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1、Lecture 14Contrastive studies of English and Chinese Rhetoric,英汉修辞比较,I.Simile-in English,DefinitionA figure of speech comparing two essentially unlike things and often introduced by like or as(as in cheeks like roses,a heart as hard as flint(打火石).A Dictionary of Literary Terms Three elements of simi

2、le Tenor(本体)Connectives(喻词)Vehicle(喻体),I.Simile-in English,Relationship between tenor and vehicle Physical attributes Shape,color,number Function Manner Degree Mental similarity,I.Simile-in English,Signal words prepositions:as,like,than etc.Conjunctions:as,as if,as though,the way,what,and etc.Verbs

3、or verb phrases:seem,resemble(bear the resemblance of),treat/honor/regard/consider/respect as,compare to,liken to,pass(胜过),remind of,be similar to,serve as etc.“of”structure:a vast sea of books.phrases:may/might as well(as),no more/lessthan/not any morethan(如同一样),so speak/as it were etc.Examples:(1)

4、They will never be able to save money to buy a new housethey both spend money like,water.,I.Simile,(2)Featherwater,light as a feather.(“Featherwater”,a brand for eye-glasses)(3)Men fear death,as children fear to go in the dark.(as+S+V)(4)As the lion is the king of beasts,so is the eagle king of bird

5、s.(As,so.)(5)My handwriting looks as if a swarm of ants,escaping from an ink bottle,had walked over a sheet of paper without wiping their legs.(as if/though)(6)You may as well ask for the moon as(ask)for a bicycle,because you are not going to get either.(may/might as well+V+as+V),I.Simile,(7)Water i

6、s to fishes what air is to men.水之于鱼,其重要性犹如空气之于人。(8)A man can no more fly than a bird can speak.人不能飞翔,就像鸟不会说话一样.(9)(a)Love and cough can not be hid.爱情像咳嗽一样是掩盖不了的。(b)I should smell it the way a cat smell a mouse.(10)He treats his child as the apple in the eye.(11)He is sometimes bad-tempered but reall

7、y hes got a heart of gold.有时候他似乎脾气不好,但他的心眼可好了。,I.Simile-in Chinese,signal words-preps:像、如、宛如、似、好像、比如、正如、仿佛、好比、好似、恰似、胜似、犹如、如同、似的、一样、一般、比方说、像一样、如一般、像似的、仿佛似的etc.Examples 叶子出水很高,像亭亭的舞女的裙。层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着,有羞涩的打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星,又如刚出浴的美人。微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。这时候叶子与花也有一些的颤动,像闪电般,霎时传过荷塘的那

8、边去了。,I.Simile-in Chinese,其形也,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙。远而望之,皎若太阳升朝霞;迫而察之,灼若芙蓉出绿波。(曹植洛神赋)With no signal word 天空中还飘着筛面细雨,纷纷扬扬,把村子笼罩着。(李准清明雨 旧恨春江流不尽,新恨云山千叠。(辛弃疾念奴娇书东流村壁 Tenor parallels with the vehicle(proverbs)画虎画皮难画骨,知人知面不知心。路遥知马力,日久见人心。Vehicle prior to the tenor(proverbs)好汉一言,快马一鞭。入乡问俗,入港问湾。,I.Simile-Similarities&d

9、ifference in vehicle,1.Similarities in vehiclesnumberless as the sandsas bold as a lion as rapid as lightening as loud as a thunderas firm as a rock as cunning as a fox grow like a weed packed like sardines blood is thicker than wateras blind as a bat,as busy as a bee smoke like a chimney as proud a

10、s a peacock as happy as a lark as meek as a lamb as motionless as a statue as small as a pins head as hungry as a wolf as slow as a snail to sit on pins and needles21 as thick as porridge,I.Simile-Similarities&difference in vehicle,2.differences in vehicles,(1)壮的像头牛(2)烂醉如泥(3)如雨后春笋(4)多如牛毛(5)胆小如鼠(6)苦如

11、黄莲(7)犟得像头牛(8)昭然若揭(9)像热锅上的蚂蚁(10)如鸡肋(11)像青松一样挺拔(12)湿得像落汤鸡,(a)as strong as a horse(b)as drunk as a mouse(c)spring up like mushrooms(d)as plentiful as blackberries(e)as timid as a rabbit(f)as bitter as wormwood(苦艾)(g)as stubborn as a donkey(h)as clear as the nose on your face(i)like a cat on hot bricks(

12、j)as tasteless as raw potatoes(k)as upright as apple tree(l)as wet as a drowned rat,I.Simile-Similarities&difference in vehicle,3.Similes seemingly alike,(1)as cold as ice VS 冷若冰霜(temperature VS feeling)(2)as black as ink VS 黑如墨(time of the day VS color)(3)as light as a feather VS 轻于鸿毛(weight Vs val

13、ue)(4)80后婚姻如儿戏。The post-80s see marriage as childs play.The post-80s have no respect for marriage.(easy task VS trifle matters),I.Simile-Similarities&difference in vehicle,4.Zero-correspondence between E&C simile,(1)as fit as a fiddle(2)as dull as ditchwater(3)as blind as a bat(4)as bold as brass,(a

14、)非常健康(b)索然寡味(c)有眼无珠(d)厚颜无耻,II.Metaphor,Definitiona way of describing something by comparing it to something elsethat has similar qualities,without using the words like or as.(Longman Contemporary English Dictionary)In Metaphor a comparison is usually implicit;whereas in simile it is explicit.(A dict

15、ionary of Literary Terms)English metaphor兼有汉语修辞格暗喻/隐喻、借喻以及拟物的格式,作用也与这几种汉语修辞格基本相同。(毛荣贵,廖晟:2005)Signal word in English:be,become,turn into Signal word in Chinese:“是”、“变成”、“变为”、“成为”、“成了”、“当作”etc.,II.Metaphor,Contrast between English and Chinese metaphors with tenor,vehicle(and signal words)=汉语的暗喻/隐喻 Th

16、e doctor is a butcher.那个医生是个屠夫。儿童是祖国的花朵。“You chicken!”he cried,looking at Tom with contempt.“你这个胆小鬼!”他轻蔑地看汤姆嚷道。你真熊!白洋淀有多少苇地,不知道;每年出多少苇子,也不知道;只晓得每年芦花飘飞芦叶黄的时候,全淀的芦苇收割了,垛起垛来,在白洋淀周围的广场上,就成了一条苇子的长城。(孙犁:荷花淀),II.Metaphor,only vehicle=汉语“借喻”That lady tries to make sheeps eyes at her new boss.那位女士想向新老板献媚。Misfortunes dogged him at every turn.厄运时时伴随他。Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested.There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of a Fr

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