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Interface A.docx

1、Interface AIntroduction to the SEMI EDA StandardsThis document is an introduction to the SEMI Equipment Data Acquisition (EDA also known as Interface A) standards. It is also available in PDF format. This document include the following sections: an overview of the standards, a list of terminology an

2、d acronyms, a summary of each major EDA SEMI standard including E120, E125, E132, E134, and a list of Frequently Asked Questions. OverviewThe Equipment Data Acquisition (EDA also known as Interface A) Standards are a collection of SEMI standards for the semiconductor industry to improve and facilita

3、te communication between IC Makers data gathering software applications and the factory Equipment. When implemented together, these standards provide a convenient interface for Equipment Data Acquisition using SOAP/XML messages over an HTTP or HTTPS connection. The main EDA SEMI standards include E1

4、20, E125, E132, and E134. Solutions must comply with the specific SOAP/XML implementations of these standards; E120.1, E125.1, E132.1, and E134.1. EDA provides multiple client access to data gathering capabilities. It does not purport to replace the SEMI GEM/SECS standards (E4, E5, E30, and E37) or

5、the SEMI 300mm standards (E39, E40, E87, E90, E94, and E116) since EDA does not provide any features for Equipment control or configuration. Instead, EDA must be supported in addition to other required interfaces. Over time, EDA could replace the need for any other data providing interfaces so that

6、IC Makers only require the EDA and SECS/GEM/300mm connectivity standards. In practice, some initial EDA deployments may provide little more data than the SECS/GEM interface, but eventually it is expected to provide more dataparticularly state information, sensor feedback, actuator states, and other

7、raw data necessary for process, product and equipment analysis. All data must be supplied to EDA as directly from the source as possible with minimal software layers. In order to make all expected data available and achieve performance expectations, some equipment will require internal restructuring

8、 and architectural changes. During 2005 and 2006 IC Makers started requiring integrated EDA solutions from the Equipment Suppliers. The demand will continue to increase as IC Makers roll out plans to improve yield and equipment utilization. Equipment Suppliers must begin development as soon as possi

9、ble in order to meet these deadlines and provide a quality solution. Terminology and AcronymsTerm or Acronym Description 3507 ID for E132 during the Task Force development stage. 3509 ID for E134 during the Task Force development stage. Access Control List (ACL) Part of E132, the Client Authorizatio

10、n details that grant or deny Client sessions and impose restrictions on Clients access to specific Interface A information and operations. CEM E120.1 XML Schema for the Common Equipment Model Client Authentication In order for an Interface A Client to gather data, E132 requires clients to first esta

11、blish a session. The client must provide credentials to the Interface A Server. The Interface A Server must be preconfigured to grant the client permission (based on the credentials) to establish a session. Client Authorization Part of E132, before the Interface A Server accepts an operation request

12、 from the Client, the Server must verify that the Client has permission. These permissions are preconfigured in the Server using Access Control Lists. Client Consumer An Interface A Client that receives the Data Collection Reports and other E134 consumer operations. Client Manager An Interface A Cli

13、ent that establishes a session, identifies the Consumer to receive the data, sets up Data Collection Plans, and uses other E134, E132, and E125 manager operations. Data Collection Plan (DCP) Part of E134, a data gathering request that includes a set of Events (with a configurable set of Parameters),

14、 Exceptions (with a fixed set of Parameters), and Traces (with a configurable set of Parameters). After successfully creating a Data Collection Plan, it must be activated. Then the Client will receive the respective Data Collection Reports as configured in the plan. Data Collection Report (DCR) The

15、Equipment sends the requested data in this standard format. DCM E134.1 Provisional Specification for SOAP Binding of Data Collection Management ECA E132.1 Provisional Specification for SOAP Binding for Equipment Client Authentication and Authorization EDA Equipment Data Acquisition. The combination

16、of SEMI standards E120, E125, E128, E132, E134 and E138. This term is more common the term “Interface A”, but both refer to the same thing. Of course, the EDA acronym is also used in the semiconductor industry to stand for Electronic Design Automation, but this is unrelated to this document or the r

17、eferenced SEMI standards. Equipment Equipment refers to the hardware and software received from Equipment Supplier to perform work for the IC Maker. In some context of Interface A, Equipment refers to the Interface A Server that represents the hardware and software to the Clients. ESDS E125.1 Provis

18、ional Specification for SOAP Binding for Equipment Self Description Exception Part of E134, an Equipment alarm, error, or warning notification. Event Part of E134, a notification that something important occurred on the Equipment tied to a state machine. An Event request in a DCP can include any set

19、 of Parameters. FF Fire-and-Forget where a message sender does not expect a reply message. Host The software an IC Maker is running to communicate with the Equipment. A host typically refers to the SECS/GEM connection but could also refer to a client using Interface A. HTTP HyperText Transfer Protoc

20、ol: the protocol for moving hypertext files across the Internet. Requires a HTTP client program on one end, and an HTTP server program on the other end. HTTP is the most important protocol used in the World Wide Web (WWW) HTTPS HyperText Transport Protocol (Secure): the standard encrypted communicat

21、ion mechanism on the World Wide Web. This is actually just the use of Netscapes Secure Socket Layer (SSL) as a layer under its regular HTTP application layering. Interface A The resulting Equipment interface when SEMI standards E120, E125, E132, and E134 are implemented together. Interface A is also

22、 known as EDA. Interface A Client Software that attempts to use the Equipments Interface A by establishing a session. Typically, this is developed by the IC Maker or a third party hired by the IC Maker. Equipment suppliers can also develop Interface A clients, such as for capturing diagnostic inform

23、ation. This is also called an EDA Client. Interface A Server The Equipment software that implements the Interface A standards. This software should be installed on the Equipments internal computer and fully integrated into the Equipments system. However, the software can be run on an external comput

24、er to retrofit Equipment that does not have an integrated solution. This is also called an EDA Server or EDA Web Server. Interface B A collection of SEMI standards to implement data sharing between applications (primarily IC Maker applications), such as Statistical Process Control and Run-To-Run app

25、lications. Interface C A collection of SEMI standards to allow remote access to Equipment data. This is intended primarily for Equipment Suppliers to remote obtain the Equipments diagnostic and maintenance information. Metadata Information that describes the data, such as when an Event occurs or the

26、 interpretation of a Parameters value. Operation An Interface A transaction, method, or message initiated by an Interface A client or server. Each operation has a name, well-defined format and meaning. E125, E132, and E134 each define a set of operations for the client and server. Parameters The set

27、 of data available for gathering from the Equipments Interface A connection. PR8 Proposed Standard for the Equipment Data Acquisition: a previous name for the E134 standard. RR Request-Response where a message sender expects a reply message. Security Admin A part of E132, Security Admin is a utility

28、 provided with the Interface A Server to provide administrative configuration. Session Also called an Authenticated Session, a session is established between the Server and Client by following the E132 procedures. Once a session is established, the Client can send authorized operation messages. SOAP

29、 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP): In order to make the Interface A standards easier to implement, they use the SOAP protocol. It is a lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment. It is an XML based protocol that consists of three parts: an envelo

30、pe that defines a framework for describing what is in a message and how to process it, a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of application-defined datatypes, and a convention for representing remote procedure calls and responses. SOAP can potentially be used in combination with a variety

31、 of other protocols; however, the only bindings defined in this document describe how to use SOAP in combination with HTTP and HTTP Extension Framework. See information. Tool A synonym for Equipment. The term Equipment is used more frequently in the standards. T

32、race Data polling performed by the Equipment as defined by the Client. The Client defines the polling frequency, the set of polled Parameters, and the conditions to start and stop polling. UML Unified Modeling Language (UML): All of the Interface A standards use UML notation for all class diagrams and for object oriented diagrams provided as examples. UML is a notation for representing object-oriented designs and views created by Booch, Rumbaugh, and Jacobson in order to merge their three popular notat

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