2. Caister Light buoy unreliable.凯斯特灯浮不可靠。3. North Well Light-buoy of Chart 108 damage

6、d.海图108的北井灯浮损坏。4. Cromer Lighthouse of chart 106 (5256N, 00118E) off station.海图106克勒漠灯塔(5256N, 00118E)关闭。5. Roaring Middle Light-float (5258N, 00021E) missing.中高灯浮(5258N, 00021E)丢失。6. For major lights only: Fog signal at Fire Range Control Tower (5304N, 00014E) inoperative.对主灯塔来说:雾号在火炬控制塔(5304N, 000

7、14E)不工作。Part B: Alteration 更改7. Lighthouse in position 651055N, 0120715E changed to isophase, Red, 4seconds, 23feet, 2miles.在651055N, 0120715E处灯塔改成等明暗、红色、4秒、23英尺、2海里。8. Light in 5049. 7N, 00014. 8W temporarily changed to group occulting light, 5seconds, 8metres, 10miles.在5049. 7N, 00014. 8W暂时变更为联顿光5

8、秒,8米,10海里。9. Light in 6510. 9N, 01206. 9E temporarily removed.在6510. 9N, 01206. 9E处灯光暂时撤走。10. Port-hand pillar lightbuoy with topmark in 3120. 63N 12138. 50E temporarily discontinued.左侧带顶标柱形灯浮在3120. 63N 12138. 50E处暂时闪光不连续。Part C: New and moved 新加和变更11. Port-hand light-beacon with topmark Flashing Re

9、d, 10seconds, established in position 5335. 98N, 00005. 97W.在5335. 98N, 00005. 97W处建立左侧带顶标灯立标,闪红光10秒。12. E. Cardinal pillar lightbuoy quick flashing, 3seconds, 10seconds, Chong 1 re-established in position 3127. 82N, 12128. 58E.东界柱形灯浮急闪3秒、10秒,“中1”号在3127. 82N, 12128. 58E处重建。13. Radar beacon moved 3mi

10、les 175degress to 2939. 57N, 03232. 15E.雷达信标移至距2939. 57N, 03232. 15E,3海里方位175度处。Part D: Drifting objects 漂浮物14. Superbuoy adrift in vicinity 5045N, 01026W at 0800 hour local time.在当地时间0800时在5045N, 01026W附近有大型浮罐。15. Hazardous mine adrift in vicinity 2631N, 07846W at 1200 UTC.在协调世界时1200时在2631N, 07846W

11、发现漂浮危险水雷。16. Unlit derelict vessel adrift in vicinity 3205N, 08106W at 0830 hours local time.在当地时间0830时在3205N, 08106W附近发现无灯光标记的废弃船。17. Four containers adrift in vicinity 3639S, 17454E at 0200 UTC.在协调世界时0200时在3639S, 17454E附近发现4个集装箱漂浮。Part E: Electronic navaids 电子助航18. GPS satellite 6 unusable from 09

12、0600 UTC to 120600 UTC. Cancel one hour after time of restoration.全球定位系统6号卫星从协调世界时9日0600时至12日0600时无法使用,恢复后1小时取消该信息。19. Loran A station Cheng Shan off air from 010800 hours local time to 050800 hours local time. Cancel one hour after time of restoration.成山劳兰A台从当地时间1日0800时到5日0800时关闭,恢复后1小时取消该信息。20. Ra

13、con in position 3205S, 08105E off air from 080800 UTC to 100800 UTC. Cancel one hour after time of restoration.在3205S, 08105E处的雷达信标从协调世界时8日0800时到10日0800时关闭,恢复后1小时取消该信息。21. Decca off air from 081000 UTC to 101000 UTC. Cancel one hour after time of restoration.台卡从协调世界时8日1000时至10日1000时关闭,恢复后1小时取消该信息。Pa

14、rt F: Seabottom Characteristics, Wrecks 海底特征,沉船22. Uncharted reef in position 0228N, 11115E.在0228N, 11115E处有海图未标的礁石。Uncharted rock reported in position 5950N, 00610E.据报在5950N, 00610E处有海图未标的礁石。Uncharted shoal reported in position 3358N, 15111E.据报在3358N, 15111E处有海图未标的浅滩。23. Dangerous wreck located in

15、position 0622S, 00610E.在0622S, 00610E处有危险沉船。Dangerous obstruction located in position 0228N, 11112E.在0228N, 11112E处有危险障碍物。24. Dangerous wreck in position 3421N, 13403E marked by Red Lightbuoy at 0.5mile 090.沉船在3421N, 13403E处,距其0.5海里方位090度用一红灯浮做标记。Part G: Cable, pipeline and hydrographic operations 电

16、缆和水道作业25. Cable operations by M/V Alxander in vicinity 3244. 92S, 07129. 30W from 091000 UTC to 151000 UTC. Wide berth requested. Contact via channel 13.“亚历山大轮”在3244. 92S, 07129. 30W处铺设电缆工作从协调世界时9日1000时至15日1000时,请让宽,若必要请用13频道联络。Pipeline operations by M/V Maritime King along line joining 3421N, 13403

17、E to 3440N, 13403E from 010800 UTC to 050800 UTC. Wide berth requested.“海王”船在3421N, 13403E到3440N, 13403E连线上从协调世界时1日0800时到5日0800时铺设电缆,请宽让。26. Seismic survey by Xiang Yanghong No.10 from 080800 UTC to 100800 UTC in position 3440N, 13016E to 3450N, 13016E. Wide berth requested. Contact via VHF channel

18、26.“向阳红”10号在协调世界时8日0800时至10日0800时在3440N, 13016E至3450N, 13016E进行地震测量。请宽让,请用VHF26频道联络。Hydrographic operations by Naval vessel from 110800 to 150800 hours local time in position 3216N, 12526E. Wide berth requested.由海军船开始的水道测量工作从当地时间11日0800时至15日0800时在3216N, 12526E处,请宽让。27. Survey vessel Xiang Yanghong N

19、o.5 towing 50metres seismic cable along line joining 3440N, 12530E to 3540N, 12530E, from 04100800 UTC to 04150800 UTC. Wide berth requested.测量船“向阳红”5号拖带50米测地震电缆在3440N, 12530E至3540N, 12530E连线上,从协调世界时4月10日0800时至4月15日0800时,请宽让。28. Survey vessel M/V Hydrographer towing 100metres in area bound by 0130N

20、13040E, 0230N 13040E, 0130N 13140E, 0230N 13140E from 03020800 UTC to 04011800 UTC. Wide berth requested. Contact via VHF channel 20.测量船“测量员”拖带100米。在0130N 13040E, 0230N 13040E, 0130N 13140E, 0230N 13140E合围的范围内从协调世界时3月2日0800时至4月1日1800时进行工作,请宽让,用VHF20频道联络。29. Hazardous operations by HuJiu No.6 in vici

21、nity 3240N, 12730E from 030800 UTC to 060800 UTC. Wide berth requested. Contact via VHF channel 13.由“沪救”6号在3240N, 12730E附近危险操作,从协调世界时3日0800时至6日0800时工作,请宽让,用VHF13频道联络。30. Current meters moored in 0306. 50N, 14533. 46E. Wide berth requested.在0306. 50N, 14533. 46E处系水流计,请宽让。Hydrographic instruments moor

22、ed in 3506. 45 N, 00736. 56E. Wide berth requested.在3506. 45 N, 00736. 56E处系水道测量仪器,请宽让。Part H: Diving operations, tows 潜水工作,拖带31. Diving operations by vessel Yan Jiu No.10 from 081200 UTC to 102200 UTC in position 3452. 97N, 13452. 06E. Wide berth requested.由“烟救”10号在3452. 97N, 13452. 06E处从协调世界时8日120

23、0时至10日2200时有潜水作业,请宽让。32. Difficult tow from Yan Tai on April 1st to QingDao on April 3rd. Wide berth requested.从烟台4月1日出发的重拖带船4月3日抵青岛,请宽让。33. Dredging operations by vessel Shu De from March 1st 0800 hours local time to March 3rd 0800 hours local time in position 3639N, 13036E. Wide berth requested.“树

24、德”船从当地时间3月1日0800时至3月3日0800时在3639N, 13036E处进行疏浚工作,请宽让。Part I: Off-shore installations, rig moves 近岸设施34. Platform Ocean Explorer established in position 0615. 30S, 13236. 40W. Wide berth requested.“海洋探险者”平台已在0615. 30S, 13236. 40W处建立,请宽让。35. Platform Hua Tan No.1 removed from 0316N, 13236E on April 4t

25、h.“华探1号”平台在4月4日从0316N, 13236E处移走。36. Pipeline Hua Xia No.6 in position 3335. 07N, 13008. 30E spilling oil. Wide berth requested.“华厦6号”管线在3335. 07N, 13008. 30E处溢油,请宽让。37. Platform Kai Cai No.2 in position 2615. 03N, 12640. 50E leaking gas. Wide berth requested.“开采2号”平台在2615. 03N, 12640. 50E漏天然气,请宽让。3

26、8. Derelict platform Orient Weller being removed at 0404030800 UTC from 3611. 05N, 13730. 40E. Wide berth requested.遗弃平台“东方掘井者”号将在协调世界时04年4月3日0800时从3611. 05N, 13730. 40E处移走,请宽让。Part J: Defective locks or bridges 船闸或桥损坏39. Lock St Lambet defective.圣拉姆特船闸损坏。40. Bridge Estuary No.6 defective.河口6号桥坏了。41

27、. Avoid this area-no possibility for vessels to turn.避免进入该地区,船无法掉头。Part K: Military operations 军事行动42. Gunnery exercises in area bounded by 0100N 13200E, 0300N 13200E, 0100N 13400E, 0300N 13400E from 9802140800 UTC to 9804140800 UTC. Wide berth requested.在0100N 13200E, 0300N 13200E, 0100N 13400E, 03

28、00N 13400E范围内从协调世界时98年2月14日0800时至09年4月14日进行射击演习,请宽让。43. Rocket firing exercises in area bounded by 3340N 12150E, 3540N 12150E, 3340N 12350E, 3540N 12350E. Wide berth requested.在3340N 12150E, 3540N 12150E, 3340N 12350E, 3540N 12350E范围内有发射火箭演习,请宽让。44. Missile exercises in area bounded by 5919. 0N 0061

29、6. 1E, 5922. 8N 00602. 6E, 5919. 0N 00716. 1E. Wide berth requested.在5919. 0N 00616. 1E, 5922. 8N 00602. 6E, 5919. 0N 00716. 1E范围内有导弹演习,请宽让。45. Torpedo exercises in area bounded by 0228. 70N 11111. 22E, 0229. 12N 11111. 50E, 0227. 70N 11112. 97E, 0228. 23N 11113. 29E. Wide berth requested.在0228. 70N

30、 11111. 22E, 0229. 12N 11111. 50E, 0227. 70N 11112. 97E, 0228. 23N 11113. 29E范围内,有水雷演习,请宽让。46. Mine clearing operation from May 1st 0800 UTC to May 10th 1800 UTC in area bounded by 3245. 02S 07129. 67W, 3244. 92S 07129. 30W, 3244. 92S, 07129. 40W. Wide berth requested. Contact via VHF channel 13.自协调世界时5月1日0800时至5月10日1800时在3245. 02S 07129. 67W, 3244. 92S 07129. 30W, 3244. 92S, 07129. 40W三角地带有扫雷作业,请宽让,并用VHF13频道联络。

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