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原创山东省高考英语总复习单元导练系列必修一Module 1 my first day at senior high.docx

1、原创山东省高考英语总复习单元导练系列必修一Module 1 my first day at senior highModule 1 (必修一)课文掌握一、阅读课文(P23),简要回答下列问题。1. For what purpose does the author write the passage? _2. What do paragraphs35 tell us?_3. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?I enjoy her way of teaching, and from

2、what others did in this first class I can see they also like her._4. Why is Li Kang impressed with his new school? _5. Put the following sentence into Chinese.Were using a new textbook and Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school._二、根据所给要点,将课文改写成一篇120

3、词左右的短文。 Li Kangs school Li Kangs class Li Kangs first English class Li Kangs general impression of first day at school知识导学重点单词1. Describe your attitude to studying English. 说一说你对学英语的态度吧。attitude n. C看法,态度;姿态【用法示例】(1) She shows/has a very positive attitude to/towards her work. 她工作态度非常积极。(2) Dont take

4、 that attitude with me, young man! 别用这种态度对我, 小伙子! (3) He stood there in a threatening attitude. 他以威胁的姿态站在那里。【归纳比较】(have/show) an attitude to/towards 对采取一种态度take an attitude with sb 以态度对待某人in an/the attitude of.以姿态【巩固运用】(1) Yu must first of all _the boy. 你首先要改变对这个男生的看法。(2) In that situation, it was u

5、nderstandable for her to _ him. 在那种情形之下,她对他表示怀疑是可以理解的。2. Describe the general behavior of your Junior High class in English lessons. 说说你们在初中英语课上的表现。behavior n. u 待人态度; 举止; 行为方式【用法示例】She was ashamed of her childrens (bad) behaviour. 她因为她的孩子不规矩而感到羞愧。(1) Their behaviour towards me shows that they do no

6、t like me. 从他们对我的态度可以看出他们不喜欢我。(2) He has behaved shamefully towards his wife. 他对妻子的态度很可耻。(3) Children, please behave (yourselves)! 孩子们, 规矩些! (4) Hows your new car behaving? 你的新汽车好使吗? 【归纳比较】behave vi.(举止或行为)表现(指机器等)运转或性能良好。behavior towards 对的态度behave +adv +towards sb 对某人表现得behave oneself 规规矩矩,表现好【巩固运

7、用】(1) I felt puzzled at _the disabled. 我对他们对待残疾人的态度感到迷惑不解。(2) She _ more like a friend than a mother. 她像朋友一样(待我), 而不像是我的母亲。(3) You must promise to _at the party before I can think of taking you along. 你们必须承诺在晚会上规规矩矩地,我才可以考虑带你们去。(4) My new computer_. 我的新电脑运转良好。3. What do you find most difficult about

8、 English? 英语方面你感觉哪方面最困难?Understanding instructions. 在理解指令上。instruction n 常作复数命令,指示;用法说明,操作指南;U 教授;教导【用法示例】(1) Im under instructions/have instructions to keep my speech short. 我接到指示讲话要简短。(2) Be sure to follow your teachers instructions while doing this chemical experiment. 做这项化学试验时务必按老师的话去做。(3) On hi

9、s instructions, the pirate disks had been burned. 按照他的指示,那些盗版光盘都已经焚毁。(4) Be sure to read carefully the instructions before you use the camera. 使用相机前务必仔细阅读说明书。(5) Under her teachers instruction, she gradually restored her self-confidence. 在老师的教导下,她渐渐恢复了自信心。【归纳比较】have instructions to do/that得到命令be und

10、er instructions to do/that 得到命令follow ones instructions 听从的指令on ones instructions按照的指示under ones instruction 在的指导下【巩固运用】(1) We _ the mission ahead of schedule. 我们接到指示,要提前完成任务。(2) _ while operating this machine. 操作这台机器时,听我的指令。(3) _, I slowly mastered the art of glass blowing. 在怀特老师的指导下,我逐渐学会了玻璃吹制技术。4

11、. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. 老师们都非常热情友好,教室也非常好。A. enthusiastic a. (对某事物) 热心的,热情的【用法示例】(1) The singer got an enthusiastic reception. 那个歌手受到了热烈欢迎。(2) I was less than enthusiastic about Bob coming to visit. 我对鲍勃来访并不热心。【归纳比较】be enthusiastic about 对热心,

12、喜欢【巩固运用】 She _singing. 她非常喜欢唱歌B. amazing adj.令人惊讶的;令人惊喜(惊叹、惊羡的)【用法示例】It was amazing that he knew nothing about the event. 他对这个事件毫不知情,真让人感到诧异。Its amazing how quickly young children adapt. 小孩子适应环境的速度真是惊人。(3) What an amazing discover. 真是惊人的发现!【归纳比较】amazing a.与被修饰的词之间是主动意义amazed a.(感到吃惊的,感到惊奇的)与被修饰的词之间是

13、被动意义amaze vt. 使吃惊,使惊奇【巩固运用】 (1) We were all _ at his _ experiences in South Africa. 我们都对他的南非的经历深表惊讶。(2) _ was that he should have showed no sympathy to the maltreated children. 使我感到惊讶不已的是他竟然对那些受虐待的儿童没有一丝同情心。5. Some students were embarrassed at first but everyone was very friendly and it was really n

14、ice. 有些学生起初感到局促不安,但大家都很友好,感觉很好。embarrassed a. 尴尬的,难堪的,局促不安的【用法示例】(1) She was embarrassed when asked her age. 别人问她的年龄时,她非常窘迫。(2) Whenever he was financially embarrassed, he would turn to me. 每当经济拮据时,他总是向我伸手。(3) There was an embarrassing silence after her indiscreet remark but she was able to laugh it

15、 off. 她出言不慎把大家窘得哑然无声, 她却有本事一笑置之. (4) You didnt embarrass me in the slightest. 你一点也没让我为难. 【归纳比较】embarrass vt. 使.困窘(难堪,尴尬)embarrassing a. (令人为难的,使人感到难为情的)与被修饰的词之间是主动意义embarrassed a.与被修饰的词之间是被动意义【巩固运用】 (1) We were all _ at that _ question. 那个令人尴尬的问题使得我们所有人都难为情。(2) Her sudden kiss on my cheek _. 她在我的面颊上

16、突然吻了一下使我很窘迫。(3) His partners rudeness was really _ to him. 搭档的无理使他感到很难堪。6. Would you mind answering the questions for me? 您介意替我回答这些问题吗?mind vt. 介意;看管;留心n. 思想;主意;心意【用法示例】(1) Do you mind if I smoke here?(2) Do you mind my smoking here?(1) Mind your own business! 管好你自己的事!(不关你的事!)(2) Mind your head! 小心别

17、碰了头! (3) Since you have made up your minds to take part in that examination, you need to devote all you can to its preparation. 既然你们已经决定参加那次考试,就应当全力以赴去准备。(4) Try and get her to change her mind about coming with us. 设法让她改变主意,不要和我们一起去。【要点归纳】mindvt.-ing 介意n./pron. 留心,看管that 留心Never mind没关系n. make up on

18、es mind to domake up ones mind thatchange ones mind about【巩固运用】(1) Would you mind if I opened the window? _.A. Yes, please B. No, go ahead C. Never mind D. Thats all right(2) The cave is not high, please _ (小心自己的脑袋).7. Secondary school in the US the usually covers seven years, grade six to twelve. 美

19、国的中学通常包括7年,即612年级。cover vt.包含,有(多长时间或多少面积);走完(一段路);够付(费用);报导(事件)【用法示例】(1) The survey covers all aspects of the business. 调查包括这家企业的各个方面。(2) The city covers 10 square kilometers. 这座城市占地10平方公里。(3) Will $100 cover the cost of this shirt? 100美元够付这件衬衣的钱吗?(4) How many of the book do you plan to cover every

20、 day? 这本书你计划每天看完几页?(5) Many newspapers covered this issue. 很多报纸都对此事做了报道。【巩固运用】(1) The lecture will _ about 2 hours. A. cover B. last C. keep D. hold(2) Can the money I gave you_? 我给你的钱够你的费用支出吗?(3) The best reporters were sent to _ the Iraqi War. A. describe B. cover C. broadcast D. shoot重点短语1. I liv

21、e in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing. 我住在离北京不远的石家庄市。far from 离远;一点也不,远非【用法示例】(1) Is he a good driver? 他是位好司机吗?Far from it. 差远了。(2) Michel walked in, looking far from happy. 麦克走了近来,看上去一点也不高兴。(3) Far from helping improve the situation, they have made it worse. 他们非但没有有助于改善情况,反而弄得更糟。【归纳比较】far

22、from + n./pron./a./-ing离远;一点也不,远非【巩固运用】(1) He is_. 他绝对不傻。(2) _his paintings, I dislike them intensely. 我绝对不是喜欢他的绘画作品,而是很不喜欢。2. For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live. Im looking forward to doing it! 我们今天的作业是要写一写我们生活的街道。我非常想做。look forward to + n./pron./-i

23、ng 渴望【用法示例】(1) Im looking forward to your early reply. 我渴望早日得到您的答复。(2) I am familiar with his work and look forward to hearing his views on Literary and artistic creation. 我熟悉他的作品,并期待他能就文艺创作问题发表自己的见解。 【巩固运用】 (1) We _ of spring. 我们期待着春天的到来。(2) We will be at the10 Baker Street at six sharp, and look f

24、orward_ . 我们将于晚六点准时到达贝克大街10号,到时再会。 (3) The letter we had been looking forward to _ at last.A. arriving B. arrived C. has arrived D. having arrived3. Look for the expressions they use to keep the conversation going and underline them. 寻找他们保持会话的表达法然后在字下划线。keep + 宾语 + ing 保持某人一直【用法示例】(1) Its necessary

25、to keep the engine running. 必须不能让发动机熄火。(2) Ill not keep you waiting. 我会尽量不让你久等。【归纳比较】keep + 宾语 + -ed 使某人一直(被)Do keep us informed of the latest news. 一有消息,随时通知我。keep (on) + -ing 反复做某事There are a few students in our class who keep coming to class late but theyre always on time for Mrs. Chens lessons!

26、我们班上有几个学生老是上课迟到,但是上陈老师的课他们总是很准时。keep + 宾语 + a. 使(处于某状态)Take my coat, and it will keep you warm. 拿上我的大衣,能给你保暖。【巩固运用】 (1) Im sorry _so long. 很抱歉,让您等了这么久。(2) While listening to the lecture, keep you mouth _ (closing/closed/close/to close) and your eyes _ (opening/opened/open /to open).4. The school yea

27、r is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December, and the second January through May. 学年划分为两个学期:第一学期从九月到十二月,第二学期从一月到五月。be divided into (整体)被分成(若干部分)【用法示例】Our class is divided into six groups to do this activity. 我们班分成六组来做这个活动。【归纳比较】divide sth between/among sb 分配;分担di

28、vide sth between A and B 把(时间、精力等)分别用于 be separated from 和分离【巩固运用】 (1) Our school _. 我们学校被分成52个班级。(2) He _ politics and business. 他把精力一部分用在政治上,一部分用在业务上。(3) Asia _ North America by Bering Strait. 白令海峡把亚洲和北美洲分离开来。5. I take part in all kinds of after-school activities-I play football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis and I go to theater club. 我参加各种各样的校外活动我踢足球、打蓝球、排球和乒乓球,还参加戏曲俱乐部。take part in (join in/ participate in)参加(某项活动,是其中的参与者之一)【用法示例】Every class shall take part in the sports meet. 每个班级都必须参加运动会。【归纳比较】attend vt. 参加,列席(会议、婚礼、葬礼)join vt. 参加(党派、团体、组织)(是其中的一个成员)【巩固运用】 (1) They all _the disc

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