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1、青岛VTS用户指南青岛VTS用户指南QINGDAO VTS GUIDE FOR USERSContents 1 Qingdao VTS Center 2 VTS Services 2.1 Users 2。2 VTS Area 2。3 Services Provided2。4 Working Time 2。5 Working Language 3 Public VHF Channel 4 Reports5 Route Regulations 6 Pilot Boarding Area 7 The Relevant Regulations 8 Responsibilities 9 Sketch M

2、ap of Qingdao VTS Area 1 青岛VTS中心的信息名 称:中华人民共和国青岛海事局船舶交通管理中心通信地址:青岛市巫峡路21号海事大厦邮政编码:266002图文传真:86-53282680919联系电话:86-532-86671271 86671272 82826589海上遇险报警专用电话:86-532-12395电子信箱。cn qdvts263。net1Qingdao VTS Center: Name: Vessel Traffic Service Center, Qingdao Maritime Safety Administration

3、of Peoples Republic of China Add: Maritime Building, 21 Wuxia Road, Qingdao, P。R.China Post Code: 266002 Fax: +8653282680919 Tel: +8653286671271 86671272 82826589 Maritime Distress Emergency Call: +8653212395 E-mail: vtsqd qdvts 2 VTS服务2。 VTS Services2.1服务对象船长50米及以上船舶及其他需要提供服务的船舶。2.1 Users Vessels o

4、f 50m in length or above,and other vessels requiring services. 2。2 VTS区域青岛水域船舶报告制规定的报告线以内水域,但以下水域雷达不能有效覆盖:(1)港池水域及码头前沿水域(2)小岔湾和薛家岛湾水域(3)胶州湾大桥以北水域2.2 VTS Area The water area within the reporting lines regulated in ”The Ships Reporting System in Qingdao Water Area”, but the following areas can not be

5、effectively covered by the VTS radars: (1) Basin waters and the waters of quayside (2) The waters of Xiaocha Wan and Xuejia Dao Wan (3) The waters north of Jiaozhou Wan Bridge 2。3服务内容青岛VTS中心可为船舶提供信息服务、助航服务和交通组织服务。2.3 Services Provided Information service, navigational assistance service and traffic

6、organization service are available.2。4工作时间北京时间0000-2400时2.4 Working Time 24 hours2.5工作语言汉语普通话,英语2。5 Working Language Mandarin English 3 VHF公共频道呼 号VHF频道青岛交管中心08青岛引航站09青岛海岸电台163 Public VHF ChannelCALL SIGNVHF CHANNELQINGDAO VTS08QINGDAO PILOT09QINGDAO RADIO164船舶报告报告类别报告时间或报告位置报告内容进港报告1.外籍船舶正横朝连岛时2。抵达大


8、染5.船舶失控6。其他紧急或异常情况1.船名及呼号2.报告事项的内容3。VTS中心要求的其他信息4 ReportsCATEGORYCallinginpoints(CIP)GIVINGEntry Report 1.Foreign vessels: when being abeam ( N or W ) of Chaolian Dao2。When passing the line joining Dagong Dao and Xiaogong Dao3。 When passing the line extended eastward and westward from Lian Dao Light

9、 Beacon on the east of Zhucha Dao.4。When being abeam of Tuandao Zui Lighthouse(vessels equipped with AIS are released)5。 All fast in berth1。 vessels name and call sign2. vessels position3。vessels draft(at the initial report)4。 other information required by VTS DepartureReport1.Before departing2。 Whe

10、n being abeam of Tuandao Zui Lighthouse(vessels equipped with AIS are released)3.When passing the line joining Dagong Dao and Xiaogong Dao4. When passing the line extended eastward and westward from Lian Dao Light Beacon on the east of Zhucha Dao.1.vessels name and call sign2。vessels position3。next

11、port of call4。 other information required by VTSAnchorageReport1.After anchoring2.Before heaving up anchor1.vessels name and call sign2。vessels position3。 other information required by VTSSpecialReport1. When being involved in or finding any traffic accident.2。 When bringing on or finding any abnorm

12、ality of navigation aids.3。 When finding obstructions。4。 When being involved in pollution incident or finding polluted waters。5。Vessel not under command6。Other emergency or abnormal situation1. vessels name and call sign2. detail3. other information required by VTS5航路规则5.1 船长50米及以上的船舶应在通航分道内航行;其他船舶应

13、在通航分道以外的可航水域航行。5.2 青岛港船舶定线制第1通航分道水域区内航行的船舶,航速应低于10节,并且禁止追越。5。3 由第1警戒区虚拟航标北侧水域进入第1分道通航制的船舶和从第1分道通航制驶出进入第1警戒区虚拟航标南侧水域的船舶须从虚拟航标西侧通过,并应特别谨慎驾驶。5.4 胶州湾内有水上飞机起降时,相关船舶应沿预备航线航行:3604。300N,12015。650E和3602。550N,12015。250E两点连线,航向190010。5.5 未经批准,禁止外国籍船舶进入青岛港第四线。5 Route regulations5.1 Vessels of 50m in length or a

14、bove shall navigate in the traffic lanes only; the others shall navigate in the navigable waters out of the traffic lanes。 5.2 Vessels navigating in the No。1 traffic lane of Qingdao TSS (Traffic Separation Scheme) shall proceed with the speed less than 10 knots, and overtaking is prohibited.5。3 Vess

15、els entering the No.1 traffic lane from north of the dummy navigation mark in the No.1 precautionary area and vessels leaving the No。1 traffic lane from south of the dummy navigation mark in the No.1 precautionary area must pass by the west of dummy navigation mark, and navigate with caution。5。4 Whe

16、n seaplanes take off or land in Seaplane Area, the relevant vessels shall use the provisional fairway which join the following two points:36 04 .300 N, 120 15 。650 E 36 02 .550 N, 120 15 。250 E in course 190 010 . 5.5 Without the approval of Qingdao MSA, foreign vessels are prohibited to enter the f

17、ourth line of Qingdao harbor. 6 引航员登(离)轮点6。1 吃水15米以下的船舶青岛港船舶定线制第二警戒区水域:3601.783N,12019.183E3601.133N,12019.017E3601.583N,12020。400E3600.900N,12020。200E四点连线以内的水域。6.2 吃水15米及以上的船舶1号临时登(离)船点:3550。00N 12016。00E2号临时登(离)船点:3548。50N 12016.00E3号临时登(离)船点:3547。00N 12015。00E6 Pilot Boarding Area6。1 Vessels with

18、 a draft of less than 15 meters:No.2 precautionary area of the TSS(Traffic Separation Scheme) in Qingdao waters, bounded by a line joining the following four positions :36 01 .783 N, 120 19 .183 E 36 01 。133 N, 120 19 .017 E 36 01 。583 N, 120 20 。400 E 36 00 .900 N, 120 20 。200 E 6.2 Vessels with a

19、draft of 15 meters or above:NO。1 Temporary Boarding position: 3550。00N/12016。00ENO.2 Temporary Boarding position: 3548。50N/12016.00ENO。3 Temporary Boarding position: 3547.00N/12015.00E7 有关规定7。1 加入青岛港船舶报告制的船舶在航行和锚泊时应在VHF08频道保持值守。7。2 未经同意,禁止船舶在锚地以外的水域抛锚。7。3 未经同意,禁止在航道、锚地内试航或测速。7.4 未经同意,禁止船舶在锚地并靠和/或进行过

20、驳作业.7 The Relevant Regulations: 7。1 The vessels using The Ship Reporting System in Qingdao Water Area shall keep watching on VHF Channel 08 while Navigating and being at anchor.7.2 Without approval, anchoring outside anchorage is prohibited。 7。3 Without approval, navigation trial and/or speed-test i

21、n fairway and anchorage are prohibited。 7.4 Without approval, mooring side by side and/or overside delivery in anchorage are prohibited.8 安全责任8.1在任何情况下,青岛VTS所提供的任何服务、发出的任何信息、建议、警告和指示,仅供船长和引航员参考;8.2在任何情况下,VTS的运行不免除船长和引航员对船舶安全航行的责任,也不妨碍引航员和船长之间的传统关系。8 Responsibilities 8。1 Under all circumstances, any

22、service, information, advice, warning and instruction provided by Qingdao VTS are only reference for masters and pilots。8.2 Under all circumstances, Qingdao VTS operations do not exempt the master and the pilot from the responsibility for safe navigation and do not disturb the traditional relationship between them。9. 青岛VTS服务区域示意图9。 Sketch Map of Qingdao VTS Are

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