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1、幼儿英语课堂用语 Updated by Jack on December 25,2020 at 10:00 am幼儿英语课堂用语幼儿英语教学课幼儿英语教学课课堂用语1、问好环节 Greeting英语教学活动的时间就要到了,在正式开始前,教师要先用英语与幼儿们打招呼,然后再以唱儿歌或游戏的形式作为热身,暗示幼儿们现在到了英语教学活动时间,大家都要开始说英语。Teacher: Im Linda. Good morning, boys and girls!Kids: Good morning, Linda(教师的英文名)!Teacher: OK. This girl / boy, whats you

2、r name?Mary: Im Mary.Teacher: How old are you?Mary: Im four years old.Teacher: Nice to meet you!Mary: Nice to meet you, too!译文教师:我是琳达老师,小朋友们早上好!幼儿:琳达老师,早上好!教师:很好,这位小朋友你叫什么名字啊?玛丽:我叫玛丽。老师:你几岁了呀?玛丽:我4岁了。教师:很高兴认识你。玛丽:我也很高兴认识您。2、课前热身环节Warm-up在引入新的教学内容前,教师先带小朋友做一些热身运动,复习已经学过的儿歌和歌谣。Teacher: Boys and girls,

3、 lets sing a song, OK? / Lets have a dance, OK? / Lets say a chant, OK?Kids: OK.Teacher: Everyone, stand up, please! Attention!Kids: One, two.Teacher: Little Bee, OK Kids: OK.Teacher: Little Bee, Ready. Set. Go.译文教师:小朋友们,我们来唱一首歌,好吗/我们来跳个舞,好吗/我们来说个歌谣,好吗?幼儿:好。教师:大家请起立,立正!幼儿:一、二。教师:小蜜蜂,好不好?幼儿:好。教师:小蜜蜂,

4、准备好了吗,开始。3、课堂常规提示 Classroom General Tips-“请你和我这样做!”-“我就和你这样做!”我们都是这样学会稍息、立正、站直、坐好。集体活动是幼儿集中学习英语的重要环节。这一环节要充分调动幼儿们的积极性,集中幼儿们的注意力。简单明确的课堂可以有效地提高教学效率。所以课堂常规的建立尤其重要。教师可以在每次上课前巩固课堂常规,来强化幼儿们对课堂常规的认识。Teacher: Are you ready to have fun?Kids: Yes, I am ready!Teacher: Attention!Kids: One, two!Teacher: Look at

5、 me!/ Eyes on me!Kids: Look at you!/ Eyes on you!Teacher: Perfect. Put your hands on your laps. Be quite, please.(Wait until all the kids calm down)译文教师:准备好要玩游戏了吗幼儿:是的,我准备好了!教师:注意!幼儿:一、二!教师:看着我!/目光注视我!幼儿:看着你!/目光注视你!教师:太棒了!把手放在膝盖上。请安静!(等待所有孩子,都安静下来)(起立)Teacher: Everyone, stand up, please!Kids: One, t

6、wo.(坐下)Teacher: Everyone, sit down, please!Kids: One, two.译文(起立)教师:大家请起立!幼儿:一、二。(坐下)教师:大家请坐下!幼儿:一、二。4、活动组织用语Organizing terms 要做游戏啦!有哪些小朋友想参加游戏呢教师要怎样选择他们呢 Teacher: Who wants to try?Kids: Let me try.Teacher: OK, this time I want to pick the one who is wearing a blue shirt. Look around and tell me who

7、is wearing a blue shirt. Look around and tell me who he / she is.Kids: Tom. Teacher:Tom, come here please. Teacher: OK, this time I want three boys and two girls, who wants to try Kids: Let me try.Teacher: OK, these three boys, please! These two girls, please! 译文教师:谁想来试试?幼儿:让我来试试。教师:好,这次我想选一个穿蓝衬衫的孩子

8、。大家看一看,然后告诉我,今天谁穿了蓝衬衫?幼儿:汤姆。教师:是的,汤姆请到前面来。教师:这次我要叫三个男孩和两个女孩,谁想来试一试?幼儿:让我来。教师:这三个小男孩还有这两个小女孩到前面来。5、艺术活动用语Arts activities进入教学环节后,教师要利用各种方式来调动孩子的积极性,先来做艺术活动吧!Teacher: Its time to do some art work . Are you ready Kids: Yes.Teacher: Look at the picture. What do you see?kids: Sun, trees, bees, flowers.Tea

9、cher: Great. Now color the picture with your crayons. Pick the color you like.Teacher: Are you done?Kids: Yes.Teacher: OK. Write down your name and give it to me. I will hang them up on the board. Now I will show you how to fold an airplane.Kids: Yes!译文教师:现在我们来做一些艺术活动。大家准备好了吗?幼儿:是的。教师: 看看这幅图画。你们看见了什

10、么?幼儿:太阳,树,蜜蜂,花。教师:太好了。现在请用蜡笔给这幅图画涂上颜色。可以选用你们喜欢的颜色来涂。教师:做完了吗幼儿:是的。教师:好的。请在图画上写上你们的名字,然后交给我。我要把她们挂在这个板上。现在我要教你们怎样叠纸飞机。幼儿:太好了。6、卡片游戏用语Cards game卡片是幼儿英语教学的重要工具,正面图反面字,帮助孩子理解词汇。下面我们就来看看教师是怎样进行卡片教学的。Teacher: Look, whats this (Show the card)Mary: Apple.Teacher: Yes, you are right. You can eat it.Mary: Yumm

11、y, yummy!Teacher: Well, lets sing the song and pass the card.Kids: Apple round, apple redTeacher: Stop! Oh, Mark, you got it. You can eat the apple.Mark: Yummy, yummy!译文教师:看,这是什么(展示卡片)玛丽:苹果。教师:是的,你说对了。你可以吃了。玛丽:好吃,好吃。教师:好了,我们一起来唱儿歌,一边唱一边传这张卡片。幼儿:圆苹果,红苹果教师:停!哦,马克,你拿到了。你可以吃它了。马克:好吃,好吃。7、语言游戏-百宝箱Languag

12、e game百宝箱就是一只装饰得像魔术盒一样的盒子。可用鞋盒、纸盒或木盒来制作。教学过程中,为了让幼儿主动说出所学知识,让他们积极地参与到教学活动中来,教师通常会拿出神奇的百宝箱来增加游戏的神秘感。Teacher: Here is a box. Its a magic box. (Shake it) Listen, whats inside?Amy: A spider?Tom: A book?Mary: A crayon?Lucy: A sausage?Mark: A crocodile?Teacher: Would you like to come here Put your hand in

13、 to the magic box and see what it is.Mark: Let me try. (Put his hand into the box)Teachr: Oh, a bomb! Im sorry. You are bombed.Mark: Ah!译文老师:这里有一个箱子。(摇一摇)听,里面有什么呢?艾米:是蜘蛛吗?汤姆:是书吗?玛丽:是蜡笔吗?露茜:是香肠吗?马克:是鳄鱼吗?教师:你愿意过来吗把手放进去看看到底里面是什么马克:让我试试。(把他的手放进去)教师:噢!炸弹!对不起,你被炸了。马克:啊8、游戏用语Play kill教师可以利用手偶这样的道具同时扮演多个角色,

14、这样可以帮助幼儿更好地理解一些对话中的内容。Teacher: Hello, Im Teddy Bear. (With a bear puppet) Where are my friends?Teaching Assistant: Hello. Im rabbit. Im your friend. (With a rabbit puppet) Hello, Im Cat. I am your friend too. (With a cat puppet)Teacher: Oh, my friends. Give me a hug. Lets sing a song.T and T assista

15、nt: Friends, friends, one two three. ( “inderPower English” 2a Unit 3 )译文南希教师:你好,我是泰迪熊。(戴着一个小熊手偶)我的朋友们在哪儿呢?蒂娜教师:你好,我是你的朋友。(戴着一个小兔子手偶)你好,我是猫。我也是你的朋友。(戴着一个猫手偶)南希教师:哦,我的朋友们,给我一个拥抱吧!让我们一起来唱儿歌。南希教师和蒂娜教师:朋友们,朋友们,一二三(华幼儿英语2a第三单元)9、过河游戏Cross the river 情景教学是幼儿英语常用的一种教学方法,为了让幼儿们把生僻的动作和现实联系起来,我们通常会玩过河游戏。Teache

16、r: My dear kids, there is a river in front of us. How can we cross the river?Tom: Hop, hop, hop.Teacher: Good idea! Come on, everyone. Lets hop over the river.Teaching Assistant: Im a Crocodile. Crocodile is coming. Quickly! Be careful!Teacher: Oh, Crocodile is coming. Quickly! Be careful!译文南希教师:亲爱的

17、孩子们你,前面有一条河。我们应该怎样过河呢?汤 姆:跳,跳,跳。南希教师:好主意!大家过来吧。我们跳过河去。蒂娜教师:我是鳄鱼。南希教师:哦,鳄鱼来了。快点!小心!10、划船游戏 Row your boat教学的过程中不仅要注重幼儿的小肌肉群和大肌肉群的发展,还要注意幼儿之间互助、协作等集体意识的培养。Teacher: Boys and girls, can you find a partner?Kids: Yes.Teacher: Now, sit face to face. Hand in hand. Make a boat in We are a boat.Tea

18、cher: Yes. Row, row, row the boat. (Pull and push)译文教师:小朋友们,能找到你的伙伴吗?幼儿:能。教师:现在,面对面坐下。手拉着手,两人一起组成一条船。幼儿:我们是一条船。教师:划,划,划船。(两人手握手做推拉动作)11、手工活动涂色类基本用语Painting class手工课时间,让幼儿们拿出小蜡笔来涂一涂,画一画。Teacher: Look, boys and girls, the picture does not have any colors on it. Lets put some nice colors on it.Kids: OK

19、.Teacher: Which color do you like best?Mary: I like blue. Mark: I like red.Teacher: Choose the colors you like and color the picture.Teacher: Look at the picture. Mary, what colors is the flower?Mary: ErIts orange.Teacher: Are you sure it is orange?Mary: No. It is red.Teacher: Thats right.译文教师:小朋友们,

20、看,这幅图画没颜色。让我们给它涂上漂亮的颜色吧。幼儿:好的。教师:你最喜欢什么颜色?玛丽:我喜欢蓝色。马克:我喜欢红色。教师:选择你们喜欢的颜色来给这幅图画上色。教师:看看这幅画。玛丽,这朵花是什么颜色?玛丽:嗯它是橙色的。教师:你肯定它是橙色的吗?玛丽:不。它是红色的。教师:完全正确。12、手工活动绘画类基本用语Drawing class手工活动也是教学活动的重要环节,它可以帮助幼儿更好地理解和运用所学语言。Teacher: Amy, what are you drawing?Amy: A doll.Teacher: Your doll looks really pretty.Teacher

21、: Tom, what about you What are you drawingTom: A policeman.Teacher: Wow, do you want to be a policemanTom: Yes, my daddy is a policeman.Teacher: Cool!译文教师:艾米,你在画什么?艾米: 一个洋娃娃。教师:你的洋娃娃看起来真的很漂亮。教师:汤姆,你呢,你在画什么呢?汤姆:一个警察。教师:哦,你想长大以后成为一名警察吗?汤姆:是的。我爸爸就是一名警察。教师:真酷!13、手工活动迷宫类基本用语The tower of demon “走迷宫”是孩子们最喜

22、爱的手工活动之一,我们一起来动手吧!Teacher: Doggy wants to go through the maze, but he can not find the way. Do you want to help him?Kids: Yes, we do.Teacher: Good, where should he go first?Kids: Here! Here!Teacher: OK! Lets try this way. Oops, this is a dead end.Kids: This way! This way!Teacher: Lets try.Teacher: W

23、ow, we did it! Great! Doggy is happy now.译文教师:小狗想要通过这个迷宫,但是它不知道该走哪条路。你们想要帮助它吗?幼儿:好的,我们来帮助它。教师:很好,首先它应该往哪儿走呢?幼儿:这儿!这儿!教师:好。我们来试试这条路。糟糕,这是条死路。幼儿:这边!这边!教师:试一试这条路!教师:哦,我们成功了!太好了!小狗现在很高兴。14、手工活动比较类基本用语Comparison要从小培养孩子对事物的辨别能力,事物的大小、颜色、形状、类别等。Teacher: Look at these two pictures, everyone. Are they the sa

24、me?Kids: No, they are not.Teacher: whats the difference between those two pictures?Mary: This one is blue, and that one is red.Teacher: You are right,Mary. One is blue, and the other is red.译文教师:大家请看这两幅图。它们一样吗?幼儿:不,不一样。教师:哪儿不一样?玛丽:这个是蓝色,那个是红色。教师:你说得对,玛丽,一个是蓝色,另一个是红色。15、手工活动图画排序类基本用语(图例结合Learning cen

25、ter)Sorting pictures图画排序类的教学活动能同时锻炼幼儿的动手和动脑等能力。Teacher: Look at these pictures. They are all messed up. Do you know which one is the first one, Mary?Mary: Sorry, I dont know.Teacher: That is OK. Mark, which one is the first one?Mark: This one.Teacher: You are right, Mark.Teacher: Which one is the ne

26、xt?Mark: The one in the middle.Teacher: Super, Mark!Teacher: Now, lets mark all the pictures in the correct order.Kids: Yes, teacher.译文教师:请看看这些图,它们都是混乱的无序的。你知道哪一副是第一幅图吗,玛丽?玛丽:对不起,我不知道。教师:没关系,马克,你知道哪一副是第一幅图吗?马克:嗯,是这幅。教师:你说得对,马克。教师:下一幅呢?马克:中间那副。教师:太棒了,马克。教师:现在,让我们给这些图画标上正确的序号。幼儿:好的,老师。16、鼓励和表扬Encourag

27、ement and praises对于小朋友来说,最爱听的莫过于老师给予他们的鼓励与表扬!(个人表扬)Teacher: Lucy, you did a very good job. Im very proud of you.教师:露茜,你真棒,我为你骄傲。(集体表扬)Teacher: Well, done, my dear kids. Give yourselves a little praise.Kids: Wonderful, wonderful! Hey, hey. Super!教师:干得好,亲爱的小朋友们,来鼓励一下自己吧!幼儿:好,好!嘿,嘿,真棒!(重在参与)Teacher: Do

28、nt take it too hard, kids. No problem. Lets try again.教师:别太在意了,小朋友。没问题,让我们再来一次。17、告别 Goodbye愉快的三十分钟在一片欢笑声中结束了。Part One 情景对话Teacher: Well, everybody, time is up. Did you have a good time?kids: Yes.Teacher: Its time to say goodbye now. Goodbye!kids: Goodbye!译文教师:好了,下课了。大家玩得开心吗?幼儿:开心。教师:到了和老师说再见的时间了。拜拜

29、!幼儿:老师再见!(情景对话课间活动)Teacher: Now we have a ten-minute break. Would you like to have some water, Mary?Mary: Yes, I want to have some water.Teacher: OK, be careful of the hot water. Where are you going, Mark?Mark: Im going outside.Teacher: What about you, Tom?Tom: I want to go pee-pee.译文(情景对话课间活动)教师:现在

30、我们有十分钟休息时间。你想去喝点水吗,玛丽?玛丽:是的,我想去喝点水。教师:好,小心热水!你去哪儿呀,马克?马克:我去外面。教师:汤姆,你呢?汤姆:我去小便。18、课堂常规用语总结Conventional of classroom language summaryPart One 实用口语升级1. 课堂指令Show me your fingers, please.伸出你的手指头。Lets do finger plays.我们来做个手指游戏吧。Raise your hands up, please.请你举手。Put you hands down, please.请把手放下。Listen carefully.用心听。Clap your hands.大家一起拍拍手。Stomp your feet.大家一起跺跺脚。Come here please.到这儿来。Close your eyes. No peeking.闭上眼睛,不许偷看。Open your eyes.睁开眼睛。Quickly. / Slowly.快点儿。/慢点儿。Say it louder, please.说大声

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