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2、民城市,如清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:清华大学英语教授50年研究成果果一个人来到了北京,四五个月过后,在不知不觉间原本很标准的普通话就很有可能带上了些许的京腔京调。为什么呢?因为周围的大多数人讲话都有点京片子,这就是环境嘛。那么现在如果没有这个语言环境,也就是说不具备条件跑到英国或者美国去住那么一段时间该怎么办呢?答案也很简单:自己创造一个语言环境。其中一个很简单的方法就是看DVD,听电影对白,然后呢就充分发挥自己模仿的能力吧。试想,如果每天都是大量的好莱坞巨星或者Pop Stars天天对着你又哭又笑,又跳又唱,我想一点美国英语或者英国英语的味道都沾不上是根本都不可能



5、比作打手枪,那么将英文就是打机关枪,“嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟.”。这样以来,由于两种语言本身的发音构造不同,大多数人初学英文都感觉到念一个句子通常喘不过来气,还没有念完一个段落就累得不行要休息一下下,所以也就更提不上连贯了。所以解决的方法就要通过提高肺活量。在这个叫做“机器人”的联系中,练习者必须用最慢的速度并且一口气读完一个句子。虽然刚开始感到很难,但是伴随着练习量的不断增加和坚持,最终练习者会自然而然的加快语速和 ROOM RESERVATIONSA:Advance ReservationsCan I help you?B:Yes,Id like to book a single room with

6、 a bath from the afternoon of October 4 to the morning of October 10A: Yes, we do have a single room available for those datesB: What is the rate, please?A: The current rate is 500RMB per nightB: What services come with that?A: For 500RMB youll have a radio, a color television, a telephone and a maj

7、or international newspaper delivered to your room everydayB: That sounds not bad at allIll take itA:Very good Could you tell me your name, sir, please?B: Yes, it is MooreA: How do you spell it, please?B: Its M-O-O-R-EA:M-O-O-R-EAnd what is your address,please?B:It is 3600 Montague Boulevard,Hattiesb

8、urg,Mississiippi39401 USAA: Excuse me, sir, but could you speak a little more slowly,please?B:Sure,no problemIts 3600 Montague Boulevard,Hattiesburg,Mississippi 39401 USAHave you got it?A:Yes,so it is 3600 Montague Boulevard,Hattiesburg,Mississippi 39401 USAB: Thats rightA: What about your telephone

9、 number?B:123456789 By the way, Id like a quiet room away from the street if that is possibleA:A quiet room away from the street is preferredOKWell mail you a reservation card confirming your booking as soon as possibleWe look forward to your visitB:Thank you and good-byeA:Good-bye2 CharacterwordsPo

10、lite extrovert careless innocent impolite aggressive friendly frank kind ambitious unfriendly honest energetic serious relaxed shy quiet noisy outgoing careful thoughtful curious funny stubborn arrogant reliable jealous sociable phrasesLook relaxed appear shy think of someone have a personality be c

11、onsidered pretend to be to be alike completely differentBeginnerA: do you like Barry?B: no, not very much. Hes too ambitious and dishonest.A: I agree. I like his brother, Paul. They are not alike.B: yes. They are completely different. Paul is very sociable and much more honest than his brother.A: wh

12、at kind of person do you consider yourself to be?B: I think Im polite, careful, relaxed and shy.A: oh, I dont think youre shy! You are always chatting with new people when we go to a party.B: well, yes, but those people always start talking to me. I never talk to them first. Perhaps Im not as shy as

13、 I think. Anyway, youre certainly not shy!A: Youre right. I love going out and making new friends.B: so, youll be at my birthday party on Friday?A: Of course!IntermediateA: How do you think people get their personalities?B: I think its mainly from the environment a person lives it.A: Dont you think

14、people get their personalities from their parents?B: no, but parents control a lot of the environment that kids grow up in, so they certainly influence their kids personalities a lot.A: So why do you think many kids have personalities that are so different to their parents.B: maybe when they become

15、teenagers, they want to be completely different to their parents.A: You might be right. I guess most parents want their kids to be like them, but kids today grow up in a different environment. You know, they know much more about the world from the internet, newspapers, and TV.B: do you think that te

16、enagers get a lot of their bad behavior from TV and movies?A: Maybe some of it. I think a lot of people blame TV and movies when the real problem is that the parents arent bringing their child up correctly.B: Parents have a difficult job. They have to bring up their children and usually have to work

17、 too.A: Yes, thats fine. Your son is doing well at school, isnt he?B: yes, he is. Hes very hardworking when hes at school. Then he comes home from school and does homework before dinner. After dinner, he goes out with his friends.A: So, hes not a bookworm? Its good that he has an outgoing personalit

18、y. Some kids are very quiet and introverted. You wonder theyll survive in the real world without their parents to support them.美式英语音标分类说明:phonetics the sounds of american english发音: 美国英语语音consonants 辅音vowels 元音- 第一 按发音方法分类(辅音):manner(发音)方式1.stop 爆破音-是指发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。2.fricative 摩擦音-由发音器官

19、造成的缝隙使气流产生摩擦而发出的声音。3.affricate 塞擦音-有塞音和擦音紧密结合所构成的音,发音时注意最初形成阻碍部位要完全闭塞,然后渐渐打开。4.nasal 鼻音-口腔气流通路阻塞,软腭下垂,鼻腔通气发出的声音。5.liquid 流音-舌端齿龈测流音 ,舌端紧贴上齿龈,舌前部向硬腭抬起,气流从舌的一侧或两侧滑出。6.glide 滑音-指发音器官移向或移离某一发音动作的过度音。- 第二 按发音位置分类(辅音):place (发音)位置1.bilabial 双唇音-由上唇和下唇接触,使语流受阻而构成的一种辅音。2.labiodental 唇齿音-由唇与牙齿的咬合而发出的辅音。3.lin

20、gua-dental 舌齿音-牙齿咬着舌头发出的音。4.palatal 上腭音-舌头贴着上腭发出的音。5.lingua-velar 软颚音-舌头贴着软颚发出的音。6.glottal 声门(声带)音-自声门发出的音。- 第三 按嗓音分类(辅音):voice 嗓音1.voiced 浊音-振动声带所发出的辅音,除气流受到阻碍外,同时振动声带发出乐音。2.voiceless 清音-发音时不振动声带所发出的辅音,即清音纯粹由气流受阻所构成的且不带乐音。- 第四 元音的分类:1.monophthongs 单元音2.front 前元音3.central 中元音4.back 后元音5.diphthongs 双

21、元音, 复合元音单元音发音的共性: 1. 舌位不移动; 2. 在发音过程中,没有摩擦; 3. 不受发音器官的任何阻碍。单元音发音的特点: 1. 前元音发音时,舌端靠近下齿,舌前部抬高; 2. 中元音发音时,舌端离开下齿,舌中部抬高; 3. 后元音发音时,舌端离开下齿,舌后部抬高。测试1Hi, my name is Emily. And the reason I took this class is because I sort of thought it might help me with my public speaking. Im kind of nervous when it come

22、s to speaking in front of crowds. And I thought maybe a drama class would help me get more comfortable in front of a lot of people. Im pretty uncomfortable right now because this is really my very first time speaking in front of a lot of people. But I thought Im going to take the class, and then may

23、be, if I really get brave I might even try out for maybe a play, or or a musical .Im not a very good singer, but but I maybe would be a good actor. And, I think if I take the class, and maybe play some theater games and learn some lines and practice some scenes that maybe, maybe I would become good.

24、英语面试时实用的英文电影台词1、“There is no certainty, only opportunity.”V for Vendetta (2005) - V (Hugo Weaving)没有一定会怎样,只有可能会怎样。-V字仇杀队2、“A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.” Wag the Dog (1997) 今天的好计划胜过明天的完美计划。-摇尾狗,3、“Failure is never quite so frightening as regret.” The Dish (2000) - Cliff B

25、uxton比失败更令人恐惧的是懊悔。-天线4、“Its what you do right now that makes a difference.” Black Hawk Down (2001) 你现在所做的是改变现状的关键。-黑鹰降落5、“No point in punching things you cant see.” Cinderella Man (2005) 打击那些你看不到的东西没有意义。-铁拳男人6、“Constantly talking isnt necessarily communicating.”Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

26、(2004) 说个不停不一定是交流。-美丽心灵的永恒阳光7、“Its not who you are underneath, its what you do that defines you.”Batman Begins (2005)你真正是谁并不重要,重要的是你的所做所为。-蝙蝠侠:开战时刻,8、“Men dont follow titles, they follow courage.” Braveheart (1995) - William Wallace (Mel Gibson)人们追随勇敢者,而不是位高者。-勇敢的心,9、“If work has no intention, its not work at all. Its an empty motion.”The Razors Edge (1984) 如果工作没有目标,那就不是工作,而是空洞的行为。-刀锋10、 “It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices.决定我们成为什么样人的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。-哈利-波特与密室流利度,那时讲英文就像说汉语一样自然轻松了。

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