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中译英 何珊简历.docx

1、中译英 何珊简历基本信息:Basic Information 姓名:何珊 Name: He Shan 出生日期:1989年1月12日(2011届应届本科毕业生) Date of Birth: January 12th,1989 (fresh graduate of 2011)技能专长:Skills and Specialties 教师资格:2011年6月毕业时同时取得教师资格证书 Teaching qualification: obtained the teaching qualification certificate in June of 2011 数学:小学数学奥林匹克竞赛二级教练员 M

2、ath: second level instructor of for Primary School Mathematical Olympic Competitions 英语:大学英语六级 English level: CET band-6 计算机:熟练掌握office办公软件(word、ppt、excel)、Flash、Photoshop、绘声绘影等,并能够与教学巧妙结合。 Computer proficiency: proficient in Office software(word, ppt, excel), Flash, Photoshop, Ulead Video Studio, c

3、apable of combining these software and teaching practices 普通话:一级乙等 Mandarin: Grade B of Level One 汉字应用水平:二级乙等 Application level of Chinese characters: Grade B of Level Two 爱好:球类运动、游泳、网球、象棋、数独、魔方 Hobbies: ball games, swimming, tennis, chess, Sudoku, Rubiks cube教育背景:Educational Background 大学:首都师范大学数学专

4、业 教育学学士学位 University: Capital Normal University, major in mathematics, bachelors degree of pedagogy 高中:北京第二中学 Senior high school: Beijing No.2 Middle School 初中:北京第五中学 Junior high school: Beijing No. 5 Middle School 小学:北京府学胡同小学 Primary school: Beijing Fuxue Hutong Elementary School大学期间:During Univers

5、ity:曾任职务:Previous positions: 班长 Class Monitor协助教师管理班级的同时,提高了解决问题、自我管理的能力Responsible for assisting respective teachers in managing the class, at the same time, improving the capacity of solving issues and self-management 获奖情况:Awards: 名称Name of awards级别Rank时间Date连续四年奖学金Won the scholarship for 4 contin

6、uous years校级University Level2007-2008 2008-2009、2009-2010 2010-2011年Four years terms which are 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 period首都师范大学 优秀毕业生Outstanding graduate of Capital Normal University校级University Level2011年6月June of 2011首都师范大学没问朗诵大赛二等奖Won the second class in the Meiwen Reci

7、ting Competition held by Capital Normal University 校级University Level2009年12月December of 2009首都师范大学”感悟真情”征文大赛二等奖Won the second prize in the “Inspiration of True Love” article soliciting competition院级College Level2010年3月March of 2010团市委“星光自护”优秀讲师Won the outstanding lecturer title in “Starlight self-p

8、rotection” competition sponsored by the municipal corporation市级City Level2009年8月August of 2009团市委“雏鹰起航”夏令营优秀辅导员Won the outstanding counselor title in the “Eyass setting sail” summer camp activity sponsored by the municipal corporation市级City Level2010年8月August of 2010国庆60周年合唱团“先进个人”Reputed as “advanc

9、ed individual” in the 60th Anniversary of National Day校级University Level2009年10月October of 2009首都师范大学五四表彰“院级优秀学生干部”Selected as “College Level Outstanding Student Cadre” in the May Forth Honoring Ceremony held by Capital Normal University院级College Level2010年5月May of 2010社会实践:Social Practices 2007年9月至

10、今,担任小学三、四、五年级语文、数学家教,以及小学二年级奥数家教 From September of 2007 till now, have been working as tutor of Chinese and mathematics courses for elementary students of Grade Three to Grade Five, as well as mathematical Olympiad tutor for students of Grade Two.充分了解小学课本以及小学生的学习现状,锻炼了与不同学生沟通的能力,深刻体会了因材施教的含义。Have co

11、mprehensive understanding on elementary textbooks and current studying situations of elementary pupils, have forged capability in communicating with different students, deeply understood “individualized teaching methods”. 2007年9月2008年7月担任北京某残障学校志愿者 September of 2007July of 2008, worked as a voluntee

12、r for a school for the disabled in Beijing陪同残障学校的孩子游戏、给他们做饭、布置生活环境,培养了爱心。Accompanied children of this school playing games, cooking for them, arranging their living environment, cultivated patience and compassion. 2007年9月2008年7月担任中国自然博物馆志愿者 September of 2007July of 2008, worked as a volunteer for Ch

13、inese Museum of Natural History给孩子们做导游,教他们制作橡皮泥制品等,提高与孩子沟通的能力及表达能力,丰富了自然方面知识。Worked as tourist guide for the children, taught them how to make plasticine articles, improved self-capability in communicating with children and self-expressing competence, accumulated knowledge in terms of the nature. 20

14、08年7月今,担任中国共青团北京市委员会“星光自护”志愿者讲师深入小学和社区讲解安全自护知识,培训二期志愿者,。提高救护水平、表达能力、沟通能力、团队合作能力。From July of 2008 till now, have been working as a volunteer lecturer in “Starlight Self-protection” activity sponsored by the Communist Youth League of ChinaCommittee of Beijing; have been visiting respective primary sc

15、hools and societies to give lecturing with respect to safety and self-protection and responsible for coaching volunteers for the 2nd Phase. Self-competence in rescuing, expressing, communicating and team cooperation has been improved. 2008年8月,担任北京奥运会以及残奥会志愿者 In August of 2008, worked as a volunteer

16、in Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games 2008年,担任北京科技馆志愿者 In 2008, worked as a volunteer for Beijing Science and Technology Museum 2009年7月2009年10月,参与国庆60周年广场合唱团 From July 2009 to October of 2009, participated in the plaza chorus for the 60th Anniversary of National Day 2010年7至8月,担任中国共青团北京市委员会“雏

17、鹰起航”夏令营辅导员 July of 2010 to August of 2010, worked as summer camp counselor for “Eyass setting sail” summer camp activity sponsored by the Communist Youth League of ChinaCommittee of Beijing连续十天与小学生吃住在一起,并组织与“认识自我”、“树立人生观价值观”、“建立自信”等相关的活动课程,除了讲课水平能够有所提高,还学会了很多对小学生有意义的游戏,方便运用到今后的班级管理中。另外同孩子们的朝夕相处,让我更深

18、一步地了解了这一年龄段孩子的心理特点,也更加喜欢小学生。Lived together with the pupil participants for 10 consecutive days; organized activity curriculums related to “self-reorganization”, “establishment of personal and cultural value” and “accumulation of self-confidence”, etc., because of which, I not only improved my teachi

19、ng level, but also mastered many meaningful games for primary students for the convenience of class management in the future. Further, with living with those students every day, I have accumulated deeper understanding of psychological features of students of this age span, and I become a fonder of p

20、upils more. 2010年首都师范大学高考招生面试志愿者 In 2010, worked as a volunteer in the entrance examination face-to-face interviews for Capital Normal University 2010年山西省山阴县公开招聘教师阅卷志愿者。 In 2010, worked as a volunteer for paper inspections in the open teaching recruitment organized by Shanyin Town of Shanxi Province

21、 2010-2011年在空中英语教室教室杂志社大学生事业部参加社会实践负责发行营销工作。In 2010 to 2011, worked in the College Students Affair Department of Teachers Periodical Office of “Sky English Room” and was responsible for marketing work.科研情况:Scientific Researches: 校级课题小学生数感现状及教学培养策略UniversityLevelProject“CurrentSituationofPrimarySchoo

22、lStudentsSenseofNumberandStrategyforTeachingandCultivation”学习课程:Studying Courses: 教育心理学:教育原理、普通心理学、教师专业发展、小学生心理学、教育心理学、课程与教学论、教科研方法、教育哲学、教育社会学、量化研究、质的研究。 Educational Psychology: “Education Theory”, “General Psychology”, “Teachers Professional Development”, “Psychology of Elementary School Students”,

23、 “Educational Psychology”, “Curriculum and Teaching Methodology”, “Teaching and Scientific Research Methods”, “Educational Psychology”, “Educational Sociology”, “Quantitative Research”, “Qualitative Research”. 数学:小学数学课程与教学论、数学分析、空间解析几何、高等代数、概率统计、初等数论数理统计、小学数学解题研究、代数结构、数学观念思想方法、数学建模、应用数学、小学数学学习心理研究。

24、Mathematics: “Primary School Mathematics Curriculum and Teaching Theory”, “Mathematical Analyses”, “Space Analytic Geometry”, “Advanced Algebra”, “Probability Statistics”, “Elementary Number Theory”, “Mathematical Statistics”, “Primary School Mathematics Problem Solving Research”, “Algebraic Structu

25、re”, “Mathematical Concept Thinking Method”, “Mathematical Modeling”, “Applied Mathematics”, “Psychological Research on Primary School Mathematics Studying” 语文:小学语文课程与教学论、写作、形式逻辑、儿童文学、中国古代文学。 Chinese: “Chinese Course and Teaching Theory for Primary School”, “Writing”, “Formal Logics”, “Childrens Lit

26、erature”, “Chinese Ancient Literature” 计算机:计算机文化、计算机应用、教学与学习课件制作、现代教育技术。 Computer: “Computer Literacy”, “Computer Application”, “Teaching and Learning Courseware Making”, “Modern Educational Technology”. 教师技能类:教师口语、书法、朗诵艺术。 Teachers techniques: “Teachers Spoken Language”, “Calligraphy”, “Art of Eloc

27、ution”. 其它:小学综合实践活动、小学班级管理和少先队活动组织、儿童少年生理卫生、小学生品的发展与道德教育、思想道德修养、生活中的科学、小学趣味体育游戏、法律、网球、篮球、律动、健美操、钢琴、音乐欣赏、跆拳道、美学等。 Miscellaneous: “Comprehensive Practical Activities for Primary Schools”, “Class Administration and Organization of Young Pioneers Activities for Primary Schools”, “Physiological Hygiene o

28、f Children and Juveniles”, “Primary Students Moral Development and Ethnical Education”, “Ideological and Moral Cultivation”, “Daily Science”, “Interesting Sports Games for Primary Schools”, laws, tennis, basketball, rhythm, aerobics, piano, music appreciation, kickboxing and aesthetics, etc.教育学学士学位毕

29、业后工作情况:Working Experience after Obtaining of Educational Bachelors Degree: 2011年至今在东城区史家胡同小学每年担任两个班(100人)数学教学工作From 2011 till now, have been working as teacher for 2 classes (90 students) in Shajia Hutong Primary School in the Dongcheng District工作业绩: Job Achievements: 2011年11月撰写排队问题教学设计评为第三届全国小学课堂交流

30、研讨展示活动教学设计(案例)类二等奖The teaching design of “queuing issue” in November of 2011 was awarded the second prize in “the 3rd National Research on Primary School Communication in Classexhibition activity for teaching designs (cases)”2012年3月撰写中年级学生日常计算中存在的数感问题一文获北京市基础教育科学研究优秀论文一等奖The “Number Sense Issues Pre

31、sent for Middle School Students Daily Calculations” compiled in March of 2012, was awarded the 1st Prize of outstanding theses by Beijing Elementary Education Scientific Research 2012年4月获得北京市东城区中小学生数独比赛”优秀辅导员奖”In April of 2012, won the prize of “outstanding counselor” in the Sudoku competitions held among respective middle and elementary schools from Dongcheng District of Beijing City.2012年10月撰写论文小学数学教学中美育渗透获北京市中小学第五届京美杯征文三等奖The “Aesthetic Education Penetr

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