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1、大学英语读写1大纲安徽外国语学院课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程名称大学英语读写1 课程性质公共基础必修课开课院部国际商务学院、国际经济学院、国际旅游学院、艺术与传媒学院 适用专业及开课学期全校非英语专业本科生;开课学期:第1学期学时总学时:56,其中理论课时:40,实践课时:16学分4先修课程编写依据2016级本科人才培养方案使用教材丁雅萍 吴勇.新视野大学英语读写教程1(第三版).外语教学与研究出版社,2015.06参考资料丁雅萍 吴勇.新视野大学英语读写教程1 教师用书(第三版).外语教学与研究出版社,2015.06於瑞华大学英语四级模拟题及详解上海交通大学出版社,2016.02课程简介

2、 大学英语读写1是为我校非英语专业本科生开设的一门公共基础必修课。这门课程的教学是以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论为指导,以遵循语言教学和语言习得的客观规律为前提,集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。配套的语言练习,词语搭配,文化对比翻译练习以及综合性单元任务,为学生打下扎实的语言应用能力和跨文化交流能力;全新的思辨性讨论旨在培养学生的创新思维和批判性思维能力。此外,通过教材配套的数字化教学平台的运用,为师生提供丰富的资源和交流空间,有助于学生培养有效的学习习惯,提高自主学习能力。考核方式考试:分散考试集中考试考查笔试(闭卷开卷)口试课程报告 小论

3、文 其他成绩评定平时成绩占30%,其中:考勤占10%,旷课每次扣1分,迟到早退、违反课堂记录每次扣0.5分,旷课超过总学时1/3(含)以上者,不得参加期末考试,课程成绩按0分计算;作业占20%。期末考试占70%。大纲编写 情况执笔人史其慧编写时间2017年1月审核情况教研室审核意见主任(签名) 年 月 日教学院部审核意见院长(主任)(签名) 年 月 日二、课程教学目的大学英语读写课程的教学目的是让学生打好扎实的语言基本功,重视培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是读、写、译的能力,以便获取有关其专业的最新国际资料,从而开拓其专业视野及提高其专业技能,并使其在今后的工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行

4、口头和书面的信息交流。同时培养和训练学生自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要,使学生能够真正具有良好的国际交流能力。三、课程教学要求本课程教学大纲在教学要求上分为一般要求阶段(一年级)和较高要求阶段(二年级),本课程属于一般要求阶段。现将本课程的教学要求规定如下:1、词汇 :通过本课程的学习,学生的词汇量应增至4000左右,以及由这些词构成的常用词组,并具有按照基本构词法识别生词的能力,精读量9,000词,泛读量37,000词左右。2、语法 :巩固和加深基本语法知识,提高在语篇水平上运用句法结构的能力。 3、阅读能力:能顺利阅读语言难度中等的一般性题材的文章,掌握

5、中心大意以及说明中心大意的事实和细节,并能进行一定的分析、推理和判断,领会作者的观点和态度,阅读速度达到每分钟90词。4、听的能力 :能听懂英语讲课内容,并能听懂题材熟悉、句子结构比较简单、基本上没有生词、语速为每分钟100-110词的简短会话、谈话、报道和讲座,掌握其中心大意,抓住要点和有关细节,领会讲话者的观点和态度。 5、说的能力 :能就教材内容和适当的听力材料进行问答和复述,能用英语进行一般的日常会话,能就听熟悉的话题经准备后作简短发言,表达思想比较清楚、语音、语调基本正确。 6、写的能力:能阅读难度与课文相仿的英语材料并能回答相关问题、写提纲,能就一定的话题或提纲在半小时内写出120

6、-150词的英语短文,能写短信和便条,表达意思清楚。 7、译的能力 :能借助词典对题材熟悉的文章进行英汉互译,英汉译速为每小时300英语单词,汉英译速为每小时250个汉字。译文基本流畅,能在翻译时使用适当的翻译技巧。译文达意,无重大语言错误。四、课程教学内容和学时安排章目教学内容教学方式或手段学时分配Unit 1Unit One Fresh start讲授讨论多媒体教学8Writing practice: A paragraph with a topic sentence supported by details写作方法+范文分析+根据提纲写作2Unit 2 Unit Two Loving p

7、arents, loving children讲授讨论多媒体教学8Writing practice:A paragraph of problem-solution pattern写作方法+范文分析+根据提纲写作2Unit 3Unit Three Digital campus讲授讨论多媒体教学8Writing practice:A paragraph of cause and effect写作方法+范文分析+根据提纲写作2Unit4Unit Four Heroes of our time讲授讨论+多媒体教学8Writing practice:Paragraphs of questionexamp

8、le-conclusion pattern写作方法+范文分析+根据提纲写作2Unit 5 Unit Five Winning is not everything讲授讨论多媒体教学8Writing practice:A paragraph of time order写作方法+范文分析+根据提纲写作2CET-4CET-4 Translation Practice讲授讨论+多媒体教学2CET-4CET-4 Reading Practice讲授讨论+多媒体教学4合计56五、教学内容Unit One Fresh start 1. Teaching Objectives 1) To talk about

9、college education 2) To further understand the text: vocabulary and text structure3) To master the paragraph writing skill: A paragraph with a topic sentence supported by details4) To express their opinions about the significance of a university education2. Key Points1) New words and expressions: tr

10、iumph, pledge, remind sb. of sb. /sth., etc.2) Background information: American higher education, Vera Wang 3) The main idea of the text3. Difficult Points1) Reading skills: previewing2) Writing pattern practice: A paragraph with a topic sentence supported by detailsText A: Toward a brighter future

11、for all1. New words and Expressionstriumph, pledge, pose, routine, attain, foundation, resource, get by, make the most of sth., etc.2. Background Information1) American higher education: SAT or ACT2) Vera Wang: a Chinese American fashion designer3. Text Structure Analysis and language points1) Struc

12、ture AnalysisPart One(paras.1-3)-Part Two(paras.4-7)-Part Three(paras.8)2) Language points: stand a chance (of doing sth), may have cried tears of joy, etc.3) Word building: the prefix un-, the suffix-ant, the suffix-ify4. Critical Thinking1) Questions based on the text2) Further discussion about th

13、e text and the topic: a university education5. Reading Skills in this unit-Previewing1) Read the title of the article and the subtitles if there are any2) Read the first paragraph of the article3) Read the last paragraph4) Read the first sentence of each remaining paragraph6. Exercises after the Tex

14、t1) Words in use2) Banked cloze3) Expressions in use4) Paragraph translation(Chinese-English) Writing practice: A paragraph with a topic sentence supported by details1. Structure analysis: A paragraph with a topic sentence supported by details 1) Topic sentence: the main idea of the paragraph2) Deta

15、ils: to support and explain the main idea3) Concluding sentence: to summarize the paragraph or leave the reader with something to think about2. A brief paragraph (Para.4) analysis of the text “Toward a brighter future for all”1) Topic sentence: For you, these next four years will be a time unlike an

16、y other.2) Detail 1: What is available to you on campus? Detail 2: What you can do.3) Concluding sentence: I want to encourage you to make the most of this unique experience, and to use your energy and enthusiasm to reap the benefits of this opportunity.3. Sample Essay4. Paragraph writing based on t

17、he outline Unit Two Loving parents, loving children1. Teaching Objectives 1) To talk about the love between the parents and children2) To further understand the text: vocabulary and text structure3) To master the paragraph writing skill: A paragraph of problem-solution pattern4) To write an essay cr

18、eatively based on the understanding of the text2. Key Points1) New words and expressions: clutter, await, vehicle, efficiency, make it, free of/from, catch oneself doing sth., etc.2) The structure of the text3. Difficult Points1) Understanding the difficult sentences2) Writing pattern practice: A pa

19、ragraph of problem-solution pattern Text A: A childs clutter awaits an adults return1. New words and Expressionsclutter, await, vehicle, efficiency, make it, free of/from, catch oneself doing sth., etc.2. Text Structure Analysis and language points1) Structure AnalysisPart One (paras.1-4): General s

20、ituation and my response- Part Two (paras.5-12): The mess left in my daughters bathroom and bedroom and my response-Part Three (para.13-22): The changes of my attitude2) Language points: my teeth ached, catch oneself doing sth., etc.3) Word building: the suffix-er, -ic, -ous3. Critical Thinking1) Qu

21、estions in relation to the topic “parent-child relationship”2) Further understanding of the love between the mother and the daughter in the text4. Reading Skills in this unit-How to read in thought groups1) Read for ideas2) Read in phrases3) Read from thought group to thought group5. Exercises after

22、 the Text1) Word building 2) Banked cloze3) Expressions in use4) Paragraph translation(Chinese-English)Writing practice: A paragraph of problem-solution pattern1. Structure analysis: A paragraph of problem-solution pattern1) Problem2) Details of the problem 3) Solution4) Evaluation2. A brief paragra

23、ph analysis (para. 5) of the text “A childs clutter awaits an adults return”1) Problem: She left a mess.2) Details of the problem: her bathroom 3) Solution: the mother brings a box of garbage there 4) Evaluation: neat and impersonal as a hotel bathroom3. Sample Paragraph: How to keep a good relation

24、ship with children4. Paragraph writing based on the outline Unit Three Digital campus1. Teaching Objectives 1) To talk about digital education2) To talk about life in the Internet age3) To be familiar with the new words and the structure of the text4) To master the paragraph writing skill: A paragra

25、ph of cause and effect 2. Key Points1) New words and expressions: campus, transform, fleet, typical, access, accessible, response, engineering, dialect, analyze, script, less than interesting/ honest, add to sth., etc.2) Background information: Smartphones3) The structure analysis of the text3. Diff

26、icult Points1) Understanding and paraphrasing the difficult sentences2) Writing pattern practice: A paragraph of cause and effect Text A: College life in the Internet age1. New words and Expressionscampus, transform, fleet, typical, access, accessible, response, engineering, dialect, analyze, script

27、, less than interesting/ honest, add to sth., etc.2. Background InformationSmartphones: a device with which one can not only make phone calls, but also send and receive email, and edit Office documents. They can access the web at higher speeds.3. Text Structure Analysis and language points1) Structu

28、re AnalysisIntroduction (para1): The college campus today is being transformed into a new age of electronics by a fleet of laptops, smartphones and Internet connections 24 hours a day-Body (para2-6): How the transformation influences students campus life-Body (para7-11): How the transformation influ

29、ences colleges and universities-Conclusion (para12) 2) Language points: ever-+present participles/ adjectives, feel like, etc.3) Word building: the suffix-ry/-ive/-ize4. Critical Thinking1) Free talk on the topic “College life in the Internet age”2) Understanding the concept of online learning 5. Re

30、ading Skills in this unit-Distinguishing between facts and opinions1) What are facts?2) What are opinions?3) Distinguish between facts and opinions: Ask questions 6. Exercises after the Text1) Word building 2) Banked cloze3) Expressions in use4) Paragraph translation(Chinese- English )Writing practi

31、ce: A paragraph of cause and effect1. Structure analysis: A paragraph of cause and effect 1) Cause2) Effect2. A brief paragraph analysis of Paragraph 10 of the text1) Cause: Other colleges are straining to stand out from their peers2) Effect 1: The race to attract students with the most modern networks and the hottest systems has reached fever pitch3) Effect 2: Some business majors are receiving free po

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