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1、白Contents Forward I. Promoting Balanced Development of Trade II. Expanding Mutual Investment Fields III. Attaching Importance to Infrastructure Construction IV. Strengthening Building of Development Capacity V. Helping to Improve Peoples Livelihood VI. Broadening the Scope of China-Africa Cooperatio

2、n VII. Giving Full Play to the Guidance Role of FOCAC Conclusion Appendix I Appendix II 目 前 言 录 一、促进贸易平衡发展 二、拓展相互投资领域 三、重视基础设施建设 四、加强发展能力建设 五、帮助提升民生水准 六、拓宽中非合作领域 七、发挥中非合作论坛引领作用 结 附 束 录 语 中华人民共和国 国务院新闻办公室 二一年十二月 北京 Forward China is the largest developing country in the world, and Africa is home to th

3、e largest number of developing countries. The combined population of China and Africa accounts for over one-third of the worlds total. Promoting economic development and social progress is the common task China and Africa are facing. During their years of development, China and Africa give full play

4、 to the complementary advantages in each others resources and economic structures, abiding by the principles of equality, effectiveness, mutual benefit and reciprocity, and mutual development, and keep enhancing economic and trade cooperation to achieve mutual benefit and progress. Practice proves t

5、hat China-Africa economic and trade cooperation serves the common interests of the two sides, helps Africa to reach the UN Millennium Development Goals, and boosts common prosperity and progress for China and Africa. In the 1950s, China-Africa economic and trade cooperation centered on bilateral tra

6、de and China s aid to Africa. Through joint efforts of both sides, cooperation has been developed in ever-expanding fields and with increasingly richer contents. Especially since the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was established in 2000, economic and trade cooperation has been further en

7、hanced and revitalized; trade, investment, infrastructure and capacity building have been pushed forward in an all-round way; and cooperation in finance and tourism has been gradually expanded, thereby forming a multi-tiered and wide-ranging cooperation pattern on a new historical starting point. Ch

8、ina-Africa economic and trade cooperation is a major component of South-South cooperation, infuses new life into the latter, and elevates the political and economic status of developing countries in the world, playing a significant role in promoting the establishment of a fair and rational new inter

9、national political and economic order. China would like to work with other countries and international organizations to enhance consultation and coordination with African countries, participate in the construction of Africa, and jointly promote peace, development and progress in Africa. 前 言 中国是世界上最大

10、的发展中国家,非洲是发展中国家最集中的大陆,中国和非洲的人口占世界人口三分之 一以上。发展经济和推动社会进步是中国与非洲共同面临的任务。 多年来,在发展过程中,中国与非洲充分发挥双方资源条件和经济结构等方面的互补性,按照平等相待、 讲求实效、互惠互利、共同发展的原则,不断加强经贸合作,努力实现互利共赢。实践证明,中非经贸合 作符合双方共同利益,有助于非洲实现联合国千年发展目标,促进了中非共同繁荣和进步。 世纪年代,中非经贸合作以贸易和对非援助为主。在双方共同努力下,合作领域不断拓宽,合作 内容日益丰富。特别是年中非合作论坛成立后,双方经贸合作进一步加强和活跃,贸易、投资、 基础设施、能力建设全

11、面推进,金融、旅游等领域的合作逐步拓展,形成了多层次、宽领域的格局,处在 新的历史起点上。 中非经贸合作是南南合作的重要组成部分,为南南合作注入新的活力,提升了发展中国家在国际政治经济 格局中的地位,为推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序发挥着重要作用。中国也愿与其他国家和国际 组织一道,加强与非洲国家的磋商与协调,共同参与非洲建设,共同推动非洲的和平、发展与进步。 I. Promoting Balanced Development of Trade Trade was the earliest form of China-Africa economic and trade cooperati

12、on. With the development of China-Africa relations and increased exchanges between China and African countries, the scale of China-Africa trade has increasingly expanded. China-Africa bilateral trade volume was only US$12.14 million in 1950, it rose to US$100 million in 1960, and exceeded US$1 billi

13、on in 1980. After reaching the US$10 billion mark in 2000, China-Africa trade has maintained a momentum of rapid growth ever since. In 2008, China-Africa bilateral trade volume exceeded US$100 billion, of which US$50.8 billion is Chinas exports to Africa and US$56 billion is imports from Africa. The

14、 average annual growth rate of China-Africa trade between 2000 and 2008 reached 33.5%, with its proportion in Chinas total foreign trade volume rising from 2.2% to 4.2%, and its proportion in Africas total foreign trade volume increasing from 3.8% to 10.4%. Although China-Africa trade volume dropped

15、 to US$91.07 billion in 2009 as a result of the international financial crisis, China became Africa s largest trade partner that year for the first time. As the global economy recovered, China-Africa trade also maintained a favorable recovery and development momentum. From January to November in 201

16、0, China-Africa trade volume reached US$114.81 billion, a year-on-year growth of 43.5%. With the expansion in the scale of trade, the China-Africa trade structure has been gradually optimized, and advantageous products have successively entered each others market. During the 1980s and 1990s, Chinas

17、exports to Africa were mainly light industrial products, food, chemical products, native produce and animal by-products. Since 2000, the export of machinery, automobiles and electronic items has been dramatically increasing, with product quality and technology markedly improved. Currently, the propo

18、rtion of machinery and electronic products accounts for more than half of Chinas exports to Africa. Africas major export products to China used to be cotton and phosphate, among other primary products. In recent years, steel, cop-per, chemical fertilizers and electronic items produced in Africa have

19、 successively entered Chinas market. In addition, Africas export of agricultural products to China has been increasing rapidly. Local specialties such as oranges from Egypt, wine from South Africa, cocoa beans from Ghana, coffee from Uganda, olive oil from Tunisia and sesame from Ethiopia have becom

20、e familiar to and popular among Chinese consumers. Because of the impact of the international financial crisis, China saw its imports from Africa dropped in 2009, but import of agricultural products increased by 25%. Following the principle of mutual benefit and reciprocity, China has been promoting

21、 trade facilitation, and all-round, comprehensive and balanced China-Africa trade for years. China has signed bilateral trade agreements with 45 African countries, and enhanced cooperation in customs, taxation, inspection and quarantine, so as to create favorable conditions for China-Africa trade de

22、velopment. In support of African countries export expansion to China, the latter has offered the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) of Africa that have diplomatic relations with China zero tariffs on some of their exports to China since 2005. By July 2010, African products that enjoy zero-tariff treat

23、ment had increased to 4,700 taxable items, and are expected to cover 95% of the total taxable items mentioned in the Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China on Import and Export Duties. Thanks to this zero-tariff policy, the export of African products to China that are free from Chinese customs

24、 duties has been growing rapidly. From 2005 to the end of June 2010, China had imported African products with an accumulated value of US$1.32 billion under zero-tariff terms, including agricultural products, leather, stone materials, textiles and garments, machine spare parts, base metals and wood p

25、roducts. China has also been helping African enterprises enter the Chinese market by holding African commodity exhibitions, establishing African products exhibition centers, and offering free stalls or reducing stall rents and other preferential terms. Now China and Africa are both in the process of

26、 industrialization and urbanization, a time characteristic of great market demand, hence China-Africa trade has great potential. For China, Africas exports of crude oil, minerals, steel and agricultural products plays an active role in promoting Chinas economic development and improving the Chinese

27、people s livelihood. For Africa, Chinas products and technology meet the need of Africas development, while the vast Chinese market provides wide space for African products. Especially, Chinas continued rapid economic growth has created a stable export market for Africas resource products. Similarly

28、, good-quality and reasonably-priced Chinese commodities entering Africa help to improve African peoples standard of living and help some African countries to constrain and relieve inflation. 一、促进贸易平衡发展 贸易是中非经贸合作最初的形式。伴随着中非关系的发展和交往的增多,中非贸易规模日益扩大。 年,中非双边贸易额仅为万美元,年达到亿美元,年超过亿美元。 年迈上百亿美元台阶后,中非贸易呈现快速增长势头

29、。年突破了亿美元,其中中 国对非洲出口亿美元,自非洲进口亿美元。年至年,中非贸易年均增长率 高达.,占中国对外贸易总额的比重由.升至.,占非洲对外贸易总额的比重由. 升至.。年,虽然受国际金融危机影响,中非贸易额下降到.亿美元,但中国在当 年首次成为非洲第一大贸易伙伴国。随着世界经济复苏,中非贸易呈现良好的恢复发展态势。年 月至月,中非贸易额达.亿美元,同比增长.。 在规模扩大的同时,中非贸易结构逐步优化,双方具有比较优势的产品相继进入对方市场。世纪 年代至年代,中国对非洲出口商品以轻工、食品、化工、土畜产等为主。年以来,机械设备、 汽车、电子产品等机电产品出口显著增长,商品质量和技术含量大幅

30、提高。目前,机电产品占中国对非出 口的比例已超过。在非洲对中国出口方面,棉花、磷酸盐等初级产品曾经是主要商品。近年来,非 洲的钢材、铜材、化肥、电子产品等工业制成品陆续进入中国市场。同时,非洲农产品对中国出口增长加 快。埃及的柑橘、南非的葡萄酒、加纳的可可豆、乌干达的咖啡、突尼斯的橄榄油、埃塞俄比亚的芝麻等 特色产品,逐渐为中国消费者熟悉和喜爱。受国际金融危机影响,年中国从非洲进口有所下降, 但农产品进口增长了。 多年来,中国遵循互惠互利的原则,推进贸易便利化,推动中非贸易全面综合平衡发展。中国已与个 非洲国家签订双边贸易协定, 加强在海关、 税务、 检验检疫等领域的合作, 为中非贸易发展创造

31、良好条件。 为支持非洲国家扩大对华出口,从年起,中国给予与中国建交的非洲最不发达国家部分对华出口 商品零关税待遇。截至年月,受惠商品已扩大到多个税目,今后将逐步涵盖中华人 民共和国海关进出口税则全部税目的商品。在零关税政策带动下,非洲受惠商品对华出口快速增 长。从年至年月底,中国在零关税待遇项下累计进口非洲商品.亿美元,包括农 产品、皮革、石材、纺织服装、机械零部件、贱金属、木制品等。中国还通过举办非洲商品展、设立非洲 产品展销中心,并提供摊位费减免等优惠便利措施,帮助非洲企业开拓中国市场。 当前,中国和非洲同处于工业化、城市化进程中,市场需求旺盛,中非贸易具有很大潜力。就中国而言, 非洲原油

32、、矿产、钢材、农产品等商品对华出口,对促进中国经济发展和提高人民生活水平发挥出积极作 用。 就非洲而言, 中国的产品和技术适合非洲发展的需要, 中国巨大的市场也为非洲产品提供了广阔空间。 特别是中国经济持续快速发展为非洲资源产品提供了稳定的出口市场。同时,物美价廉的中国商品进入非 洲,可以帮助提高非洲民众的生活水平,并且有助于一些非洲国家控制和缓解通货膨胀。 II. Expanding Mutual Investment Fields China began to invest in African countries in the 1980s, and on a small scale at the beginning. In the 1990s China kept expanding its investment scale, widening the fields of investment and diversifying investment approaches in Africa. Since 2000, driven by the FOCAC, Chinas investment in Africa ha

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