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高考英语一轮 必修五 Unit 4复习题及答案解析.docx

1、高考英语一轮 必修五 Unit 4复习题及答案解析Unit 4Making the news .单词拼写1Before he became the_(主要)editor of the newspaper he was a journalist.2I often read the electronic_(版本)of Shenzhen Daily on the Internet.3The judge found the man not_(有罪)and then he was set free.4The Japaneses_(占领)of Taiwan lasted fifty years.5I gl

2、anced over the sports_(部分)of China Daily.6My watch is not_(准确)I am afraid it needs fixing.7Miss Wang did a_(彻底的)investigation of who broke the classroom windows.8The new edition textbook is_(出版)by the Department for Education.答案1.chief2.edition3.guilty4.occupation5section6.accurate7.thorough8.publis

3、hed.翻译句子1如果你专心致志,就能解决这个问题。(concentrate on)_2一有麻烦你就应该告知我们。(inform)_3可能会下雨,你最好带把伞,以防万一。(in case)_4附近所有居民都要求那家夜总会尽早搬走。(demand)_5你能想出使用这个单词的语境吗?(where)_答案1.Youll solve the problem if you concentrate on it.2You should keep us informed whenever you are in trouble.3It may rain;youd better take an umbrella

4、in case.4All the settlers nearby demanded that the nightclub(should)be moved away as soon as possible.5Can you think of a situation where this word can be used?.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Ann:Hey, you are polluting the office air again.Jenny:I am sorry. I cant help _1_.Ann:But you can al

5、ways go out and smoke somewhere _2_ there are no people around.Jenny:Well, its no big deal.Ann:Yes, do you know there are _3_(passive) smokers in China than active smokers? They are _4_ victims of polluted airthey suffer from heart disease and lung cancer. Every year, 60 million people die from smok

6、ing in developed countries.Jenny:But China is a _5_(develop) country.Ann: Thats the reason _6_ we should cut _7_ on medical care. In China,26 cities _8_(ban) cigarette smoking in public places. We are one of the cities.Jenny:Well, I apologize and Ill give up _9_(smoke) altogether.w w w .Ann:Well, I

7、hope this is the last time. You _10_ give it up.Jenny:All right. This wont happen again, I promise.答案1.it2.where3.more passive4.the5.developing6.why7.expenses8.have banned9.smoking10.have to.阅读理解A体裁:w w w .新闻报道话题:关爱老人词数:327难度:建议用时:6分钟People in their sixties should go to university to retrain because

8、 they will be expected to work for longer before retirement,the Government has suggested.Older workers who take courses to keep their skills up to date will be more likely to keep their jobs,claims David Willetts,the higher education minister.He said the age limit on student loans to cover tuition f

9、ees had been lifted,making a degree course “great value”for older people.His comments followed a government report which found that the countrys future economic success would depend on the skills and contributions of older workers.One in four people will be older than 65 by 2033 and economists have

10、warned that the ageing population will place a heavy burden on taxpayers unless more people work for longer. The state pension age is to rise to 67 by 2028.Ministers have warned that they have no idea when younger workers in their thirties will be able to retire.Mr Willetts,who is accompanying David

11、 Cameron in India,urged workers older than 60 to give further education serious consideration.“There is certainly a pressure for continuing to get retrained and upskilled,”he said.“Higher education has an economic benefit in that if you stay up to date with knowledge and skills you will be more empl

12、oyable.”Mr Willetts said a university course had“wider”benefits,making people more likely to lead healthy lives.“Education is such a good thing that it is not reserved for only younger people,”he said.“There will be people of all ages who will want to study.There is great value in lifelong learning.

13、”Under previous rules,students in England would get a loan to cover tuition fees only if they were younger than 54.Latest figures showed that only 1,940 undergraduates starting courses last year were older than 60,out of a total of 552,240 students in Britain.Some 6,455 were aged between 50 and 60,a

14、ccording to the Higher Education Statistics Agency.【解题导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。英国政府呼吁年逾花甲者回归校园接受培训,以应对老龄化问题。【长难句解读】His comments followed a government report which found that the countrys future economic success would depend on the skills and contributions of older workers.分析:此句含有一个定语从句which found that the count

15、rys future economic success would depend on the skills and contributions of older workers,修饰先行词a government report,定语从句中含有一个that引导的宾语从句。译文:他的此番评论是在政府公布一份报告之后发表的。政府报告指出,国家今后的经济发展能否取得成功取决于老年工作者的技术与贡献。1We can learn from Paragraphs 1&2 that older workers_.Ashould be retrained after retirementBhave no ch

16、ance to get a loan to cover tuition feesCmay hold back the countrys future economic successDare encouraged to go back to university and retrain答案D推理判断题。根据第一段内容可知,政府鼓励老人进大学再充电。第二段内容说老龄工人充电的好处,故D项正确。根据第一段中的“because they will be expected to work for longer before retirement”可知A项错误;根据“He said the age li

17、mit on student loans to cover tuition fees had been lifted making a degree coursegreat value for older people.”可知B项错误;根据第二段最后一句可知C项错误。2According to the passage,a person who is over_years old can draw a pension in 2028 in Britain.A54 B60 C65 D67答案D细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“The state pension age is to rise to 6

18、7 by 2028.”可知D项正确。3What does Mr Willetts think of education?AThere is no need for workers older than 60 to receive further education.BUniversity courses have nothing to do with a healthy life.CEducation is only provided for younger people.DPeople of all ages can receive different education.答案D细节理解题。

19、根据第五段中的“Education is such a good thing that it is not reserved for only younger people”和“There will be people of all ages who will want to study.There is great value in lifelong learning.”可知D项正确。4What does the author mainly imply in the last paragraph?AThe number of students in Britain is large.BThe

20、 number of students aged over 60 years old is small.CThe elderly dont like the courses for undergraduates.DThe elderly refuse to receive education.答案B推理判断题。根据最后一段所列数字可知,去年参加大学课程的只有1 940位是60岁以上的老人,而总人数是552 240,故可推知,作者认为60岁以上的学生太少。B体裁:说明文话题:城市交通词数:322难度:建议用时:6分钟Taxi,the underground, London t

21、hese means of transport are expensive.As a student on a budget,I couldnt afford the 30 pounds ( around 300 yuan) fare for a taxi.Even a bus was one pound and 20 pence ( about 12 yuan) for a single ticket.I didnt need to travel this way anyway.I had Mabelmy London bike.When I moved to Beijing,like ev

22、ery foreigner,I was delighted to discover I could take a cab for cheaper than a single journey on the subway.But something was wrong.I missed Mabel.That was when I met Mandarin Mabel also known as Mandy,my Beijing bike.In many ways,Beijing is made for:It is a flat,easy land compared with hilly Londo

23、n.The cycling citys north/south/east/west square structure is also easier to travel than Londons unplanned,twisting streets.However,Beijing comes completely with its own dangers.The rules of the road are flexible.Bikes,cars,passers by all float up and down ways in both directions.Compared with Londo

24、ns terrible cycle paths,in Beijing,every road has huge,wide cycle ways.But cars,taxis and motorbikes see no reason why they shouldnt use the cycle ways as a shortcut,and why they shouldnt announce you to get out of their way when they do.Beijing traffic is more good natured.In London,the road is an

25、active war.People shout,quarrel and beat on each others windows.In Beijing zone,drivers never get actively angry.In fact,often they ignore cyclists.Obviously that means its up to the cyclists to see them.Mandy is a tree Beijing bike.It is nearly broken,it makes loud noises every time you ride on it,

26、and I have had to make several emergency repair stops for it.But cycling round Beijing on a sunny day is a joy.It is just me,Mandy and the city.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要以作者的亲身经历比较了伦敦和北京的交通优缺点。5What can we conclude from the first paragraph?ABicycles are the most popular means of transport in London.BTo save

27、money,the author used travel around by bus in London.CThe expense of public transport makes some people want to buy a bike.DThe author didnt travel around London because of lacking a bike.答案C推理判断题。根据文章第一段可知,伦敦的交通费很贵,让人承担不起,所以买自行车。故选C项。6What does the author think of cycling around Beijing?AThe citys

28、twisting streets make it hard for the rider to find the way.BCars,taxis and motorbikes on the cycle lane pose a threat to cyclists.CWith the flat land and wide cycle lanes,its safer to cycle in Beijing than in London.DCycling in Beijing is safe because of its flexible rules.答案B推理判断题。根据文章第四段可知,北京的交通规

29、则灵活,车辆和行人任意抢道,所以对自行车车手来说是一种威胁。7What can we infer from the article?AIn the authors view,Beijing drivers drive more safely.BIn London,cars,taxis and motorbikes are allowed to use the cycle paths.CPeople in London follow the traffic rules more closely than those in Beijing.DMandy breaks down so easily

30、that it makes the author miss her London bike Mabel.w w w .答案C推理判断题。根据文章第五段第六段可推断出,伦敦人比北京人更加遵守交通规则。8The reason why drivers in Beijing seldom get angry is that _.Athe cycle ways are flat新*课*标*第*一*网Bthey care little about cyclistsCthey can even drive on the cycle waysDpeople in Beijing dont often ride bikes答案B细节理解题。根据文章第六段最后两句可知,北京的司机很少生气的原因是他们经常忽略自行车车手。故选B项

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