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1、浙江省名校新高考研究联盟届高三第二次联考英语试题第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小趣0.5分,满分10分) 从A. B. C. D四个选项中.选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答趣纸上将该选项标号涂黑。1. - Dont be so depressed. Have another go, OK?-_.A. With pleasure B. Thats all right C. By no meansD. Good idea2. The movie Lost in Thailand enjoyed _instant successin China, b

2、ringing in a large profit to cinema.A. an; / B. /: a C. an; the D. /; the3. With the word PM2.5_appearing in media reports, people pay greater attention to it and seek health tips for smoggy days.A. constantly B. permanently C. instantly D. consequently4. To make it more convenient for people to vis

3、it Taiwan, several _air services to the mainland have come into use.A. permanent B. regular C. flexible D. previous5. _ twice a year, whether it is a car or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.A. Examining B. Being examined C. Examined D. Having been examined6. Right now, s

4、ome 140 million people in Africa have Internet _, but that represents only 13percent of the population.A. approach B. passage C. connection D. access7. The Hobbit, a fantasy of novel, _ central themes are personal growth and forms of heroism, is recognized as a classic in childrens literature.A. whi

5、ch B. what C. whose D. that8. Policemen think that where there is a violence, drugs with damaging effects on kids are always _it.A. beyond B. behind C. before D. besides9. Higher oil prices and environmental awareness _ there being more cyclists on the road.A. subscribe to B. refer to C. contribute

6、to D. stick to10. Large quantities of information, as well as some timely help, _ since the organization was founded.A. was offered B. have been offered C. had been offered D. is offered11. No matter how Stephen Chow adapts the original novel in his movie Conquering the Demons, much of _happens in i

7、t is attractive.A. which B. them C. what D. it12. When you reach the other end of the bridge, I _right there to show you the way.A. wait B. have waited C. was waiting D. will be waiting13. - Did you visit the famous museum?- No, we _ it, but we spent too much time shopping.A. cant have visited B. mu

8、st have visitedC. could have visited D. shouldnt have visited14. Under good treatment, her sister is beginning to _and will soon recover.A. pick up B. wake up C. grow up D. show up15. A scientist who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than _who doesnt

9、.A. one B. those C. the one D. that16. The classroom, although supposed to be kept _ , was left wide open last night. Thats why our teacher got angry with us.A. locking B. locked C. to lock D. to be locked17. The only girl I care about has gone away, looking for a brand new start. But little _left t

10、hat day she took my heart along with her.A. had she known B. she knew C. did she know D. she did know18. I dont think he, as a generous person, would _a poor old man that small favor.A. ignore B. deny C. avoid D. forbid19. - Dont look down upon Bob. He has his own advantages.- Exactly. He is strong

11、_others are weak.A. when B. if C. though D. where20. - Id like to go with you to watch the movie Argo, which won Academy Award for Best Picture, but Im short of money these days.- Thats all right _.A. We are friends and Ill help you. B. Itll be my treat.C. You know Im rich. D. How poor you are! 第二节:

12、完形填空(共20小题:每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大愈,然后从21-40题所给的四个选项(A, B. C. D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。I spent the week before my daughter Patsys wedding running last-minute trips to the shop and the church.To save money, I 21 flowers from several friends who had large magnolia(木兰) trees. The 22 flowers would mak

13、e the church beautiful enough for the 23 .After the rehearsal dinner on the night 24 the wedding, I felt 25 but satisfied: this would be the best wedding any bride had ever had!The 26 day arrived. Patsys would-be husband Tim walked with me to the church to do a final 27 . When we opened the door, I

14、28 fainted. I saw all the beautiful white flowers were black.An electrical storm during the night had 29 the air conditioning system, and on that hot summer day, the flowers withered and died. I 30 . knowing I didnt have time to gather more flowers.Tim 31 me, Can you get more flowers? I mumbled, Sur

15、e wondering where to get some in this 32 neighborhood.As I left the church, I saw magnolia trees 33 the distance. I 34 the house with magnolia trees in the garden and knocked on the door, and an older man 35 . After I stated my trouble, the man said, Id be happy to help you!He cut large 36 and hande

16、d them to me. I said, Sir, youve made the mother of a bride happytoday.He said, You dont understand whats 37 here. You see, my wife of sixty-seven years died on Monday. On Wednesday I 38 her. On Friday my children left. This morning, I was sitting in the kitchen crying out loud. For the last sixteen

17、 years, as her health got worse, she needed me. But now 39 needs me. Who needs an old weak man? Nobody! Just then, you appeared and said, Sir, I need you. Now I decide Im needed. My flowers are needed. You know what Im going to do? Im going to do? 40 the Lord until the day he calls me home!Life is n

18、ot the way its supposed to be. Its the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.21. A. borrowed B. bought C. gathered D. planted 22. A. white B. red C. wild D. rare 23. A. couple B. dinner C. people D. ceremony 24. A. after B. during C. before D. for 25. A. proud B. tired C.

19、sad D. excited 26. A. warm B. lucky C. stormy D. big 27. A. check B. favor C. test D. speech 28. A. just B. almost C. totally D. simply 29. A. tired out B. put out C. knocked out D. left out30. A. watched B. worked C. panicked D. agreed31. A. turned to B. pointed to C. asked for D. cared for32. A. u

20、nfamiliar B. poor C. friendly D. indifferent33. A. from B. in C. at D. within34. A. rented B. approached C. passed D. phoned35. A. answered B. shouted C. listened D. ran36. A. branches B. trees C. leaves D. ribbons37. A. appearing B. hiding C. coming D. happening 38. A. touched B. remembered C. miss

21、ed D. buried39. A. nobody B. somebody C. everybody D. anybody40. A. need B. help C. serve D. treat第二部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A. B.C.D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。AAccording to recent reports, almost 16,000 children around the world die every dad from hunger-related causes

22、. Even rich countries have hunger issues. Nearly 15 percent of U.S. households struggle to put food on the table. At the same time, Americans throw out 40 percent of their food. To help resolve these two problems, hunger and wasted food, a group of college students started a program which has inspir

23、ed a nationwide effort.University of Maryland student Ben Simon and his friends couldnt stand to see good food thrown out on their campus.We basically noticed that some of the extra food from the dining hall was going to waste at the end of the day. And we met with the dining services and asked them

24、 whether it would be okay if, instead of throwing out the food, we would donate it. And they were on and he said.So 18 months ago, the students began what they call the Food Recovery Network. Each night, volunteers would show up at a campus dining hall to pick up leftovers and deliver them to area s

25、helters and food banks.When we started, we collected a little bit more than we currently do now, so maybe between 45 kilograms to 90 kilograms of food per night.So far, they have donated more than 23,000 kilos of food that would otherwise have been thrown out.The amount of wasted food was also reduc

26、ed when school officials removed trays from the dining hall. Rob Fahey is the chef.We do not use trays because it is proven that students fill up a tray. And this way they only pick up the plates and they can only grab so much food. And then they can go back in line to get more food if they want. Th

27、at prevents wastage for that, he said.Nationwide, $165 billion worth of food is wasted each year, according to the National Resources Defense Council. Spokesman Bob Keefe says that is about 40 percent of the countrys entire food production.If we can reduce our waste in this country by 15 percent, we

28、 can feed 25 million hungry Americans. That is a huge benefit. That is what programs like this Food Recovery Network are doing, he said.Christian Life Center is one of the beneficiaries of the students efforts. Ben Slye, a church preacher, said, It has been just amazing to see these students take th

29、eir own time, their own vehicles and own gas money and be able to make an effort like this. Each week we are able with this food probably to feed overhundred people.The University of Marylands Food Recovery Network now has 200 volunteers and the program has expanded to 18 schools across the country.

30、I want to grow 18 chapters to a thousand chapters within five years. And once we get to the Food Recovery Nation being at every college campus in America, we want to expand to restaurants to farms, said Simon.The volunteers are committed to making that happen.41. Which of the following is most likel

31、y to be the title of the passage?A. College Students Rescue Leftover Food to Feed the Poor.B. Food Going to Waste in University of Maryland.C. The Food Recovery Network, a Program to Stop Waste.D. Hunger Issues Causing Nationwide Concern.42. From the passage we can know thatA. hunger problems only exist in some poor countriesB. the school is taking measures to reduce wasteC. 15 percent of the nations food is wasted each yearD. The wasted food has fed 25 million hungry Americans43. According to the passage, the Food Recovery NetworkA. has a thousand chapters

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