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1、楼宇自控系统培训资料yuan智能建筑的简介Brief Introduction of Intelligent Building一、 智能建筑的发展I. The development of Intelligent Building智能建筑是为了适应现代信息社会对建筑物的功能、环境和高效率管理的要求,特别是建筑物应满足信息通讯自动化、办公自动化、建筑设备控制自动化和管理自动化等一系列功能的要求而在传统建筑的基础上发展而来的。In order to meet the requirement of functionalities, environment and high-efficient man

2、agement for buildings under the modern information society, especially to meet the information communication automation, office automation, and buildings equipment control automation and management automation, the intelligent building has been developed from the traditional architecture.智能建筑于1984年首次

3、出现于美国。随后,智能建筑便蓬勃发展,形成了世界建筑业中智能建筑一枝独秀的局面。我国智能建筑的起步较晚,直到80年代末才有较大的发展,近几年来北京、上海、广州等许多大城市相继建起了相当数量具有相当水平的智能建筑。The first intelligent building was emerged in the USA in 1984, which outshines others in the world architecture. Chinas intelligent building has not been developed until 1980s, but a large numbe

4、rs of high level intelligent building has been built in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and etcetera in China in recent years.二、 智能建筑的构成II. The composition of intelligent building1. 智能建筑的定义The definition of intelligent building自世界上出现第一幢智能建筑至今,智能建筑的含义随着科技的发展而不断完善。我们对于智能建筑的认识是:智能建筑以建筑物为平台,兼备通信、办公、建筑设备自动化

5、,集系统结构、服务、管理及它们之间的最优化组合,向人们提供一个高效、舒适、便利的建筑环境。From the day of completion of first intelligent building to now, the intelligent building has been improving continuously with the development of science and technology. So here our understanding about intelligent building is that: intelligent building, w

6、ith building as platform, having both communication, office and equipment automation for building, integrating the optimized combination of system structure, service, and management, to provide a high efficient, comfortable and convenient environment for the building. 2. 智能建筑的构成the composition of in

7、telligent building (1) 综合布线系统PDS (Premise distribution system)(2) 楼宇自控系统 BAS (Building automation system)(3)安全防范管理系统safe guard management systemi 闭路电视监视系统 CCTVii 出入口控制系统Access control systemiii 防盗报警系统 Alarm systemiv 安保人员巡逻管理系统(巡更)Patrol Management systemv 内部对讲系统interphone system vi 停车场管理系统parking lo

8、t management system(4), 背景音乐系统background music system(BMS) (5), 计算机网络技术CNT(Computer networking technology)(6), 远程电脑多媒体视频监控系统Remote computer multimedia video surveillance system (7), 多媒体会议电视系统multimedia video conferencing system3. 智能建筑的技术基础technological base智能建筑的发展,是建筑技术与信息技术相结合的产物,是随着科学技术的进步而逐步发展和充实

9、的,现代建筑技术(Architecture)、现代计算机技术(Computer)、现代控制技术(Control)、现代通讯技术(Communication),即A+3C技术是智能建筑发展的技术基础。The development of intelligent building is resulted from advancement of science and technology, based on the technology of Architecture, Computer, Control and Communication, known as “A+3C”.三、 智能建筑的系统集

10、成(System Integration for intelligent building)1. 智能建筑系统集成的概念the concept of system integration for intelligent building智能建筑发展的初期,各子系统规模较小,控制对象少而简单,各子系统间彼此相当独立,信息共享主要靠手工传递,维护管理工作处于半自动化状态。随着现代通信、计算机及网络技术的飞速发展,智能建筑中的各子系统正向着大规模、控制对象多而且分散、各个子系统之间以及建筑物内外对信息传递速率和共享程度提出了很高的要求。另外,由于建筑物内语音、数据和控制等各类信号的传输线缆大量、重复

11、的敷设,给管理维护工作带来了极大的不便,所有这一切都对智能建筑的发展提出了新的挑战。将智能建筑中各类设备和子系统通过一定的技术方式集成在一起,即系统集成这一新的概念和技术产生了。At the primary stage of development of intelligent building, each sub-system was small-scale, simple with less controlled objects and independent each other, information shared by via people, and semi-automation

12、 of management. With the fast development of modern communication, computer and network technology, the systems of intelligent building develops to the large-scale, controlled objects increasing and higher requirements to information transferring speed and sharing degree. In addition, with a number

13、of voice, data and control signal transmission lines being laid, the management work has become more and more inconvenient, thus challenging the management to the intelligent building. The new concept and technology of system integration come into being as we integrate those various equipment and sy

14、stems together in intelligent buildings.所谓系统集成,通俗地讲就是通过结构化综合布线系统及计算机网络技术,把构成智能建筑的各个子系统CA、OA和BA等,从各个分离的设备、功能和信息等集成在一个相互关联的、统一的、协调的系统之中,使资源达到充分共享,管理实现集中、高效、便利。The so-called System Integration can be understood as integrating the each Subsystems like CA, OA and BA that composing of an intelligent build

15、ing together by PDS and Computer network Technology as a correlated, unitive and coordinating system, so that it can realize the source sharing for an integrated, highly-efficient and convenient management.2. 智能建筑的实施 the Implementation of Intelligent Building 根据系统论中“整体大于部分之和”的观点,对于智能建筑中各种智能化系统,从总体集成

16、的角度,采用“系统集成”的方法,提供和建立在开放系统基础上的一揽子解决方案,是实现智能建筑的关键。As the systematology says, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, so for the intelligent system in the intelligent buildings, the approach of “System Integration” is the key to implement the intelligent building for providing and establishing

17、 the package solution based on the open system.因此,“系统集成”是智能建筑的需要,是智能建筑业主的需要,也是智能建筑物业管理的需要。In Conclusion, the “System Integration” is decided by the client of intelligent building and for the management of intelligent buildings property management.系统集成商System Integrator是国际上80年代兴起的一种服务商,并不从事硬件和软件的生产和开

18、发,而是活跃在用户和制造商之间,根据需求设计系统建设方案,选择不同厂家的产品进行组合,以自己的技术和经验为用户建立一个适用的系统,并承担对用户的培训和进行跟踪服务。System Integrator, as a kind of service provider, emerged at 1980s in the international market, is neither a hardware/software producer nor developer, but a combinatory of products from various factories between user a

19、nd manufacturer according to the designed system construction plan to establish a suitable system for user with its own technology and experience and provide training and traceability services for user. 系统集成商的三大任务是系统集成商根据工程进展的不同阶段(设计阶段、施工阶段、系统运行管理阶段)必须为业主提供:系统优化设计、系统优化施工、系统运行管理。System Integrators th

20、ree main tasks that he shall accomplish for client are systems optimization design, systems optimization implementation and systems operation management in diffident stages of design, implementation and operation management.楼 宇 自 控 系 统Building Automation System一、 建筑物自动化系统(BAS)的概念the concept of BAS 从

21、70年代到80年代逐渐形成了一个新的概念-智能建筑。确切地说,智能建筑是综合应用计算机、信息通信等方面的先进技术,使建筑物成为具有远程通讯功能、办公自动化功能和建筑物自动化功能的建筑。或者说凡是配置了远程通讯系统,办公自动化系统和建筑物自动化系统的建筑便被称为智能建筑。 A new concept, namely “Intelligent Building” had been gradually formed from 1970s to 1980s. In fact, the intelligent building integrates application of computer and

22、 information communication technology to make the building have functionalities of remote-controlled communication, office automation and buildings automation. Putting in another way, generally the building which are equipped with remote-controlled communication system, office automation and buildin

23、g automation system can be called Intelligent Building. 建筑物自动化系统的含义是将建筑物(或建筑群)内的电力、照明、空调、防灾、保安 、运输、通讯等设备以集中监视、控制和管理为目的,构成一个综合系统。在国外早期(70年代)一般称之为“Building Automation System”-建筑物自动化系统,简称为“BAS”;近来有些厂家又把此类系统系统改称“BMCS”(Building Management and Control System),意指建筑物管理与控制系统,含义更确切明显。 Building Automation Syst

24、em means the electricity, lighting, air conditioner, disaster prevention, security, transportation and communication in a building are to be integrated for centralized supervision, control and management to form a comprehensive system. The system was abbreviated as “BAS” in 1970s, but recently this

25、name has been changed to “BMCS”, Building Management and Control System, which may be more precise. 在一个建筑物内设置BA系统的目的是使之成为最佳工作与生活环境、设备高效运行、整体节能效果最佳而且安全的场所,因此BA系统的整体功能可以概括为: The purpose to have BAS in a building is to have a good working and living environment, high operation of equipment, energy savi

26、ng and safe place, therefore, the functionality of BAS can be summarized as below:1) 对建筑物设备实现以最佳控制为中心的过程控制自动化;Make the equipment in the building realize the optimal control-centered “Process control automation”2) 以运行状态监视和计算为中心的设备管理自动化;Operation-monitoring-and-Computing-centered Equipment Management

27、Automation;3) 以安全状态监视为中心的防灾自动化;Safety-supervision- centered Disaster Prevention Automation4) 以节能运行为中心的能量管理自动化;Energy-saving-Centered Energy Management Automation 关于在什么条件下应当采用BA系统,在工程学界持有两种观点:其一是不论建筑物规模如何都应当设置;其二是只在少量大型建筑物内安装。下面的各点可以作为参考: There are two views in engineering field about under what cond

28、ition the BAS shall be applied: one, BAS shall be applied no matter what is scale of building; another, BAS can be installed for only a few of large-scale buildings. Except those above two views, the following points of view can be referred:1) 特别重要的、并且具有一定规模的建筑,为保证其所属设备及安全系统具有较高的可靠性要求时应采用。Yes,For ve

29、ry important and a kinda large-scale building, with a high requirement of reliability about the equipment and its safety system.2) BA系统的一次性投资能控制在建筑总投资的2%以下时可采用。Yes, when One-time investment of BAS accounts for 2% of total investment,3) 由于采用优化控制及能量管理程序,对于能耗较大的全空调建筑,若初投资的回收期低于5年时宜采用。全空调建筑采用能量管理程序每年节省运

30、行费用可按10%15%计算。Yes, when primary investment return period is less than 5 years for large energy consumption Air-conditioned building after adopting the optimized control and energy management procedure.4) 多功能的大型租赁建筑宜采用。Yes, for multifunctional large-scale rental building.5) 当设备的控制与管理工作程序复杂时宜采用。Yes, w

31、hen the equipments control and management procedure is completed.6) 当采用BA系统,其投资与可靠性综合指标优于其它可用系统时宜采用。Yes, when applying BAS, its investment and reliability is better than other system.二、 楼宇自控系统(BA)的功能 The functionality of BAS 就一个建筑物或建筑群而言,BA系统可纳入的功能几乎是无所不包的。BA系统的服务功能又可称为应用功能,系统规划首先应该确定其应用功能。 BASs fun

32、ctionality is almost all-embracing for one building or architectural complex. BASs service functionality can be called application functionality, which means, the system shall be planed based on its application. 目前国内外采用BA系统的主要目的在于:In present, the BAS is adopted with purpose to:1) 确保建筑物(群)内环境舒适;Ensure a comfortable environment in the building2) 提高建筑物自身以及人员与设备整体安全水平和灾害防御能力;Improve the integral safety level and disaster prevention ability for building itself and people.3) 通过最佳控制节省消耗;Reduce cons

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