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1、关于外研版第一至第四册使用的建议精关于外研版第一至第四册使用的建议英语特级教师 杨日东Email thomasyrd一 可能产生的问题1. 有些老师认为省级重点学校的尖子生感到内容简单,难度不大,吃不饱。课文中没啥内容,学不着东西。2. 有些老师认为很多学生,特别是非省级重点学校的学生感到内容太多,难度太大,吃不下,不消化。3. 有些老师认为内容显得杂乱无序,各个环节之间没有可见的衔接4. 有些老师认为语法的编排零散,似乎脱离目前中学生学习英语的现实5. 有些老师认为词汇量大,讲到什么程度,让学生背单词不,背哪些,不背哪些?这些问题不好把握。6. 有些老师认为所在学校的硬件和软件落后,不能用多

2、媒体,因此课改不好开展。二 如何看待上述问题: 1. 学生和老师对教材接受度的差异是正常现象,历史上几次教材变动时都会有不同的反响.(开始嚷嚷教不了,也教了,也有成绩了 )2. 何为“东西”?什么叫“啥都没学着”?(知识与能力) 3. 零散是表面现象,但是教材始终贯穿着有利于发展学生“自主,合作,探究,创新”这一主线。“零散”有利于”整和”,有利于增加内容和删减内容。 “零散”对老师和学生的束缚要小,有利于老师和学生释放智慧。4. 词汇是核心(“新课标”规定的词汇1600+900+1000=3500)建议目前适当关注2008年考纲词汇。5. “听、说、读、写、译”的可分性和不可分性。6. 教材

3、是舞台,平台,大海。在新课标的原则下,如何表演,在哪里游,什么姿势游,教师有充分的选择自由。7. 高一是培养学生良好学习英语的习惯的最好时机:开口说,朗读,记单词,自学,讨论,会欣赏,摆脱钻牛角尖的心理倾向。8. 外研社教材对语法结构的介绍和实践是分成了三轮来进行的:第一轮:高中一至五册(铺垫foundation)第二轮:高中六至八册(补充完善supplement and improvement)第三轮:高中九至十一册:通过介绍100左右个最活跃的(小)词(常用句型,习惯搭配,固定用法)来体现前面学过的语法。语法grammar最终落实到词法morphology和句法syntax的应用中来。第九

4、册:35个词第十册:34个词第十一册:23个词九多媒体应该是配角。外因通过内因起作用,内因是关键。(一位留日学生的故事) 三 处理教材的几个原则: 1. 贯穿教学的理念1 整合integration2. 贯穿教学的理念2 与学俱进(学=学生,学情,个人的学习)3. 不要学李自成的“流寇主义”。建议应该以教材为圆心,以新课程标准为半径划定教与学的范围。4. 尝试:某一单元不做改动的试试看,找找感觉,尝尝滋味。5. 观察:学生可以分成几种情况,接受程度。别的老师是怎么教的,为什么和我不一样,我可否试一试,我为什么就推行不了?6. 调整(学生的情况;自己的情况;备课组的情况;学校的情况)7. 扬长避

5、短与扬长补短:唱,乐器,画,表演,讲故事,翻译,游戏等四 教材各个部分的处理建议1.听力练习与语音:巩固记忆内容的有效手段2口语与语音:提高学习兴趣;巩固记忆内容3阅读与语音:速度和质量的转换;关注学生的疲劳期,避免疲劳过度和低效率4写与语音: 要早抓写作;不要搞突击;仿范文,最好不要把宝压在背范文上,但是可以背若干句子或词组,短语。E.g. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.(Book 10 p.1

6、 Pride and Prejudice)5译与语音: 翻译是躲不过去的,适时和适当的翻译是检验学生是否真正看懂原文的有效方法。6词汇与语音:核心词汇与扩展词汇:2008年考纲词汇,动词不规则动词表;不断反复的过程,笨工夫和技巧的结合7语法与语音:贯穿各个环节,特别是阅读理解题型8专题课(语法、记词、猜词、写作等)祢补知识的漏洞沈阳一中赵大威老师的专题课示例五 实例下面这些例子中的老师绝大部分都是我教学中的徒弟。他们都是所在学校的教学骨干。他们的教学环境互相之间相差甚远。但是他们都在努力朝着新课改的方向前进,用心去研究新教材,用好新教材,根据学生,学校以及自身的情况来整合新教材。有的步子大些,

7、有的步子小些,都处在探索阶段。这些例子仅仅是为了抛砖引玉。1 沈阳市第28中王婷老师处理教材的若干做法仿照下列题型,将课文加以改造,提高词汇和阅读理解的教学效率阅读填空Title : Ways to Materials Advice Wet salting Fish, salt, water, aContainer, a piece ofWhite cloth, a piece of rub salt into them put fish in a container wish Salt water remove them and wash then put the fish In the w

8、ater wish more salt and leave the fishThere for about six hours remove them form the salt water and place then on a clean surface cover the fish and let them dryDont let them . Fish, salt, water, wooden Boxes / baskets Clean the fish put them in cover them wish salt put fish and salt until the conta

9、iner is full remove Fish after a week or ten days and let them dryDont use tooMuch s信息匹配Ted, rose Mr. Green, Tim 和Denise各自打算进行依次参观.第1至5题是他们的个人情况介绍.阅读下面六个人参观项目的见解(A B C D E 和F ),选出符合个人需要的最佳选项. Ted, a young official, is quite interested in photography and sculpture. He spends all his spare time on his

10、 hobbies.Rose is an art teacher at a college .She admires the works of such artists as Da Vinci and Micheangelo. Mr. Green, a heavy coffee drinker, makes a living by writing short play about the history of the British Empire.Tim, an 18-year-old pre-engineering student, is full of energy and has a go

11、od imagination.Denise is a natural lover. She takes an active part in protecting the Earth and enjoys doing sports.A. Explore the natural history of the Earth from the prehistoric ear to the present day at the Natural History Museum, one of Londons most visited museums .The museum now houses more th

12、an 300 years worth of collections, wish over 68 million specimens(标本).B. The British Museum is one of Londons top tourist attractions as well as a major scholarly resource. The collection expanded massively during the heyday(全盛期)of the British Empire. And if you havent got time for a proper visit, d

13、rop in a coffee Admission: free.C. This magnificent Georgian edifice(大厦)houses a massive collection of Western European art. The gallery traces the rise of the Italian Renaissance artists, and inclues more than 100 examples of their work.D. There are tombs of outstanding writers, politicians and art

14、ists in this graveyard . Be aware that you must purchase a photography license in order to take picture wishin the cemetery. Take advantage of the special guide tours.E. The Science Museum offers opportunities to explore the history of technology as well as glimpsing the future. Interactive gallerie

15、s demand the audiences participation. From medical history to nuclear physics, its all covered. Difference kings of things to press, touch, watch and thing about make this museum a firm favorite wish kids.F. The VA, a decorative arts museum, is a collection of everything from sculpture to photograph

16、s. It is also home to seven tapestry cartoons by Raphael that are among Britains greatest art treasures and part of the Royal Collection. 阅读表达阅读下面的短文,根据短文后的要求答题。A mouse looked though a crack in the wall to see. The farmer and his wife bring a mouse trap. Running back to the farmyard the mouse procla

17、imed the warning, “There is a mouse trap in the house!”The chicken raised her head and said, “I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it.”The mouse turned to the pig and told him, “There is a mouse trap in the house!” “I am so sorry Mr. M

18、ouse,” sympathizes the pig, “but there is nothing I can do about it but pray for you.”The mouse turned to the cow. She said, “You say Mr. Mouse, a mouse trap? Like I am in grave dangerNOT!”So the mouse returned to the house, head down and depressed, to face the farmers mouse trap alone.That very nig

19、ht, a snake beat the farmer s wife. the farmer rushed her to the hospital she was saved but _.Now everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup. So the farmer took his chicken to the farmyard for the soups main ingredient(成分).His wifes sickness continued so that fiends and neighbors came

20、to see with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered(屠宰) the pig. The farmers wife did not get well and a few days later she passed away. Many people came for her funeral, so the farmer had the cow butchered, to provide meat for all of them to it.So the next time you hear that someon

21、e is facing a problem and think that it does not concern you, remember that when the least of us is threatened, we all may be at risk.1. What would be the best title foe the passage? (within 5 words)_2. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?The farmers wifes il

22、lness was getting worse and she died several days later._-3. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 6 with proper words. (within 5 words)_4. What message does the author try to get through to us? (within 5 words)_5. Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese._对话填空C=Casey J=JasonC

23、: Jason, you didnt forget about the tickets, did you?J: The (1) t_?C: Yes, the tickets for the Nana Mouskouri concert.J: Oh, no! Casey, I completely (2) f_ .Im really sorry.C: Jason! How could you forget? You know how much I wanted to See this (3) c_! Plus, its a UNICEF event, and Im really (4) I_ i

24、n their work.J: Casey, I didnt mean to forget, and I said Im (5) s_. Ill call the ticket office right now to see if there are any tickets (6) l_.C: Thanks, Jason. Look, I didnt (7) m_ to lose my temper(脾气)like that. Im so sorry. Its just that I love Nana Mouskouri, and Ive never seen her in concert

25、before. Its my (8)c_ to see her.J: Dont (9) w_ about it, Casey. Im sure I can still get tickets.C: Yes?J: I forgot to bring my cellphone. Could I possibly use (10) _?1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _2沈阳一中刘建杰老师处理教材的若干做法Book One Module One & Module Two1. 自我介绍2. 高中英语学习内容和学习方法介绍1) Grade One 1-4/

26、5 七级 (必修)1600-2500 mGrade Two 5-8 八级 (必修) 2500-3500 aGrade Three 9-11 九级 (选修)3500-4500 f用牛顿第二定律来阐述高中三年英语学习的不同侧重点F=MA force,mass,acceleration Newtons second law of motion2)把握四个衔接,顺利完成过渡(1) 情感衔接:变“要我学”为“我要学”(2) 方法衔接:变“我学会”为“我会学”(3) 知识衔接:变“一碗水”为“一河水”(4) 能力衔接:变“知其然”为“知其所以然”3把前两个模块合并在一起讲,一切围绕着一个“新”字 New

27、life:(1)new school (2)new teachers (3)new classmates (4)new subjects (5)new learning methods (6)new attitudes(1)new school 让学生观看一些一中的照片,让学生从感性上了解一中,再进一步介绍一下一中的历史,规模,学风和发展方向。语言技能方面让学生了解如何描述地理方位,配有一些固定句式:be located in/to/on cover an area of 让学生背诵第二自然段My new school is very good as a cinema screen(2)new

28、 teachers 引出第二模块的内容。让学生学会描述自己的一位老师。背诵第一段一部分Shes kind and patient and she explains feel stupid第二段某些部分shes very strictsmile much; some of our classliking her第三段一部分Mr Wus only. He loves it,in fact给一些参考词汇,借助所背的片段来描述一位老师friendly, kind-heated, profound, enthusiastic, strict, handsome开放性问题在你心目中,什么样的老师是最棒的?

29、(3)new classmatesfrom different junior high schools/easy-going/kind/helpful/united/in harmony with/versatile/talkative/introverted(4)new subjects每一学科有什么特点 你最喜欢那一科,为什么?(5)new learning methods前面提到的四个衔接(6)new attitudes hard-working,active,take an active part in,make a goal作业(完成一项任务)为高中学生制定计划表Self-introductionNameLi KangDescription of the new schoolPlaceShi jiazhuangSchoolThe new school is very goodClassroomThe classroom are amazing with big-screen computersTeachersThe teach

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