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Unit 2 Deep Concern.docx

1、Unit 2 Deep ConcernUnit 2 Deep ConcernTeaching Content: Unit Two, Deep Concern on New Horizon College English Book One Teaching aims: 1). To get the students familiar with the concept of Generation Gap and the relative expressions describing the phenomenon;2). To help the students understand and be

2、able to use the new words, grammatical points and useful expressions;3). To help the students get a clear picture of the time-sequenced structure; 4). To enable the students to grasp the reading skills of distinguishing between facts and opinions;5). To enable the students to write a structured para

3、graph of causes and effectsEmphasis: 1) understanding of the text 2) word-building and some important words 3) grammatical pointsKey and Difficult Points:1) use of the key words in the text:2) expressions and phrases: 3) time-sequenced paragraph writing (page 40-41)4) reading skills: (section B on p

4、age 42)distinguishing between facts and opinionsTeaching method: 1). multi-media and writing on blackboard 2). Whole-Class discussion with group or pair work; 3). Lecturing plus Top-down text analyzing 4). Make full use of the attached CD and multi-mediaPreparations: 1) to collect some background in

5、formation 2) to memorize the new words in the word list Teaching steps: 1) leading-in activities 2) Introduction to the text 3) New words and expressions 4) Text analysis and language points 5) Assignments 6) Exercise 7) Section BI. Leading-in Activities Show them the pictures on PPT (Students brain

6、-storm answers for the following questions)What is your reaction to the stuff in the above pictures? And what might be your parents? The Differences?Are there other things that you and your parents hold different opinions on?Pair works on the following three questions to get a better understanding o

7、f the topic of this unit.Q1: What is generation gap? It refers to differences between two generations in their views on the world. Some of the differences are as follows: 1) The older generation emphasizes devotion to society while the younger one thinks more about the realization of personal value.

8、 2) The older generation sticks to its experience-based beliefs while the younger one clings to radical ideas. 3) The older generation believes young people are too young to see through things whereas the younger one thinks the elders ideas are too old to keep up with the flow of the times. Q2: What

9、 caused the GG? (lack of communication) Q3: How to bridge it? (mutual understanding) It involves the efforts of both generations. On one hand, the younger should talk over their problems with their parents actively and frankly. They must learn to remove their stubbornness of the young. On the other,

10、 the older generation also needs to speak to the young at home at the first opportunity. And they should not take everything for granted just on the basis of their experience, but treat their children as equal adults to them. On the whole, the more often both generations see things in the others pos

11、ition, the more chances they stand to fill up the gap between them.II. Introduction to the textThe text “deep concern” is centered upon the conflicts between Sandy and her parents over her favorite music, make-up and other minor things (the way of eating breakfast, brushing teeth, dressing). And the

12、 story is arranged according to the sequenced order of events. When the text is explained, the students should be asked to pay attention to the verbs used to describe a series of events and how one event is connected to the next. III. New Words and Expressions1. The title: Deep Concern-to use as a n

13、oun: a feeling of worryFollowing the accident there is growing concern over the safety of rail travel. 意外发生后,铁路交通的安全日益受到关注。Something that makes someone worriedHow much money I earn is none of your concern. 我挣多少钱与你无关。 -to use as a verb: make someone feel worried or upsetWhat concerns the experts most

14、 is the increasing level of pollution in our cities.令专家最为担忧的是城市的污染日益严重。be about somethingTonights program concerns the effects of the law on ordinary people. 今晚的节目是有关法律对普通大众的影响的。2along with: together withIll go along with you no matter where you go. 无论你到哪里,我都和你一起去。3turn off: stop; switch off Turn of

15、f the light before you leave the room.离开房间前请把灯关上。turn on? Turn the tap on and wash your hands.turn up: increase (flame, a sound, etc.) usually by moving a switch The air-conditioning unit was turned up too high. 空调开得太大了。turn down?Please turn the radio down, Im trying to sleep.Keep the following para

16、graph in mind: you turn on a radio, it begins to produce sounds; but when you turn it off, it produces no sound at all. When you turn a radio up, the sounds it produces get louder; but when you turn it down, the sounds become weaker. 4. burst: vi. move somewhere suddenly or quickly, esp. into or out

17、 of a placeShe burst out of the room in anger. 她生气地冲出了房间。The children burst into the room for toys. 孩子们冲进房间拿玩具。Cf: Upon hearing the sad news, she burst into tears. 听到这不幸的消息,她突然哭了起来。5. horrible: a. very bad or unpleasantWe had a horrible day in London. 我们在伦敦度过了糟糕的一天。shocking; frighteningThe story pre

18、sents a horrible murder on a train.这本小说介绍了一例恐怖的列车谋杀案。6. stuff: n. something that one does not know the exact name I dont know whats the sticky stuff on the floor? 我不知道这地板上黏糊糊的是什么东西. v. push something into a place If you stuff the bag too full, itll break. 如果你把袋子塞得太满会破的。 7. thorough: a. including eve

19、ry possible detailThey have promised a thorough inquiry into the plane crash. 他们答应彻底调查飞机失事一事。thoroughly: ad. Carefully and completelyAfter a days hard work, I feel thoroughly exhausted. 辛苦工作一天后,我觉得累极了。7. disgusting: a. very unpleasantWhat a disgusting smell!多么讨厌的气味!9. upset: a. feeling ill, worried

20、or anxiousSandys recent behaviour made her father upset. 桑迪最近的表现让她的父亲感到很不安。v. make someone worriedThe news upset him a great deal. 这消息使他非常心烦意乱。10. old-fashioned: a.favoring ideas, beliefs, etc. of the pastI admit that I am old-fashioned when it comes to music. 我承认在音乐欣赏方面,我是守旧的。 once usual or fashion

21、able but now less commonWe need a great deal of money to replace our old-fashioned equipment. 我们需要大量的资金来更新陈旧的设备。in fashion: popular at a certain timeout of fashion: no longer popular11. appeal: vi. (to) please; attract; interestBlue and red appeal to me, but I dont like gray and yellow.我喜欢蓝色和红色,不喜欢灰

22、色和黄色。 make a strong request for help, support, mercy, etc.The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府呼吁人们节约用水。12. get rid of: free oneself from something unwanted or unpleasantI know these pills have sad effects, but they can help me get rid of my pain. 我知道这些药丸有副作用,但是它们可以帮助我摆脱疼痛。Throw

23、away or destroyHe just sat there talking all evening and I couldnt get rid of him.他就坐在那里不停地谈了一个晚上,我根本无法脱身。13. negative: a.Bad or harmfulSmoking was starting to have a negative effect on my health. 吸烟开始对我的健康产生不良的影响。Saying or meaning noWhen the girl asked if she could go out with her boyfriend, her pa

24、rents gave her a negative answer.女孩问是否可以和男朋友外出时,得到了父母的否定回答。14. influence: n. an effect on somebody or somethingHe promised to use his influence with the chairman to get me the position. 他答应运用他对董事长的影响力来帮我得到那个职位。vt. Have an effect on somebody or somethingTo be frank, I dont want to influence your deci

25、sion.坦白地说我不想影响你的决定。15patience: n. the quality of being able to remain calm and not get angry, esp. when there is a difficulty or you have to wait a long timeYou need to have patience if you want to get served in this shop.想要在这家商店买东西,你得有耐心。After three hours of waiting our patience was wearing thin.在等

26、了三个小时后,我们越来越不耐烦了。IV. Text Analysis and Language PointsThe text is a description of what happened between the daughter Sandy and her parents. The whole passage can be divided into five parts according to the time markers clearly presented in the text. Along with the time sequence, we can find young p

27、eople and their parents often fail in their attempts to communicate with each other. And as a result, their two different worlds can move in separate directions or collide head-on. That is known as the Generation Gap. The following is a detailed analysis of each part.Part One (1-4) It was 6: 15 A. M

28、.Sandy and her father had different tastes for music.Sandy her father I like that music such horrible stuffIts my favorite the same thing over and overYoull like it I cant stand it Its hurting your ears as well as your brain1. The radio clicked on. Rock music blasted forth. (Para. 1)Meaning: As soon

29、 as the radio turned on with a short, sharp sound, rock music began playing.2. Its the same thing over and over. (Para. 2)over and over: again and again; repeatedly He kept saying the same thing over and over again. 他不断重复相同的话。 I have told them over and over again, so they should know what to do. 我给他

30、们说了N次了,他们该知道做什么。3. I cant stand it. (Para. 4) Meaning: its too much for me to bear. stand: vt. Endure; bear He can stand more pain than anyone else I know. 他比我所知道的任何人都更能忍受痛苦。Part Two (5) A transitional paragraph: Sandy took a shower.4. Then she grabbed the soap and washed thoroughly, including her h

31、air. (para. 5) Meaning: Then she took the soap suddenly and washed herself all over, including her hair.Part Three (6-20) After her shower. Sandy and her mother had different opinion about wearing makeup. Sandy MotherIsnt it pretty? Should not wear eye-linerIm old enough to wear Youre too young to wearAll other girls wear It isnt healthy to eat standing upBrush teeth after breakfast That old T-shirt is disgustingStop bugging me4. It isnt healthy to eat standing up. (Para. 7) Meaning: It isnt good for your health if you have your breakfast while s

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