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1、翻译练习汇总教学用翻译练习1. (只要看一眼这封信) _a glance at the letter_ will convince you that you have been taken in. 2. _( 没有人不称赞admire praise 他们 ) for their great accomplishment. There is no one that does not praise themThere is no one but praise them 3. _(我不大想去参加那个聚会), but Id better put in an appearance. Feel like

2、Gathering 4. _(不论多么成功), people will continue to face difficulties. However successful people are/may be 5. _(除了以身作则), theres no better way to teach children. Apart from /aside from setting an example 6. _(路拓宽后), the traffic is not so heavy as it used to be.After the road has been broadened/widened,

3、the road having been broadened/widenedthe road broadened/widened7. _(如果全面考虑), work is less boring than amusing oneself. If everything is considered, everything being consideredeverything considered8. _(对听到的事情感到震惊), he placed both his hands on his mouth. Because he was shocked at what he had heard, s

4、hocked at what he had heard, 9. _(如果暴露在空气中), iron will react with the oxygen of the air. If it is exposed to the airexposed to the air10. _(说实话), Im looking forward to hearing the news. Honestly speaking To be honest 11. _(为战争做好准备)is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace. Getting well

5、prepared for war To get well prepared for war12. _(正如已经说过), technological innovations are being made at faster and faster rates. As has been said/mentioned 13. _(2 天了都没有走出沙漠,又没有水喝 )he was unquenchable. Having been in the desert for 2 days without water 14. _(如果你设法与Smith先生取得联系)the problem will be sol

6、ved easily because he is an expert in this field. Manage to get in touch with Mr. Smith 15. _(再试一试), and the problem would be straightened out. Another attempt16. _(每当天气不好时), he takes whatever umbrella he can find. Whenever (he is) in bad weather 17. _needless to say _(不用说), it is very important to

7、choose a road for Chinas modernization conforming to her own situation. 18. _there is no doubt_ ( 毫无疑问 )that he is qualified for the job. _undoubtedly _ ( 毫无疑问 ), he is qualified for the job.19. _ (不管任务多么艰巨), we must fulfill it in time. 20. _with the passage of time_ (随着时间的流逝), they forgot their bit

8、ter sufferings. Go byElapse 21. _ (我们得把休假日推迟put off postpone) until youre better. 22. _newcomers freshmen _ (有些大一新生打定be determined 主意) to pursue a masters degree after undergraduate studies. Be bent on 23. _(要不是他慷慨相助), I should have failed in my work. But for his generous helpIf it had not been for

9、his generous help24. _all members except the Chairman voted for my suggestion _ ( 除主席之外的所有成员都投票赞成我的建议 )to set up a branch office in the suburbs. 25. _it is not until people lose health _ (直到失去健康) that people know the value of health. 26. _with so many friends being absent _ (很多朋友不在), we decided to p

10、ut the meeting off.27. _(不管怎样努力), Tom could not get oiut of the difficulty.,汤姆还是摆脱不了困境。However hard Tom tried Try as Tom might/could Run as you could, you cannot catch the last train. 28. _(一般说来), the coldest weather comes in January. 29. _safely _ (可以有把握地说)that another earth satellite has been put

11、into orbit. 30. _ (应该指出)that early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy. 31. _(不可否认)that the living standard of people has risen. 32. _scarcely _hardly had she fallen asleep _before_(她刚睡着)when a knock at the door awakened her. 33. to their surprise _(令他们感到非常吃惊), Mary crushed the letter in he

12、r hand. Much to their surpriseto their great/deep surprise34. _(人们普遍认为)that their suggestion is reasonable to a certain degree. 35. _(使我们感到非常满意), she enthusiastically approved our plan. 36. _(我们生产的粮食越多), the greater will be our achievement. The more grain we produce 37. _(我们生产的粮食越多), the greater wil

13、l be our achievement. 38. _(因为从来没有接触过地图册), she could not make head or tail of maps. Because she has never touched the atlas never having touched the atlas 39. _(因为从来没有接触过地图册atlas), she could not make head or tail of maps. 40. _ (给我印象最深的) were her liveliness and sense of humor. What impressed me most

14、 41. while your idea is worthy to be considered _(尽管你的观点值得考虑),the committee finds it unwise to place too much importance on them. Worth considering 42. _(我希望我去过)Athens when I was in Greece . I heard its a beautiful city.43. _(不想让观众知道我有多紧张), I tried to make my mistake look like the part of the act. B

15、ecause I did not want the audience to know how nervous I was, not wanting the audience to know how nervous I was44. _judging by/from his accent _(根据他的口音), he must be from Shanghai. 45. _no sooner had she agreed to marry him _(她刚同意与他结婚)than she began to have serious doubts. 46. _to minimize the theft

16、 buglary _(为了最大限度减少盗窃案件的发生), each family in this neighborhood installed an alarm system. 47. _if you want to be respected _(要想他人尊重你),you should learn to respect them first. 48. _considering his age and lack of experience _(考虑到他年轻又缺乏经验), his acting is remarkable. 49. _(如果我是你的话), I would have accepted

17、 such an offer given by the general manager. 50. _(好久没有收到父母的来信), he became worried. 51. _compared with the whole earth _(和整个地球相比),the highest mountain does not seem high at all.52. A clever person would not have done such things _(不会干出那样的事情来的). 53. A little more effort, and you will succeed _(你就会成功)

18、.54. A lot of people nowadays have muscular problems in the neck, the shoulders and the back mainly as the result _of the pressure and tension from work_ ( 主要是由于工作中的压力和紧张造成的 ). Due to55. A mans dignity depends not on his wealth or status but on his character _(在他的品格,不在财富或地位). 56. All the children we

19、re apparently miserable, _(阿姨们对幼儿园的状况也不满意)the conditions in the kindergarten. 57. Animal experiments will continue to be necessary to resolve existing medical problems _( 尽管一些人公开反对 ). 58. As a general observation, many physicians regret _not having taken in the history of medicine._(没有学习医学历史课程). reg

20、ret _not taking in the history of medicineregret to take in59. Ask her if it is a convenience time. _if not_(要是不方便), can she suggest another possible time? 60. Atom science is being developed in China to benefit people rather than harm them_(为了造福人民,而不是危害人民). 61. But that he saw it, _(他是怎么也不会相信). 62.

21、 Charlie cannot find money for necessities, _(更不必说购买香烟酒等奢侈品了). 63. Cities are famous for their crowds, _(而小城镇人口稀少). 64. Consumer goods production is to _(增长6)in that city. 65. Diligence will greatly enrich your mind, body and spirit, _(更不用说存款了). 66. Dont bother carrying all those things, _ (我本不想给你添许

22、多麻烦). 67. Features such as height, weight, and skin color _(因人而异). 68. Five minutes earlier, _(我们就可以赶上最后一趟火车了). 69. Had it not been for such help from them, I _(我的研究工作是不会成功的). 70. He _(本来可以多给你一些帮助), but he has been so busy.71. He _(读书非常专心)as to forget his meal. became so absorbed in his reading72. H

23、e _(一点都不灰心), though he didnt pass the examination. 73. He _(原打算熬夜)late last night, but he went to sleep on the chair. 74. He came to the meeting _ (不顾重病). 75. He cant run a hundred metres, _(更不用说一英里了). 76. He cant speak his own native language well, _(更不用说讲英语了). 77. He didnt have enough money to buy

24、 a second car, _(更不用说买一辆新的了). 78. He had understood nothing, _ (也没尝试着去) understand.79. He has _(取得的进步比大得多)this term than he did last term. 80. He has done so much for the poor in his community that _( 再怎么赞扬他都不过分 ). 81. He looked so funny that I _(忍不住大笑起来). 82. He made the suggestion that they _(用法语交

25、谈). 83. He preferred to watch TV at home _(不愿去看电影). 84. He ran fast _(以免落在别人后面). 85. He said that the driver must have had an accident; otherwise he _(那个时刻应该到了).86. He seconded Marys motion that they _(成立一个特别委员会来研究这个问题). 87. He took his washing machine in for repair, _(结果被告知)it needed replacing. 88.

26、 He walked so fast that I had to run to _(才能跟上他). 89. He was disabled from birth, but he never felt frustrated, _( 也从未屈服于任何困难 ). 90. He would have helped us _(要不是他那时没有钱). 91. He, in his grief, replied that _(他没有什么不可牺牲的). 92. Her illness was _(严重得多)than we thought at first. far more serious93. His remarks left me _( 想知道他的真实目的 ). 94. How close parents are to their children_( 有很强的影响) the character of the children. 95. I am afraid I have to decline your invitation, not that I am unwilling to come, _(

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