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1、新闻英语考试新闻英语常频词汇、短语翻译30翻译以下标题新闻20翻译题:新闻英语常用短语及缩略语翻译30听歌填词(放两遍)10自由写作based on the video“Rising star denied use of popular song”(放三遍)10 A范围 基地组织AI-QaedaAI-Qaida 第十届人大第二次会议The second meeting of the Tenth National Peoples Congress 塔利班武装分子Taliban militants 巴以冲突Israeli-Palestinian conflict 亚洲之行的最后一程The last

2、 leg of Asian tour 司法机关Judiciary 经济制裁Economic sanctions 各大媒体/各媒体机构Major media/various media organizations 多边非政府交流平台Multilateral non-governmental exchange platform 经济刺激方案Economic stimulus package 东方明珠电视塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower 七国集团首脑会议记者招待会G-7 Summit conference Reporter 银行主管Bank executives 创始成员国Found

3、ing Member 小康社会Well-off society国际裁军会谈 International disarmament talks 自卫部队Self-defense forces 东部联盟波特兰开拓者Eastern League Portland Trail Blazers 黑马Black Horse 反腐运动Anti-corruption campaign 完成8%的经济增长目标Complete eight percent economic growth target 参拜靖国神社pay homage to Yasukuni Shrine 皮影Shadow客队进球Visiting t

4、eam Goal 绿色奥运、人文奥运、科技奥运Green Olympics,Humanistic Olympics,tech Olympics 纪律片Documentary 美国奥斯卡电影金像奖American Academy Film Awards 比较去年同时期Comparing the same period last year 猪流感Swine flu 流感并发症Flu complications 优化金融开支Optimization of financial expenses(optimizing) 上证指数The Shanghai Composite Index 资深党政官员Sen

5、ior party officials 区域经济一体化Regional economic integration 媒体创新发展Media Innovation Development 圆桌会议Round Table 扩大双向投资Increase mutual investment 一带一路议案One Belt And One Road bill 人工降雨artificial rainfall 两岸合作cross-strait cooperation 色香味俱全Its perfect color flavor and taste 92共识1992 Consensus 跨境毒品交易Cross-bo

6、rder drug trade 加强监管Strengthen supervision政府工作报告 Government Work ReportB部分 British,French nuclear subs crash in Atlantic英法两国核潜艇大西洋水下相撞 Senior party official Economy needs judicial support 资深党政官员,经济需要司法支持 Sharp rises of drug abuses found as police intensifies crackdown TV Host resigns from university

7、 following freeloading allegations 电视节目主持人大学辞职后吃空饷(何炅吃空饷) Cross-Straits ties uncertain as KMT seeks 2016 candidate 由于国民党寻求2016年候选人两岸关系出现不确定性 Media leaders reach “silk road consensus”媒体领导人共识“丝绸之路” Slowing exports,High debt shake central and eastern Europe 缓慢的出口增长与高免债动摇了欧洲的中心地位,世界中心将向东方迁徙 China urges

8、US to drop Tibet bill 中国敦促美国停止对西藏的干涉议案 Former Chinese-American governor confirmed as US commerce secretary 前华裔州长确认为美国商务部长 Japan starts to deploy Patriot missiles ahead of Pyongyangs rocket launch 日本在朝鲜火箭发射之前部署爱国者导弹 China voices strong dissatisfaction over U.S military report 中国对美国军事报告表达强烈不满 U.S Jobl

9、ess Rate Up to 8.9 percent Highest in 26 Years .美国失业率升至26年新高,达到8.9% Japans falling prices spur deflation fears日本物价下跌引发通缩之忧 Chrysler makes bankrupt filling Teenage drug users on the rise青少年吸毒者人数正在上升 Senior party official economy needs judicial support Taiwan will submit an application to join the AII

10、B today 今天,台湾将递交申请加入亚投行 Series of moral scandals lead to calls for criminalization of sexual bribery 一系列的道德丑闻引发了对“性贿赂”定罪的呼吁 Premier Lis LatAm visit to benifit both sides 李克强访问拉美目的在于互利共赢 Direct flights to link Nanjing,LA.南京、洛杉矶直接航班C缩略语: 国家发改委 (NDRC;The national development and reform commission ) 中国民

11、航 (CAAC;Civil Aviation Administration of China) 博鳌亚洲论坛(BFA;Boao Forum for Asia) 财政部 (MOF;Ministry of Finance) 商务部长( SOC;Secretary of Commerce) 公安部 (MPS;Ministry of Public Security) AIIB(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank)亚洲基础设施投资银行D.2首歌(1)Amia Simone Nash and Impact Repertory Theater - (Raise It U

12、p)No father figure in the houseand im wonderin how im gonna work it outoh my friends keep on tellin mehow i dont need that manbut they dont really understandtheres far too many presures in realitybut dealing with the pain and stress and povertyand i gotta be myself becausetheres nobody else for me (

13、nohhhh)(heading there with me)sometimes it takes a different kind of love to raise a child(so dont give up)so dont give up(when presures come down)sometimes it takes a different kind of dream to make you smile(so raise it up)so raise(hang in there with me)sometimes we need another helping hand to sh

14、ow the ways(so dont give up) so dont give up(when presures come down)sometimes it seems inpossible and thats why we pray(so raise it up) we raiseseems to be nothing left for memommas gone daddy didnt wanna beand now im all by myself wonderin where is love orshould i just give uplife falls down on me

15、, cuts into my soulbut i know i got the strength to make it throgh it allcause im still standin tallbreaking throgh this wall im gonna give my allfeelin like a motherless childhankered into my soulits bringing me down cant find my smileon a face of a motherless childim gonna break down these walls g

16、onna give it my all ya knowyeah yeah yeah yeahhhh(hang in there with me)sometimes it takes a different kind of love to raise a child(so dont give up)so dont give up(when pressures come down)sometimes it takes a different kind of dream to make a smile(so raise it up) so raise it up(hang in there with

17、 me) raise it upsometimes it takes another helping hand to show you the way(so dont give up, when presures come down)sometimes it seems impossible thats why we praySO RAISE IT UP(2)All out of Love - by Air SupplyIm lying alone with my head on the phone独自躺着,头靠在电话上Thinking of you till it hurts想你想到心痛I

18、know you hurt too but what else can we do我明白你也受到伤害,但又能如何Tormented and torn part除了折磨与心碎I wish I could carry your smile in my heart但愿我能将你的笑容放在心中For times when my life seems so low当我的人生如此低潮之际It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring那会使我对明天怀有一丝希望When today doesnt really know Doesnt really know当

19、今天不知何去何从Im all out of love我已与爱绝缘Im so lost without you失去你让我感到失落I know you were right我知道你是对的Believing for so long长久以来一直相信Im all out of love我已与爱绝缘What am I without you没有了你,我算什么I cant be too late不能太迟To say that I was so wrong向你承认我真的错了I want you to come back and carry me home我要你回来,带我回家Away from these lo

20、ng lonely nights远离漫长、孤寂的夜晚Im reaching for you Are you feeling it too我正向你靠近,你感觉到了吗?Does the feeling seem oh so right那是多么棒的感觉And what would you say如果我现在向你恳求If I called on you now说我已撑不下去And said that I cant hold on没有更好的方法Theres no easy way it gets harder each day一天比一天更难熬Please love me or Ill be gone Il

21、l be gone请你爱我,否则我会死Im all out of love我已与爱绝缘Im so lost without you失去你让我感到失落I know you were right我知道你是对的Believing for so long长久以来一直相信Im all out of love我已与爱绝缘What am I without you没有了你,我算什么I cant be too late不能太迟To say that I was so wrong向你承认我真的错了Ah what are you thinking of吾爱,你在想什么?What are you thinking

22、of你在想什么What are you thinking ofWhat are you thinking o.fIm all out of love我已与爱绝缘Im so lost without you失去你让我感到失落I know you were right我知道你是对的Believing for so long长久以来一直相信Im all out of love我已与爱绝缘What am I without you没有了你,我算什么I cant be too late不能太迟To say that I was so wrong向你承认我真的错了Im all out of love我已与

23、爱绝缘Im so lost without you失去你让我感到失落I know you were right我知道你是对的Believing for so long长久以来一直相信Im all out of love我已与爱绝缘What am I without you没有了你,我算什么I cant be too late不能太迟To say that I was so wrong向你承认我真的错了Im all out of loveIm so lost without youI know you were rightBelieving for so longIm all out of lo

24、veWhat am I without youI cant be too lateTo say that I was so wrongIm all out of loveIm so lost without youI know you were rightBelieving for so longE CCTV-9 News “rising star denied use of popular song”,”Beijings Spring”CCTV新闻Rising star denied use of popular songTwo migrant workers quickly became

25、a sensation on the Internet after uploading a video of them singingIn the Spring.They were even invited to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.But when they were on the verge of being able to enjoy a promising future,the original singer stepped in to prevent the band from performing the song.Its all about

26、 this song.The grassroots band Xu Ri Yang Gang,meaning rising sun in Chinese,soon rose to fame after their performance at the 2011 CCTV Spring Festival Gala singingIn the Spring.And they found themselves able to earn more than 10 thousand yuan for one performance.But just as they were about to rock

27、the entertainment industry,the original singer,Wang Feng,rescinded permission to sing the song.Wang wrote in his blog that he was moved after seeing their performance online.So he invited these two young men to his concert in October in Shanghai to help them pursue their dreams.But with the band att

28、ending increasingly more shows,Wang felt his goodwill taken advantage of.Singer Wang Feng said,I intended to help the band because they have a dream and they need a chance.So I authorized them to sing this song at the Spring Festival Gala,but not in their later performances.This is about intellectua

29、l property rights and I think the public should understand and respect the will of the composer.In response to Wangs remark,one of the band members has this to say.Band member Wang Xu said,Im grateful to Wang Feng and his help.Without him,therell be no todays Xu Ri Gang Yang band.I want to apologize

30、 to him for the trouble and misunderstanding caused by us singing his song.I respect his decision.Analysts say if the band wants to sustain itself and really hold a position in the entertainment industry,they need more original compositions.Otherwise,theyll face similar disputes in the future if they still have to rely on otherswork.Weekly Address: Reaching aComprehensive and Long-Term Dealon Irans Nuclear Program奥巴马每周电视演讲达成伊朗核项目全面长期协议The White House April 4, 20152015 年4 月4 日白宫This week,together with our allies and pa

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