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1、看英语歌曲歌词学英语中英文对照B1. Only Love2. Prayer3. Proud Of You4. Right Here Waiting5. Say You, Say Me6. Take A Bow7. Take Me To Your Heart8. Tell Me Why9. The Day You Went Away10. The Power Of The Dream11. Trouble Is A Friend12. Way back into love13. When You Say Nothing At All14. Way back into love15. Withou

2、t you看英语歌曲歌词学英语(中英文对照)B1Only Love 凌晨2点,下着雨.我们再次来到这分手的十字路口.你告诉我你是那么彷徨,你无法下定决心.那是不是意味着,你在向我寻找答案.但是只有爱才可以解释,是应该重新再来还是默默走开.然而我坚信,对于你我来说,有一天,太阳还会升起.所以我只是扮演好自己的角色,祈祷你会回心转意.但我却无法让你明白,有些事只有爱才可以解释.清晨,依偎在你的怀里,面对面而心却相距千里,我倾尽全力想让你明白,那些痛楚过后还会有希望.只要我们能学着付出,只要我们能彼此信任.但是只有爱才可以解释,重新再来或默默走开.然而我坚信,对于你我来说,有一天,太阳还会升起.所以

3、我只是扮演好自己的角色,同时祈祷你的心会回来.但我却无法让你明白,有些事只有爱才可以解释.我知道如果能够找到那些可以触动你内心深处的话你会再给我们的爱一次机会不会让这一次成为我们的永别但是只有爱才可以解释,重新再来或默默走开.然而我坚信,对于你我来说,有一天,太阳还会升起.所以我只是扮演好自己的角色,同时祈祷你的心会回来.但我却无法让你明白,有些事只有爱才可以解释.有些事只有爱才可以解释.Two.a.m.and the rain is falling Here we are at the crossroads once again Youre telling me youre so confu

4、sed You cant make up your mind Is this meant to be Youre asking me But only love can say try again or walk away But I believe for you and me The sun will shine one day So Ill just play my part Pray youll have a change of heart But I cant make you see it through Thats something only love can do In yo

5、ur arms as the dawn is breaking Face to face and a thousand miles apart Ive tried my best to make you see Theres hope beyond the pain If we give enough - if we learn to trust But only love can say - try again or walk away But I believe for you and me The sun will shine one day So I just play my part

6、 Pray youll have a change of heart But I cant make you see it through Thats something only love can do I know if I could find the words to touch you deep inside Youd give our dream just one more chance Dont let this be our last goodbye But only love can say - try again or walk away But I believe for

7、 you and me The sun will shine one day So I just play my part Pray youll have a change of heart But I cant make you see it through Thats something only love can do Thats something only love can do 张开你的双臂抱着我们在深夜的黑暗中天使们会拥抱我们直到光明到来安静,放松困惑的心白日已经消逝,将我们独自留下那风儿,和细语般轻柔的摇篮曲将安慰你,快合上疲倦的双眼吧张开你的双臂抱着我们在深夜的黑暗中天使们会

8、守护我们直到光明到来睡下,天使们将守护着你美梦不久就会变成现实你能感受到神灵正拥抱着你的灵魂进入梦境,黑暗的秘密将展现张开你的双臂抱着我们在深夜的黑暗中天使们会拥抱我们直到光明到来2Prayer Let your arms enfold usThrough the dark of nightWill your angels hold usTill we see the lightHush, lay down your troubled mindThe day has vanished and left us behindAnd the wind, whispering soft lullabi

9、esWill soothe, so close your weary eyesLet your arms enfold usThrough the dark of nightWill your angels hold usTill we see the lightSleep, angels will watch over youAnd soon beautiful dreams will come trueCan you feel spirits embracing your soulSo dream while secrets of darkness unfoldLet your arms

10、enfold usThrough the dark of nightWill your angels hold usTill we see the light3Proud Of You你眼中的爱就是静静地坐在我身边一直牵着手走过夜晚紧紧地抱着我 高高举起让我摸到天 教我用心去爱帮我打开心门我能飞翔 我为自己能飞而骄傲 奉献自己最珍贵的直到生命的最后一刻 相信我,我能飞翔我为自己能飞而骄傲奉献自己最珍贵的空中的天堂空中的星星很久以前的愿望 给我爱让我微笑直到生命的最后一刻紧紧地抱着我高高地举起让我摸着天教我如何用心去爱帮我打开心门 我能飞翔我为自己能飞而骄傲奉献自己最珍贵的直到最后一刻相信我吧,

11、我能飞翔我为自己能翱翔于空中而骄傲奉献自己最珍贵的空中的天堂难道你不相信你照亮了我的道路不论我的路途有多舒适我决不会放弃我的信念看我飞翔我骄傲的高高地向上飞将我最好的展示给你看直到最后一刻相信我能飞我在空中歌唱将我最好的展示给你空中的天堂没有什么能阻挡我大大的张开我的翅膀Love in your eyes Sitting silent by my side Going on holding hands Walking through the nights Hold me up hold me tight Lift me up to touch the sky Teaching me to lo

12、ve with heart Helping me open my mind I can fly Im proud that I can fly To give the best of mine Till the end of the time Believe me I can fly Im proud that I can fly To give the best of mine The heaven in the sky Stars in the sky Wishing once upon a time Give me love make me smile Till the end of l

13、ife Hold me up hold me tight Lift me up to touch the sky Teaching me to love with heart Helping me open my mind I can fly Im proud that I can fly To give the best of mine Till the end of the time Believe me I can fly Im proud that I can fly To give the best of mine The heaven in the sky Cant you bel

14、ieve that you light up my way No matter how that ease my path Ill never lose my faith See me fly Im proud to fly up high Show you the best of mine Till the end of the time Believe me I can fly Im singing in the sky Show you the best of mine The heaven in the sky Nothing can stop me Spread my wings s

15、o wide 4Right Here Waiting 此情可待 远隔重洋,日复一日我慢慢地变得要失常。电话里传来你的声音但这不能停止我心中伤痛。倘若此生再也不能与你相见, 又怎能说和你到永远? 无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么。我就在这里等候着你。 无论怎样变迁 无论我多么悲伤, 我就在这里等候着你。 我一直确信 你我能等到在一起的那一天。听着你的笑声, 我流泪满面, 可是此刻却无法接近你。 哦 亲爱的,你难道不知道?是你让我如此痴狂?无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么我就在这里等候着你无论怎样变迁 无论我多么悲伤,我就在这里等候着你我好想知晓, 我们这段感情如何才能维系?但倘若最终能和你在一起我会

16、奋不顾身 哦 亲爱的,你难道不知道?是你让我如此痴狂? 无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么。 我就在这里等候着你. 无论怎样变迁无论我多么伤悲 我就在这里等候着你等候着你Oceans apart, day after day, and I slowly go insane. I hear your voice on the line, But it doesnt stop the pain. If I see you next to never,How can we say forever? Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right her

17、e waiting for you; Whatever it takes,Or how my heart breaks,I will be right here waiting for you. I took for granted all the timesThat I thought would last somehow. I hear the laughter,I taste the tears,But I cant get near you now. Oh, cant you see, baby, Youve got me going crazy? Wherever you go, w

18、hatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you; . Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you. 。 I wonder how we can survive this romance. But in the end If Im with you Ill take the chance.Oh, cant you see, baby, Youve got me going crazy? Wherever you go, wh

19、atever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. Whatever it takes Or how my heart breaks,I will be right here waiting for you. Waiting for you.5Say You, Say Mesay it for always thats the way it should be say you, say me say it together, naturally I had a dream, I had an awesome dream people in

20、the park playing games in the dark and what they played was a masquerade but from behind the walls of doubt a voice was crying out say you, say me say it for always thats the way it should be say you, say me say it together, naturally as we go down lifes lonesome highway seems the hardest thing to d

21、o is to find a friend or two that helping hand someone who understands when you feel youve lost your way youve got someone there to say Ill show you oo, oo, oo say you, say me say it for always thats the way it should besay you, say me say it together, naturally so you think you know the answers oh

22、no! well the whole worlds got ya dancing thats right Im telling you its time to start believing oh yes! believe in who you are you are a shining star.oh say you, say me say it for always thats the way it should be say you, say me say it together, naturally say it together, naturally 6Take a bow-Mado

23、nna 谢幕(麦当娜) 一鞠躬,夜已尽。妆已老。灯已暗,幕已落。人已散人已散尽,已散尽。念着你的台词,但你是否感同身受?你说的是真心话吗?当四下无人的时候。四下无人。望着你,望着我,一个孤独的明星。你是个不知道自己是谁的孤独明星。我一直都爱着你。我想你知道这是真的。你知道这是真的。你把我对你的爱当作理所当然,为什么?这戏已落幕,道别吧,再见吧。让他们笑。是如此容易。当你演到那段。你伤透我心的那一段。隐藏在你笑容后面,这世界都喜欢小丑。只要逗人发笑,全世界都爱小丑。祝君好,而我无法在继续了。你应该为你的角色而获奖。为你所扮演的角色。卸完妆,你只是个孤独的明星。世界是个大舞台。每个人都有自己的戏份

24、。但我如何知道故事会怎么演下去?我如何得知你会伤我的心?你会伤心。你会伤了我的心。我一直都爱着你。我一直都爱着你。我想你一直都明白。再见吧!Take a bow,the night is over. This masquerade is getting older. Light are low,the curtains down. Theres no one here. (Theres no one here,theres no one in the crowd). Say Ur lines,but do U feel them ? Do U mean what U say ? When th

25、eres no one around. (No one around) Watching U,watching me,one lonely star. (One lonely star U dont know who U are). Ive always been in love with U(always with U). I guess Uve always known its true. (U know its true) U took my love 4 granted,why oh why ? The show is over,say good-bye. Say good-bye(b

26、ye bye),say good-bye. Make them laugh. It comes so easy. When U get 2 the part. Where Ure breaking my heart(breaking my heart). Hide behind Ur smile,all the world loves a clown. (Just make em smile the whole world loves a clown). Wish U well,I cannot stay. U deserve an award 4 the role that U played

27、. (Role that U played). No more masquerade,Ure one lonely star. Say good-bye(bye bye),say good-bye. All the world is a stage(world is a stage). And everyone has their part(has their part). But how was I 2 know which way the storyd go ? How was I 2 know Ud break ? (Ud break,Ud break,Ud break). Ud bre

28、ak my heart. Ive always been in love with U. (Ive always been in love with U). Guess Uve always known. Say good-bye ! 7Take Me To Your Heart躲开雨和雪试图忘记,但我怎能就这样离去看着熙熙攘攘的街道却只能听见自己的心跳这么多的人 在世界上请告诉我在哪里可以找到像你一样的女孩将我留存心间融入你的灵魂给我你的手,在我老去之前问情为何物 毫无头绪 让我看到奇迹也可以成为现实 他们说没有什么是永远的我们也能此时相守爱情是勿失良机请带我一起远走让我靠近你的心融入你的灵

29、魂给我你的手拥我入怀问情为何物作我的引路之星其实爱我真的很简单站在高山之颠 看着月亮高挂于清澈的蓝天也许我应该去和朋友们在一起 但他们真的不明白我此时的心情不需要繁琐的言语甚至可以一语不发我仅仅需要一个能让我欢乐而歌的人将我留存心间融入你的灵魂给我你的手,在我老去之前问情为何物 毫无头绪让我看到奇迹也可以成为现实他们说没有什么是永远的我们也能此时相守爱情是勿失良机请带我一起远走 让我靠近你的心融入你的灵魂给我你的手拥我入怀 问情为何物 作我的引路之星其实爱我真的很简单让我靠近你的心 融入你的灵魂给我你的手拥我入怀问情为何物作我的引路之星其实爱我真的很简单hiding from the rain and snow trying to forget but i wont let go looking at a crowded street listening to my own heart beat so many people all around the world tell me where d

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