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1、CP45fv常见报警处理教案教学单元:CP45片式元件在线编程授课班级:09电子工艺教学地点: 教学楼北507一、教学目标:1.掌握CP45报警信息含义2.处理报警信息,维持生产正常运行二、教学重点:1掌握CP45报警信息含义2处理报警信息,维持生产正常运行三、教学内容:打开CP45ref.pdf文件的53页,找到故障信息的界面:Troubleshooting即为故障排除,很形象的一个词。内容包括:生产错误的具体信息以及软件硬件的故障排除解决方案。本节内容主要选却常见故障信息,理解含义,并处理报警。$0001 Emergency switch is pressed$0002 The emerg

2、ency switch in the front of equipment is pressed.ProblemThe emergency switch in the front of the equipment is pressed.SolutionPress the stop key in the front.Cancel it by turning the emergency switch in the front clockwise.Press the reset key in the front.$0003 Rear emergency switch is pressed.Probl

3、emThe emergency switch in the rear of the equipment is pressed.SolutionPress the stop key in the front.Cancel it by turning the emergency switch in the rear clockwise.Press the reset key in the front.以上三个是非常常见的报警,都是紧急停止开关被按下,机器报警。机器报警的时候,一是红灯会亮,而是蜂鸣器会叫,三是所有的电动机的SERVO POWER都会被切断,即电机不动作。在三星CP45上,共有前后两

4、个紧急停止开关。即:Front emergency switch和 Rear (后面)emergency switch。我们在前面讲过,三星贴片机的开机过程,先打开总开关,启动电脑和控制系统;再开气;再按下“MAIN START SWITCH”,即伺服电源(SERVO POWER);最后按下机器上的READY按钮,让机器处于准备状态,这时候机器才能开始工作。而按下紧急停止开关,就断开了伺服电源,电动机无法动作。(此处可以展开,紧急停止开关是连接到一个直流的弱电回路,比如24V直流电路,这个弱电电路接到一个安全继电器,这个继电器会在弱电回路闭合的情况下产生磁力,吸合一个铁片开关,这个开关的吸合动

5、作随即接通强电,即接通伺服电源。)所以解除紧急停止开关的步骤如下:1.按下stop,消除蜂鸣器声音2.把紧急停止开关拔起来,复位。3.按下RESET,使机器的数据归零。4.重新按下“MAIN START SWITCH”,打开伺服电源。5.按下READY,机器进入准备状态。6.在遥控示教板上按下HOME,让机器机械归零。做完以上步骤,机器才真正回归正常,可以再次投入生产。$0004 Motor free switch in the teaching box is pressed.(这是遥控示教板子上相当于紧急停止开关的一个按钮。和机器上的紧急停止开关的关系是都串联到刚才说的弱电控制强电的那个弱电

6、电路上。)ProblemThe motor free switch in the teaching box is pressed.SolutionPress the stop key in the front.Press the reset key in the front.$0006 I/O power switch is off.ProblemThe main start switch is off.以上两个报警和紧急停止开关一样,处理方法也一样。$0010 Front feeder unlock sensor is sensed.(机器盖子下面,喂料器上方,机器的左右两侧装有的一对发射和

7、接收的传感器,这个传感器如果在生产中喂料器的高度不对,或者人的手伸入了机器,这个传感器会触发,引发和紧急停止开关一样的效果,电动机停机,机器报警。解决方法一样。)ProblemThere is a loose feeder in the front feeder station.The loose sensor is sensed in the front feeder station due to other reasons.SolutionCheck if there is any loose feeder in the front station and take corrective

8、measures.Remove the contamination sensed by the unlock sensor.$0011 Rear feeder unlock sensor is sensed.ProblemThere is a loose feeder in the rear feeder station.The unlock sensor is sensed due to other reasons.SolutionCheck if there are any loose feeders in the rear station and take corrective meas

9、ures.Remove the contamination sensed by the unlock sensor.$0020 Front door is open.ProblemThe front door is open.The front door sensor or the wiring area is wrong.以上两个是指机器的前后门打开,这时候机器不工作。和AX301贴片机一样,盖子上有安装一个插销,这个插销可以在门关闭的时候插入机器上的一个槽里面。这其实就是一个安全互锁开关(SAFETY INTERLOCK),这个开关也串联到直流的弱电控制强电的回路,和紧急停止开关是一条绳上

10、的蚂蚱。处理方法,也一样。$0800 Other axes interfere when the $A axis is to be moved.ProblemOther axes are not in safe positions when an axis is to move.SolutionPlease contact our C/S.$0801 AXIS_SAFE_POS_MOVE_ERROR.ProblemAn error occurs when a certain axis is to be moved to a safe position.SolutionPlease contac

11、t our C/S.以上两个都是指贴片头上某一个轴在移动的时候,其他轴的位置处于不安全位置。比如,HEAD1上的吸嘴下降到很低的位置,这时候机器的整个贴装头要整体平移,机器就会报警,因为这时候可能导致吸嘴这根杆在平移中被导轨打坏。解决方案是联系三星的客服。哈哈。这个报警我基本没见过。不管,让学生了解即可。$2400 Error occurred when the conveyor width was adjustedProblemAn error occurred when the conveyor width was adjusted.SolutionReplace the board re

12、lated to the adjustment of conveyor width.指导轨无法调宽。这个要更换控制板。一般不出现这情况,了解即可。$3000 PCB is in the conveyor area.ProblemA PCB is on the conveyor when the conveyor width is to be adjustedSolutionRemove the PCB from the conveyor.Check if the XY is sensed by the sensor on the conveyor.这个报警通常在手动调整导轨宽度的手出现。表示导

13、轨上有PCB板子。则你在调整的时候要么板子掉下去,要么板子被夹坏,甚至导轨被夹坏。所以必须报警。解决方法当然是把板子拿掉。$3001 PCB is in the input sensor area.ProblemA PCB is in the input sensor area when the operation is to start.SolutionIf there is one PCB in the conveyor input , press START.If there is more than one PCB in the conveyor input , remove them

14、.$3002 PCB is in the waiting sensor area.ProblemA PCB is in the waiting sensor area when the operation is to start.SolutionIf there is one PCB in the conveyor input , press START.If there is more than one PCB in the conveyor input , remove them.$3003 PCB is in the mounting sensor area.Problem1. A PC

15、B is in the mounting sensor area when the operation is to startSolutionIf there is one PCB in the conveyor mounting and if it is all right to start operation,press START.If there is more than one PCB, remove them.$3004 PCB is in the output sensor area.ProblemA PCB is in the output sensor area when t

16、he operation is to startSolutionIf there is one PCB in the conveyor output and if it is all right to start operation,press START.If there is more than one PCB in the conveyor output , remove them.以上故障是经常出现的报警情况,必须掌握。先给学生复习三星贴片机的导轨上的皮带和传感器。几个知识点:1.机器里面最多只能同时存在两块PCB板2.其中,第一块在贴装,第二块在等待贴装。3.要想下一块板子进来,必须

17、要贴装完成的板子触发出板区传感器,这时候才会给信号让接驳台上的PCB板子进板。所以,导轨上的传感器依次是:input sensor进板传感器、waiting sensor等板传感器、mounting sensor贴装传感器、output sensor出板传感器。以上的报警都是说,如果在各自区域出现多余的PCB板子,机器都要报警,这时候必须拿掉多余的板子。$3010 There are two PCBs in the input buffer.ProblemThis error occurs when the input sensor and waiting sensor are sensed

18、simultaneouslySolutionIf the PCB size is such that it can be sensed simultaneously, check the PCB size in theBoard of PCB Edit.Check the sensitivity of the sensors.$3021 PCB is in the input buffer or waiting buffer.ProblemA PCB is in the input terminal sensor area when the operation is to start.Solu

19、tionIf there are more than one PCB in the conveyor input terminal, remove them.$3022 PCB is in the mounting buffer.ProblemA PCB is in the mounting sensor area when the operation is to start.SolutionIf there is one PCB in the conveyor mounting terminal and if it is all right to startoperation, press

20、START.If there is more than one PCB in the conveyor mounting terminal, remove them.$3023 PCB is in the output buffer.ProblemA PCB is in the output sensor area when the operation is to startSolutionIf there is one PCB in the conveyor output terminal and if it is all right to start operation,press STA

21、RT.If there is more than one PCB in the conveyor output terminal, remove them.和上面一组报警相似,也是说多余的板子出现在不应该出现的地方。解决方法同样是拿掉多余的板子。当然还有另一种情况,即没有多余的板子,而是传感器的位置不正,或者传感器的灵敏度有问题,或者是传感器表面有脏东西,这些也都可能导致传感器错误触发。一一查验,解决即可。$3101 PCB has not arrived in the waiting sensor area.ProblemThe PCB is dropped during transferT

22、he PCB is blocked due to mechanical interference during transferThe sensitivity of the waiting sensor is adjusted incorrectlyThe time out value is too low.SolutionRemove the dropped PCB and start again.Remove the mechanical interference.Adjust the sensitivity of the waiting sensor again.Adjust the t

23、ime out value. (Factory setting)$3102 PCB has not arrived in the mounting sensor area.ProblemThe PCB is dropped during transferThe PCB is blocked due to mechanical interference during transferThe sensitivity of the mounting sensor is adjusted incorrectlyThe time out value is too lowSolutionRemove th

24、e dropped PCB and start again.Remove the mechanical interference.Adjust the sensitivity of the mounting sensor again.Adjust the time out value. (Factory setting)$3103 PCB has not arrived in the output sensor area.ProblemThe PCB is dropped during transferThe PCB is blocked due to mechanical interfere

25、nce during transferThe sensitivity of the take out sensor is adjusted incorrectlyThe time out value is too lowSolutionRemove the dropped PCB and start again.Remove the mechanical interference.Adjust the sensitivity of the output sensor again.Adjust the time out value. (Factory setting)$3104 Error oc

26、curred during PCB outputProblemThe PCB is not taken out completelyThe PCB is blocked due to mechanical interference during transferThe sensitivity of the output sensor is adjusted incorrectlyWhen the time out value is too lowSolutionFind the cause and take corrective measures.Remove the mechanical i

27、nterference.Adjust the sensitivity of the output sensor again.Adjust the time out value. (Factory setting)$3201 Cant move the PCB in the waiting sensor area.$3202 Cant move the PCB in the mounting sensor area.$3203 Cant move the PCB in the output sensor area.以上报警依然是一类,即PCB板子在导轨上没能正确准点的抵达制定区域。注意,这里有一

28、个潜规则,即PCB板子被进板传感器触发之后,理论上,N秒之后,等板传感器就应该能接到皮带传送过来的板子。如果没有接到,等板传感器就给机器信号,报警,告状。说那哥们本来该三点到站,结果三点不见人,于是报警,报失踪。解决方法是:1.看是否是机械问题。比如导轨太窄,传输空间不够,摩擦力太大,传送不顺畅。这时候调宽导轨;比如电动机皮带打滑或皮带坏掉,这时候电动机虽然转动,但是皮带转动异常,板子照样不动,所以报警;2.看是否是TIME OUT,即未能在指定的时间到达,如果不是机械问题。可以人为设置更长更合理的传送时间。这个时间是根据皮带的转速机器默认设置的。3.看看是不是传感器的位置不对,因为有的板子长

29、得缺一个角,或者刚好板子的孔就在传感器的光发射的位置,这都会导致传感器误判。当然,传感器是靠螺丝拧在导轨上的,螺丝松掉,也会导致传感器位置不准。那裁判的位置都不准,就是上梁不正下梁歪了,如何去判断PCB板子的位置呢。$3301 Cant raise the wait stopper.ProblemThe wait stopper cant be raised due to mechanical interferenceThe position of the wait stopper is incorrect.SolutionRemove the mechanical interference.

30、Adjust the position of the sensor after checking whether it operates or not.$3302 Cant lower the wait stopper.ProblemThe wait stopper cant be lowered due to mechanical interferenceThe position of the wait stopper is incorrect.SolutionRemove the mechanical interference.Check if the sensor operates pr

31、operly and adjust its position$3401 Cant raise the work stopper.ProblemThe mounting stopper cant be raised due to mechanical interferenceThe position of the mounting stopper is incorrectSolutionRemove the mechanical interference.Check if the sensor operates properly and adjust its position以上几个是指不能升或降PCB板子的挡块。这挡块是在传感器触发之后上升用来挡住PCB板子的,保证PCB在导轨Y方向的停板位置准确。因为PCB靠皮带传送,有惯性,必须要由挡块来停板。解决方案,一是看是不是机械故障,二是看

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