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1、电影假结婚英文观后感修改版第一篇:电影假结婚 英文观后感The Proposal is a comedy. It was predictable but was funny at moments and romantic, it had two good performances from Bullock and Reynolds and had an interesting plot.The Proposal follows Bullock forced her assistant to marry her after discovering that her work visa is ab

2、out to expire.Both leads were good. Sandra Bullock is absolutely a dragon lady whom started off as the character you hate but grows on you throughout the movie.Reynolds plays the long-suffering assistant of Bullock who is subjected to unreasonable demands, late nights and canceled vacations at the h

3、ands of his self-centered boss.Its hard for me not to like Ryan Reynolds because he is so handsome and its impossible for one not attracting by him and he really did a good job.This movie contains a lot of surprising moments. Im sure you will like it.I recommend you give it a try if you are a girl w

4、ho likes romantic comedies.第二篇:假结婚电影观后感假结婚电影观后感 导语:影片假结婚是一部XX年上映的美国爱情喜剧片本文是品才网小编精心编辑的,希望能帮助到你! 假结婚电影观后感毫无疑问,同样以“结婚”为噱头的这部假结婚,以利用男女主角的职业属性反差,年龄反差,甚至地域反差,还有钻法律空子等因素,制造了不少的笑料。作为一部甜点式情感小品,在今年的喜剧爱情类电影中,算得上合格之作。 影片由桑德拉布洛克和瑞安雷诺兹这对老少配联袂出演。桑德拉布洛克大家很熟悉,早些年跟基努李维斯合作的生死时速可以看成是速度类动作电影的典范,后来又出演很多卖座电影,例如特工佳丽、湖边小屋等。

5、桑德拉布洛克是有着男人般独立特质的美女,在本片中,她依旧扮演了一位年过30,事业有成,特立独行的女强人。只不过这次,女强人要因为事业缘故委曲求全了。 电影将大部分时间都放在阿拉斯加的一个小镇拍摄,目的是特意要营造出与大城市的反差,希望观众有种轻松愉悦的度假氛围。接着,电影就在这种地域反差中进行着。电影的中文名字翻译成假结婚,其实我们压根就知道一定会“弄假成真”。那我们想看的是这段婚姻如何的“以假扮真”。桑德拉布洛克与瑞安雷诺兹扮演的男女主人公在这家庄园的种种遭遇,只是三天文化之旅。当地习俗的婚礼,当地唯一的脱衣舞男,当地唯一的牧师,当地的老鹰抓小狗,当地的婆婆拜众神在这一场场文化碰撞中,催生出

6、很多的笑料。无论是刻意设定的洗澡之时的“赤裸相见”,还是晨早爸妈敲门之后两人“共睡一床”,都不算新鲜但还是屡试不爽。加上当地午夜的令人喷饭的“脱衣舞男秀”,还有清晨老奶奶不知所谓的“求神拜佛祭”,都为桑德拉布洛克找到了出格表演的理由。 也正由于这种小镇氛围,使得影片的风格有些复古。我们可以看到老式的房屋结构,可以看到老式的婚纱礼服,我们还可以感受到那种大城市很难企及的乡土人情,甚至连这小镇的电脑都是老式的显示器,影片这样设定,可能是故意而为之,爱情不见得一定要天花烂漫,有时候,在浓浓的亲情包围中爱情才显得有滋有味。 本片除了爱情,还加重了家庭观念的叙述。偌大的家族庄园有一个温馨的家,当地的风俗

7、与城市俨然二致,和谐善良的一家老小,但也有无法逾越的沟通鸿沟,父亲希望儿子继承庄园,儿子只希望去当个报社编辑,父子之间因为这事没少吵架。虽然有时候显得亲情淡漠,但从西方人尊重个体思想的角度看,每个人的愿望都值得尊重和支持,父亲应该支持儿子,儿子应该理解父亲。 全片下来,并没有多少为搞笑而出位的地方,弄假成真的设定,情人的离离合合,你爱我我爱你就能抚平伤口,一切都是水到渠成,理所当然。对于大多数老美情感电影来说,爱情的基础只是暂时合得来,至于什么婚后必须的磨合,那是美国美人、革命之路、身为人母这类电影要干的事儿。第三篇:电影假结婚台词脚本here you go, your regular lat

8、tes. You literally saved my life, thank you. 这简直就是救命稻草! I need you shirt off your back, literally. Literally 逐字地,不夸张地,正确地,简直 That was originally my cup. And im drinking your coffee, why? Because your coffee spilled. So, you drink unsweetened cinnamon light soy lattes? Cinnamon 肉桂 I do, its like a ch

9、ristmas in a cup? Is that a coincidence? Coincidence 巧合,一致,同时发生 Incrediblely, it is. I mean i wouldnt possibly drink the same coffee that you drink just in case yours spilled, that would be pathetic. Actually, we are headed to your office now. Have you finished the manuscript i gave you? Manuscript

10、原稿,手稿 Uh, i read a few pages, i wasnt that impressed. You are just a prop in here. Prop 支柱,支持人,道具 你这这里就是个摆设 Ah, our fearless leader and her liege, please, do come in. Liege 君主,王侯 liegeman 臣下,忠实的部下 Oh, beautiful breakfront, is it new? Breakfront 断层式橱柜,断层式书架 It is English Regency Egyptian Revivial, bu

11、ilt in the 1800s. But, yes, its new to my office. 这是十九世纪的英国摄政时期埃及复古品 Witty 富于机智的,诙谐的 Witty. Bob, im letting you go. Pardon? I asked you over a dozen times to get Frank to do Oprah, and you didnt do it. You are fired. 我反反复复的要求你让弗兰克写奥佩拉 I have told you that was impossible, Frank hasnt done an intetvie

12、w in 20 years. Oh, that is interesting, because i just got off the phone with him, and he is in. Get off the phone 挂电话 Excuse me? You didnt even call him, did you? I know, frank can be a little scary to deal with, for you. Now, i will give you two months to find another job, and then you can tell an

13、yone you resigned, ok? Whats his twenty? 他什么反应 He is moving, he has crazy eyes. You poisonous bitch, you cant fire me, you dont think i see what you are doing here? Sandbagging me on this oprah thing just so that you can look good to the board, because you are threatened by me, and you are a monster

14、, just because you have no semblance of a life, outside of this office, you think you can treat all of us like your personal slaves, you know what? I feel sorry for you, because you know what you are gonna to have on your deathbed? Nothing and no one. Sandbag 强迫,强制 semblance 外貌,外观,酷似 Have no semblan

15、ce of 一点也不像 你以为我不知道你在干嘛?强迫我做什么奥佩拉的事情,只是为了你在董事会那边出风头,因为我对你有威胁,还有你这个怪兽,只是因为你拿这间办公室当幌子,你根本不懂生活,你认为你可以把我们所有的人当你的私人奴隶,我真替你难过,你知道你临死的时候会怎么样吗?床边没有任何东西,也没有任何人。 Listen carefull, bob.i didnt fire you because i feel fired, no. I fired you because you are lazy, entitled, incompetent, and you spend more time che

16、ating on your wife than you do in your office. And if you say another word, andrew here is gonna have you thrown out on your ass, ok? Another you are going out of here with an armer escort. Andrew will film it with his little camera phone, and he will put it on that internet site, what was it? 我炒掉你因

17、为你懒惰,自以为是和无能。如果你再敢胡言乱语,安德鲁会把你直接扔出去,再说一个字,你就马上走人,在武装警卫的护送下。 Escort 护送者,护航舰 Youtube Exactly, is that what you want? Didnt think so, i have work to do. Have security take him breakfront out his office and put it in my conference room. security guard 保安Will do. And i need you around this weekend to help

18、 review his files and his manuscript. 这周我要你加班帮忙审查他的文件和文稿 This weekend? You have a problem with that? No, i just my grandmothers 90th birthday, so i was gonna go home and.its fine, i will cancel it, you are actually saving me from a weekend of misery anyway. 正好把我从周末的苦海中拯救出来 Mom, what do you want me t

19、o tell you? She is making me work the weekend, ive worked too hard for this promotion, to throw it all away, ok? I am sure that dad is pissed, but we take all of our submissions around here very seriously. Submission 屈从,顺服,谦恭 但我们在这里都唯命是从不敢怠懈 This isnt about my second raise, is it? Just kidding. Marg

20、aret, do you remember when we agreed that you wouldnt go to the Frankfurt Book Fair because you werent allowed out of the country, while your vise application was being processed? Yes, i do. And you went to frankfurt. Yes, i did. We were giong to lose Delillo to Viking. So, really didnt have a choic

21、e, did i? It seems that the united states government doesnt too much about who publishes Don Delillo. We just spoke to your immigration attorney, your visa application has been denied, and you are being deported. Deported? And apparently there was also some paperwork that you didnt fill out in time.

22、 Until this is resolved i am going to turn operations over to bob. 在这个事情解决之前我得让鲍勃来运作一切了 Bob? The guy i just fired, We need an editor inm chief. He is the only person in the building who has enough experience. You can not be serious, i beg of you. We are desperate to have you stay, if there was anywa

23、y, anyway at all that we could make this work, wed be doing it. 我们也诚恳的想让你留下来,如果有任何法子,什么法子都行,只要能做到的,我们都会去做。 Mary from miss winferys office called, she is on the line, she is on hold, she needs to speak with you right away, i told her you were otherwise engaged, she insisted, so.sorry. 她要立即与你通话,我告诉她你另

24、有安排。 Gentlemen , i understand the predicament we are in. Predicament 困境 I think there is something you should know, we are getting married. Isnt he your secretary? But wouldnt it be the first time one of us fell for our secretaries, would it, edwin? You know, andrew and i , we are just two people wh

25、o werent meant to fall in love but we did. Tried to fight it and cant fight a love like ours. 但是我们公司也不是头一次爱上自己的秘书了,安德鲁和我本不该恋爱的一对却爱上了彼此,也试图抗拒这种情感但是无法阻挡我们之间的爱。 I dont understand whats happening. Relax, this is for you too. Do explain. They were going to make bob chief. So natrually i would have to mar

26、ry you? And whats the problem? Like you were saving yourself for someone special? 有什么问题么?难道你已经心有所属了? I like to think so, besides, its illegal. They are looking for terrorists, not for book publishers. I am not gonna marry you. Sure you are, because if you dont marry me, your dreams of touching the l

27、ives of millions with the written world are dead. Bob is gonna fire you the second im gone. Guaranteed. That means you are out on the street alone looking for a job, that means all the time that we spent together, all the lattes, all the canceled dates, all the midnight tampax runs were all for noth

28、ing and all your dreams of being an editor are gone, but dont worry, after the required allotment of time, we will get a quickie divorce and you will be done with me, but until then, like it or not, your wagon is hitched to mine, ok? Maxi pad 卫生巾 hitch 用绳钩圈等拴住,钩住 如果你不跟我结婚你那在写作界成为百万富翁的梦想就会破灭,我保证,我前脚走

29、,鲍勃就会解雇你,那就意味着你得流落街头另觅工作了,我们在一起的日子,所有的拿铁咖啡,所有取消的会议,所有半夜的卫生巾都化为乌有,你那成为编辑的梦想也会破灭。别担心,时间一过,我们就会离婚,互不干涉,但是在那之前不管你愿不愿意,咱俩就是一条腿上的蚂蚱。 I cant tell you how much we appreciate you seeing us on such short notice. 非常感激你能在这么短时间内抽空见我们 So, i have one question for you, are you both committing fraud and avoid her de

30、portation so she can keep her position as editior in chief at Colden Books? Fraud 欺骗,诈欺commit fraud 设下骗局 Thats ridiculous, where did you here that? We had a phone tip this afternoon from a man named. Would it be bob? Bob is nothing but a disgruntled former employee, i apologize, but we know you are

31、incredibly busy with a room full of gardeners and delivery boys to tend to, if you just give us our next step, we will be out of your hair and on our way. Disgruntled 不满意的,不高兴的 Out of someones hair: If you get someone out of your hair, you get them to stop bothering or annoying 不打扰或烦扰某人 Let me expla

32、in to you the process thats about to unfold. Step one will be a scheduled interview, i will put you each in a room, and i will ask you every little question that a real couple would know about each other. Step two, i dig deeper, i will look at your phone records, i talk to your neighbours, i interview your coworkers, if your answer dont match up at every point, you will be deported indefinitely, and you, young man, will have committed a felony punishable by a fine of 250000, and a stay of five years in federal prison. Unfold 展开 match up to 与.

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