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201X版八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners教案 新版牛津版.docx

1、201X版八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners教案 新版牛津版2019版八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners教案 (新版)牛津版总 课 题8B Unit5 Good manners 总课时7第1课时课 题Comic strip and welcome to the unit课型New教学目标1了解各种礼仪知识。2用英语谈论如何在公共场所举止得体。3培养学生良好的行为习惯。教学重点用英语谈论如何在公共场所举止得体教学难点用英语谈论如何在公共场所举止得体教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures Preview the words

2、 and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动复 备Pretask: Whiletask:Step I导人1 Look at the picturesAre the people doing the right or wrong things? 2 Do you want to be good citizens? How can you be good citizens? We must obey the rules and have good manners.教师呈现新单词obey和mannersS

3、tep 呈现1 (1) What should the boy do when he cross the road? (He should obey the traffic rules.) (5)What is the man doing? (He is queuing for his turn.)(6)What did the boy do? (He left the tap running. ) 2 Whos doing right and whos doing wrong? Why?3 he Class 1,Grade 8 students are discussing the righ

4、t and wrong things to do in public placesLook at the pictures in Part A and match them with the phrasesComic stripStep I呈现1教师让学生思考还有哪些行为是值得提倡的,并引导学生用英语说出来。2 Do you think Hobo will share his things with others? What about Eddie? Posttask:3 (1)Do you think Eddie really wants to teach Hobo? (No.) (2)Wh

5、at does Eddie teach Hobo? (3) What does Eddie really want from Hobo? (The cake.)Step II家庭作业1记忆词汇、词组和句型。2熟读Comic strip和B部分的对话,能力较强的学生背诵。教学反思八年级下册英语教案 Date:总 课 题8B Unit5 Good manners总课时7第2课时课 题Reading(1)课型New教学目标1能读懂有关英国礼仪习惯的采访。2通过阅读,了解不同国家的礼仪习惯。教学重点1能读懂有关英国礼仪习惯的采访。2通过阅读,了解不同国家的礼仪习惯。教学难点1能读懂有关英国礼仪习惯的采

6、访。2通过阅读,了解不同国家的礼仪习惯。教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures ,Preview the words and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动复 备Pretask: Whiletask:Step呈现l Can you tell me what we should and shouldnt do in these public places?2 British people shake hands when they meet for the fi

7、rst time. shake sbs hand.Step阅读l让学生快速阅读文章并回答两个问题:(1)What is the conversation about? (Good manners in the UK)(2)Who is Daniel talking to? (Jenny)2 Part 1 (1ines 16)(1) What is the proper way to greet people in the UK? (British people say hello or “ nice to meet you” and shake the other persons hand w

8、hen they meet for the first time. )(2) Who do they greet With a kiss? (They only greet relatives or close friends with a kiss.)Part 2 (1ines 717)(1) How do British people start a conversation? (They talk about the weather, holidays, music, books, etc.)(2) Do they talk about age? (No, they do not. )(

9、3) How do they behave in public? (They behave politely in public. )Part 3 (1ines 1826)(1)Are British people polite at home? (Yes, they are. )(2) What else should we pay attention to in public ? ( We should keep our voice down in public.)Step 操练l教师让学生完成B1部分的练习如学生无法判断词义,可以根据上下文猜测答案。全斑核对答案让学生朗读并且翻译单词。

10、Posttask:4学生两人一组,分别扮演Daniel和Jenny朗读课文对话加深对课文内容的理解。挑选几组不同层次的学生表演对话教师注意对学生的语音语调、节奏等方面进行指导。 Step活动1学生四人一组每组制作一张“英国礼仪习惯”卡。2学生完成卡片后,教师让各组分别上台展示卡片。要求学生用英语介绍英国的礼仪习惯。比一比哪个小组制作的卡片内容更丰富,设计更精美。3展示后,教师可以收齐各组卡片,课后张贴在教室的墙上。供学生欣赏,学习各组的成果。Step V家庭作业I熟读课文。能力较强的学生背诵。2完成教师布置的相关练习。教学反思八年级下册英语教案 Date:总 课 题8B Unit5 Good

11、manners总课时7第3课时课 题Reading(2)课型New教学目标1能读懂有关英国礼仪习惯的采访。2通过阅读,了解不同国家的礼仪习惯教学重点1能读懂有关英国礼仪习惯的采访。2通过阅读,了解不同国家的礼仪习惯教学难点1能读懂有关英国礼仪习惯的采访。2通过阅读,了解不同国家的礼仪习惯教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures ,Preview the words and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动复 备Pretask: Whiletask:Posttask

12、:Step 呈现1 教师呈现四个不同的场景:打招呼、交谈、公共场所、家中。让学生说出英国人在这些场景中的礼仪习惯,以帮助学生复习前一课所学内容。I often go to the cinema to buy tickets,and there are always many people. But I never push in before others. I always queue. If I bump into someone when Im waiting, I say “sorry” . What about you? What do you do when there are m

13、any people? Step活动l教师组织学生思考并讨论中闰的礼仪习惯然后让学生四人一组回答课本第69 页C部分的问题。教师说:Weve learnt about the good manners In the UK。 Its time for you to say something about the good manners in China. Discuss this in groups of four and then answer the questions in Part C on page 69.Step家庭作业1记忆词汇、词组和句型。2完成教师布置的相关练习。3预习Gra

14、mmar。教学反思八年级下册英语教案 Date:总 课 题8B Unit5 Good manners总课时7第4课时课 题Grammar课型New教学目标学会用enough to来描述一个人的品质和能力。学会用tooto来表达一个否定的结果。教学重点学会用enough to来描述一个人的品质和能力。学会用tooto来表达一个否定的结果。教学难点学会用enough to来描述一个人的品质和能力。学会用tooto来表达一个否定的结果。教学准备Computer, Pictures ,Preview the words and the text.教学方法Reading、Discussing教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动复 备Pretask: Whiletask:Step呈现1让学生回忆Comic strip和Reading部分所学内容。教师问:W

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