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1、高考英语短文改错与完型填空解题指导2012高考英语短文改错与完型填空解题指导一. 知识总结与归纳:短文改错解题指导:首先要理解整个短文的含义,逻辑关系,篇章结构。在仔细研究每一句的意义。借助划分句子成分的方法判断每一部分是否有错误。读句子时一定以整句为单位。在研究每一行的句子时,首先把握句子的意思,然后划分句子的成分:主 语;谓语部分;宾语;状语:地点,时间,方式等。如果句子是并列句或复合句,先分开各部分小的分句,根据各个分句之间的关系判断使用的连词是否正确。然后再研究各个分句的成分。(一)名词使用错误:名词一般在句中做主语或宾语,名词的错误主要在于名词单,复数的错误使用。1. We stud

2、y quite a few subject, such as maths, Chinese, English and physics.:subject是可数名词根据本句的意思,前面有quite a few修饰,应当改为复数形式。2. We practise three times every week and often watch football match on TV together.:根据本句的意思match在此应当改为复数形式。3. On the way up I was taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful.:pict

3、ure应当改成复数形式,因为作者一路上忙于照相,不止仅照一张像。另外还要注意名词所有格形式上的错误使用。(二)动词的语法错误:(1)作为谓语动词,注意谓语动词在时态,语态,与主语是否一致以及用词方面的问题。1. My favourite sport is football. I was a member of our school team. :全句的基本时态应当是现在时,was应改为am2. Playing football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and

4、team spirit.:主谓一致的错误。Give的主语是Playing football,动名词作主语是单数形 式,应改为:gives3. the scenery was so beautiful. The time passes quickly. Evening came down.:时态错误。全句是过去时态,passes 改为passed4. As we climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories.:动词形式的错误。句中有三个连续的动作做谓语。因此visit不是 伴随状语,是第二个谓语动词

5、,应该为visited.(2)作为非谓语动词,现在分词,过去分词,动名词,不定式形式的使用错误,同时注意非谓语动词在平行结构中出现的错误。1. Not far from the hotel, there was a shop with all kinds of clothes hang up.:hang up在此做定语修饰先行词clothes,应改为现在分词形式表示挂着各种衣服。2. He had worked on farms and in shops where he spent his spare time studied by himself.:定语从句是说:他把业余时间花在学习上,按

6、句型结构:spend some time doing something.所以studied应改为:studying.(三)形容词,副词使用错误:注意1、形容词和副词的比较级,原级,最高级使用方面的问题;2、修饰比较级的副词的错误使用。3、以ing和以ed结尾的形容词的混用。4,形容词和副词的混用。1. Im sure well have a wonderfully time together.:形容词与副词混用。have a wonderful time:过得非常愉快。Wonderfully 改为:wonderful2. People will work few hours than the

7、y do now. :这是一个含比较级的句子。(句 中有than),few 改为比较级形式fewer3. Computers will be more smaller and useful.:比较级smaller前面的修饰词应该是副词much。More与多音节形容词或副词原形构成比较级。More改为much4. Last week, I went to a movie, which was very moved. 形容词moved指人受到感动。本句的定语从句的主语是movie。应当是moving.(四)连词使用错误:并列句连词and与but的误用是历年高考题中常考的内容。复合句如宾语从句,状语

8、从句,定语从句中主,从句的连接词的误用根据主从句的关系可以发现。1. My class will be over by then or I will pick you up there. : 前后两句的关系是并列关系or应改为:and2. My grandma was the best cook in the world but could make the most delicious dishes. 前后两句是并列关系不具有转折意义but改为:and3. It doesnt matter that I would win or not. Matter后面的从句是whetheror not结

9、构。That改为:whether(五)代词的错误使用:代词的使用错误主要出现在代词(物主代词,人称代词,反身代词)在句中指代错误,做代词与指代的名词在数,性别, 以及格上的不一致。例题:1. The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.句子的主语the Smiths指Smith全家,是复数形式,谓语do ones best 中的ones作为物主代词应当和主语一致,his应当改为their.2. At once I apologized and controlled me at my best till the dinner started.根

10、据句子意思:我立刻道歉并且尽最大努力控制了自己。Control后面的宾语与主语一致,指同一个人,应改为反身代词myself.3. There will be more people in the world and most of whom will live longer than people live now.本句是and 连接的并列句,whom 连接的是定语从句。所以whom应当改为them.4. The sport teaches us the importance of obedience. Each player must obey the captain, who is the

11、 leader of the team. And they must not break the rules too often if we want to win the game.全句是以第一人称叙述的。所以they根据语境应改为we(六)冠词的使用错误:冠词的使用错误主要表现在:the / a / an 之间的误用;缺少冠词,多余冠词;这些错误通过对句义的理解,特别是句中名词的意义,运用所学的冠词的基础知识就可以发现并正确改正这些 错误。1. As everyone knows, its famous mountain with all kinds of plants and anima

12、ls.根据句义:这是一座名山。明显地发现这里缺少了表示“一个”的不定冠 词。应在famous前加上a2. They had the wonderful evening and came home quite late.根据句义:他们过了一个非常愉快的夜晚。过得很愉快:have a good/wonderful time. The应改为:a3. He wrote a message and put it in the bottle. The message gave hi name and address.根据全句的语境:他把这个纸条放进一个瓶子里。此处bottle是泛指。The应改为:a4.

13、after I put down the receiver, the phone rang the third time.根据句义:根据句义:电话又一次响起来。这里不是说“第三次”,而是指 “再一次”。The 改为:a(七)用词不当的错误:这种问题主要集中在谓语动词的近义词的选择使用上。1. I have arrived in America for two months.根据句义:我到美国有两个月了。Arrive是非延续性动词,不能在完成时中与for时间短语连用。应改为:been(八)单词遗漏:根据句子意思,句中常缺少冠词,连词或介词。1. It was about noon we arri

14、ved at the foot of the mountain.It was about noon是全句的主句,后面应是一个时间状语从句。表示:当我们到达山脚下时,已经是中午了。此处缺少了连词when2. If it doesnt work, bring in friend that you feel comfortable, and have him or help you.根据句义:如果这还不奏效,那么带一个你与之在一起感到舒服的朋友来,friend前面缺少表示“一个”的冠词:a; 定语从句最后应加上介词:with(九)句中有多余的单词,根据句义和语法规则,常常有冠词,介词,连词,副词甚至

15、代词多余的错误。1. I hope that both you two could come and visit us some time soon.本句前面已经有both, 后面再出现two 显然多余,应去掉two.2. You might have to change for your method a couple of times.Change在此是及物动词,表示“改变方法”,所以去掉for3. When I was a boy, the most exciting thing was when to celebrate the Spring Festival.全句是说:最令人兴奋的事

16、是欢渡春节了。When放在这里,句子显得不通顺了。应去掉when4. The fine-furniture store I work has been in business since the 1920s.:I work是定语从句修饰先行词The fine-furniture store,The fine-furniture store在从句中做地点状语,应加关系副词where.完型填空解题指导同学们做题时应先快速通读全文,了解文章的大意,使自己进入到文章的语 境情节中去;然后结合每一组备选答案,通过句义运用词汇知识,上下文逻辑,以及相关的语法知识,短语知识选择答案,同时学会从文中找复现词的

17、提示。做完以 后,再通读全文,验证所选的答案是否能使文章的意思通畅,符合逻辑。(一)学会利用前后文的复现词找答案,有时某一个空的答案在全文之后的某处根据句子意思再次出现,正好提供了此处的答案。词汇复现的方式 主要有:原词复现;进义词复现; 反义词复现,同源词复现等。1. Forcing yourself to recall almost never helps because it doesnt _ your memory; it only tightens it.A. loosen B. weaken C. decrease D. reduce分析:前后两句互为解释,一个是肯定;一个是否定。

18、为反义词复现。从下文的tightens可以判断上文应该是:loosen。答案为:A2. One day he told his horseman that if he could ride on his horse and _ as much land area as he like, he would give him the area of land he had covered.A. remove B. cover C. sow D. get分析:国王答应骑手可以得到他骑马能跑到的地方。与前面说的让骑手尽可能多得 跑到他能跑到的地方。最后的cover提示了这个空的答案。(二)上下文的逻辑

19、关系:要求学生在作题时一定紧扣文章的情节,使答案能符合上下文的情景,保持上下文意思的通顺。1. Sometimes, when you need rain, you dont get any. Other times, you get rain when you dont want it. Take a baseball game for example. A sudden rainstorm can stop an exciting game, forcing the players and the 20,000 persons watching the game to run for_.A

20、. cover B. umbrella C. building D. home分析:作者以棒球比赛为例说明了下雨对人们生活的影响。一场突然降临的暴雨迫 使队员和2万名观众跑去“做什么”。在体育场的人不可能跑去拿“雨伞”或“回 家”,去找“建筑物”也不太可能。cover:遮蔽,遮盖。在此引申为避雨的地方。所以答案为A2. Traveling west, you set your clock _; traveling east, you set it ahead.A. behind B. forward C. back D. ahead分析:这是一个时差方面的常识,与下文的ahead对应;向西旅行

21、,应把表往回拨。答案:C3. Paco has discovered that people act in predictable ways when they are shopping. Successful shops adapt themselves to these habits. For example, people tend to _1_ to the right when they enter a building. That is why many shops have their entrance on the _2_. Also when they enter shops

22、, people who speed up need space to _3_ down. That is why there is often a(n) _4_ space just inside a shop door giving people a _5_ to make themselves at home.1. A. lead B. stick C. turn D. join2. A. right B. left C. side D. way3. A. slow B. go C. look D. put4. A. empty B. useful C. standing D. livi

23、ng5. A. lesson B. spirit C. picture D. chance分析:这一段讲述了商场根据人们购物的习惯而设置的入口处的布局。1. 考查了词语的搭配,人们倾向于向右转,turn to the right,答案为:C2. 考查上下文的逻辑理解;上文说人们习惯向右转,所以入口设计在左边,答案:B3. 考查上下文的逻辑理解;当人们匆匆进了商场,需要有一个空间来放慢速度。此空与前面的speed up 想对应。答案为A4. 基于上文描述的人们的习惯进了商场以后需要放慢速度。商场入口处常常有一个空间。答案:A5. 接前面,这个空间给了人们一个机会,是他们有一种到家的感觉。这是在考

24、查词义的辨析,答案:D(三)词义辨析突破:要求学生在掌握提问中心,明确上下文关系的前提下,能够区分词义在不同语境中的区别,程度的深浅,词义的外延以及感 情色彩的不同。要注意准确,全方位的掌握单词的词义。例题分析:1.Music has meaning for everyone. It is enjoyed by the old and the young men and women. It can make people happy and sad. In our modern world, radios and television _ us with a constant flows of

25、 music, giving us enjoyment. Either in a music lesson or at a concert, music means different things to different people. Music belongs to the whole world.A. give B. surprise C. offer D. supply分析:这一段主要说音乐影响着所有男女老幼,它能给人们带来快乐或悲伤。Give的用法是give sb. sth .后面不需要介词with; surprise词义本身不符合本句的需要;offer的用法与give一样。而s

26、upply的用法是supply somebody with something.符合本句的意思和结构。答案为D2. The news _ twenty minutes later. The gunman had stopped a car for a ride, and then pushed out the driver. He was possibly heading for the Southern State Parkway in a white Ford. License Plate number LJR 1939. The voice of the announcer contin

27、uedA. continued B. lasted C. spread D. arrived分析:上文提到Todd听到了抢劫银行的消息。此段接上文描写了Todd听到消 息的后续内容。所以,一开始说:二十分钟以后,消息又继续播出。spread: 传播;arrived:到达;它们都不符合本句的意思。Last:持续,指会议等活动或事件自始至终用了多长时间。也不符合本句意思。只有continued:继续。为正确答案。【模拟试题】第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. If you want to know the train

28、 schedule, please at the booking office.A. acquire B. inquire C. request D. require2. Have you heard that Sadam Hussein has been hanged?Yes,_ news came as_ shock to me.A. the ; a B. the; the C. a; a D. a; the3. How long do you think itll be _I can go back to school? Well, youll be feeling much bette

29、r by next weekend. A. that B. before C. since D. when4. My laptop computer, which no one can _ , has been out of order for a week. A. get gone B. have to go C. get going D. have gone5. Mr. Black left for Beijing this morning, his secretary _ him there this Friday. A. would join B. joined C. joining D. to join6. There can be _places for a refreshing holiday than Disney World. A. few better B. fewer good C. few good D. fewer better7. He should have been warned of the danger. _ , but he w

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